Chapter 333 The Yue Family Is So Ruthless

Perhaps it is because the effect of killing chickens and monkeys like this is not enough.

After Yuesheng's eyes turned darkly, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Everyone, anyway, the medicine given to you by the Patriarch is only slowly eroding your internal organs, and it will not make you faint. Why don't you go with the Patriarch to see how Jun Yu died? of……"

"Despicable!" Yun Mo gritted his teeth, staring at Yue Sheng fiercely like a wolf.

"Oh, King of the Western Regions? Very good, you have a big temper, and the head of this family admires you very much. Later, you and Jun Yu will go down to Ten Thousand Snake Cave together."

After all, Yue Sheng put on a sullen face and asked the servants to drag these people out one by one.

"Your Majesty!"

Santa was so anxious that he was about to faint.

Everyone present had heard about the Ten Thousand Snake Cave.

Jun Yu will surely die if he goes down, so how can their king be safe and sound?

Your Majesty, why are you so confused, and at this moment you still want to piss off Yue Sheng, a lunatic.

Santa really wanted to cry.

Now the Western Regions are finally getting stronger day by day, but that's all because of the king.

If something goes wrong with the King, the Western Regions will be like a piece of loose sand, and anyone can annex it.

"You don't have to worry about the Western Regions without a leader. When your king dies, the head of this family will help you manage the Western Regions."

As if he could guess Santa's inner worries, Yuesheng said arrogantly.

His words also made Santa angry.

But he couldn't hold back his anger.

He endured the pain and anger in his chest, and then cursed in his heart.

The Yue family had no manners at all, they dragged people away with their hands, their actions were extremely rude.

The princes of some countries still brought their concubines, and they were very panicked.

"Qingzhou, are you okay?" Jun Zhouhan asked Mei Qingzhou worriedly, clutching his chest.

"Don't bother the emperor to worry about it, and his concubines are fine. The emperor should find a way to save Uncle Nine Emperors." Mei Qingzhou's tone was always light.

Even in the face of such a scene, she was not too flustered.

As for Jun Zhouhan's concern, she turned her head away as if she didn't see it.

This scene made Jun Zhouhan feel a little sad again.

"Are you okay?" Shen Chuannan frowned, and asked Zuo Qi worriedly.

Zuo Qie always had a cold face.

At such a young age, the aura emanating from his body has the feeling of an adult.

He could vaguely sense the aura that belonged to Jun Yu from him.

"It's okay, I can't die!"

Regarding Shen Chuannan's concern, Zuo Qi was expressionless, and he replied coldly.

Seeing Zuo Qi like this, Shen Chuannan sighed silently in his heart.

Because of the problems in his growing environment since he was a child, Zuo Qie was originally cold-tempered.

Later, after the death of Princess Deyin, he hated the world even more.

If it weren't for the belief that he wanted to avenge Princess Deyin, he would have become a monster without any emotions.

However, the brutal methods he has used to treat the enemy over the years are still too appalling.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Shen Chuannan let his family take him away.


Moon Family Ancestral Hall.

Ruan Lian quickly pushed the door open.

She came in with food, and said to Yuelushan distressedly: "Shan'er, Ajiao said you haven't eaten all this time. Mother has brought you something to eat."

Hearing Ruan Lian's words, Yue Lushan snorted coldly.

She sneered in her heart.


Isn't she in her heart that she only has the status of the wife of the Yue family?
She can disregard her daughter's happiness, yet she still has the face to say that she is her mother!

With hatred in her heart, Yuelushan remained silent.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Ruan Lian thought she was just having a temper tantrum at most.

She put down the things, and then said softly: "After eating these things, I have strength. You will go out to help your father later. In this way, after the matter is over, you will be the most honorable princess in the world, Yiwei." I will also become a son-in-law. I will be the queen."

"What princess, what consort, what queen?"

Hearing this, Yue Lushan quickly turned her head and asked sharply.

"Your father has made a move!"

Ruan Lian lowered her voice and whispered in Yuelushan's ear.

There was still some joy in her heart.

In fact, she had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Although the world envies her position as the wife of the Yue family, she has been in this flower forest for decades, and she is tired of it.

No matter how noble she is, what's the use of it? Only people in this territory respect her.

But going out to the outside world is different, it is a wide new world.

I heard that Fengyi Tianxia is the dream of all women outside.

Then why can't she?

The Yue family was originally above those royal families.

She continued to speak, "Your father drugged those members of the royal family, threatening them to make a decision within two hours, whether to hand over half of the city or to hand over their lives..."

"Even Jun Yu is under control. I heard that he was dragged to the Jiaolong Cave in embarrassment. Jiaolong Cave, what kind of place is that! Then you are a place that even my father dare not enter! Jun Yu will definitely die. Are you not Have you always said that you hate the Jun family? After you go out, maybe you can see the tragic death of Jun Yu..."

"Your father's favorite fourth child is not here. Shan'er, as a daughter-in-law, you have to be by your father's side even more. Those people from the second, third, and fourth bedrooms have already rushed over to help. They are ambitious, and they just hope that your father will be here." After becoming the overlord of the world, you can give them the throne..."

"You are born noble, although you are not a man, but as long as you can make meritorious service this time, the position of the eldest princess will definitely be yours. By then, our mother and daughter will be the most noble women in the world!"

The more Ruan Lian talked, the more excited she became, as if she had seen herself in the phoenix robe.

There was also a bit of emotion in Yuelushan's eyes.

To be a princess?
She had indeed thought about this idea.

After all, the women of the Yue family are born with dignity.

Why can those idiots from the outside world be princesses, but why can't she!

However, she has more important things to do now than being a princess.

"Mother, didn't the Feng family also come? Where are they?" Yue Lushan asked in a strange tone.

"Your father was worried that something bad happened to them, so he gave them some medicine, and now they are all unconscious in the guest room!"

Because Ruan Lian was excited, she answered immediately when she heard the words.

"That's good, my daughter happens to have something to do, so I need to settle it with Feng Yiwei."

Yuelushan's eyes became even weirder again.

At this time, Ruan Lian finally realized that something was wrong with Yuelushan.

But it was too late, because Yue Lushan had already raised her hand and knocked her unconscious with a palm.

Looking at Ruan Lian who fainted on the ground, Yue Lushan sneered.

"You should be thankful that you are my mother, otherwise, you would not be as simple as falling asleep."

After finishing speaking, she stood up straight away, rubbed her sore and sore knees, and strode out.

A Jiao was standing outside, seeing that his wife had fainted, she was in a hurry.

But suddenly, Yue Lushan's murderous eyes fell on her.

"Idiot, your master is Miss Ben, you better know what you shouldn't do."

After her warning came out, Ah Jiao's heart trembled, and she quickly lowered her head.

"Yes Yes!"

"You stay here and don't open the door when anyone comes, and don't let my mother wake up until Miss Ben comes back."

After giving this order, Yue Lushan quickly walked towards Yue's guest room with a whip in hand.

Moon Room.

Feng Yiwei opened his eyes with difficulty.

He called out "Dad" in a hoarse voice.

But Feng Bian didn't respond.

Only at this time did he realize that he was able to wake up only because he drank less tea.

But his father, who drank a whole cup of tea, probably won't be able to wake up for the time being.

However, except for the movement of his mouth and eyes, he couldn't use any strength in other parts of his body.

How should he save himself!

What the hell is Yuesheng going to do!
How should he stop it!
Just when he was very anxious, the door was suddenly opened from the outside.

Yue Lushan walked in.

Her face was much thinner, with high cheekbones on her cheeks.

And her eyes also darkened, looking weird.

Seeing that it was her who came, Feng Yiwei was overjoyed.

He hurriedly said: "Shan'er, you are here, do you have the antidote, give it to me quickly. Your father is crazy, we have to stop him quickly, otherwise it will lead to a big mistake."

"My father is not crazy, it's you idiots who are crazy. You are willing to guard such a small peach blossom forest!"

Yue Lushan spoke disdainfully, she looked at Feng Yiwei with indescribable disdain.

Such Yuelushan shocked Feng Yiwei.

He looked at her in disbelief, and then asked, "Shan'er, what do you mean?"

"What else can it mean? My father is just doing what he should do. The world will be ruled by the strong after all. After all things are done, I will be the most honorable princess in the world. What a wonderful thing!" .”

Yuelushan let out a sigh of relief.

Feng Yiwei's eyes widened.

Seven years ago, Yuelushan used him to kill Yuan Deyin, and he knew she was ruthless.

He wants to stay away from her.

But every time it takes a little longer, his thoughts will be defeated.

This is the person he has liked since he was a child.

So he forgave her again and again, and comforted himself in his heart...

Maybe it's because she is young and not sensible yet.

After a while, when she grows up, she won't be like this.

But now, looking at her greedy look.

Only then did he realize that he had never seen her through.

"Shan'er, I don't care what you think, can you give me the antidote first?"

Feng Yiwei realized that his head was dizzy again because of his anxiety.

So he could only be patient and continue to coax Yuelushan.

As long as he recovers his skills, he should be able to solve a lot of troubles.

But for his request, Yue Lushan sneered directly: "Sorry, there is no antidote. If there is an antidote, it is impossible to give it to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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