Chapter 324

Suddenly at this time, two tall men in black joined in and confronted Nan Lingqiao's men.

Their martial arts are superb, and their knives and knives are deadly moves, and their bodies are full of bloody aura.

It was almost an instant, and the situation on Shen Chuannan's side was much better.

Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao looked at each other with the same shock in their eyes.

Who are these two people.

But it seems that they are here to help them, so they should be friends.

However, the current situation does not allow them to test those two people.

They raised their swords and continued to kill.

While Tan Jiang was looking at the dead soldiers of Xichuan Kingdom, he watched with concern that their master was like a murder puppet, killing each person with one knife.

Don't let Murong Wei discover the true identity of the master.

Otherwise, the master's disguise for so many years will be in vain.

Murong Wei wanted to take advantage of the chaos and stab Yuan Deyin behind her back.

As a result, this scene was seen by Murong Rui, and he stabbed directly with his sword.

With a scream of "Ah", Murong Wei clutched her broken finger, and quickly backed away.

She looked at the bloody severed finger on the ground in panic, and she was going crazy.

"Finger, this princess' finger..." Her eyes were scarlet.

Looking up again, she stared at Murong Rui as if she was going to kill someone.

But her eyes did not threaten Murong Rui at all.

Murong Rui pressed his throat hard, and soon a hoarse voice came out.

"Murong Wei, do you really think that if you came to Shen's mansion today to steal the soldier talisman, you can escape unscathed?"

How did he know her identity?

Murong Wei's head buzzed, and she looked at Murong Rui warily.

But Murong Rui wore a mask and covered herself tightly, how could she recognize it?

It turned out to be Murong Wei?

Hearing Murong Rui's voice, Yuan Deyin raised his head in shock while spreading poisonous powder.

If even Murong Wei is dispatched, it means that wanting to steal the soldier talisman is not just a matter of Nanyue Kingdom!
It must be Nanyue Kingdom and Xichuan Kingdom conspiring together!

I don't know what's going on in Southwest?

Yuan Deyin was able to analyze the wolfish ambitions of Nanyue Kingdom and Xichuan Kingdom almost immediately.

"You don't want to influence this princess, this princess will not be deceived by you."

Now that they've all been discovered, Murong Wei naturally won't hide it anymore.

She took off the black veil with bloody hands.

"Oh, do you think I'm lying to you? Do you think that if you go out from here, there will be Nan Guiming waiting for you outside?"

Murong Rui sneered, and he spoke in a cold tone.

"Don't think about it, Nan Guiming has already gone to the southwest, and he will advance and retreat with the [-] troops of Nanyue Kingdom. And you, and Nan Lingqiao, are both abandoned sons."

After Murong Rui's words came out, several people's faces changed.

Yuan Deyin's body trembled slightly.

She guessed right, the people of Nanyue Kingdom are so abnormal, just to devour Chi Yan!
In their eyes, is Chi Yan all fat now?
Shen Chuannan let out a breath of foul air, and his head was dizzy for a while. Why hasn't there been any news from the southwest about such a big matter?

"Impossible, impossible..." Murong Wei kept shaking her head.

She is the first princess of Xichuan, cousin Ming would not treat her like this.

"Don't you believe it? Have you not been able to meet him in person today? You thought you were honorable and he would not abandon you, but you never thought that as long as all the people you brought were killed by Chi Yan's people Now, when the time comes, he will come to a death without proof, and your mother trusts him so much, how can you suspect him?"

"The people of Nanyue Kingdom can even abandon Nan Lingqiao, so why not abandon you and your mother?"

Murong Rui was like a ghost lurking in the darkness, every word he said pierced Murong Wei's heart directly.

She looked more and more flustered.

This all showed that she began to believe Murong Rui's words.

Nan Lingqiao quickly ran out of the study at this time, she said anxiously: "Cousin Wei, don't believe what he said, don't fall into his tricks."

As a result, Murong Wei glared at her viciously.

"Then you should tell this princess, we are about to lose now, why hasn't your emperor brother appeared yet?"


Nan Lingqiao choked, her expression was unnatural, and she couldn't speak fluently.

"As expected! You Nanyue Kingdom is so ruthless that even this princess dares to take advantage of you." Murong Wei roared angrily.

She shouted loudly: "Kill them, kill all these bitches for this princess!"

They were already at a disadvantage, but now Murong Wei was still in a violent mood, and her attacks began to become chaotic.

So, soon, they were even more powerless.

Seeing that their people were about to capture Murong Wei and Nan Lingqiao.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blows in.

A black shadow flashed past them.

These black images are people, but when Yu Shengxiao and the others stabbed the sword out, they missed nothing.

With a few "puffs", all the hidden guards of Shen's residence were injured, and several of them were stabbed in the heart by themselves.

The scene is bloody and infiltrating.

"Shen Fox, is this a human or a ghost!"

Yu Chenxiao felt that he was about to explode on the spot.

These black shadows, they couldn't attack at all, instead they kept being attacked.

Neither sword nor poison can do anything to them.

"The county lord."

Suddenly at this moment, there was a roar from Wuyi behind him.

They turned around quickly, only to see a black shadow enter Yuan Deyin's head.

She covered her head, her head ached like it was going to explode, and she groaned weakly.

Soon, she closed her eyes and passed out.

And that black shadow surrounded her, and then flew away.

When Murong Rui saw this scene, he immediately chased after him, but the black shadow hit him with a palm.

With a sound of "噗呲", Murong Rui fell from the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Shen Chuannan and the others were also entangled to death by the shadow.

Seeing this, Murong Wei and Nan Lingqiao fled quickly.

It wasn't until Yuan Deyin's figure swept away by the shadows disappeared completely that those shadows began to fade away slowly.

But at this time, Murong Wei and Nan Lingqiao had disappeared, leaving only blood on the ground.

"Subordinates, go and capture Murong Wei and Nan Lingqiao." Wu Ting wanted to chase after her.

"No, that black shadow doesn't belong to Nanyue Kingdom or Xichuan Kingdom. It should belong to... Lingye Kingdom."

Murong Rui stood up with difficulty, he pressed his chest, endured the pain, and said with difficulty.

"Chasing, it's important to save Deyin County now." Shen Chuannan supported his body with a sword.

They had just chased out of the gate of the Shen residence.

In the end, they ran into Jun Yu who was rushing back from the palace, and Tu Sufang and Tu Suye who were rushing over from the post station.

"Where is Yin'er, how is Yin'er?"

Jun Yu firmly grasped Shen Chuannan's shoulder, uneasy, flustered, and even helpless appeared on his cold face.

"The shadow of Ling Yeguo led her to the direction outside the city." Shen Chuannan pointed with difficulty in the direction outside the city.

Jun Yu quickly let go of Shen Chuannan, and then quickly chased after him with light work.

"Jun Yu, you can't use the inner..."

Yu Shengxiao was behind, and he couldn't finish the sentence "can't use internal strength", so Jun Yu was no longer in sight.

From this we can see...

Just how anxious Jun Yu was, and how hard he used his qinggong!

Tu Suye and Tu Sufang rushed to catch up. They used the unique footwork of the Tusu family to catch up with Jun Yu.

This situation terrified both of them.

How terrifying is Jun Yu's true strength!

Hei Ying rolled Yuan Deyin outside the city gate and was thrown into the carriage.

Then a few dark-painted people drove the huge carriage and ran fast.

When Jun Yu was chasing outside the city, the shadow appeared again.

This weird black shadow hurt him, Tu Sufang, and Tu Suye all over.

"Damn it, things like Ling Yeguo are really dangerous, what the hell is this!"

Tu Suye asked pantingly.

Suddenly at this moment, Zuo Qi rushed over while sitting on Ming Zhou's back, holding Xiao Bai in his arms.

Zuo Xie frowned as he watched the three of them struggling with the black shadow in the air.

Unexpectedly, in order to deal with sister and Jun Yu, Zuo Yong and Zuo Mei even used "Shadow Kill".

"Shadow killing", as the name suggests, is to use black shadows to kill people.

The biggest feature of Sombra is that it can attack others, but if others hit back, it is just a cloud of fog, and it has no effect on it at all.

Generally speaking, people with stronger witchcraft ability. The stronger the skill of "Shadow Killing".

The black shadow in front of him is too lethal!

After all, it was the two geniuses of Lingye Kingdom who summoned them - the national teacher and the first princess!
"What should I do? How could they summon the shadows..."

Zuo Qi gritted his teeth and muttered.

The cruelty of those two people still shocked him.

After all, in Lingye Country, although "Shadow Killing" is very powerful, very few people will take the initiative to use this witchcraft.

Because people who use it will lose 20 years of life!

People who practice witchcraft have a short life in the first place, and if they lose another 20 years, Zuo Yong and Zuo Mei will basically die!
Sure enough, cruel and merciless!
"Looks like I have to give it a try." Zuo Qi gritted his teeth and patted Xiao Bai on the head.

After the words fell, Xiaobai nodded quickly, and it jumped up...

My sister is the first person he has ever seen who can resist witchcraft, so Xiaobai... Could it be a special existence?

When Tu Sufang saw a ball of white balls rushing towards him, he immediately recognized it as Xiaobai.

He was anxious to death.

The situation is bad enough now, they are too busy to take care of themselves, why is Xiaobai still here!

He stretched out his hand, wanting to save Xiaobai.

But who knows, Xiaobai avoids his hand very neatly.

It raised its paw, and patted the shadow with one paw.

A shocking thing happened...

The moment its paws fell, the black shadows that were photographed scattered around.

Xiaobai's body is very agile, he flies around.

Soon, all the shadows disappeared.

Tu Suye and Tu Sufang watched this scene in shock.

What the hell is Xiaobai.

Only Jun Yu, he pursed his thin lips and looked at Xiao Bai with an extremely complicated expression.

He quickly reached out, grabbed Xiao Bai to his side, and then chased in the direction the carriage left.

Seeing this, Tu Sufang and Tu Suye naturally rushed to catch up.

in the carriage.

Zuo Mei was sitting on the bamboo chair, her gloomy eyes were like poisonous snake Nobuko.

She stared at Yuan Deyin's smooth little face, wishing she could pounce on her, bite... bite...

"Finally let her fall into our hands." She giggled, her voice ugly.

But suddenly at this time, the hair on her sideburns fell.

She lowered her head hesitantly, only to see a bunch of white hair.

After turning her head, she saw that Zuo Yong's hair was also a lot grayer, and his face was so old that there was a very obvious frown.

"Is this the consequence of summoning the shadow?" Zuo Mei sneered sarcastically.

This consequence came so fast!

However, it was all worth it to catch Yuan Deyin and torture him severely.

"Cousin, don't worry, when I take out her heart and use it to refine our unique elixir of Lingye Kingdom, we will definitely prolong our lives and make up for the 20 years of life."

Zuo Mei said quietly.

"Let's do it now." Zuo Yong took out a dagger from his body.

He stared at Yuan Deyin with stern and sharp eyes.

He originally planned to take Yuan Deyin back to Lingye Kingdom, and then slowly torture him to death.

But for some reason, he felt a little uneasy now.

I always feel that I have to hurry up to avoid long nights and dreams.

Thinking of how much he sacrificed, it was rare for Zuo Mei not to disobey her for the first time.

She took the dagger in his hand and wanted to stab Yuan Deyin in the heart.

But at this moment...

Yuan Deyin quickly opened her eyes, she rolled with a sharp bass, and then rolled off the carriage.

"She was not affected by the shadow!"

This scene had a great impact on Zuo Yong and Zuo Mei.

The black shadow obviously got into her head, why didn't it affect her?
Zuo Yong raised his hand and was shocked, the carriage split open, he grabbed Zuo Mei's chair and flew down.

Yuan Deyin rolled into the grass, and the small stones scratched her all over her body.

She patted her head, and a black mist crawled out of her head, and then disappeared.

This thing, in her head, has been manipulating her, trying to keep her awake for a long time.

Fortunately, she withstood its attack.

In fact, when she was thrown into the carriage, she was already fully awake.

But she couldn't open her eyes right away, she was looking for a suitable escape opportunity.

But who would have thought that Zuo Yong and Zuo Mei would be so ruthless that they would take out her heart halfway through.

Then she can't pretend anymore.

So she quickly opened her eyes and escaped from the carriage.

She turned and ran.

However, Zuo Yong just waved his hand easily, and a net caught her up.

"Say, how did you escape the control of the shadow?" Zuo Yong stared at Yuan Deyin with cold eyes.

"Why did the princess tell you!" Yuan Deyin raised his head and chest.

Even in such an environment, she didn't want to be humbled in front of people from Lingye Kingdom.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me, he's dead anyway, and any secrets can only be buried in the ground."

Zuo Mei sneered sinisterly.

She was originally very thin, but now she is 20 years old suddenly, and she is so thin that only skin and bones remain.

When he smiled, he looked like a skeleton covered in a layer of skin, making people panic.

"Let go of her!"

At this time, Jun Yu, Tu Sufang and Tu Suye descended from the sky.

"You, you escaped the pursuit of the shadow?"

The moment Zuo Yong saw Jun Yu appearing, his horror was no less than when he saw Yuan Deyin was fine just now.

He looked behind Jun Yu, but he didn't see any shadows.

The horror in his heart became more serious.

Sombra... seems to have been wiped out. .

how so……

"Impossible, impossible..."

Zuo Yong took a few steps back.

The stimulation of this news made him look much older in an instant.

This appearance of Zuo Yong and Zuo Mei almost made Tu Suye and the others unable to recognize them.

However, knowing that there must be a price to pay for summoning those evil things, Tu Suye instantly understood something.

He spat coldly in his heart, he deserved it!

"Forget it, just clean it up together!" Maybe it was because there were many accidents in the past two days, so Zuo Mei was able to calm down very quickly.

She raised her hand, and a black mist blew out, and countless blood crows flew out of the darkness.

They were full of attack power and went directly towards Jun Yu and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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