The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 329 The King's Yin'er Isn't Dead

Chapter 329 The King's Yin'er Isn't Dead

Winter came early this year.

Southwest Ancheng.

The snow is covered, blood is splashed on the battlefield, and bones are everywhere.

For nearly three months, Jun Yu blocked Nan Yue's attack with [-] soldiers.

Nanyue has [-] elite soldiers, and has already taken the lead, while Jun Yu's soldiers are the weakest among Chi Yan's soldiers.

Because the other soldiers were taken to the northwest by him, Zhou Xu and Shen Chuannan, to resist the attack of Xichuan Kingdom.

"My lord. The enemy army of Nanyue Kingdom has suffered a lot of damage. It is estimated that they will not attack again in the short term."

Wuying was dressed in armor, he came back on horseback, and knelt down in front of Jun Yu.

Hearing the movement, Jun Yu, who was looking at the sky full of snow, turned his head slowly, his cold eyes fell on him.


He responded lightly, his voice neither sad nor happy, as if everything in the world couldn't make any waves in his eyes.

"My lord, the situation in the northwest is gradually improving. Then what should we do next?" Jin Huaian asked respectfully, putting his sword aside.

"Wait." Jun Yu's voice was still so cold that there was no emotion.

Nanyue recruited so many elite soldiers, so naturally they would not stop dying.

Although Chi Yan has a little advantage now, it won't last long.

Obviously, Nanyue was going to fight them for a long time.

I don't know how many years this battle will last.

A few flakes of snow fell on Jun Yu's black hair and eyelashes, whitening his temples and cooling his eyes.

"My lord, don't worry, we are united, and one day we will be able to drive Nanyue and Xichuan away completely." Jin Huaian said respectfully.

Hearing his words, Jun Yu finally chuckled. The way he looked at Jin Huai'an was colder than the ice in this harsh winter.

"Do you really think that the king himself went out to fight just to send them back?" He asked indifferently.

That tone was icy cold.

Hearing his words, Jin Huai'an and the secret guards tightened their hearts.

They looked at Jun Yu uncertainly.

"My lord, what do you mean..."

"As long as this king is alive for a day, this king will sacrifice the blood of the three dynasties to Yin'er!"

Jun Yu spoke sharply, he raised his hand, and a big tree in the distance fell down.

Jin Huaian and the others were even more nervous now.

because they perceive...

The prince's skill seems to have risen again.

What the hell has he been through!
His martial arts were already unrivaled in the world, but now they have skyrocketed so much...

A short-term surge in martial arts is not necessarily a good thing.

My lord, he must not go mad.

But they could not utter words of persuasion.

After all, the death of Princess Deyin was too exciting for the prince.

If it weren't for this hatred supporting him, he would have lost any nostalgia for this world long ago.

Nanyue, Xichuan, Lingye, they and these three countries are at odds with each other.

"Where are those three people now?" Jun Yu's indifferent eyes fell on Wu Ying again.

Wuying hurriedly replied: "Reporting to the lord, our people searched all the way, and found that Murong Wei had returned to the Xichuan Palace. Their royal family is now protecting her tightly, and we have no way to do it yet. As for Nan Lingqiao and Zuo Yong , the two of them seem to have disappeared out of thin air..."

Disappeared out of thin air?

That night, when Princess Deyin had an accident, the prince was able to kill Zuo Yong with a single sword.

But who knew, just when he was about to make a move, Zuo Yong disappeared out of thin air.

Later, no one could be found, and now Murong Wei also disappeared out of thin air.

By the way, not only the two of them, but also King Runnan, there is no trace of him yet.

Where are they hiding!
"My lord, we caught a kid while we were patrolling." Suddenly a general came in with a child who looked like eight or nine years old.

The child lowered his head and couldn't see clearly, but his whole body was dirty, and the skin under the tattered clothes was bloody and bloody.

Especially his feet were covered in bloodstains.

What has he experienced?
"Lift up your face." Jun Yu looked at the child and ordered coldly.

Hearing his voice, the child raised his face stubbornly, and looked at him angrily.

When they saw the child's face, several hidden guards and Jin Huaian were shocked.

Because the child in front of him is none other than Zuo Qie!
"What are you doing here?" Jun Yu's tone was very cold.

Ever since he found out about Yin'er's death, Zuo Qi locked himself in the room, neither eating nor drinking, and unwilling to see anyone.

Before Jun Yu led his troops to the expedition, he had told Butler Dong to take good care of him, Xiao Bai, and Ming Zhou.

After all, the three of them were what Yin'er was most worried about when she was alive.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zuo Qi, who should be staying in the palace well, would appear here at this time.

"I want to avenge my sister." Zuo Xie said stubbornly, his eyes were full of hatred.

Those who killed his sister, he must make them pay in blood.

"Swords and guns have no eyes on the battlefield, you don't understand anything, go back." Jun Yu turned around, with his back to Zuo Qie, he said indifferently.

This kid is Yin'er's younger brother.

When she's gone, he will naturally protect him and won't let him do useless work.

"I know you think I'm young and I can't do anything. But if you don't give me a chance, how can I grow up? Jun Yu, you also grew up in the military camp. We are no different, both People who bear hatred!"

Zuo Qie broke free from the held hand, and he quickly ran to Jun Yu.

For the first time, he gave in to Jun Yu.

He knelt down directly, and then said with red eyes: "If it weren't for my sister, I would have died a long time ago. I really don't know how to fight now, but I can learn. Moreover, I can also witchcraft, in case Ling Yeguo treats you It's a trick, I can still help."

Zuo Xie spoke for a long time in one breath, and he was trying his best to let Jun Yu keep him.

He is still too weak, and it is basically impossible to avenge his sister.

Therefore, he had to grow up quickly by Jun Yu's side.

His cold eyes passed over the determined Zuo Qi, and he saw not far away, Ming Zhou and Xiao Bai were also dirty, their eyes were very sad, clearly complaining that he did not protect their master well.

My heart hurts as if it had been stabbed by a needle, and nightmares began to flood my heart every night these days.

Jun Yu coughed a few times, and there was a fishy-sweet rusty taste in his mouth.

After being silent for a long time, he gave Wuying an order in a cold voice: "Don't you take him away?"

Zuo Qie thought he was still going to drive him away, so he panicked.

He asked loudly: "What on earth do you want me to do, so you are willing to let me stay. I won't go back to the capital, there is no sister there, so I won't go back!"

"If you continue to quarrel, this king will throw you back to the capital right now."

Jun Yu warned Zuo Qie, and then looked at Wuying with dangerous eyes: "Why don't you quickly find a place to settle him down?"

Hearing Jun Yu's words, not only Zuo Qi was shocked, but even Wu Ying and the others couldn't believe it.

Is the prince willing to keep Young Master Zuo Qi?
After staying for a long time, Zuo Xie dared to breathe a sigh of relief. He hurriedly kowtowed heavily, and then said seriously: "Jun Yu, thank you. I will work hard. One day, I will kill those people and avenge my sister personally." of."

After finishing speaking, he gritted his teeth and stood up, walking firmly outside.

Xiaobai and Mingri followed him from left to right.

The cold wind blew past, blowing away all the disputes just now, but people's hearts were already cold.

After Zuo Qi walked for a while, another subordinate suddenly came to report the situation.

"My lord, the eldest prince Xichuan is asking to see you."

Prince Xichuan?
Murong Rui?

A stern light flashed in Jun Yu's eyes, and he pursed his thin lips.

Then he said in a cold voice, "Let him go to my king's tent."

After half a stick of incense time.

Murong Rui lifted the curtain of Jun Yu's tent, and Jun Yu sat in the middle, making tea with his head down expressionlessly.

Obviously several heaters had been set up in the camp, and Murong Rui was also wearing a thick fox fur jacket, but he still felt the biting chill.

Seeing that Jun Yu didn't want to pay attention to him, he was not angry, but walked forward on his own initiative.

"Murong Rui met Uncle Nine Emperors."

His words successfully made Jun Yu's hand that was pouring tea stop.

He raised his eyelids coolly, and uttered cold words from his thin lips: "This king is the prince of Chi Yan, and you are the great prince of Xichuan Kingdom. How can this king bear you to be called 'Nine Emperor Uncle'?"

The two men looked at each other, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

But soon, Murong Rui laughed self-deprecatingly, and the cold atmosphere was instantly broken.

He let out a breath, and then said: "This king has a little friendship with Princess Deyin, so I followed her and called you 'Uncle Nine Emperors'. If you don't like Ninth Prince, I don't want to call you. This king came here today because he has something to discuss with you."

Hearing Murong Rui mention the little girl, Jun Yu's hand holding the teapot froze, and grief surged deep in his eyes.

The hot tea dripped directly on the back of his hand, but he didn't seem to notice the pain.

I don't know how long it took, Jun Yu threw the teapot aside, leaned back on the bamboo chair, and looked at Murong Rui with cold eyes.

"If my king remembers correctly, our two countries are still at war. Prince Rui ran to this king's camp and said such words, do you want to be killed by this king himself, or do you want your Murong family to come?" kill you?"

"Lord Nine, you know that Xichuan is Xichuan, and this king is this king. If you are willing to cooperate with this king, this war will stop soon. Also, the head of Murong Wei you want, this king I will also send it to you personally."

Murong Rui spoke with a serious tone.

His whole body was tense, even though he was considered deep in thought.

But in front of Jun Yu, he felt like he had nowhere to hide his secret.

Gritting his teeth, he continued to speak sincerely: "The Murong family killed the family of the queen mother and concubine. This king has remembered the bloody feud for more than ten years. For more than ten years, this king has pretended to be a cripple, just to make those who Let go of your guard. Now the time for this king has come, as long as you are willing to help this king, Lord Ninth, this king will definitely give you what you want..."

Seeing that Jun Yu's expression has not moved in the slightest, Murong Rui must have panicked in his heart.

He has been planning behind the scenes for so many years, and the soldiers and horses he secretly raised are not bad.

Now that Xichuan and Chiyan are fighting, Xichuan's army is empty, and this is his best chance to take advantage of the opportunity.

However, the subsequent forces are deeply rooted in the court, which is still a problem for him...

If he was a little careless this time, he would be doomed forever.

Therefore, he must ensure that he is safe.

Jun Yu is his best partner.

But Jun Yu now seems to have no intention of cooperating with him at all.

After being silent for a while, Murong Rui wanted to speak again.

But this time, he hadn't been able to speak.

Jun Yu said indifferently: "Okay."

The word "good" surprised Murong Rui for a long time.

He looked at Jun Yu uncertainly, and really couldn't understand why Jun Yu agreed so quickly.

"The night Yin'er had an accident, one of the two men in black who helped was you." Jun Yu's cold eyes fell on Murong Rui again.

It was obviously a question, but the tone he said was an affirmative sentence.

A bit of shock flashed in Murong Rui's eyes.

But Jun Yu was not at the scene. It is estimated that after hearing the report from his subordinates, he knew that there were two men in black...

But even so, he could still guess the identity of the person that night.

How powerful is his intelligence!

"This king will help you. After the matter is completed, this king wants you to promise that Xichuan will not interfere in Chi Yan's internal affairs or start a war against Chi Yan for 100 years. In addition, Murong Wei can only be dealt with by this king!"

Jun Yu was full of hostility, and a teacup in his hand turned into powder.

"I promise you!" Murong Rui nodded firmly.

Murong Wei...

He already thought she deserved to die!
As for the war, he has no interest in expanding the territory, so as long as he is given a chance to take power, he will stop Xichuan's foreign war as soon as possible.

After Murong Rui left, the camp began to fall into silence again.

Like a late old man, Jun Yu slowly picked up the teacup and poured himself a cup of tea.

He looked at the burns on the back of his hand and gave a wry smile silently.

After Yin'er was gone, he was injured, and no one would feel sorry for him anymore.

"Yin'er, this king's birthday is coming soon. You said that on the day of this king's birthday, you gave this king the sweet-scented osmanthus wine you buried yourself. How could you break the promise?"

Jun Yu was talking to himself lonely.

At this time, a respectful voice came from outside the camp: "My lord, Lord Wuxi has returned from the capital."

These words successfully made Jun Yu's eyes a little turbulent.

He said softly: "Since you don't help me dig up the wine, Yin'er, then I asked Wuxi to dig it up. You don't blame me, do you?"

"I hope you can blame me, if so, you can still come back to see me..."

Talking to himself for a long time, Jun Yu felt that the stone in his heart oppressed him so much that he couldn't breathe.

When Wu Xi came in, he saw their prince, holding a teacup alone in a daze of grief.

His eyes were red.

The princess left, and the prince trapped himself in a prison, and he could never get out again.

He knelt down, lowered his head heavily, and said with a choked voice: "My lord, this subordinate has disgraceful the mission. You asked him to go to the princess's village to dig sweet-scented osmanthus wine. But this subordinate gave all the soil from the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. I've searched all over and can't find it!"

Wu Xi felt guilty in his heart.

The things left by the princess are all sustenance to the prince.

And the sweet-scented osmanthus wine was buried there by the princess himself for the prince a few days ago, and he just waited for the prince to dig it out and give it to him on his birthday.


He couldn't dig it.

"What did you say?" Jun Yu frowned, he took a breath, and then asked Wu Xi sharply.

"My lord, my subordinates are incompetent. I couldn't find the altar of sweet-scented osmanthus wine. But my subordinates really dug up the ground three feet. It's really not there!"

There is no explanation for the sadness of the past.

"Is there any trace of theft in Zhuangzi?"

Jun Yu's black eyes finally had some light, his fingers gripped the table tightly, scratches were drawn on it, and his tone was extremely urgent.

"No." Wu Xi didn't understand why their prince's mood fluctuated so much, but he still answered quickly.

Hearing Wu Xi's words, Jun Yu sat back on the chair heavily.

There was a long silence for nearly a stick of incense.

He suddenly smiled, smiled, and two tears fell from his eyes.

"Wuxi, this king's Yin'er, she is not dead."

(End of this chapter)

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