Chapter 330 Seven Years Later

Seven years later, autumn.

At the entrance of the flower forest, maple leaves are everywhere.

Several luxuriously dressed people stood at the entrance, while many luxurious carriages were parked in front.

People with extraordinary temperament got off the carriage one by one.

They handed the invitations in their hands to the people at the door.

The man in the lead said with a smile: "It turns out that it is the prince of Mobei. If you are welcome, please. Our Yue family has already prepared a banquet inside."

After finishing speaking, a servant immediately came out and brought the man in.

After the forest of flowers, there are four roads, and the front of each road is full of thick fog.

These should be the four roads leading to the four families in the flower forest.

But the visitor dared to follow the footsteps of the servant and took the third path.

The first one belongs to Dugu's family, the second one belongs to Feng's family, and the fourth one belongs to Tusu's family.

These roads are full of traps.

Even though the people who came here today think that their martial arts are not low, who dares to provoke the hidden family easily?

There is an insurmountable gap between the dignitaries of the outside world and the hermit family.

Today is the 50th birthday of Yue Sheng, the head of the Yue family.

Last month, he actually distributed invitations to the heroes of the world.

This caused quite a stir.

Because everyone knows that the hidden family cannot have too much contact with the outside world because of the ancestral precepts.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, people from the outside world cannot enter the Blossom Forest.

How could the Yue family's move have the intention of provoking the ancestors' training?

However, they had already vaguely noticed something.

Over the years, the Yue family has frequently shown their faces to the outside world.

Especially their daughter, Yue Lushan's superb martial arts has attracted the hearts of men all over the world.

And their future patriarch, the fourth son's strategy and martial arts are even more shocking.

Whether it is martial arts or the courts of various countries, they can see the footprints of their Yue family.

I'm afraid, this month, the Yue family already has the feeling of reaching out to the outside world.

However, no matter what conspiracies this month's family has, since it has sent an invitation, it must give it face.

So today, the royal family of the world, the heroes of martial arts, and many famous people have all appeared here.

The young man at the head, named Yue Shen, was a collateral branch of the Yue family, but he was deeply trusted by Yue Sheng, who made him the housekeeper of the Yue family.

At today's birthday banquet, he was also standing here to welcome the guests.

"Isn't this Emperor Xichuan?" Yue Chen greeted Murong Rui not far away with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they quickly turned their heads and looked at the person in shock.

Murong Rui didn't wear a dragon robe today, he was dressed in a dark blue robe, and his tall and straight body exuded the cramped aura that belonged to the emperor.

Facing his sharp eyes, the people present bowed their heads in shock.

No matter what they thought seven years ago, they couldn't have imagined that Xi Chuan's last person to ascend to the throne was actually the great prince who was considered a waste by the world.

At that time, when Xichuan took advantage of Nanyue Kingdom's sneak attack on the southwest of Chiyan, he led troops and horses to raid the northwest of Chiyan overnight...

The battle was extremely tense.

If Chi Yan hadn't had Jun Yu at that time, Chi Yan would have been swallowed up long ago.

At that time, they thought that one of Xichuan, Nanyue and Chiyan would perish.

But they never thought of it.

When the battle was raging for nearly four months, Murong Rui led his troops to force the palace overnight and killed the then Emperor Xichuan.

Emperor Xichuan and his successors wanted to fight back, but they were all suppressed to death.

It was only at this time that the world realized that the good-for-nothing prince they called was actually the most vicious wolf.

He disguised himself as a waste, pretending that the mud could not support the wall, but in fact, he had already prepared powerful soldiers behind his back.

He lurks in the dark, waiting for a fatal blow.

Sure enough, he was waiting for the opportunity.

However, just relying on himself, how could he shake the foundation of Emperor Xichuan and his successors for so many years.

So all of this was fueled by Jun Yu behind the scenes.

They were amazed that the eldest prince of Xichuan actually conspired with Chi Yan's most ferocious Lang Junyu.

It took half a year, with Jun Yu's help, Murong Rui defeated Emperor Xichuan and the forces following him, and suppressed those who disobeyed him.

He became a veritable new Emperor Xichuan.

The day he ascended the throne happened to be the day he withdrew all his soldiers and horses from Chiyan.

He also ordered people to drag out all the successors and successors, place them in a downtown area, and execute them directly.

This incident caused the people of Xichuan to be horrified.

Naturally, it also aroused the anger of Nanyue Kingdom.

However, the Nanyue royal family can't do anything about it because...they are too busy to take care of themselves.

Nan Guiming and Jun Yu fought for nearly a year, using the most soldiers and horses, but lost in an extremely embarrassing situation.

There are almost no soldiers left.

During a duel with Jun Yu, Nan Guiming had his arm broken by Jun Yu, and finally fled in embarrassment.

In the defeated Nanyue, most of the country was occupied by Chi Yan.

Chi Yan has become a big country, while Nanyue is not even a small country.

Nan Yue thought that Jun Yu would stop if she backed down so much.

But who knows, in the next six years, Chi Yan kept suppressing it.

In Nanyue now, the people are living in dire straits, and the people have a lot of complaints against the Nanyue royal family.

Xi Yuehuang put down his dignity and begged for mercy many times, and even said that as long as Chi Yan let them go, they could push Nan Guiming out.

But Jun Yu gave them only one request——

Hand over Nan Lingqiao.

It was only at this time that everyone began to realize that Jun Yu was so cruel, so determined, and so relentless in pursuit, that there was only one belief——

That is to avenge Princess Deyin.

That Princess Deyin who was killed by Nanyue, Xichuan, and Lingye seven years ago.

In the same way, Murong Rui also handed over Murong Wei.

It is said that on that day, Jun Yu ordered Murong Wei to be tortured, took off her skin alive, and hung her at the place where Princess Deyin died.

And Murong Wei couldn't die immediately, she was cut into a pig and trapped in a jar.

It took more than half a year, and in the end she was bitten off by a mouse before she died.

At that time, the flesh and blood below her neck had become rotten flesh.

The cruelty can be imagined.

In the past seven years, Jun Yu has been proving to the world step by step that his blood is not cold, but ice.

He has no compassion for everything, only killing in his eyes.

He told the world the truth, he is cruel, don't try to provoke him anymore, let alone touch the person he puts on top of his heart.

The people of Nanyue Kingdom also knew this truth, so they began to frantically search for Nan Lingqiao.

Even if there is only one corpse left, they have to hand it over in an attempt to appease Jun Yu's anger.

But by chance, they couldn't find anything.

This makes them live with their hearts hanging every moment.

As for Ling Ye Kingdom, it is also very miserable now.

At the beginning, Ling Yeguo relied on his witchcraft, even if he offended Jun Yu, he didn't panic.

But two years ago, a genius suddenly appeared beside Jun Yu.

That child was only about thirteen or fourteen years old, but that witchcraft was extremely mysterious and weird.

Repeatedly broke through Lingye Kingdom's witchcraft array.

The current Lingye Kingdom is nothing more than a shell, which can collapse if anyone touches it.

But Jun Yu was not in a hurry to destroy it.

He also made a request to the surviving Lingye royal family——

Hand over Zuo Yong.

The royal family of Lingye Kingdom also wanted to cry but had no tears.

Because they are the same as Nanyue Kingdom, they can't find anyone!

Murong Rui nodded to Yue Chen with a blunt smile, and walked in with his two subordinates.

The wolf of the Yue family is ambitious, thinking that since they are a hidden family, they can cover the sky with one hand.

But is this really the case?

He wants to see what tricks they can play.

After Murong Rui went in, the people walking from a distance were actually Wei Qinhuai and Yun Mo.

When everyone looked at these two handsome men, they were secretly startled.

Wei State is still as powerful as before, but for some reason, Wei Huang, who was said to be seriously ill seven years ago, suddenly recovered overnight, and his body is still extremely strong.

Wei Qinhuai, who everyone thought would soon inherit the throne, remained the crown prince for another seven years.

However, the years did not leave many traces on his body, he was as gentle and refined as before, and the hearts of the women present couldn't help but move.

And Yun Mo beside him has grown from a boy to a man.

He has broad shoulders, straight eyebrows, and those dark blue eyes have no warmth at all.

The bloodiness of a prairie wolf emanating from him made people dare not approach him.

It was only then that everyone realized that this newly appointed King of the Western Regions should not be underestimated.

I heard that in the past few years, the three countries of Southwest Moon and Lingye Kingdom have been in a difficult situation, and he is also partly responsible.

Why is this?
Could it be that he wanted to avenge her after her death because of his friendship with Princess Deyin back then?
"The King of the Western Regions." Seeing Yun Mo's handsome appearance, a lady from a family from a certain country couldn't help but ran over shyly, wanting to show her face.

Because Yunmo had never had a concubine or half concubine, if he married him, he might be the most honorable concubine in the entire Western Region tribe.

So she planned to muster up her courage and show her presence in front of him.

But before she could get close to Yunmo, she saw him throwing out a whip.

The whip hit her hard, and she rolled a few meters away.

She looked down, and there was a hideous scar directly from the neck down, and blood flowed from it.

"Ah!" she screamed.

Her family members ran over and helped her up. They wanted to question Yunmo.

But when they met Shang Yunmo's bloodthirsty blue eyes, they didn't dare to speak.

They almost forgot that in the past seven years, it wasn't just Jun Yu who became cruel and ruthless, but also the king of the Western Regions.

Santa followed behind. Seeing this scene, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve.

Back then, Prince Yunmo clamored to avenge Princess Deyin, but he had no choice but to knock him out and bring him back to the Western Region overnight.

After returning to the Western Regions, the prince didn't make any noise, but started to study hard and practice hard.

They were still moved at the time, thinking that the prince had let him go.

Little did I know, that was just the beginning.

The prince has been restraining himself. His desire for revenge has not changed for a moment in the past seven years.

He became ruthless and indifferent, and only in front of the old king and princess of the Western Regions would he show a little bit of tenderness.

For the rest of the time, his blood was colder than the wolf on the prairie.

more importantly……

The old concubine found many women for him, but none of them he liked.

I'm afraid that he will never have the idea of ​​marrying a wife and having children in this life.

After thinking about it, Santa wiped her tears again.

The death of Princess Deyin has changed too many people.

At this moment, there was a sound of gasping.

Turning his head to look over, he saw a carriage carved from sandalwood driving slowly.

The three big characters of "Regent" on the carriage exuded a gloomy atmosphere.

A chill came over my face.

The crisp sound of the bell hanging on the carriage made their hearts tremble.

It is said that this bell was left behind by Princess Deyin after being eaten by a giant python.

Those who had a glimpse of Princess Deyin in the Chiyan Palace all said that when Princess Deyin danced on the drum in a palace robe at that time, I don't know how many people's hearts were shocked, especially the waist around her waist. With the string of bells pinned, the sound is very nice.

But now when they heard the ringtone, not only did they not feel any amazement, but it was creepy, as if it was a wake-up call.

They also heard that Jun Yu cherished the wind chime very much.

Before, a ignorant thief wanted to steal it, but Jun Yu threw it into the cave of ten thousand snakes, and was bitten to death by thousands of snakes.

Jun Yu...

He really became a living Hades.

The carriage stopped quickly, and everyone took a few steps back.

The curtain was lifted, and a handsome man led a noble and beautiful woman down.

Is this the Living King Junyu?
Not quite like it?

Some people have never seen Jun Yu before, so they think that the person in front of them is Jun Yu, and they feel weird.

In the end, I don't know who couldn't help but lowered his voice and said something.

"This is not the Living Hades, this is Emperor Chiyan and his favorite concubine."

Oh, it turned out to be Emperor Chiyan.

Someone was relieved.

However, they looked at Jun Zhouhan with a bit of vigilance.

Because in the past seven years, the Emperor Chi Yan, who was thought to be incapable at the time, has also grown up, and he has learned a lot about Jun Yu's iron-blooded skills.

Chi Yan's strength has become so strong over the years, and he has become the largest country in the world, not only because of Jun Yu, but also because of the emperor.

Of course, there is also the favorite concubine next to the emperor.

It is said that this favored concubine, named Mei Qingzhou, was a good friend of Princess Deyin and the daughter of a criminal minister.

But after the death of Princess Deyin, she was able to enter the palace as the imperial concubine.

The power lies far above those who marry the princess and the minister's daughter.

During the seven years, she used her own means to organize the harem properly.

At the same time, she also interfered in the government affairs, becoming the first imperial concubine in the world to interfere in the government affairs.

But the amazing thing is that neither Jun Zhouhan nor Jun Yu stopped her, but dealt with those who opposed it.

Over the past few years, she has put forward many suggestions, all of which are very good for Chi Yan's development.

Only people in the world know that this woman is not simple.

However, many people say that she is very smart, and Jun Zhouhan also dotes on her very much.

But in the past seven years, she has not had a son or a daughter.

This is really puzzling.

Jun Zhouhan wanted to help Mei Qingzhou down.

But her body froze, she shrank back without a trace, and then came down by herself.

Seven years later, she still couldn't calmly face Jun Zhouhan's closeness.

Seeing her move, Jun Zhouhan's eyes flashed a little lonely.

But it was quickly covered up by him.

Everyone stared at the curtain for a long time, but found that no one came down.

They breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Jun Yu did not follow.

But at this moment, a strong wind blew and the leaves fell all over the ground.

And those leaves were like sharp knives, cutting many people's bodies with large and small wounds.

Everyone's hearts began to hang again at this time.

In the next moment, a tall figure came riding the wind.

Behind him, followed by a young man, a man in a robe like jade, and several hidden guards.

Seeing this person coming, I don't know who said in a trembling voice: "Jun, Jun Yu is here."

This sound made everyone's hearts tense.

Jun Yu landed slowly, he was still the same as seven years ago, he likes to wear black clothes.

But now his broad shoulders, his sleeves, and his waist are all made of red satin, the color like blood.

The jade pinned to his waist was actually soaked in blood, and there were bloodstains that could not be erased.

Compared with seven years ago, he is much taller, his shoulders are wider and his body is more straight.

At the same time, the hostility on his body makes people shy away.

Everyone didn't even dare to look at his cold black eyes, because those black eyes seemed to steal people's hearts.

"Ah Yu, the Yue Family has been targeting the Prince Regent's Mansion all these years. Wouldn't it be easy for you to come to the banquet now?"

Behind him, Shen Chuannan looked around and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Compared with seven years ago, Shen Chuannan's appearance has not changed much, but his temperament is much more cautious.

After all, it was something that harmed Deyin because he was not cautious enough back then, and he regretted it for seven years.

"Yue family, what is there to be afraid of?" Jun Yu smiled coldly, the chill in his eyes.

"Ah Yu..."

Just when Shen Chuannan was about to continue to say something, Jun Yu suddenly interrupted him.

"Do you know why this king has to come?"


"This king feels that Yin'er is here. After seven years, this king is finally going to see her."

Jun Yu spoke slowly, that deep voice seemed to be the most gentle whisper in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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