Chapter 323 Midnight Attack
With a "snap", the writing brush in the hand of Zuo Qi, who was practicing calligraphy, fell to the ground in the Prince Regent's Mansion.

He covered his head, feeling the sound coming from the dark, as if his head would be shattered.

When the sound finally stopped, he couldn't calm down.

He quickly pushed the door open and went to Yuan Deyin's yard, but he couldn't find her.

"Young Master Zuo, the Princess and Doctor Yu have gone to Shen's Mansion."

Seeing his flustered appearance, Cang Ling thought that he had something important to do with the princess, so she hurriedly said.

"It's going to happen!"

He kept shaking his head.

He saw Xiaobai jumping out from the darkness, and he caught it.

"Hurry up, go to the palace to find Jun Yu, something is going to happen to my sister."

He believed that Xiao Bai would be able to bring the news to Jun Yu.

Others don't know, but he can understand the language of animals, so he can find out——

After Xiaobai and Mingzhou get along with their sister for a long time, they don't look like ordinary animals.

Their speed is no less than that of a master.

"Cang Ling, how many hidden guards are there in the Prince Regent's Mansion, get them all out quickly, and let's go to the Shen Mansion." Zuo Qie gave the order like a little adult.

Cang Ling also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time, and she hurriedly turned around to find someone.

"Shen Fox, where are you?"

Yushengxiao walked into the mansion slowly.

It never occurred to me that there was already an undercurrent surging outside.

Hearing the sound, Shen Chuannan walked out of the study quickly.

"Yu Shengxiao, why are you here?"

When Yu Guang saw Yuan Deyin obediently following behind Yu Shengxiao, his expression changed suddenly.

"Yu Shengxiao, why did you bring Princess Deyin out? It's dangerous outside now, so send him back quickly." Shen Chuannan sternly said.

"Don't be nervous, what danger can there be in Shen's residence?" Yu Shengxiao waved her hands, without any sign of panic.

Yuan Deyin glanced around, then suddenly turned to Shen Chuannan and asked, "Master Shen, where is Princess Nanyue Kingdom?"

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Shen Chuannan's face darkened a little.

Ever since Nan Lingqiao returned home with him last night, he has been in a state of chaos here.

Seeing Shen Chuannan's expression so dark, Yu Shengxiao's curiosity was aroused.

He opened the jade bone fan, walked over, and asked gossipingly, "Hey, Fox Shen, what did Nan Lingqiao do here to make you look so weird?"

"She said that she admired me very much, and she washed her hands and made soup here. Last night, she summoned her maid to teach her how to cook, and asked her mother to ask me what I like..."

When Shen Chuannan said these words, his face darkened again.

His Shen residence was originally quiet, but after Nan Lingqiao came, everything changed.

"Hahahaha, you also have today..." Yu Shengxiao laughed unceremoniously.

That appearance, no matter how you look at it, seems to be gloating.

Ignoring Yu Shengxiao's schadenfreude, Shen Chuannan said to Yuan Deyin: "I ordered someone to arrange a yard for Nan Lingqiao in the backyard. She is probably there now."

"Did Nan Guiming come to Shen's residence today?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

She was also a little confused about what the two siblings were trying to do, but she was sure she was right.

"No." Shen Chuannan nodded quickly when he heard Yuan Deyin's words.

"Didn't you come?" Yuan Deyin's small face was slightly wrinkled, and the doubts in his heart became heavier.

It's strange, according to her observation, Nan Guiming does look like a pervert, but he really loves his sister Nan Lingqiao.

So Nan Lingqiao came to Shen's residence alone, he shouldn't have come to visit once.

Suddenly at this time, the entire Shen residence started to riot.

They looked up to see thick smoke rising from their backyard location.

"My lord, my lord, something has happened. The courtyard of Princess Nanyue Country has flooded."

The butler hurried over.

"Quick, go save someone." Shen Chuannan's face changed suddenly, and he quickly ran to the backyard.

Nan Lingqiao is also a princess of a country after all, so she must not let anything happen to him in Shen's residence!
Seeing this, Yu Shengxiao naturally followed.

But Yuan Deyin's feet were rooted in place, and she looked a little weird.

"Princess, what's the matter with you?" Seeing her like this, Wu Yi couldn't help asking worriedly.

"It's not right, everything is very wrong, why did it suddenly happen so coincidentally?"

Yuan Deyin shook his head and muttered softly, his expression becoming more and more dignified.

Uncle Jiuhuang once said that when many coincidences collide suddenly, it must be man-made!

Suddenly at this moment, she heard the slight sound of footsteps not far away.

She raised her head quickly, and exchanged glances with Wuyi, Wuying, and Wujing.

"Someone entered Mr. Shen's study."

They uttered almost at the same time.

Yuan Deyin couldn't care less about her scruples anymore, she quickly turned around with someone, and ran directly into Shen Chuannan's study.

The moment the door was opened, they happened to see Nan Lingqiao leading a few people rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find something.

"Yuan Deyin."

Nan Lingqiao saw that it was Yuan Deyin who came, her voice was slightly high-pitched.

Why did Yuan Deyin come to Shen's residence!
Damn it, she used water to lure Shen Chuannan away, but she never thought that Yuan Deyin would come to Shen's residence at this time.

"Princess, don't panic." A man in black next to Nan Lingqiao said in a low voice.

After finishing speaking, he led a few people and rushed towards Yuan Deyin, the dagger in his hand was shining coldly.

"Princess, be careful. Wuyi, protect the princess."

Wuying and Wuzong quickly stood in front of Yuan Deyin and started fighting with those people.

Such a big commotion here alarmed the secret guards of the Shen residence in an instant.

Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao just walked to the backyard, only to hear the secret signal from the hidden guard in the mansion.

Shen Chuannan gritted his teeth and shook his sleeves, "Go back, this is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Nan Lingqiao's goal is the things in my study."

On Nan Lingqiao's side, she also joined the battle.

Although her martial arts is not bad, and the people she brings are all masters, but when facing Wu Ying and Wu Ting, they are still much weaker.

They were almost forced to retreat steadily.

"Princess, let's give up looking for soldier talismans first." The man was about to lose his grip, he said anxiously to Nan Lingqiao.

But Nan Lingqiao has no intention of giving up.

She gritted her teeth bitterly.

"This princess has already promised in front of the emperor that no matter whether she lives or dies, she must help him get the things."

After finishing speaking, she broke out of the window, jumped into the yard, and lit fireworks in the air.

As the fireworks exploded in the air, the dead soldiers from Nanyue Kingdom who were hiding around Shen's residence quickly flew in.

Of course, it's not just the dead soldiers of Nanyue Kingdom.

And Nishikawa's!
When Murong Wei saw the firework signal, the corners of her mouth curled up in a strange arc, and she also started to lead people into it.

Under the dark big tree, Zuo Mei sniffed the bloody smell wafting from Shen's mansion, and the bloody and coldness all over his body was aroused.

She turned her head and looked straight at Zuo Yong.

"Cousin, isn't it suitable for us to take this trip to muddy water?"

"That's natural. However, if we intervene, the price to pay will not be low, Meier, you may bear it?" Zuo Yong asked in a strange tone.

"As long as Yuan Deyin can be killed, I will not hesitate to pay any price!" Zuo Mei clenched his fist and hit the bamboo chair hard.


Zuo Yong's gloomy breath began to leak out, and he took out a flute.

The low voice floated from the flute.

Soon, bursts of mist, like silhouettes of people, floated into Shen's residence without anyone noticing.


"My lord, the next twenty dead men you asked me to watch are all gone."

Murong Rui's confidant, Tan Jiang quickly pushed open Murong Rui's door.

Murong Rui was meditating, when he heard Tan Jiang's words, his eyelids twitched violently.

He opened his eyes, looking straight at Tan Jiang's body.

Along the way, apart from the accompanying guards, he had already noticed that he was secretly following a group of very powerful dead soldiers.

This group of dead soldiers should be the most powerful trump card in the future, and he still couldn't figure out why they were transferred to follow Murong Wei.

Could it be that she wanted to monitor him, worried about him, worried that he would be by Murong Wei's side.

He kept Tan Jiang staring at the dead men.

Unexpectedly, Tan Jiang now said that he was missing.

"Do you know where they all went?"

"They are too powerful, and my subordinates dare not approach them, but only dare to follow them from a distance. In the end, I saw them enter the Shen residence. By the way, Princess Deyin also went to the Shen residence half an hour ago."

Tan Jiang told everything he knew.


Murong Rui quickly got up from the bed.

He opened the window to look, and saw the fireworks not far away, one after another.

It looked beautiful, but in this quiet night, it was extremely weird.

"Something has happened! Nanling Kingdom and Xichuan have taken action tonight. Come on, follow me to the Shen residence."

Murong Rui grabbed a robe, tied it quickly, and went out quickly with the sword.

"My lord, this matter has nothing to do with us. The most important thing for you now is to maintain your image of being indifferent to the world."

Tan Jiang could still maintain his sanity, so he quickly chased him out.

Their lord has endured the humiliation for so many years, so that the outsiders can barely believe that he is a waste, but they must not cause extra problems.

Hearing Tan Jiang's words, Murong Rui paused.

But remembering that Yuan Deyin was also in the Shen residence, his eyes became a little more determined.

"Let's just be careful and don't expose ourselves."

He quickly took out two masks, put one on himself, and gave the other to Tan Jiang.


Since the prince insists so much, then he will follow.

Tan Jiang had no choice but to follow behind Murong Rui.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out, the prince has always been cautious, but he would think about it for a long time whenever there was a risk of exposing himself.

Why tonight, I was a little impulsive.


In the palace, Jun Zhouhan, Jun Yu and the Southwest King were still discussing matters.

Suddenly at this time, they heard the sound of fireworks.

It can be seen that under the moonlight, far away, there are traces of fireworks blooming.

Eunuch Li Da, who was standing beside him, quickly flattered him.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the enthronement feast has aroused the enthusiasm of the people in the capital. Look, they also set off fireworks."

Generally, on important festivals or when there are important happy events, the people in the capital will also set off fireworks.

After all, in Chi Yan, fireworks are not precious things.Except in the palace, people with a little money outside the palace can afford it.

But suddenly at this time, Jun Yu quickly stood up from the seat,

The teacup in his hand fell to the ground, cracked at his feet, and there were traces of tea dripping on his fingertips.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong. The location where the fireworks are located is not the area where ordinary people live. That area is the residential area of ​​the important officials in the capital. They will not set off fireworks for celebration for no reason."

Jun Yu said coldly.

Could it be that something went wrong?
His words also made the hearts of Jun Yu and Xi Nan Wang tighten.

At this time, the confidant of the Southwest King ran in with a scarred goshawk.

"Your Majesty, your lord, something happened in the Southwest." He said out of breath.

"What's the matter?" Southwest Wang slapped the table with his palm, and the table was shaking.

Although he has a refined face, he has the aura of thousands of troops on his body.

The atmosphere at this moment was tense like a thread.

He quickly took the goshawk over and took a note from it.

It says--

"Urgent report, the Nanyue Kingdom's [-] troops are approaching the southwestern city."

The time on it says nine days ago.

It happened to be the day when he set off from the southwest to the capital.

"Why is Goshawk only delivering the letter now for such an important matter?"

The Southwest King angrily grabbed his cronies by the collar.

One hundred thousand troops, although there are powerful troops in the Southwest, the situation in the Southwest is really complicated, and the King of Southwest must be guarded to keep the army united.

Now, the Southwest is sure to be in a mess.

Goshawk's delivery speed shouldn't be so slow.

"My lord, when this goshawk was discovered, it was already covered in injuries. There was another goshawk that died when it arrived at the palace. Someone must have stopped the goshawk from delivering the letter."

The confidant said sadly.

"Damn it!" The Southwest King threw him away heavily.

"King of the Southwest, I will give you another [-] elite soldiers. You will bring your troops back to the Southwest to sit in the town overnight, and you must repel the enemy."

Jun Zhouhan's head was also a little messy now, but he calmed down soon.

He immediately called Li Dagong to draw up the decree.

"I obey." The Southwest King immediately turned around after receiving the imperial edict.

He must go now, without delay.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I have to leave this matter to you." Jun Zhouhan turned his head again and said solemnly.

"Hmm." Jun Yu nodded quickly with a deep expression on his face.

The Southwest is coming fiercely, and they have already lost the opportunity, so it is not enough to rely on the Southwest King alone.

He also had to bring troops to support him.

Just when Jun Yu turned around and prepared to go back to the Prince Regent's Mansion, suddenly...

A white shadow flashed past, Xiaobai jumped into his arms directly.

Xiaobai couldn't talk to Jun Yu, it could only anxiously pull his sleeve with its claws, and then gesture.

"You mean, something happened to Yin'er?" Jun Yu's face turned completely cold, and his whole body was filled with monstrous coldness.

Jun Zhouhan's heart skipped a beat.

His eyes narrowed slightly, why did something happen to Xiaoyin?Who is going to touch her.

Jun Yu looked at the direction where the fireworks were blooming.

He gritted his teeth, and uttered a hoarse sentence from his throat: "That's Shen Chuannan's mansion."

He didn't have time to say goodbye to Jun Zhouhan, so he quickly flew to Shen's residence with lightness kung fu.

"Your Majesty, why, why are there so many things happening all of a sudden?" Eunuch Li Da's eyes were red with anxiety.

"Preach my will and gather all the palace guards. The soldiers are divided into three groups, one goes to Lord Shen's mansion, and the other goes to guard the palace, focusing on the princesses from other countries who have just entered the palace. The last one, surround the post for me! "

Jun Zhouhan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were fierce, and he made a loud order.

Eunuch Li Da's heart trembled.

Surrounding the post station, and staring at those new ladies who entered the palace...

Could it be that those envoys are playing tricks?
Not daring to think too much, Eunuch Lida resisted his knee weakness, he crawled and rolled to convey the will.

When Shen Chuannan and Yushengxiao came to the study, they saw countless men in black surrounding Yuan Deyin and the others.

Wuyi had to protect Yuan Deyin and block the attack, so in just a short while, she was covered in wounds.

"Sister Wuyi." Yuan Deyin looked at Wuyi covered in blood, her voice choked up, and her eyes were red.

She randomly took out large and small medicine bottles from her arms, and then sprinkled the poison on the men in black.

"Princess, Wuyi is fine, don't worry..." Wuyi turned pale, and she quickly shook her head at Yuan Deyin.

All the hidden guards of the Shen residence gathered here, Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan also joined in the battle.

But after a few tricks with the man in black, Yu Shengxiao felt that the jaw of his sword was so painful from the shock.

"Damn it, these people are so powerful." Yu Shengxiao gritted his teeth.

In order to steal something, Nanyue Kingdom can really be ruthless.

"Qiaoer." Murong Wei was dressed in black, and she quickly flashed to Nan Lingqiao's side.

"Cousin Wei, that Qiao'er will be much more relaxed now that you are here." Nan Lingqiao raised her lips and smiled at Murong Wei.

Murong Wei didn't pay attention to her, she started to jump for joy when she saw Yuan Deyin not far away.

She originally came here only because...

The day before yesterday, Nan Guiming said that Nanyue Kingdom needed a soldier talisman, and this soldier talisman was in Shen Chuannan's mansion.

As long as she can help get this soldier talisman.

He will definitely find a way to get her to marry Jun Yu.

So here she is.

Unexpectedly, she would meet her old enemy... Yuan Deyin just by visiting the Shen residence!

This little slut that she wanted to cut into pieces in her dreams.

Tonight, God actually helped her so much by sending someone to her.

She wants to find the soldier amulet, and she wants to kill people!

"By the way, sister Qiao'er, have you got the soldier talisman?" Murong Wei turned her head and asked Nan Lingqiao.

Hearing this, Nan Lingqiao gritted her teeth angrily.

"I haven't got it yet. I have already searched in Shen Chuannan's study. But who knows, Yuan Deyin suddenly appeared and attracted people here, completely ruining my plan."

Nan Lingqiao was very unwilling.

After planning for so long, she failed at the last step.

Hearing Nan Lingqiao's words, Murong Wei's complexion was also very bad.

"It turned out to be the little bitch Yuan Deyin again. She is really haunted. You took a part of it to find a soldier talisman in the chaos. This princess went to kill Yuan Deyin!"

Murong Wei grasped the sword tightly, and began to rush towards Yuan Deyin.

"I'm going, why are there more and more people? When Jun Yu will come, we can't bear it anymore." Yu Shengxiao's arm was also cut, and he screamed in pain.

He had no choice but to quickly throw a large bag of poison from his arms in order to take a breather.

"Be careful."

Seeing that a sword was about to split Yu Shengxiao in half.

Shen Chuannan quickly raised his hand and pulled him to his side.

But the back of his hand was still stabbed severely, and the bones were visible.

"Shen Fox, you are injured." Yu Shengxiao yelled.

"Stop screaming, quickly find a way to recruit the guards of the palace or the guards of the Regent's Palace, or we will all die here tonight."

Shen Chuannan gasped and said.

"My lord, they have entered the study again." Shen Chuannan's subordinate said to Shen Chuannan worriedly.

"Damn it." Shen Chuannan's usually gentle face was full of anger at this moment.

He wanted to stop it, but couldn't get away.

(End of this chapter)

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