334 she came


Feng Yiwei looked at Yue Lushan with unbelievable eyes.

He couldn't believe that the person he had grown up with would say such things to him.

However, what he couldn't remember even more was yet to come.

Yue Lushan actually took out a dagger from her body.

She walked towards him sullenly.

"My father liked the strength of your Feng family, so he always wanted me to marry you. But I don't like you at all, I only like my brother Le Jun..."

"So, do you want to kill me?"

Feng Yiwei endured the pain in his heart, he questioned loudly.

"That's right, after killing you, my father can't force me anymore, and I can fly with brother Le Jun."

Speaking of this, Yue Lushan actually laughed.

That voice was soft and light, which Feng Yiwei had never heard before.

Feng Yiwei's heart throbbed with pain.

He protected so many people, but in the end, he actually wanted to kill him.

"Shan'er, are you really going to kill me?" Feng Yiwei had tears rolling in his eyes.

he asked in a trembling voice.

"That's natural, stop talking nonsense!"

After Yue Lushan finished speaking, she raised the dagger fiercely and pointed it at his throat.

As long as the knife goes down, no one can force her.

Thinking of this, Yuelushan laughed smugly.

But just when her dagger was about to touch Feng Yiwei's throat, suddenly a gust of wind blew in from outside.

At the same time, a stone hit her dagger directly, distorting the dagger.

The force made her wrist hurt.

She fell sideways.

After a while, she grabbed her wrist and struggled to get up from the ground.

She watched the door warily.

"Who, who is outside?"

The power just now was terrifying.

In Yue's family, apart from those elders, her father, and her fourth brother, no one seemed to have this ability.

Could it be that the fourth brother is back?
Or... father?
Thinking of this, Yue Lushan's heart became flustered.

If Yuesheng knew that she wanted to attack Feng Yiwei, then she would definitely die.

So, she immediately gritted her teeth and asked, "Who is it, get out, don't play tricks."

"Okay, you let me out."

With a cold snort, a slender figure flashed in front of Yuelushan.

What a great speed.

Before Yue Lushan could react, she was suddenly slapped on the shoulder.

The bones were completely shattered, and Yue Lushan fell to the ground again, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

She raised her head with difficulty, only to see a young man with a handsome face standing in front of her, looking down at her condescendingly.

"who are you?"

She asked with blood mixed in her mouth.

It seems that there is no such a number one person in the Yue family, who in the world got in?

"The person who wants to kill you!" Han Bingying didn't say much, and started directly again.

Yuelushan clenched her teeth, she flew up, and then fought him with all her strength.

But soon, she couldn't take it anymore.

This man, she is definitely not his match.

In a panic, Yue Lushan finally used their Yue family's invisibility technique, and then ran away in a panic.

Seeing her fleeing in embarrassment, Han Bingying snorted coldly.

With such a clumsy invisibility, you still want to hide it from his eyes?
However, he stopped chasing.


Too lazy to chase.

Anyway, she will never escape.

Turning around, he glanced at the wide-eyed Feng Yiwei.

He quickly took out a pill from his body, broke it in half, and roughly fed it to Feng Yiwei and Feng Ming.

This is the medicine made by the young lady, it is very precious, it is really a waste to give it to these two dogs.

The more he thought about it, the colder Han Bingying felt.

Feng Yiwei originally thought that Han Bingying was going to attack him too, but who knew that after taking the elixir into his stomach, he actually felt that his inner strength was gradually returning.

He can sit up in no time.

"If you dare to ask who this brother is, I, Feng Yiwei, will repay you."

He said politely to Han Bingying.

But Han Bingying said disdainfully: "No need, we are enemies, so there is no need to reciprocate."


Since he is an enemy, why should he save him?

Feng Yiwei looked at Han Bingying with puzzled eyes.

"That's because, your life can only be taken by our young lady. You can't die without her doing it."

After speaking, Han Bingying turned and left.

It was only a blink of Feng Yiwei's time for him to leave that speed.

Looking in the direction of the door, Feng Yiwei was in a daze.


This person is so powerful, so how far is his young lady's ability?

The most important thing is to listen to the man's tone, as if he has offended their young lady.

However, he never remembered that he had offended such a number one person.

Who are they?

What exactly is going on?

"Wei'er." Feng Bian coughed a few times at this moment, and he opened his eyes.

"Father." Feng Yiwei quickly helped him up.

"How is Yue Sheng, what did he do!" Feng Bian asked anxiously.

"Father, don't worry. We will find a way to stop it."

Feng Yiwei comforted Feng Bian softly.

Lowering his head, his eyes were full of hatred.

Yuesheng, Yuelushan...

You Yue family, you are really ruthless!
However, our Feng family is definitely not vegetarian!


The entrance to the Jiaolong Cave.

Everyone has been dragged to this place.

They looked over, only to see a cliff in the distance.

Below the cliff, the mist rose, and a cool breath approached, making people feel chills all over.

Suddenly, a deafening roar came from below.

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

Now, everyone's heart is trembling.

Is this the roar of the dragon?

Jun Yu and Yun Mo were dragged to the middle.

And Yuesheng asked someone to move a grand master's chair.

The grand master's chair was placed on the big rock, and he sat on the grand master's chair, showing his superiority.

"Today's weather is fine, and it happens to be a good day for watching." He stroked his beard and smiled sinisterly.

"Patriarch, Jiaolong hasn't eaten for many days. This stomach should be hungry." Yue Chen walked to Yue Sheng and said respectfully.

"That's just right, let him fill his stomach well today." Yue Sheng snorted coldly.

He immediately signaled to the servants of the Yue family with his eyes, he randomly grabbed a subordinate of the little prince, then walked to the edge of the cliff and threw him down.


The servant let out a panicked cry for help.

But soon, there was a dragon's roar, and soon, it was the sound of chewing something.

"Ouch..." Some of the female relatives immediately started to vomit.

Too cruel.

Yue Sheng was too cruel.

The emperors of several small countries were so frightened that their legs were weak. They cried and said, "I... I, I am willing to hand over five cities."

"If you've been so obedient, then there's nothing left to do?" Yue Sheng tapped on the chair with his fingers, and said in a low tone.

Immediately, someone dragged those little emperors down and put them in custody.

Then, the atmosphere became tense again.

"It seems that the strength of killing chickens and monkeys is still not strong enough. Chiyan Ninth Prince, King of the Western Regions, you have to go out."

Yue Sheng smiled faintly.

His appearance is clearly the appearance of playing people like monkeys.

"Go down, my king, let Jun Yu go!" Yun Mo suddenly raised his head, staring at Yue Sheng sharply.

When he said this, Jun Yu's cold eyes fell on him.

Yunmo gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Don't be too happy, the reason why this king is willing to exchange your life is not that this king thinks highly of you! It's just because you are the person Deyin cares about the most. If she is here, she definitely doesn't want to I saw something happen to you!"

"This king doesn't need it!"

Jun Yu spoke coldly.

He said this not only for Yunmo, but also for Yue Sheng.

The continuous applause of "Papa Papa" sounded, and Yuesheng began to applaud.

"It's really touching, then the Patriarch will send you down to feed the dragon together."

As soon as his words fell, someone walked over to grab Jun Yu and Yun Mo's shoulders.

But Jun Yu stood up.

"No need, I will go down by myself."

There was still blood on the corner of his mouth, and his hair was a bit messy, but he was not at all embarrassed.

When he looked at everyone with cold eyes, everyone actually had a feeling of looking down on all living beings.

Turning around, Jun Yu walked towards the edge of the cliff step by step.

Then, without hesitation, he jumped down.

"Jun Yu!"

"Ah Yu!"

"My lord!"

"Uncle Nine Emperors!"

Several desolate shouts sounded.

At the same time, under the cliff, Jiaolong also began to roar.

"Yo, what a terrible death." Yue Sheng smiled contemptuously.

No matter how powerful the god of war is, what if he can't beat him?

But at this moment, a ethereal bell sounded.

The pale pink silk belt appeared from nowhere, pierced through the sky, and fell directly to Jiaolongtan.

Immediately afterwards, a woman whose face could not be clearly seen descended from the sky, and the cold wind blew through the skirt of her clothes, making people feel blasphemy.

She grabbed the ribbon and jumped directly into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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