Chapter 327
Changes only happen overnight.

However, in just a few days, the people of Chiyan could hardly feel at ease.

Princess Chujing, who was originally the only one who could stay in the palace, was demoted to a commoner, and Concubine Wei was grounded.

King Runnan who intended to rebel was rescued.

Princess Deyin, who was deeply loved by the Ninth Prince, was murdered by people from several countries in Lingye Kingdom.

Nanyue Kingdom's [-] troops approached the southwestern city, and the southwest area of ​​Chiyan was in danger.

The emperor accepted more than a dozen concubines in a row, and one of the latest ones was Mei Qingzhou, the daughter of the guilty minister.

Her concubine is the imperial concubine, far above the other concubine princesses.

She is also temporarily in charge of the seal and in charge of the harem.

This move caused dissatisfaction with the princesses of other countries, and those countries were ready to move.

The important ministers also vented their dissatisfaction in the court, bluntly saying that Mei Qingzhou was not worthy.

As a result, the emperor personally chopped off the heads of several people on the spot.

The emperor is using his actions to express his determination to make Mei Qingzhou the imperial concubine.

The emperor in the harem is stable, but what about the country?

That's not something that can be saved by just beheading a few people!

The entire Chiyan was lifeless, and the people were panicked.


Jun Yu, Jun Zhouxu, and Shen Chuannan led troops all the way south to meet the enemy army of Nanyue Kingdom.

Wei Qinhuai returns to Wei State with the news of Wei Ying's death.

Yunmo was knocked out by Santa and brought back to the Western Regions overnight.

Tu Sufang and Tu Suye stood in Jiwang Mansion for two days and two nights, and finally returned to the Flower Forest.

And Yu Shengxiao also packed his bags and returned to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors.

Yu Shengxiao also felt that this capital city was extremely noisy, no less cute than his genius doctor Gu.

He once came out of the mountain just to save Jun Yu.

But later, it was that well-behaved little apprentice who trapped him in this capital after all.

Now that the little apprentice is gone, he doesn't have any nostalgia for the city.

No matter how Shen Chuannan tried to persuade him to stay, Yu Shengxiao remained indifferent.

However, on the night when he was returning to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors and Jun Yu was going to the southwest.

Yu Shengxiao came to Jun Yu's study from her residence with two medicine boxes in her arms.

"Jun Yu, if you want to blame me, or kill me, I don't have any complaints. Now, I can't wait to kill myself. If I hadn't brought Xiao Deyin out of the Regent's Palace, I wouldn't have done it to those thieves Chance……"

Yu Shengxiao choked up and opened his mouth.

But Jun Yu turned his back to him, like a dead person, didn't say anything, and didn't get angry.

"Forget it, I'm ready to spend my whole life repenting. I'm going back to the Valley of Divine Doctors tomorrow, but there are some things that I think I have to give to you."

Yu Shengxiao said, and put the two boxes on the table.

"This is the Jinqing Pill that Xiao Deyin spent the whole night refining and a medicine that I don't know what it is the night before the accident, but the medicinal material looks more powerful than Jinqing Pill, and it should be able to control your evil spirits. poison……"

Yu Shengxiao's words finally moved Jun Yu.

He turned his head stiffly and stared at the two boxes.

With trembling hands, he opened Jin Qingdan.

His little girl can even refine Jinqing Dan.

Sure enough, she is the smartest little girl in the world.

The gentleness of Jun Yu's smile at this time made his heart ache.

His eyes fell on the medicine box next to him, but he couldn't lift his hand up anyway.

Gritting his teeth and panting for a while, Jun Yu finally exhausted all his strength and opened the medicine box next to him with trembling hands.

As soon as it was opened, a faint smell of blood wafted over.

At this moment, Jun Yu quickly picked up the box, and he gritted his teeth repressedly, tears dripping down directly.

He was crying silently, suppressing his emotions silently.

Because of patience, his fingers had already scratched bloodstains one after another on the medicine box.

"Yin'er, Yin'er..." He kept calling the little girl over and over again, but none of this could vent the frustration in his heart.

Seeing Jun Yu's collapsed appearance, Yu Shengxiao's heart trembled, and he staggered back a few steps.

He had sniffed the smell of the unknown elixir, and already had a rough guess in his heart.

This is probably made by Xiao Deyin with his own refining.

Although he didn't know why Xiao Deyin did this, and what effect her blood had, he just felt that his heart was hurting right now.

What did his stupid apprentice do.

Gritting her teeth firmly, Yu Shengxiao was also suppressing her emotions.

I don't know how long it took before he said in a hoarse voice: "These pills should be able to keep you alive for ten years. But you still can't be too harsh on your body, don't use your internal strength indiscriminately, Xiao Deyin, she...she Refining medicine is not easy..."

"After I return to the Godly Doctor Valley, I will continue to think of a way. If one day I can really develop the antidote to the evil poison, I will ask Hua Sumo to send it over..."

"As for us, it is estimated that... there will be no time in the future."

After finishing speaking, Yu Shengxiao flung his sleeves and left.

He couldn't see Jun Yu again, and whenever he saw Jun Yu, he would think of that little apprentice with a bright smile.

"Xiao Deyin, I really want to go back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors as a teacher. The only sad thing is that you can't go back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors with my teacher..."

Silent people do not know how many people are crying silently.


Flower forest.

Yue family territory.

Inside the enclosure of the Yue family's tree of dead souls.

Yue Lushan and Feng Yiwei stood ten meters away from the tree of dead souls.

The power of the dead soul tree is too powerful, even if Yue Lushan is from the Yue family, if she gets too close to it, she will be injured.

Feng Yiwei looked at the towering tree in front of him, its trunk, even if dozens of people hold hands and surround it, it may not be able to surround it.

The energy emitted from it from time to time is shocking.

This is the tree of dead souls of the Yue Family, holding a formation of dead souls, killing people invisible.

"Shan'er, Yuan Deyin, are you really in that tree formation?" Feng Yiwei asked in a complicated tone.

"Is it too late to ask this now?" Yulushan glanced at him, speaking without much patience.

Feng Yiwei opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

And Yue Lushan sneered directly.

"Miss Ben has put so much thought into it, and she even went to the old man Tianji to borrow the soul-calling bell, which can be regarded as sending Yuan Deyin to this ghost formation."

As the head of the family, the father has the ability to summon some victims to the soul formation outside.

But her strength is a little weaker, and she must rely on some foreign objects.

Fortunately, old man Tianji also wanted Yuan Deyin to die, so she lent the soul-calling bell easily.

"But Miss Ben still didn't expect that so many people wanted Yuan Deyin to die. When the Princess of the county activated the soul formation, people from Lingye Kingdom, Xichuan Kingdom, and Nanyue Kingdom also wanted Yuan Deyin to die." die……"

"Just when the giant python was about to eat Yuan Deyin, Miss Ben's Soul Formation was activated to bring her to this place..."

Yuelushan said leisurely.

Although she rushed back to Fanhualin overnight, she knew everything that happened to Chi Yan in detail.

"Shan'er, you shouldn't be so impulsive. Since you said that so many people wanted Yuan Deyin to die, then we waited a little longer, maybe the giant python killed her, not us..."

Feng Yiwei shook his head, his expression was somewhat disapproving.

In his opinion, Yuan Deyin is still a little girl, and she should not be blamed for anything wrong.

If someone wanted to kill Yuan Deyin, he would not stop him, because it was Yuan Deyin's creation.

But because of Yuelushan's actions, they became the ones who killed Yuan Deyin.

This situation caused Feng Yiwei to suffer a lot.

Taking a look at Feng Yiwei's somewhat painful appearance, Yue Lushan directly covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Feng Yiwei, it's too late for you to regret it now? Don't forget that I'm not capable of summoning souls, and you were the one who helped me."

Yue Lushan approached Feng Yiwei, and said these words in his ear, like a curse.

Feng Yiwei's face was flushed red, and he said anxiously: "That's because I didn't know the ghost array I activated for you at first."

The hidden family has some abilities that are interoperable.

When Ajiao found him, she just said that the eldest lady of their family needed his energy.

So he gave it without hesitation. He was still happy at the time, and one day he could let Shan'er take the initiative to send someone to find him.

It was only later that he realized that his energy was originally used to bring Yuan Deyin into the death circle.

He accidentally killed an innocent life.

"Feng Yiwei, don't show such an innocent look. If you did it, you did it. You also have a share of the credit for killing Yuan Deyin! Don't think that Yuan Deyin is innocent, and brother Le Jun will become a useless person. Dongfang Lexuan will die because of her!"

At the end, Yuelushan's eyes were stern.

"That's because they took the initiative to provoke Yuan Deyin. If they didn't do it themselves, then they wouldn't..." Feng Yiwei shook his head disapprovingly.

He also has a little understanding of the matter of the two Dongfang brothers and sisters.

In his view, it was all their own fault.

As a result, before he could finish his words, Yuelushan pushed him away severely.

"Get out, get out!"

A man who dares to say that brother Le Jun is not good is not worthy of standing in front of her.

Seeing Yue Lushan's ferocious appearance, Feng Yiwei felt sad in his heart.

It turned out that no matter what she did, she would not be moved.

Does she always have Dongfang Lejun in her heart?
Feng Yiwei gritted his teeth and stood firm.

"Jun Yu is not someone to mess with, as well as the Tusu family, you'd better pray that you don't leave any lies, otherwise, even the Yue family can't keep you. You can do it yourself."

For so many years, this is the first time that Feng Yiwei has said such serious words to Yue Lushan.

After speaking, he walked away directly.

Looking at Feng Yiwei's back, Yue Lushan screamed.

"Get out, get out of here, Miss Ben!"

Her eyes were full of anger, and when she saw the dead soul tree, she began to become proud.

Although Yuan Deyin was not killed by the giant python, it would be even more painful to die in the soul formation.

My father said that the things in the soul circle will kill people's souls.

"Yuan Deyin, enjoy yourself, you are the price you pay for hurting Brother Le Jun and humiliating Miss Ben."

While talking, Yue Lushan laughed and turned her head.

That angry, extremely proud.


At this time, inside the dead soul tree, at the center eye of the dead soul array.

A ragged little girl lay there, she moved her fingers, and finally opened her eyes.

She struggled to support her body with her hands.

She coughed lightly, feeling a little pain in her internal organs.

She could still recall what happened in the past when she passed out.

It was Zuo Yong who surrounded her with a net.

And Zuo Mei turned Yuan Ying'er into a giant python, and the giant python bit her into its mouth, and when its sharp teeth were about to crush her, suddenly a burst of light surrounded her.

She passed out...

However, she probably knew what was going on.

It's all the work of Yuelushan and old man Tianji.

When she was in a daze just now, she could actually hear the voices of people outside.

Yuelushan really can do anything for Dongfang Lejun.

And old man Tianji...

When Yuan Deyin thought of that pious man, she felt furious.

How can there be such a person, he is actually the master of Jiuhuangshu!

Uncle Nine Emperors and the others didn't know about the Death Soul Formation, so they must have thought she was dead.

No, she wants to escape and go back to find Uncle Nine Emperors.

After making up her mind, Yuan Deyin stood up and walked out with difficulty.

As a result, just near the exit of the big tree, an invisible wall knocked her back.

It was so powerful that it hit her directly.

Yuan Deyin fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Is the soul formation so powerful?
Yuan Deyin shook her head, she was unwilling to give up so easily.

She struggled to get up and hit it a second time.

As a result, another huge force beat her back.


With another mouthful of blood, Yuan Deyin felt his heart hurt badly.

Suddenly at this moment, a contemptuous sneer came from his head.

"I bumped into it once, and I still didn't give up, so I bumped into it a second time. You'd better save your energy, you won't be able to get out."

Hearing the sound, Yuan Deyin quickly raised his head, only to see an old man with white hair, beard, wrinkled skin and dirty clothes standing on a big rock.

"Senior, who are you?" Even when the time came, Yuan Deyin was still very polite to the elders.

"An old man who came in decades earlier than you. Little girl, old man, let me advise you. When you come to this place, just obediently wait for death. Don't waste your efforts. In the past few decades, I have seen this old man a few times. There are hundreds of people like you, and they all have no bones left in the end..."

The old man said in a leisurely tone, without the slightest bit of pity in his tone.

It was as if human life was worthless to him.

Yuan Deyin clenched her fists tightly, and when she was unconscious, she also heard Yue Lushan say that anyone who entered this formation would surely die.

She can guess that this formation belongs to the Yue family, it must be good.

What Yue Lushan said may be the truth.

But she is not willing to accept!

Uncle Jiuhuang and the others are still waiting for her outside.

If she died, Uncle Nine Emperors would be alone.

So she must find a way to get out.

"Senior, aren't you still alive? You are the exception." Yuan Deyin looked at the old man seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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