Chapter 332 Jun Yu vomits blood
After drinking for three rounds, all the guests were slightly drunk.

"I've heard about Patriarch Yue's majesty for a long time, and seeing Patriarch Yue today, I feel that the rumors are true. Patriarch Yue is more admirable than the rumors. I wish you Patriarch Yue a prosperous life. This is my birthday gift from you."

A prince from the Eastern Kingdoms staggered forward.

After receiving the precious medicinal materials from the subordinates he brought, he smiled obsequiously and offered a birthday present to Yue Sheng.

Seeing the appearance of Yue Sheng who tried his best to please him, everyone felt contemptuous in their hearts.

Although Donglie Kingdom is a small country, in front of so many people, it looks like a dog wagging its tail at the Yue family, what's the matter?

However, what shocked them was...

Not only those from the Eastern Kingdoms, but also other prominent people began to flatter Yue Sheng.

In the scene, the only ones who stood still and sat in their seats and sipped tea all the time were...

Jun Yu and the people around Jun Zhouhan, the people around Wei Qinhuai, Murong Rui and his subordinates, Yun Mo and his envoys, and several envoys from countries with relatively strong national power...

Jun Yu glanced around with indifferent eyes, and found that no one from Lingye Kingdom or Nanyue Kingdom came.

That's right, where he appeared, they didn't have the guts to show their faces.

Soon, Jun Yu saw a father and son sitting in front of him.

They are well-dressed and have extraordinary auras, and they can feel the powerful fluctuations of internal force on them from a distance.

He recognized each other immediately.

It's Feng Yiwei and his father, Feng Bian!
"Master Feng, this is our birthday gift to you..." The people from Mobei walked forward with a smile.

But soon, their smiles froze.

Because after Yuesheng sent someone to take their things, he opened his mouth coldly.

"Compared to these jewels, the owner hopes that Mobei can send other gifts. It is also true for other countries. The owner doesn't like any of the gifts you give!"

After Yue Sheng said these words, the whole hall fell into an eerie silence.

And the faces of the county kings in many countries are very ugly.

Although the Yue family has many rare treasures, Yue Sheng may have seen a lot.

But today's birthday gifts are also carefully prepared by them.

Isn't it too humiliating for Yuesheng to speak like this?
Shen Yuesheng still didn't feel that he was wrong, and the contempt in his expression became more and more undisguised.

This time, the people in Mobei couldn't bear it anymore, and they asked loudly: "Then dare to ask Patriarch Yue, what kind of birthday gift do you want?"

"I don't have many main family members, so I hope that you small countries can contribute five cities, and other big countries can contribute only one city..."

Yue Sheng stroked his beard, and spoke in a tone of charity.


After he said this, most of the people in the hall stood up.

They looked at Yuesheng with anger on their faces.

"Patriarch Yue, we respect you so we came to your birthday party. But isn't it too much for you to make such a joke!"

He even said that he wanted them to cut the city, is he crazy?

A city is the foundation of a country, is he trying to destroy their foundation?
Not to mention the anger of people from these outside countries, even Feng Bian, who has a good relationship with Yue Sheng, has a dignified expression.

He looked at Yue Sheng uncertainly.

The ancestors have taught that the hermit family in Fanhualin is not allowed to be greedy for the outside world.

But Brother Yue actually asked others to give him the city as a gift.

His joke is too big, what is he trying to do?
Feng Bian and Feng Yiwei looked at each other, and both father and son silently shook their heads.

They couldn't see through Yue Sheng.

"Since Patriarch Yue doesn't welcome us so much, it's inconvenient for us to stay here."

There are people from several small countries who are quite lonely.

Feeling humiliated, they immediately stood up and walked directly to the door, wanting to leave the place immediately.

But at this time, Yue Sheng's contemptuous voice came from behind them: "Do you think you can go back after you come?"


They turned around and wanted to ask Yuesheng what this meant.

As a result, they just turned around, and before they could finish their sentence, they spit out a mouthful of black blood, and then knelt on the ground powerlessly.

"My lord, the tea is poisonous!" Wu Xi clenched his sword tightly at this moment, and said sharply.

"What, tea is poisonous?" People from other countries started to panic.

They tried to do something, but to no avail.

Because they began to feel weak all over, their hearts were throbbing, and then black blood began to flow from their mouths and ears.

"What did you do to us?" Prince Mobei asked Yue Sheng through gritted teeth.

"I didn't do anything, I just gave you a little medicine to make you obedient."

Yuesheng spoke arrogantly, and he sat down on the main seat in a good mood.

People in those countries clutched their chests and coughed non-stop, feeling even more annoyed.

Because they trusted too much that the Hermit Family would not attack them, they drank the tea here so boldly.

But never thought that it was the Yue family who attacked them!
"Brother Yue, what are you doing?" Feng Bian stood up quickly, and he looked at Yue Sheng in disbelief.

"Brother Fengxian, why are you panicking? It's just a lesson to a few bugs." Yue Sheng didn't feel that he had done anything wrong at all.

"The ancestors had a commandment, not to attack the royal family outside, you are like this..." Feng Bian wanted to wake up Yuesheng.

As a result, Yue Sheng slapped the table hard.

He said in a disgusted tone: "Don't use the words of the ancestors to educate the head of the family. The ability of our Yue family is above these outside wastes. Why is it that our Yue family can only hold back in this small world? Among the blossoming forest?"

"Uncle, don't you want to..."

Feng Yiwei also stood up at this time, and he looked at Yuesheng with some trepidation.

"That's right, that's what you think. My family mainly rules the world."

Yue Sheng spread out his hands, his excited appearance seemed to be that he had put on the dragon robe now and started pointing the country.

"You, you are confused, you!"

Feng Bian was so anxious that he changed his voice.

He and Yuesheng have called themselves brothers for so many years, but they didn't see his wolfish ambitions.

"Okay, Feng Bian, this is my Yue family's territory, if you continue to point fingers at the head of the family, don't blame the head of the family for being rude to you!"

Yue Sheng actually started to warn Feng Bian.

He glanced over and saw that Feng Yiwei's complexion became extremely bad.

He stroked his beard and smiled leisurely.

"Yiwei, you will always be the most valued son-in-law of this Patriarch. As long as your Feng Family cooperates with this Patriarch, there will be a part of your Feng Family in this world."

He started to seduce Feng Yiwei.

"Uncle, you have to think clearly. There are four hermit families in the Flower Forest. If you want to set foot in the outside world, the other families will not allow you first!"

Feng Yiwei gritted his teeth and said.

Back then, the ancestors of the four great hermit families had a very good relationship, and they made an oath together.

It is said that as long as any family violates the ancestral precepts, the descendants of other families will do their best to hold them accountable.

"You mean, the Tusu family and the Dugu family? Hehe, the Dugu family has sealed themselves off and hasn't shown up for hundreds of years. They must be dead. And the Tusu family, a low-level family, even the owner's birthday You dare not come to the banquet, and you deserve to compete with the head of the family?"

Yue Sheng's tone was extremely disdainful.

"Brother, Yiwei, the reason why the Patriarch invited you here today is because the Patriarch thinks that we are in the same boat and can rule the world together. I hope you will not disappoint the Patriarch."

The last sentence was full of danger.

Feng Yiwei's heart tightened, and he began to feel uneasy.

Suddenly at this moment, Feng Bian collapsed in front of him.

"Father, father, how are you doing?"

"You actually poisoned my father?" Feng Yiwei turned his head and looked at Yue Sheng with scarlet eyes.

He raised his hand, wanting to fight Yue Sheng, but found that his chest was stabbing.

He clutched his chest and backed away steadily.

"How could this Patriarch do something unprepared? You are still too impulsive, drink some medicine and calm down, let's talk when you wake up."

With Yue Sheng's sneer, both Feng Yiwei and Feng Bian fell down.


Yue Sheng even dared to attack the members of the Feng family, what else would he not dare to do?

Therefore, their faces turned pale, afraid that Yue Sheng would attack them next.

Yue Sheng asked Feng Sheng and Feng Yiwei to be carried down.

He squinted his ambitious eyes and scanned the people below.

He first took a few extra glances at Wei Qinhuai, Murong Rui, and Yun Mo, and found that they were all clutching their chests, so he felt relieved.

Finally, his eyes fell on Jun Yu's body, and the murderous aura on his body became more intense.

Jun Yu's face is very pale now, he is covering the position of his heart, blood drips down the corner of his mouth.

The veins on his neck and the back of his hands bulged, making him look extremely ferocious.

Behind him, Jun Zhouhan, Mei Qingzhou, Shen Chuannan and the rest of the hidden guards were not in a better mood.

"You despicable villain, what did you do to our prince?"

Wu Xi asked loudly.

Because the prince was poisoned by the evil poison, he was basically invulnerable to all poisons. How could the poison of Yue Sheng, a despicable villain, still cause such pain?
They were worried and angry when they saw their lord, who was standing upright, trembling all over.

If it weren't for the fact that they were also tricked, they might have raised their swords and killed Yue Sheng, a despicable villain.

"Jun Yu, this Patriarch knows that you have been poisoned by the evil. It's just that the Patriarch has never understood why the person who has been poisoned by the evil has not died for so many years..."

"But it doesn't matter. The poison you were given today is quite special. It is a precious item from the Yue family, which can make your evil poison worse..."

"Hehehe... Do you, Jun Yu, want to protect Chi Yan? But this Patriarch, he was born to occupy Chi Yan as the first step for this Patriarch to dominate the world!"

"Come here, drag these people down and give them two hours to think about it. Think clearly whether it is fatal or want those five cities!"

"Jun Yu's words, I heard that Yuan Deyin was swallowed by a giant python back then. If he loves that short-lived orphan so much, then the head of the family will fulfill him. Throw him to Jiaolong Cave!"

When Yue Sheng said this, even the members of the Yue family were a little shocked.

Lying in the Jiaolong Cave...

Naturally, it is the most ferocious dragon in the world.

That place is the realm of the entire hermit family.

Because it was the favorite pet of the Lord Tuoling back then, and it only obeyed the orders of God Lord Tuoling.

After the death of Lord Tuoling, it was sealed in that place.

But the attack power is no less than back then.

At present, it is estimated that only the patriarch of the Dugu family can barely block its ten-stroke attack.

Every time the Hidden World family deals with traitors, they will throw people there.

It is said that no matter how powerful the genius in the family is, he will definitely die there.

Jun Yu probably also died a miserable death.

People from the Yue family came up directly to drag Jun Yu away.

"My lord!"

"Uncle Nine Emperors!"

"Ah Yu!"

Jun Zhouhan, Shen Chuannan, and Wuxi yelled, but to no avail.

Jun Yu hung his head, blood dripping all over the floor.

He was sent to Jiaolong Cave like this.

(End of this chapter)

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