The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 325 9 Uncle's Little Girl Died

Chapter 325 Uncle Nine Emperor's Little Girl Is Dead

Jun Yu wanted to come here to rescue Yuan Deyin several times, but he was always entangled by the blood crow.

Looking at the blood-black piece, Jun Yu exuded a terrifying aura.

He gathered his inner strength in the palm of his hand, endured the pain in his chest, and passed with two palms.

A large number of blood crows died directly.

"My princess' baby!"

Seeing this scene, Zuo Mei suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and she cried out in a sharp voice desolately.

Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin caused them to lose too many things. Today, there must be a "you die and I die"!

"Mei'er, Jun Yu's strength is too terrifying, why don't we retreat first, so that the green hills are left without worrying about no firewood." Zuo Yong said to Zuo Mei in a solemn tone.

But Zuo Mei's eyes are red now, she only has one thought in her mind -

That is to let the person in front of you die!
"Cousin, use all your strength to summon the blood crow and delay me. Even if Yuan Deyin is killed today, we will not lose!"

Zuo Mei gritted her teeth and spoke to Zuo Yong with a gloomy face.

Hearing her words, Zuo Yong's heart trembled, and he asked uneasily: "Mei'er, don't you intend to use that method to kill Yuan Deyin?"

"Don't worry about it, you just need to help me hold Jun Yu back!"

Zuo Mei's tone of voice had already turned into an order.

Zuo Yong gritted his teeth, in Ling Ye Country, Zuo Mei's status was indeed higher than him.

Forget it, you may not be able to escape today, so let's fight to the death.

After thinking about it, he rushed to Jun Yu and Tu Su brothers with all his subordinates, and began to summon all the blood crows.

Seeing this scene, Jun Yu's eyelids twitched violently.

The uneasiness in my heart began to expand.

However, if he wanted to save Yin'er, he couldn't break through the bloody wall built by the bloody crows.

He can only keep destroying the blood crow.

Blood flowed all over the place.

At this moment, Zuo Mei raised her wrist, and she cut it open with the other hand.

Blood started to pour out.

But her blood was not red.

but black.

As the blood flowed out, she was still muttering words.

Finally, there was a thunder in the distance, and there was a strange animal roar.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of the earth shaking.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Tu Suye was covered in blood, and he began to feel uneasy, he asked Tu Sufan worriedly.

Tu Sufang shook his head, he didn't know either.

At this moment, a big python with a height of seven or eight meters appeared in front of him.

The boa constrictor was thick, even thicker than the two Tu Suye's.

"Jun Yu, where is Deyin?" Wei Qinhuai also appeared with a dozen hidden guards.

They were covered in sweat and looked solemn.

"Why are you here?" Jun Yu looked at the other party with sharp eyes.

Wei Qinhuai shook his head and said solemnly: "I was originally interrogating Yuan Ying'er, but she suddenly became agitated and rushed out. We chased all the way, but we heard the news that Deyin was arrested by people from Ling Yeguo coming."

"Where is Yuan Ying'er now?"

Tu Suye had also heard about Yuan Ying'er, and he also knew that Wei Ying was Yuan Ying'er.

He was very manic in his heart, now that there were so many things, why did Yuan Ying'er appear!

"where is she."

Hearing what Tu Suye said, Wei Qinhuai hesitated for a moment, and finally pointed to the big python not far away with his eyes.

Following Wei Qinhuai's gaze, Tu Suye almost freaked out.

As the young master of the hidden family, what kind of troubles has he not seen?
But the scene in front of him still completely shocked him.

Because, besides the huge boa constrictor with a length of nearly ten meters, besides its extremely thick body, it also has a very small head...

That head is a human head.

The face on the head seems to be...

Yuan Yinger's face!

This scene was so disgusting that Tu Suye directly covered his mouth and felt nauseous.

Shen Chuannan, Yusheng Xiao and others also rushed over.

Naturally, they also saw Yuan Ying'er with a human face and a snake body, and their bodies felt cold, what the hell is this!
Yuan Deyin was still tightly surrounded by nets, when she saw this scene, she immediately turned her head to look at Zuo Mei.

"It's all your fault!" she said angrily.

No wonder when she saw Yuan Yinger in the palace, Zong always felt that the other party looked at her very wrongly, just like the black snake looked at people.

It turned out that she had turned into a snake.

"So what if it's the princess who did the trick? Mingming Yuan Ying'er wants to find the contract made by the princess."

Zuo Mei laughed strangely.

In Lingye Kingdom, there is a very powerful witchcraft, which is to make contracts and cultivate witch pets.

Those who are contracted will refine them into witch pets without anyone noticing.

Of course, in this world, not everyone can become a witch's pet.

A witch pet with great power must have an extremely evil heart.

This heart is greedy, selfish, jealous, vicious...

A few days ago, when she sneaked into Wei Guo's palace secretly, she immediately set her sights on Yuan Ying'er's heart.

At that time, Yuan Ying'er had just killed her father and younger brother, and that was when her heart was at its most evil.

In her eyes, Yuan Ying'er is really the purest "witch pet" she has ever seen.

So she played a little scheming.

She told Yuan Ying'er that if it was Chiyan's time in the future, she would definitely help her deal with Yuan Deyin in person, on the condition that she must make a contract with her.

Wanting to kill Yuan Deyin, Yuan Yinger naturally signed the contract without hesitation.

Little did they know that when the fit was successful, her body was slowly turning into a snake...


"Although this princess is seeing this dear witch pet for the first time today, I have to say that it is really perfect and powerful..."

Zuo Mei looked at Yuan Ying'er's snake body, she was full of satisfaction
Even Zuo Yong was a little shocked.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Ying'er's viciousness was so powerful that she could become such a big snake.

"Bah, Lingye Kingdom's witchcraft is simply the most disgusting thing in the world!"

Tu Suye felt hairy all over his body, he was going crazy.

"You lied to me, you lied to me..."

Yuan Ying'er opened her mouth, her voice was rough and unpleasant.

She desperately questioned Zuo Mei.

But Zuo Mei sneered indifferently.

"That's because you are greedy and stupid, so you are used by this princess, hahahaha..."

"Ah... ah... ah..." Yuan Ying'er cried out in pain.

"Kill Yuan Deyin, kill Yuan Deyin for this princess." Zuo Mei resentfully ordered loudly.

In an instant, Yuan Ying'er lost her mind.

Like an arrow leaving the string, she rushed directly towards Yuan Deyin.

Her human head also began to turn into an extremely huge snake head.

It opened its bloody mouth.

Things happen in a split second.

Even though Jun Yu was strong in martial arts and had an extremely quick reaction, at this time, he was still a step behind.

The python swallowed Yuan Deyin together with the big net.

"Yin'er!" Jun Yu let out a heart-piercing roar.

"Xiao Deyin, Xiao Deyin."

"younger sister……"

"Princess Deyin..."

"The county master..."

Yu Shengxiao, Tu Suye, Tu Sufang, Wei Qinhuai, Shen Chuannan, Wu Xi and others...

They are going crazy!

Zuo Qie also rushed over at this time.

He also happened to see this scene.

It was dark before his eyes, and he almost passed out.

He knelt on the ground, as if his soul had been emptied.

Why is it a witch pet...

Why is the witch pet swallowed my sister.

There is no precedent for a person eaten by a witch pet to be alive.

No, never!
Zuo Yong also tried to block them with the blood crow, but their anger at this time allowed their force to be brought to the extreme.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the blood crow was covered with serum.

Zuo Yong also suffered backlash, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Viscera...completely torn apart!
Here, Jun Yu was covered in blood, and his hair was disheveled.

On Jun's face, the original appearance could no longer be seen clearly.

His tall body is crumbling.

Holding the sword, he walked towards the python step by step.

"Hahahaha, Yuan Deyin, you are finally dead... This princess finally killed you."

"Anyone who reaches the stomach of a witch pet will surely die."

Zuo Mei was still laughing exaggeratedly.

In the next moment, there was a "click".

The boa constrictor directly opened its bloody mouth to her, and devoured its entire body.

One of her heads fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

"Spit out the sound!"

The sword in Jun Yu's hand shook, his eyes were scarlet, and it was difficult to see a trace of black.

He flew up, and in an instant, the dark clouds in the sky gathered, and the strong wind gathered.

Sensing the danger, the boa constrictor also opened its bloody mouth to Jun Yu.

But Jun Yu dodged past him.

He dodged directly behind it.

His bloodshot eyes just stared at its thick back.

The next moment, the sword fell.

With a loud roar, the python's head and body were separated into two halves.

This scene scared everyone.

Jun Yu's strength seems to have become much stronger again.

After using this sword, Jun Yu seemed to have exhausted all his internal energy, and he fell heavily to the ground.

But he didn't dare to close his eyes at all, he struggled to grab the grass with his fingers, and moved to the giant python's side.

He raised the sword, and with all his strength he slit open its belly.

Blood spattered all over his face, blurring his vision.

There was still fresh blood dripping down his cheeks, but he couldn't care less about it.

He has only one thought now, to save Yin'er, Yin'er must not be dead.

"Quick, help!"

Tu Sufang and the others came to their senses, and hurried up with their swords in hand, throwing away their stomachs together.

Seeing how busy they were, Zuo Qi staggered to his feet.

Finding his face was cold, he touched it with his hand, and it was full of tears.

He gritted his teeth, and then shouted: "It's useless, witch pets, especially python witch pets, when they devour people, they will crush people and swallow them. Moreover, its stomach can instantly swallow flesh and blood." Melt it down..."

"Sister, she's dead!"

Enduring grief, Zuo Xie finally said that sentence.

Hearing this, Jun Yu's tall body froze.

But his fingers didn't intend to stop, he had already dropped the sword, and then used his fingers to pick it up.

He didn't believe that Yin'er must not be dead, she wouldn't die...

He didn't die, how could she die!
Finally, his hands were bloody and the giant python's belly was ripped open.

A huge stench came over the face.

Inside, sure enough...

There are no complete bodies.

There are only countless broken bones.

Among them, there is also a head whose shape can no longer be seen clearly, with a bunch of hair wrapped around the back.

On the hair, there are a few pieces of fabric wrapped around the clothes the little girl is wearing today.

On it, there is also a bell and a jade pendant engraved with the word "Yu".

"Boom" sound.

The belief in everyone's heart collapsed at this moment.

Tu Suye and Yu Shengxiao burst into tears. .

Tu Sufang, Shen Chuannan and Wei Qinhuai were shaking.

They turned around and put their fists against their teeth, so as not to let themselves cry out, but those eyes were already flushed red.


The little girl was still a ghost in front of their eyes yesterday, but now, she has become a pile of bones.

"No, it's not Yin'er, it's not Yin'er...Is it raining, why is there so much water?"

While Jun Yu shook his head, he tried hard to wipe off the water droplets that kept dripping on the bell.

Everyone looked over and felt sad...

Where is this rain, this is clearly tears.

At this moment, Jun Yu's face is full of tears without knowing it!

In the distance, Murong Rui stood behind a tree.

He also saw the scene where Yuan Deyin was swallowed, but he was helpless.

The first time I met a friend, he died like this...

Sad to the extreme, he clutched his bleeding wound and passed out directly.

"My lord, my lord." Tan Jiang shouted anxiously as he supported him.

After looking at the unconscious prince, and then at Jun Yu, finally Tan Jiang gritted his teeth and decided to take their prince back to Xichuan overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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