Chapter 322
"Princess, are you awake?"

Seeing that the time for breakfast was almost over, but the princess hadn't come out yet, Cang Ling yelled worriedly.

At this time, Yuan Deyin's hoarse voice came from inside, "Cang Ling, come in."

Cang Ling came in with a water basin, only to see the princess sitting on a chair with disheveled hair and red eyes.

She was only wearing her underwear, but there were little drops of blood on it.

In front of her was a pile of medicinal materials and a stove, and the surroundings were filled with a strong medicinal fragrance.

"Princess, what's the matter with you? Are you all right?"

Cang Ling quickly put down the basin, ran over, and asked worriedly.

Yuan Deyin shook her head, although her body was extremely exhausted, and her head was a little dizzy due to lack of blood.

But she is very excited now.

She looked at a small box next to it, which contained nearly thirty pills, and the corner of her mouth slightly curved.

Among them, fifteen were her blood pills, and fifteen were Jinqing pills.

Last night, after returning from the palace, she couldn't fall asleep for a quarter of an hour when she thought about the effect of her blood on Uncle Nine Emperors.

She asked Wuying to go to the medicine garden to find her the medicinal materials she needed, read the books on refining medicine overnight, and then started refining medicine.

As for Jin Qingdan...

She broke open the one she took from Dongfang Lexuan, and then tasted half of it herself at the risk of not being able to refine it.

Unexpectedly, it really made her taste something tricky.

Medicinal materials are not difficult to find, at least her medicine garden has all the raw materials...

Then she stayed up all night and finally succeeded.

This time, Uncle Nine Emperor's evil poison can continue to be suppressed!

Worried that she couldn't make it by herself, she wrote down the prescription overnight last night and asked Wuying to send it to Yu Shengxiao.

"The princess is fine, just a little tired. I'll rest for a while. Help me pack these things. Don't touch the pills in this box."

Yuan Deyin looked at Cang Ling's worried eyes, and after admonishing her, she crawled to her bed and fell asleep as soon as she lay down.

Seeing how tired she looked, Cang Ling naturally wouldn't bother her.

After tidying up the things lightly, Cang Ling withdrew.

From today onwards, envoys from various countries began to return home one after another.

Jun Yu naturally couldn't rest, he entered the palace early in the morning.

So throughout the day, the entire Regent's Palace was silent.

Yuan Deyin slept until that night.

"Cang Ling." She got up from the bed, her stomach was flattened by hunger, and her voice was extremely hoarse.

"Princess, Cang Ling went to the kitchen to see how the dinner is doing, and this servant will help you wash up."

Wuyi came in with water and walked quickly to Yuan Deyin's side.

"Okay," Yuan Deyin replied lightly, but when she thought of something, she continued quietly, "Wait a minute, let the kitchen prepare an extra blood-enriching soup."

Wu Yi heard this and looked over suspiciously.

As a result, they saw that there was almost no blood on their princess's fair little face, and they were extremely weak.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?" It seemed like he had lost too much blood.

In the morning, Cang Ling told her that something was wrong with the princess. At that time, she thought that the princess just didn't have a good rest. She didn't expect it to be so serious.

"It's all right, the princess is all right." Yuan Deyin showed a pale smile.

She knows her own body best...

She just used blood too hard last night.

But looking at the medicine box on the table, she didn't regret it at all.

If it wasn't for her physical discomfort, she would definitely use more blood to refine medicine for Uncle Jiuhuang.

The medicine refined from her blood is obviously more effective than Jin Qingdan.

After helping her dress up helplessly, Yuan Deyin also went to the front hall to feed herself, and she went to look for Yu Shengxiao with the medicine box in her arms.

"Master, Master."

If you don't hear the person, just listen to the voice.

Yuan Deyin had just stepped into Yushengxiao's courtyard when he heard a loud "bang" and thick smoke rushed out.

The next moment, Yu Shengxiao, whose face was pitch black, crawled out while coughing.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Yuan Deyin walked over and helped Yu Shengxiao up with Wu Yi.

"What else can I do? Of course I'm refining medicine. What kind of prescription did you give the teacher yesterday? You also said that you must refine it successfully, so that the teacher didn't rest last night and today. refining medicine..."

"However, although those medicinal materials are simple, several of them do not mix at all, and the gas produced is extremely easy to explode..."

After Yu Shengxiao stood firm, she grabbed her hair and said very maniacally.

He expressed the same meaning inside and outside the words, that is - this medicine must not be successfully refined!
Could it be that his little apprentice played a prank on him?

Seeing his extremely frenzied appearance, Yuan Deyin hurriedly helped him in.

Only at this time did Yu Shengxiao realize that Yuan Deyin's complexion was very bad.

"Xiao Deyin, are you alright?"

Yu Shengxiao frowned, he looked at Yuan Deyin with probing eyes, and he was about to grab her with his backhand, trying to find out her pulse.

But Yuan Deyin moved faster, and she retracted her hand.

If the pulse is detected by the master, then everything will be discovered.

She shook her head lightly, and whispered, "It's just that I'm too tired. I was also refining that medicine last night..."

"Could it be that the practice is not successful! In the future, you should discuss this kind of thing with the teacher first, and don't embarrass yourself. That prescription is impossible to succeed at first glance. What on earth do you..."

Before Yu Shengxiao could finish saying "where did you get the prescription", Yuan Deyin calmly put a medicine box on the table.

"Master, the medicine has been refined."

"What, what?" Yu Shengxiao thought he had an auditory hallucination, and he looked at Yuan Deyin uncertainly.

Under Yuan Deyin's firm eyes, he hesitated to open the box.

Yuan Deyin had already taken out the blood pill, so now there are only fifteen Jinqing pills in it.

"There is still a decent..."

Yu Shengxiao didn't eat it either, he just sniffed it with his nose and found the taste to be okay.

He raised his eyebrows and asked: "What kind of medicine is this? Why is the medicine simple but the refining is not ordinary?"

"Jin Qingdan." The little girl explained earnestly while holding her small face.

"Cough cough cough..." Yu Shengxiao choked on the saliva.

"What did you say?" He almost stretched out his hand to bring the little girl in front of him, and questioned loudly.

"It's Jinqing Pill. I got one from Dongfang Lexuan. After tasting half of it myself, I analyzed the contents and started to refine it. I didn't expect that it would be successful once."

Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

She also took out half of the Jin Qing Dan wrapped in a handkerchief from her body.

Yu Shengxiao quickly took the things over.

He had a vague idea of ​​what happened last night.

It's just that he didn't know that Dongfang Lexuan had Jinqing Pill, and that Xiao Deyin developed it last night.

Yu Shengxiao held the half of Jinqing Dan and the medicine box Yuan Deyin brought, then turned and went into her inner room.

The master also left him a lot of good things back then, one of which could verify the authenticity of the medicine.

As long as you have this half of Jinqing Pill, you can verify whether the other fifteen medicines are the same as it.

Nearly half an hour passed, and Yuan Deyin was sitting outside, almost trapped to death.

Suddenly, the door of the inner room was opened vigorously.

Yu Shengxiao rushed out from inside, his eyes were scarlet.

He rushed towards Yuan Deyin and hugged her tightly.

If he didn't think that this was Jun Yu's little girl, he really wanted to kiss her a few times.

"It's really Jinqing Dan! It's really! Xiao Deyin, how did you refine it?"

At this moment, there are no words to describe Yu Shengxiao's excited mood.

The Jin Qing Pill that could save Jun Yu, and the Jin Qing Pill that was regarded as the treasure of the town by the Yue family, was refined and rubbed by his little apprentice.

"How did you refine it?"

Yuan Deyin tilted his head with a strange expression.

She said in a gloomy tone, "It's made by using the prescription I gave you, Master, and then borrowing the method of refining other pills."


Yu Shengxiao's expression gradually became distorted...

He also practiced like that, why he almost blew himself up, and he hasn't practiced yet.

This is not what hurts his heart, what hurts him the most is...

His little apprentice also said seriously——

"Master, is this difficult?"

is it hard?
Yu Shengxiao's expression began to twitch.

"It's okay, it's hard to talk about it another day, let's go tell Shen Chuannan the good news first."

Yu Shengxiao changed the topic, he pulled Yuan Deyin and prepared to run away.

"Wait a minute, it's not safe for me to carry these medicines on me..." Yuan Deyin pointed worriedly at several boxes on her body.

"Isn't that simple?" Yu Shengxiao quickly walked to the wall and twisted a vase.

Soon, the secret door opened.

He threw everything in randomly.

Then he turned and clapped his hands.

"Okay, it's absolutely safe to put it here. Now your Ninth Emperor Uncle is still in the palace, we are so bored in the Prince Regent's Mansion, I will take you to Shen's Mansion to find Shen Fox, just in time to tell him the good news."

Yu Shengxiao wiped off the black charcoal traces on his face very quickly, opened the jade bone fan, and fanned it leisurely.

In the blink of an eye, he was that flamboyant Jade Doctor again.

He didn't give Yuan Deyin a chance to think, he grabbed her by the collar and flew her out of the Regent's Palace.

Wuyi was behind, shouting worriedly.

"Master Jade, the prince has ordered you not to let the princess out of the mansion."

The people of Lingye Kingdom have not returned yet.

The people of Xichuan Kingdom are still eyeing it.

Outside, there are dangers everywhere!

However, when she shouted, Yu Shengxiao's shadow was no longer visible.

Anxious, she could only follow up quickly with Wuying and the others.


Soon, Yushengxiao and Yuan Deyin arrived in front of Shen's residence.

"Master Yu, Princess Deyin." The guard at the gate quickly recognized them and saluted them respectfully.

"Okay, don't be so polite, we're going to find you adults."

Yu Shengxiao put away the jade bone fan, and walked into Shen's mansion swaggeringly.

What he didn't know was that since he took the little girl out of the Prince Regent's mansion privately, there were countless pairs of eyes staring at them in the dark.


A woman wrapped in black cloth was barely able to sit still when she was carried by her subordinates.

They all waited like this and floated on the roof opposite Shen's residence.

Hundreds of crows followed behind them, blending into the night.

People who don't know it will only think that it is a thick and big tree, but they never think that it is a blood crow that can eat people.

Zuo Yong flew up from behind, he looked at Zuo Mei who was sitting on the bamboo chair, his tone was somewhat complicated.

"Mei'er, are you sure you want to act tonight?"

"Why not tonight? Tomorrow, our envoy from Lingye Kingdom will leave the capital. Yuan Deyin has made me a cripple. I will definitely make her suffer even more painful torture."

Zuo Mei's sharp nails were exposed, her voice was rough and hoarse, she looked a bit manly.

"Okay, since you want to do this, then tonight, even if we pay a heavy price, we will destroy Yuan Deyin."

Zuo Yong was full of hostility.

Father died because of Yuan Deyin, and Meier became useless because of Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin owes Ling Ye Guo too much.

"Then let's rush into Shen's mansion now and arrest Yuan Deyin." Zuo Mei was ready to let his own people do it.

But Zuo Yong stopped her at this time.

"Mei'er, don't be impatient. I have already found out the reason why Nan Lingqiao insisted on entering Shen's residence. Maybe people from Nanyue Kingdom can help us." Zuo Yong said in a low voice.

"What did she do in Shen's residence?" Zuo Mei asked with a frown.

"The [-] troops of Nanyue Kingdom have approached the southwest without anyone noticing. Shen Chuannan, have you forgotten who he is?"

"He is the nephew of the Southwest King." Zuo Mei vaguely guessed something.

"That's right, he is the nephew of the Southwest King. There are many branches of the Southwest Army, and there are also many soldier talismans. Shen Chuannan actually has something that can manipulate the Southwest Army. If Nan Lingqiao finds that thing, hehe... Southwest danger... "

Zuo Yong smiled strangely.

"It's a lie that Nanyue Kingdom sent people to participate in Chi Yan's enthronement ceremony, they only want to devour Chi Yan, right?" Zuo Mei was startled.

She knew that Nanyue Kingdom had ambitions, but she never thought that they would be so courageous.

The crown prince and the first princess are still here, and they dare to march to the southwest!

"Nan Guiming, the golden cicada had shed its shell late last night, and he is already on his way to the southwest. But the Southwest King of Chiyan is still living in the palace."

Zuo Yong smiled sarcastically.

The one at the station now is not the real Nan Guiming.

If it was any other time, Jun Yu's people were so keen, he would definitely be able to spot something wrong with Nan Guiming.

But, just last night, Dongfang Lexuan made a move on Yuan Deyin.

Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin have been trapped in Puyang Palace for so long, and most of the dark guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion have been transferred there.

Although he still doesn't know the secrets in Puyang Palace, at least he knows...

Nan Kuiming's luck is very good!
"Then Nan Lingqiao..." Zuo Mei asked uncertainly.

"Whether she can get the soldier talisman or not, she may die in the capital. But for Nanyue Kingdom, it is totally worthwhile to sacrifice a princess in exchange for annexing a country."

Zuo Yong opened his mouth in disdain.

Zuo Mei is both female and the first princess, when she heard this, not only did she not feel any discomfort, but she also sneered.

Nan Lingqiao was sacrificed, mostly because she was useless!
If it was in Lingye Country, it would definitely not be like this.

Because, even if she is now a useless person and can no longer use martial arts, her witchcraft will not lose to anyone!

"However, the [-] troops are approaching the city, why is there no movement from the southwest side?" Zuo Mei was puzzled by this.

"The news has been intercepted by old man Tianji. That old man who can cover the sky with one hand is quite capable." Zuo Yong smiled ironically again.

"Old Man Tianji, isn't he Jun Yu's master? Why does he still help Nanyue Kingdom deal with Chi Yan?" Zuo Mei was startled.

"Well, I'm also very curious, what is the reason why old man Tianji insists on causing Chi Yan to start a war, and Yuan Deyin must die. However, this is not what we should care about. We just need to let this game just keeps getting more and more chaotic."

After Zuo Yong finished speaking, a mist rose from his hand.

Soon, a strange sound began to resound in the darkness of the entire capital.

(End of this chapter)

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