The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 326 The king will go down to accompany you

Chapter 326 The king will go down to accompany you
"My lord, you can eat as much as you want."

Wu Xi looked at the man kneeling on the ground in front of him. His hair was messy, his face was full of stubble, and his clothes were all stained with blood.

If the people of Chiyan were to see their god of war, the Lord of War, turn out to be like this, they probably wouldn't be able to believe it.

For two whole days and two nights, the prince brought back the bones and relics of Princess Deyin, and then knelt in her room...

In the past two days and two nights, he did not speak, did not sleep, and did not drink a drop of water.

The Emperor, Crown Prince Wei, Young Master Tu Su, Master Shen, and Doctor Yu all came to persuade him many times, but no one could persuade him.

Suddenly at this time, Yu Shengxiao walked in with Hua Sumo.

Behind them, Jun Zhouhan and Shen Chuannan followed.

Each of them looked not much better, with red and swollen eyes and tired faces.

Especially Yu Shengxiao, with bloodstains all over his lips, this is the imprint of his suppressed emotions.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on the long box that Hua Sumo was holding.

Even Jun Yu turned his head slowly.

In the past, there was no brilliance in the black eyes that were as sharp as gods.

He just stared at the box with empty pupils.

I don't know how long it took before he said in a hoarse voice: "This corpse is not Yin'er's, right?"

The rest of the people were all breathing tightly, Yu Shengxiao tightly clutched his jade bone fan.

The corpse was beyond recognition, only bones remained.

Therefore, it is necessary to pick up the bones and piece them together to determine whether it is a vowel sound or not.

This matter should have been done by Yu Shengxiao.

But when Yu Shengxiao saw the bone, he began to cry until he passed out.

Therefore, in the end, Hua Sumo could only be allowed to do this.

Hua Sumo's eyes turned red when he met so many people who still had hopeful eyes.

He lowered his head, with a trembling voice, and said with difficulty: "Return, return to the lord, the length of this bone is... the same as the height of Princess Deyin..."

The word "no difference" has been heard by everyone, and it has already told them the answer.

When Hua Sumo was still about to say something, Jun Yu suddenly shouted coldly.


His voice was cold with a thick trill.

He stood up, stretched out his hand stiffly, and took the long box.

"Yin'er, can I take you home?"

He murmured.

The next moment, Dou Da's tears dripped down on the box.

Because he lowered his head, no one could see his expression.

But the tears that kept dripping made everyone's heart tightly gripped.

That little girl was once Jun Yu's light.

But now, the light is completely gone.

"Xiao Deyin, come back, okay? I will never fight you for food again as a teacher. When you are bitten, does it hurt? Master has medicine here. Master will give you as much as you want. As long as you come back... ..."

As if sentenced to death, Yu Shengxiao was drained of all strength.

He sat down on the ground, wiping his tears like a child.

The moment the tears blurred, he seemed to see that little girl who was like a little adult again. She always looked at him with disgust and told him to be humble and not to be so narcissistic...

He will never hear the words again...

He no longer has a little apprentice.

"Yu Shengxiao." Shen Chuannan called Yu Shengxiao, originally he wanted the other party not to do this.

But when he spoke, he found that his voice was choked up.

"Shen Chuannan."

Tao Lin walked in quickly with Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong, they looked flustered.

When they saw the long box and the mournful faces of the people in this room, what else could they not guess.

Tao Lin bit her finger to keep herself from crying.

When Southwest launched a war, her father and the King of Southwest ordered troops overnight, and she followed.

But he never thought that in such a short period of time, that little girl would disappear in smoke.

"Deyin, don't you want us?" Yin Panrong grabbed Mei Qingzhou's arm, and the two of them wept uncontrollably.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, the most important thing for us now is to cheer up, only in this way can we avenge Xiao Yin."

Jun Zhouhan's eyes were already red, but as the emperor, he couldn't shed tears.

There are still [-] troops approaching the city in the southwest, Murong Wei, Nan Lingqiao, and Zuo Yong still don't know where they fled.

Just last night, someone took advantage of the chaos to rescue King Runnan from the prison.

The current Chi Yan...

It seems that I can't hold it anymore.

At this moment, an angry voice came from outside the door.

"Jun Yu, you bastard! She is by your side, why can't you protect her well. If I had known, this king should have brought her back to the Western Regions sooner!"

Several guards were blocking Yun Mo, but they couldn't stop him.

Holding his sword, he was about to rush in and kill Jun Yu.

He packed his bags, and when Santa urged him to go to the Western Regions with the envoy, he was still looking forward to whether the little girl Pianzi would come to see him off, and whether she would be willing to go back to the Western Regions with him.

But who knew, people didn't wait, but they waited for the news of her death.

"Jun Yu, how did you protect her?" Yun Mo let out a heart-piercing roar.

Jun Zhouxu followed behind him, and he looked at the long box in Jun Yu's hand with a complicated expression.

Vaguely, there was a bit of sadness on his face.

She should always be that beautiful Ling'er girl, this place in the capital ruined her.

"Let him come over." Just when the guards were about to stop Yunmo, Jun Yu suddenly spoke.

His voice was low and his breath was weak.

With no obstruction, Yun Mo rushed towards Jun Yu with his sword in hand.

He raised his sword and aimed at Jun Yu's heart.

Seeing this scene, Wu Xi and the others drew their swords out, trying to stop them.

However, Jun Yu stopped them all with a look.

Yun Moyuan thought that he could stab this sword into Jun Yu's heart fiercely.

But when the sword touched Jun Yu's clothes, his hand still stopped.

Just looking at my sword like this...

Finally, he threw the sword aside violently.

"This king won't kill you. If I kill you, she will be sad. You are her favorite Nine Emperor Uncle."

Yun Mo took a deep breath before suppressing the tears in his eyes, feeling very sour in his heart.

No matter how unwilling he is to admit it, the fact remains the same, Jun Yu is the person Yuan Deyin cares about most in this world.

Ignoring Yun Mo's unwilling eyes, Jun Yu held the long box and walked outside step by step.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, where are you going?"

Seeing him leaving, Jun Zhouhan was worried about what would happen to him, so he asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, your majesty, I still have so many unrepented vengeances, I won't let anything happen to me."

"My lord, I'm just sending Yin'er home."

The last sentence is very light, very light, and will soon be blown away by the wind.

Jun Yu tied the box to his body, and then rode out of the city.

Yin'er said that she actually doesn't like the noise and calculations in the capital.

She still likes the carefree life in Zhuangzi with her mother and concubine when she was young.


The king will take you home.


Pushing open Zhuangzi's door, Jun Yu saw a quiet small courtyard.

The place is not big, but the layout is very warm.

He stood in the middle, staring blankly at everything in front of him, as if the little girl was still alive here.

After a long time, he came to an osmanthus tree and dug up the soil with his fingers.

Even though his fingers were bloody and bloody, he seemed to feel no pain.

I don't know how long it took to dig, until the soil was full of bloodstains and there was a big hole on the ground.

There was finally a trace of tenderness in his lifeless eyes.

He stroked the box lightly, his eyes were scarlet and hot.

He said softly: "Yin'er, don't be afraid. After I have avenged myself, I will go to accompany you, okay? It's dark underground, so I will help you find the way."

He didn't know how long he held the box before he carefully put it into the soil and closed it with mud.

After making a tomb, Jun Yu suddenly laughed out loud, and couldn't stop his tears.

He punched the tree hard, and the place where the fist hit was stained with blood.

"In this world, I'm the only one left after all."

"The only remembrance of this king's life is gone."

for a long time……

He carefully took out a string of wind chimes and the jade pendant still stained with blood from his arms.

He put the jade pendant on the grave, and hung the wind chimes on the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

The sound of "jingle jingle" sounded, as if the little girl's laughter was still in my ears.

"Give me a little more time, and I will come back to pick you up."

With a soft sound, the words drifted away with the wind, leaving only stumbling footprints on the ground.


In the Regent's Palace.

Shen Chuannan pressed his eyebrows with a worried expression.

"Where did Ah Yu go? His physical condition can't bear to be tossed about."

Just at this time, a slender figure appeared at the door.

"Ah Yu."

"Uncle Nine Emperors."

"Jun Yu."

"My lord."

Everyone quickly stood up and looked at Jun Yu worriedly.

But Jun Yu changed his decadent appearance, and looked directly at Jun Zhouhan who was sitting on the main seat with sharp and cruel eyes.

"Your Majesty, I ask for orders to hunt down Murong Wei, Nan Lingqiao, and Zuo Yong. In addition, I will bring another ten thousand elite soldiers to the southwest in order to repel the enemy."

He knelt down on one knee, his tone extremely indifferent.

Seeing Jun Yu like this, everyone didn't know how to describe their feelings.

Jun Yu cheered up, they should be very happy.

But they began to feel uneasy again, because the Jun Yu in front of them was still as indifferent as before.

But Jun Yu before, they could feel a little temperature.

As for Jun Yu in front of him, he no longer has any warmth or popularity.

It seems that in this world, there is nothing but revenge.

Jun Zhouhan seemed to be holding down a big rock in his heart, and he was panting.

I don't know how long it took before he said, "I agree."

Hearing Jun Zhouhan's words, Jun Yu immediately stood up.

His cold eyes glanced at Wuxi and the others, and then he said in a cold voice: "The secret guards of the palace are ordered to immediately lead 500 people to hunt down Nan Lingqiao, Murong Wei, and Zuo Yong. If there is any suspicious person, kill Wuxi!"

"Wuxi, you follow this king and head to the southwest tomorrow morning."

"Subordinates obey."

The secret guards and bodyguards of the Prince Regent's Mansion quickly knelt on the ground, and their voices of obedience were extremely firm.


"Eunuch Lida, am I very useless?" Walking out of the door of the Prince Regent's Mansion, Jun Zhouhan's eyes were burning. He turned his head, looked at Eunuch Lida and asked with a wry smile.

Obviously, it was a grand enthronement ceremony celebrated by the whole country, but in the end...

Xiao Yin was killed.

Damn him!

Aware of his self-blame, Eunuch Lida pursed his lips, shook his head, and his eyes were red.

"Your Majesty, I can't blame you for this. It's just that Lingye Kingdom's witchcraft is too weird, and Nanyue Kingdom and Xichuan are ambitious. If they conspire together, how many countries can surpass them?"

Although Chi Yan's national strength is not bad, it is just not bad.

In Lingye Kingdom, the entire royal family has weird witchcraft.

Nanyue Kingdom has hundreds of years of foundation, the power of the royal family is unshakable, and the crown prince Nan Kuiming is even more scheming.

In the state of Wei, although Emperor Wei was cruel and selfish, under his iron fist, he cultivated a group of powerful clansmen.

Look at Chi Yan again...

In more than ten years, four emperors have been changed.

The Halberd King who guarded the territory was killed, the new emperor is not old at all, and all the ministers have not yet convinced him.

Today, Chi Yan has not been swallowed up by so many countries that are eyeing tigers, all because of the young regent.

However, the reason why Chi Yan is stared at by so many countries is because...

It only has the teenage regent!

"Your majesty, don't blame yourself. Chi Yan's loss of national strength is all the fault of the previous emperor. It will take time for you to change."

Eunuch Li Da said with tears in his eyes.

In normal times, as a father-in-law, he would definitely not dare to discuss such matters with the emperor.

However, the situation is special now.

He could see the pain of the emperor.

The emperor is blaming himself for Princess Deyin's fault.

But why didn't he work hard himself?

In the huge Chiyan, the royal family is empty, and the only person who can be trusted is the regent.

The only person who can use it is the Regent.

People all over the world despised him, the new emperor.

Minister Chi Yan, on the surface, surrenders, but how much is truly loyal in his heart?

In order to tell the world that Chi Yan has an emperor, the emperor held this mighty enthronement ceremony.

In order to stabilize the forces of all parties, he took so many princesses from small countries as his concubines, and every important minister's daughter-in-law also had a quota.

However, he didn't like these people at all in his heart!
"Elder Lida, I always thought that it was easy to be an emperor, but I was too ignorant. Over the past few years, Emperor Uncle has been pushed out every time Chi Yan was passive. He is the most difficult person. ..."

Everyone thought that Chiyan Regent was very powerful, but no one thought that he was just a young man.

Now, even Xiaoyin is gone, he and Uncle Jiuhuang have truly become the most isolated and helpless people in the world.

"Your Majesty..." Eunuch Li Da cried out with a choked voice.

"Let's go back to the palace." Jun Zhouhan shook his head.

Just at this time, a guard rushed over from the palace.

"Your Majesty, our people discovered that Princess Mobei sent a message outside."

Because it was just a verbal order and no formal canonization ceremony was held, people in the palace would not call those princesses "Mothers", but continued to call them "Princesses".


After Jun Zhouhan heard it, he suddenly gave a wry smile.

"When they arrived at the Chiyan Palace, they didn't really care about the concubine at all. The palace is just the best place for them to get information..."

"Your Majesty, this servant will find someone to stop the letter. Princess Mobei is too much, what does she think of Chi Yan, this servant will ask the guards to arrest him."

Eunuch Li Da said anxiously.

"Forget it, they just want to know whether Chi Yan is worth cooperating with their country, so don't make extra trouble." Jun Zhouhan shook his head.

But suddenly at this moment, a stern female voice came from behind him.

"Your majesty, you just said that you regretted it, that you killed Deyin and that you failed to protect this country well. Now that you are acting so cowardly, isn't it just following your original path? ?”

Mei Qingzhou stopped bowing down, she went directly to Jun Zhouhan and questioned him loudly.

"Bold!" Eunuch Li Da saw that Mei Qingzhou was so bold, and dared to accuse the emperor.

He just wanted someone to catch Mei Qingzhou.

But Jun Zhouhan quickly raised his hand to stop him.

He just looked at Mei Qingzhou with his black eyes and didn't speak.

But Mei Qingzhou didn't feel relieved.

"Yes, those princesses entered the palace as spies, and you found out that it's not easy to touch them. After all, there are several countries behind them. But have you ever thought that if you indulge once today, there will be another time, and there will be countless others. Second-rate……"

"The King of the Southwest, the Regent, and countless Chi Yan soldiers, what are they working so hard on the battlefield for? They are for this country, for the dignity of this country!"

"Your marriage is a sacrifice, but why can't you be tougher, when will you back down?"

"Because they despise you and treat them like meat in their mouths, Deyin is dead, how many people do you have to sacrifice!"

Mei Qingzhou asked with red eyes.

Jun Zhouhan saw that her heart was aching, but he didn't say anything to refute.

He just turned his head and said softly to Eunuch Li Da: "Let's go, go back to the palace."

Seeing that Jun Zhouhan was about to leave.

Mei Qingzhou shouted behind him: "Your Majesty, I don't know if your words of wanting women to enter the palace are still valid now?"

"What do you want to do?"

Her words made Jun Zhouhan's face change. He turned his head and looked at her with a complicated expression.

As a result, Mei Qingzhou's cold face began to sneer.

"If you want to avenge Deyin, the daughter of the must have the power in your hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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