Chapter 328 She is Jun Yu's burden

"Hehe, old man, the reason why I have been able to stay here for so many years is because my martial arts skills are unmatched. You little girl, don't even think about it..."

The old man sneered again.

In this place, he was able to take out a wine jug from his body, and then sip it slowly with his legs crossed.

"The Yue family is not afraid of deep evils, trapping the old man here, and sending so many lives every month to relieve the old man..."

He muttered as if to himself.

And Yuan Deyin got a lot of information from his words.

The Yue family is merciful on the surface, but secretly they often do dirty things.

Every month someone is sent in…

But Yuan Deyin looked around, except for her and the old man, there were no traces of other living people.

That just means—

Everyone else is dead!

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew, accompanied by moans.

This sound is creepy.

Yuan Deyin touched his arm, feeling cold all over.

She looked around nervously.

Although she couldn't see anything, she always felt that a big net was gathering around her.

Let her have nowhere to hide.

"You can't avoid it, accept your fate." The old man said in a faint voice.

He quickly threw away the flagon, with a slightly dignified expression.

He sat cross-legged and began to meditate.

From a distance, Yuan Deyin could feel a powerful wave of internal force in him.

After the strange wind approached him, it was bounced away, and then rushed towards her directly.

Yuan Deyin quickly understood.

The old man is indeed resisting the soul formation with internal strength, but she has no internal strength at all!

As he said, she was going to die here.

Crazy Yu closed his eyes and kept chanting exercises in his heart.

An hour passed, and he felt that the attack power of the undead formation began to weaken, so he took back the internal force he had released.

With a "poof", he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his mouth was full of bloody taste.

But he didn't panic at all, after all, he was used to it for decades.

Every time the ghost array started to attack him, he used his internal strength to resist.

This thing left over from the time of Tuoling the God Lord is not something that can be resisted by mere internal force.

Thanks to his identity...

Coupled with his excellent internal strength, he can survive every time the undead array attacks.

The only price is that you will suffer some internal injuries.

That girl doll should be out of her wits.

He opened his eyes indifferently.

Originally, he thought that when he opened his eyes, he saw an open space, and there was no trace of Yuan Deyin.

But who knew, when he really opened his eyes, he saw Yuan Deyin curled up in a ball, shivering with cold.

"How are you all right?"

He stood up quickly and looked at her in horror.

The emotions emanating from his cloudy eyeballs were extremely complicated.

There was shock, doubt, and a bit of subtle surprise.

Yuan Deyin raised her head with difficulty, her voice had a heavy nasal tone, "Has the strange wind passed? I'm so cold."

"You wait."

Crazy Yu didn't care that he was still suffering from internal injuries, so he quickly rushed to her.

Raise your palm and aim at her Tianling Gai.

Soon, a wave of internal force was transmitted from his palm to her body.

The warmth spread throughout the body, and Yuan Deyin felt as if he was alive.

But she was just a little bit clearer when Madman Yu grabbed her shoulders and asked anxiously, "Quickly tell me why this formation can't kill you."

"I don't know, I just heard a buzzing sound in my ears, and then I was a little cold, so I curled up myself, and I don't know anything else."

Yuan Deyin shook her head, she didn't know what was going on.

Crazy Yu quickly grabbed her wrist again to feel her pulse.

It is indeed without internal strength!
How can it be!

How could an unarmed female doll escape the attack of the soul formation!


Thinking of that possibility, monstrous emotions appeared in the madman's eyes.

"Come with me." His tone was a little cold, and he seemed to be a different person.

There was a penetrating aura exuding from his whole body, not at all like the world-weary appearance he had drunk before.

He brought Yuan Deyin to a huge stone wall covered in Sanskrit, and there was a thick wooden root beside it.

"You, what do you want to do?" Yuan Deyin asked nervously.

Crazy Yu took out a dagger from his body, pointed to the wood and said, "This is the root of the soul formation. As long as this place is destroyed, the formation will be destroyed."

"You, are you going to destroy it?" Yuan Deyin swallowed, looking at Madman Yu warily.

Who is he?

"Destroy it? In this world, no one can destroy the things of God Lord Tuoling. However, there is someone who can make it surrender."

A glint flashed in the madman's eyes.

The next moment, he directly grabbed Yuan Deyin's hand.

When the dagger cut down, Yuan Deyin's finger was cut open.

Blood dripped directly onto the roots of the tree.

With a loud bang, the whole tree of dead souls began to shake.

A burst of groans sounded again.

But this time, the moan was different from the aggressive moan at the beginning.

This time, it seemed like a big tree was crying.

"Is it crying?" Yuan Deyin asked suspiciously.

As soon as she said these words, Yu Maniac looked at her from sharp to complicated to scorching.

Finally, he began to laugh wildly: "You really know what it's thinking, and you really are the person I'm looking for."

After waiting for decades, he has been waiting for this place for decades, and finally let him wait.

Yuan Deyin didn't know what he meant, but she could feel that he seemed to be more kind to her now.

So she couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Grandpa, do you know how to get out? Can you take me out?"

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Madman Yu's face turned cold instantly.

"Impossible, you can't get out."

"Why?" Yuan Deyin's tone became more urgent.

"Did you see that white mist?" Crazy Yu pointed to a vortex not far from them, and he explained blankly, "That's the gate, that's the only place to go out, but people with strong martial arts skills are required Only then can it be opened. People without martial arts will not be able to get close to it in this life."

Do you still want martial arts?
Yuan Deyin's face collapsed in an instant.

"Little baby, this old man can teach you martial arts and formations, it's up to you to learn or not." Crazy Yu stroked his beard and said leisurely.

Hearing his words, Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up, and she felt that she saw hope again.

"I learn, I learn!"

As long as she can go out, she will learn!

Without any hesitation, she immediately knelt down: "Master, please accept my disciple's bow."

She worshiped Yu Shengxiao as her master, who studied medicine.

Now that she worships this old senior as her teacher and learns martial arts and formations, then she should not be regarded as betraying Yu Shengxiao.

She comforted herself in this way.

Seeing that she actually knelt down for him, Crazy Yu's expression changed violently.

He quickly reached out and picked her up.

His tone was cold, "Don't bow down to me again, I'm not your master."


Yuan Deyin was puzzled, he promised to teach her martial arts and formations, why didn't he call her his master?

"Where are there so many reasons, I don't want to accept you as an apprentice! But don't worry, I promised to teach you, and I will naturally do it."

Crazy Yu's tone was cold, and his stern appearance now seemed unreasonable at all.

At the end, he said with a slightly warning tone: "I am very strict. Since you said you want to learn from me, there is no turning back. You must finish what I teach you within the specified time, or else you will have to learn." receive punishment."

"it is good!"

Yuan Deyin nodded in agreement because her mind was full of learning martial arts.

"If I don't call you master, what should I call you?" Yuan Deyin looked at him suspiciously.

"Just call me Yu Crazy, it's just a title. Come up with me."

Crazy Yu glanced at her coldly, then turned and walked up a ladder beside him.

It was a ladder made of tree and rattan. Yuan Deyin climbed up with hands and feet, and followed carefully.

After climbing up, she realized that there are actually several layers in the tree of dead souls.

This second floor actually has beds and tables.

"You just stay here, and then go down to practice on time. I'm also down there. If you have anything to do, just go down and call me." Crazy Yu explained lightly.

He just lost his composure just now, and now he is lonely and cold like an old antique who is not easy to get along with.

Yuan Deyin saw that there were teacups on the table, and there was a cooking pot next to it.

Her puzzled eyes fell on the madman again.

"As soon as the time comes, I will go outside to bring food in. As long as you have hands, you won't starve to death in this place." Crazy Yu saw through her doubts at a glance, and he explained lightly.

"Oh." Yuan Deyin nodded slightly.

But she was extremely puzzled.

It sounds like Madman Yu can come and go freely in this formation, so why does he continue to stay in this place?
Who is he who treats the Yue family's murderous and invisible ghost formation as his family?
Also, he was so excited to cut her blood just now, what is the reason?

Yuan Deyin murmured in his heart, and Yu Maniac gave a cold warning.

"Don't make wild guesses. I'll keep in mind the things you shouldn't think about and the things you shouldn't inquire about. If you go too far, don't blame me for being rude."

Yuan Deyin was frightened by his words, and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

But what she didn't know was that the old man's strictness...had just begun.

The next day, he threw her an ancient book on the mental method, and told her to memorize it all within two days.

Fortunately, she has the ability of photographic memory, and she did memorize it within two days.

But he thought her back was not fast enough, and punished her to stand in the horse stance for two hours.

The horse gait was slightly unsteady, and the cane in his hand hit her hand directly.

After a few days, her hands and calves were covered with rattan bloodstains.

But she remained silent.

Because she wants to learn martial arts to go out.

On this day, old man Yu came back from the outside, and he threw a bunch of ingredients to Yuan Deyin.

Looking at these ingredients, Yuan Deyin had a headache.

Now she only hates that she has no talent for cooking at all. In the past few days, the things she cooked are simply hard to swallow...

She misses sweet-scented osmanthus cake, Ji Xia's cooking, and the days of eating with Uncle Nine Emperors.

But unfortunately, it was as if the old man had no sense of taste. He also said that the food tasted good, so she insisted on cooking it every day.

Smelling the smell of wine on his body, she knew that he must have bought wine again when he went out this time.

What a drunken old man.

When will she be able to come and go freely in this formation like him.

"Crazy Yu, when do you think I can be as good at martial arts as you?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

As a result, in the next moment, Madman Yu knocked her on the head directly, with a slightly warning tone.

"Why, want to make it quick again? The old man started practicing martial arts at the age of three, and it took him 30 years to come and go freely in this formation." He said quietly.

In 30 years, when he goes out, Uncle Nine Emperors will become a little old man!
Yuan Deyin became anxious.

But to Shang Yu's warning eyes, she didn't dare to say anything quick.

She could only plead in a low voice: "Crazy Yu, tell me, how is the outside world going? For example, Chi Yan..."

After getting along with each other for the past few days, she has already found out.

This old man is teaching her martial arts, he is so strict that he is abnormal.

But there are many things, others are still very good.

Typical cold outside and warm inside.

Sure enough, after hearing her softened tone, Madman Yu's complexion also improved a lot.

He snorted coldly, then jumped onto the hammock next to him, drank some wine leisurely, and explained leisurely: "What else can I do? The [-] troops of the Nanyue Kingdom came to the southwestern city. On the pretext of Chi Yan's disappearance, another [-] troops were mobilized to the northwestern city of Chi Yan..."

"Hehe, in just a few days, there are 20 troops staring at Chi Yan. By the way, I heard that Ling Ye Kingdom is not against them... This Chi Yan, the sky is about to change..."

Although he has been in this formation all year round, when Crazy Yu talks about the affairs of the world, it is as if he knows everything.

"How could this be!" Yuan Deyin's face turned pale.

If so many countries wage war against Chi Yan, how can Chi Yan stop it, Uncle Nine Emperors... No matter how powerful he is, he is not a god.

"Crazy Yu..." Yuan Deyin looked at Crazy Yu with red eyes, and wanted to ask him if he could inquire about Uncle Nine Emperors again.

Crazy Yu could guess her thoughts at once, he snorted coldly: "Old man, I am not your errand, I am here to send you messages every day."

Hearing his refusal, Yuan Deyin couldn't stop crying. She lowered her head, and big tears fell down directly.

This is crying?

When Crazy Yu saw her lowering her head to wipe her tears, he felt that the wine was not good to drink.

He threw the wine aside, and then said in an unnatural tone: "Don't cry, that kid from the Jun family is nothing ordinary. No matter how many soldiers and horses Xichuan and Nanyue have, strategy is the most powerful weapon in this world .”

Yuan Deyin raised his head when he heard Madman Yu's words.

She wiped away her tears and looked at each other uncertainly.

It turned out that at this time, the serious lunatic Yu looked like a wise man who saw through the world. What he said was both inspiring and unbelievable.

Yuan Deyin's heart could not help firming up.

That's right, she should trust Uncle Nine Emperors, he is the most powerful person in the world!

He can overcome all difficulties!
"Crazy Yu, can you help me send a letter to Uncle Nine Emperors?" She asked in a low voice.

"No, you should die. Old man, I only promised to teach you, and I never promised you to help you spread the letter."

"Besides, with your powerless appearance, so many people miss you to death. If you go out, you will only become a burden to that kid of the Jun family again."

Crazy Yu's words were sharp, even a little bit harsh.

The words "cumbersome" deeply stabbed Yuan Deyin's eyes red.

She lowered her head and thought about it, it seems that this is indeed the case...

She has implicated Uncle Nine Emperors many times.

Perhaps, Madman Yu is right, she is in a hurry to go out now, she is just going to die, and she will also implicate Uncle Nine Emperors.

"I figured it out, why don't you hurry up and practice!" Crazy Yu's tone became cold again.

"Crazy Yu, I, I won't let you send a letter to my Uncle Nine Emperors. But I have a favor to ask you to do." Yuan Deyin calmed down, she raised her head with firm eyes.

"I won't help." Crazy Yu didn't even hear what he was doing, so he refused directly.

"Don't refuse in such a hurry. It's actually a very simple matter. Next time you go out, can you go to the capital of Chiyan, the village where I used to live, and dig out a jar of sweet-scented osmanthus brewing. Then It was buried by me before, it is delicious, even better than ordinary wine..."

Yuan Deyin's last words are very tempting.

Crazy Yu's ears perked up.

"Really?" He looked at Yuan Deyin inquiringly.


"I don't need the old man to do other things, just dig for wine?" He continued to ask.

With his tone, it is obvious that he has been shaken.

Yuan Deyin smiled obediently: "No need. I honor you with that wine. You can't buy it anywhere else. It's very mellow. You just need to dig it."

"Okay, then I'll go next time." Crazy Yu's greed was aroused, and he quickly agreed this time.

Hearing Crazy Yu's words, Yuan Deyin lowered his head with a satisfied smile on his lips.

Sending a message to Uncle Nine Emperors doesn't necessarily mean telling him that she's fine.

There are other ways as well...

(End of this chapter)

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