Chapter 331

Jun Yu's words shocked Shen Chuannan.

He turned his head and looked at Wu Xi and the others.

As a result, Wu Xi shook his head with a complicated expression.

Seven years ago, because of a jar of peach blossom wine, the prince said that the princess is not dead.

They were excited at the time, maybe the princess is really not dead.Then everyone will not be so sad.

But in the past seven years, the prince has sent people to guard the village day and night, and the prince himself has traveled to many places...

There is no trace of the princess.

Their hearts have already given up, and the dead bones buried in the ground belong to the princess.

It's just that the prince is still deceiving himself and others.

However, they did not dare to remind the prince.

Because only if he feels that the princess is still alive, will the prince have nostalgia for this world.

In this way, let the prince continue to guard this nostalgia.

After thinking about it, neither Shen Chuannan nor Wu Xi made a sound.

Seeing Jun Yu's arrival, Yue Chen's eyes flashed a bit harshly.

But when he walked towards Jun Yu, he quickly broke into a smile.

"Your Majesty Chiyan, the Regent of Chiyan, we are far away, and the Patriarch is already waiting for you."

Hearing Yue Shen's words, Jun Yu didn't even look at him, and just stepped inside.

Leaving Yue Shen to stand there stiffly.

Under the long sleeves, Yue Chen's fingers clenched into fists, and anger burned in his heart.

He is a dignified Yue family member, when has he ever suffered such contempt!
Jun Yu, you are really good.

However, seeing Jun Yu and Jun Yuhan walking into the forest of flowers, Yue Chen sneered in his heart.

Let Jun Yu be arrogant for a while longer, and he will soon have no chance.

The Patriarch has said that if they want to become the overlord of this world...

The other three hidden families in Fanhualin are tough.

Among the outside world, Jun Yu is the biggest tough bone.

As long as Jun Yu is killed, the patriarch's hegemony will not be hindered!

Jun Yu, he shouldn't be so arrogant, he dared to come to Yue's house with an invitation!


Moon Family Ancestral Hall.

Yue Sheng, who was dressed in a brown-red shroud, pushed open the door of the ancestral hall.

Yuelushan knelt there.

"Shan'er, you have been imprisoned for so many days for your father, do you have any complaints?"

Yuesheng looked at Yuelushan kneeling there, his eyes flashed with distress.

But when he thought of what she had done, his eyes hardened.

"My daughter has no complaints." Yue Lushan straightened her back, her tone arrogant.

"Okay, then I will let you out today as a father. It just so happens that there are so many people coming to celebrate my birthday today, and the Feng family will also come. As long as you promise to marry Feng Yiwei and stop thinking about that trash of the Dongfang family, all of this will be fine." Easy to say."

Yue Sheng said, and asked his subordinates to help Yue Lushan up.

But who knows, when Yue Lushan heard what he said, she shook off the servant's hand fiercely.

She turned her head and looked at Yue Sheng with resentment in her eyes: "Father, if you insist on letting me marry Feng Yiwei, then I'd rather kneel here until I die."

"you you……"

Yue Sheng pointed at Yue Lushan with his fingers, and he clutched his chest, out of breath.

Ruan Lian, his eldest wife, Yue Lushan's mother, quickly supported him.

Ruan Lian kept patting his chest, and said, "Patriarch, today is your birthday, don't be angry."

Turning her head, she said to Yuelushan bitterly: "Shan'er, your father has imprisoned you for so long, why haven't you woke up a bit? Although Dongfang Lejun can walk on the ground now, but he is a useless person." , why do you insist on marrying him? What can he give you! Yiwei is so good, why can't you see it!"

"Mother, you guys think Feng Yiwei is good, I never did. I only have brother Le Jun in my heart. Although he has no martial arts, am I not a genius of the Yue family? I can protect him!"

Yue Lushan didn't think she was wrong, she murmured loudly.

With a sound of "pa", Yue Sheng slapped Yue Lu Shan hard on the face.

"You evil girl, are you trying to piss me off? At the beginning, you stole so many precious medicinal materials from our Yue family in order to hang that trash's life? Your fourth brother also did it for the prostitute of the Dongfang family. Death started a fight with you, and I was the one who protected your life. I warned you not to have anything to do with the Dongfang family in this life, and in the end you insisted on disobeying me!"

Yue Sheng roared through gritted teeth.

How could he, Yuesheng Yingming, raise two such stupid things!

Shan'er has escaped so many marriages in order to be Dongfang Lejun, and only Feng Yiwei can bear her.

There is also the fourth child, who actually made the family restless because of the death of Dongfang Lexuan.

But fortunately, that Dongfang Lexuan is dead, and the fourth child should settle down no matter how mischievous he is.

But Shan'er hadn't woken up yet.

She even tried to escape and marry Dongfang Lejun!
"Shan'er, can you be more sober? Then Dongfang Lejun just talked to you because of your background. He is not a good person. You and your father will be soft, and you will get married to Feng's family next month, okay?" good?"

Ruan Lian begged Yuelushan bitterly.

Shan'er escaped and got married three times, and the Feng family was angry this time.

Said that next month is the last chance, if Shan'er escapes marriage again, this marriage is not worth mentioning.

However, facing her parents' persuasion, Yue Lushan felt as if her life was being controlled.

She is the proud daughter of the Yue family, why can't she even choose who she likes?

She immediately turned her neck away, and said in a disgusted tone: "I won't marry, you just let Feng Yiwei die. Do you want the support of the Feng family so much? Don't the second sister like Feng Yiwei very much? That's fine, let her marry me."

"Pa", another slap.

But this time, it wasn't Yue Sheng who moved, but Ruan Lian.

Ruan Lian looked at Ruan Lian with scarlet eyes, her heart was agitated.

Yue Sheng had many wives and concubines, and only Yue Lushan came out of her stomach.

Fortunately, Yuelushan is competitive, has excellent talent, and because she has a marriage contract with Feng's family, so she can keep her position as wife.

However, these years, she has been walking on thin ice, for fear that if she makes a mistake, their mother and daughter will turn into a pile of bones in this big family.

Below are all vicious concubines and concubines, and she is watching all the time.

But Shan'er is so stupid that she wants to give such a good marriage to a concubine!
"Mother, you hit me?" Yue Lushan raised her head resentfully, she looked at Ruan Lian in disbelief.

From childhood to adulthood, she was held in the palm of his hand and cared for.

But today, not only did her loving father beat her, but even her mother, who was responsive to her requests, also attacked her.

"I see! You really don't regard me as a daughter. You only see marriage and profit in your eyes! You'd better kill me today. Otherwise, I will continue to disobey you."

Yue Lushan sneered, then turned around and went back, continuing to kneel facing the ancestral hall.

If she was resentful, Yue Sheng would be pissed off.

"Okay, okay, you really gave birth to a good daughter!" Yue Sheng shook Ruan Lian's hand away with all her strength, and left angrily.

Ruan Lian looked at the back of Yue Sheng leaving, and then at Yue Lushan who was not up to date.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and hurried to chase Yuesheng.

If she didn't coax Yue Sheng well, there would be no place for their mother and daughter in the Yue family.

Seeing Ruan Lian finally abandoned her.

Yue Lushan sneered: "What are you talking about with me? I'm the only daughter. She does everything for me. She only has herself in her heart."

A Jiao had been standing by the side all the time, she looked at the gloomy face of their eldest lady, and shook her head anxiously.

In fact, everything the madam does is for the good of the eldest lady.

Why can't Missy understand?
"Miss, I feel that you..." Gillian wanted to persuade.

As a result, only halfway through her words, Yue Lushan swung her palm and hit her directly on the heart.

Ah Jiao could have avoided it originally.

But it was Yue Lushan's hand, so she could only stand where she was and bear it silently.

With this palm, Ajiao took a few steps back and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You, a little servant, also want to teach Miss Ben a lesson, get out, get out!"

A Jiao opened her mouth, her heart hurting badly.

In the end, she could only lower her head and say weakly, "Your servant will leave."

After speaking, he turned and left.

When the door was closed, there was a loud "bang bang bang" sound from inside the ancestral hall, and many things were smashed to pieces.

Yue Sheng walked out angrily, but at this moment, the servants guarding the tree of dead souls hurried over.

"Patriarch, there seems to be movement at the tree of dead souls." The tree keeper said solemnly.

"What's going on?"

Yue Sheng was so angry that he was half dead because of Yue Lushan's affairs, so now he doesn't have a good face when talking to anyone.

"Since this morning, the tree of dead souls has been shaking, and the power of the dead soul array seems not to be pure..." the tree guard's tone became more and more serious.

When Yue Sheng heard this, his entire face darkened.

"My Patriarch sends so many living people into the Sacrificial Soul Formation every month, just to strengthen the strength. Your power in the Soul Formation is not pure now? What is the Patriarch raising you for? You can't even look at a tree! "

Yue Sheng was full of anger, as if he had torn the tree keeper to pieces.

The man shook his head in a panic, and he asked uncertainly: "Family, Patriarch, could it be that the tree of dead souls has absorbed too many lives, so it's a bit out of control now?"

After all, the Patriarch is eager for success for his own ambition.

In the past, it was only a few people thrown in a year, but now it has become several people thrown in a month.

In this way, a year is equivalent to dozens of human lives.

The ancestors left this dead soul tree to teach the Yue family how to summon the dead soul array...

It's just so that they can protect themselves when they encounter a big event one day, not for them to kill so many innocent lives!
If the ancestors of the Yue family knew that the tree of dead souls had become like this, they would probably be able to come back to life.

But these words, the tree keeper can only think in his heart, and dare not say anything.

"Are you blaming the Patriarch?" Yue Sheng's face was gloomy, with a flash of murderous intent.

"Don't dare." The tree guard quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"Forget it, it is estimated that which formation absorbs too much energy, and it will be fine in a few days. Will the things of our Yue family be destroyed in the Yue family?"

Yue Sheng spoke disdainfully, and he didn't take this strangeness too seriously.

"Go away, don't bother me if there is nothing to do." He raised his foot and kicked the tree guard to the door.

The tree guard was in pain all over, but he didn't dare to say a word of complaint.

He turned around respectfully and left.

But, what he didn't know was——

When he went back this time, the dead soul tree... was no longer the dead soul tree of their Yue family.

half an hour ago...

There was a hole in the towering branches of the dead soul tree.

Soon, more than a dozen teenagers and girls came out.

The men wore uniform blue shirts, and the women wore goose yellow dresses.

Their faces are still immature, but their eyes are extremely mature.

Their pace is extremely fast, like a gust of wind passing by. .

In the blink of an eye, without seeing their movement, they landed on a rock not far away.

If Yuesheng stood here, he would definitely be vigilant.

Because the appearance of these dozen or so young girls is very familiar, they are clearly the people he threw into the tree of dead souls a few years ago!

However, not only did they not die, but they practiced martial arts.

Yuesheng threw people in, originally thinking that there were more dead souls, but in the end he recruited more powerful opponents for himself.

They are just a small part of this camp.

Seven years ago, Yuan Deyin entered the formation, and since then, everyone who was thrown into it has been rescued by her.

Yu lunatic refused to teach them martial arts, so she learned from lunatic Yu and taught them secretly.

After studying for several years, they finally had the power to open the Death Soul Formation.

Today is the first day they see the sun again.

"Why hasn't Miss come out yet?" A younger woman asked.

Her name is Pan Yu'er. Although she is young, she has the highest comprehension ability.

He is also the one who is most attached to Yuan Deyin among these people.

Because of her words, everyone looked back into the formation.

Miss, hasn't she always longed to come out?
In fact, four years ago, Miss already had the ability to come out, but for them, she stayed inside for another four years.

But, now that they can come out, why hasn't the eldest lady come out yet?

Han Bingying, who was closest to the formation and the oldest among the dozen or so children, shook his head.

His tone was complicated: "I'm afraid it's Crazy Yu who won't let her come out."

His words silenced everyone.

They don't understand the relationship between Madman Yu and Miss.

Sometimes, Crazy Yu is like the lady's master, he is very strict with the lady.

But sometimes, he would vaguely show a respectful look towards the lady, as if the lady's status was far above him.

Moreover, he has always resisted Miss coming out to the outside world.

I don't understand!
Just when they were full of worries.

There was a crisp bell and a pleasant chuckle from inside,

The person who spoke had a crisp voice, like the sound of the ding-dong spring water in the mountains, pleasant and reassuring.

"Don't panic, just wait until I have a fight with Crazy Yu."

After her words fell, all the branches and leaves of the dead soul tree began to fall down, as if silently surrendering...

(End of this chapter)

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