The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 335 This time it's my turn to protect you

Chapter 335 This time it's my turn to protect you

Jun Yu's body kept falling, and Jiaolong let out a roar, and opened his mouth wide, ready to tear him apart.

But its big mouth has not been able to touch Jun Yu.


A long ribbon wrapped directly around its eyes.

Unable to see clearly, it began to become manic and scurry around.

At this time, another ribbon was wrapped around Jun Yu's waist.

His dark eyes just looked at the little girl who jumped down with him.

It's been seven years...

She has grown a lot taller, and her immature face has also grown, like a blooming flower.

Those agile eyes were as clear as ever, but they were a little more heroic after all.

A light pink long bottoming dress, covered with a gauze-like white dress, with a bell pinned to the waist.The ribbon in her hand seemed to come alive, entwined around her white fingertips.

"Yin'er." His voice choked with sobs, and Jun Yu finally squeezed out these two words from his throat.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." The little girl flew directly to his side.

This soft call seemed to be 100 years away.

Her soft hands were as soft as before, but at this moment they supported his tall body very powerfully.

With a slight jump, she flew up with him.

When everyone saw another person jumping down, they were shocked and couldn't recover for a long time.

Only people like Yun Mo and Wei Qinhuai had ecstasy in their eyes.

That's Deyin!

It's Deyin!
She is not dead!
At this time, the crisp bell sounded from far to near.

Soon, Yuan Deyin brought Jun Yu back to the ground.

A gust of wind blew away Yuan Deyin's hair, revealing her delicate little face.

The crescent moon is clear and the delicate flowers are in full bloom, beautiful and gorgeous.

Many people couldn't help but gasped.

Soon, someone also reacted.

"Here, isn't this Princess Deyin?"

The person who spoke was a prince of Lu Zhouguo. He also attended Chi Yan's palace banquet back then, so he was deeply impressed by Yuan Deyin's startling glance.

Unexpectedly, when she grew up, she would have such an aggressive appearance.

But, didn't it mean that she was killed seven years ago?

Many people looked at Yuan Deyin with surprise and fear.

Because they couldn't tell if she was a human or a ghost.

"Sister." Zuo Qie said these two words with a trembling voice, with tears on Zuo Qi's cold face.

"The Princess is still alive." Wu Xi and the hidden guards wiped their tears with their sleeves.

It turned out that the prince's obsession was true all along.

Princess Deyin is really not dead.

He finally waited for the princess to come back.

Yue Sheng could see everyone's reaction.

His eyeballs narrowed slightly.

Is this the Yuan Deyin that made a big splash back then?

Can a dead person be resurrected?
Oh, play tricks!

"Come on, throw them both down!" He began to order again.

After his words fell, everyone in the Yue family began to surround Yuan Deyin.

The moment Yunmo appeared in Yuan Deyin, his eyes felt hot, and his heart was about to come alive.

Seeing that these people still wanted to do something to her now, he wanted to stop them.

But when he stood up, his body went limp, and he fell straight down again.

But when his face was about to touch the ground, a piece of silk ribbon was thrown from Yuan Deyin's side to protect him.

"Prince Yunmo, the princess doesn't need your help, the princess can do it herself."

Compared with seven years ago, her voice has faded from immaturity and is a little clearer.

After finishing the words, she took back the ribbon and pulled Uncle Nine Emperors behind her.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, let Deyin protect you this time."

Her tone was firm.

As soon as the words fell, a sword with a cold light fell from under her sleeve.

Several Yue family members who rushed over were all killed by her sword.

No one could see how she moved at all, they could only see a white figure passing by, and after many months, there was a bloodstain on the family's neck.

What was even more frightening was that there was a lot of blood splattered on the ground, but on Yuan Deyin's white veil and on the sword, not a single drop of blood could be seen.

Her cold face was like a killing god.

Many juniors of the Yue family panicked when they saw this scene.

Others looked at Yuan Deyin with fear, only Jun Yu behind him.

His eyes were a little red, and his heart ached.

Seven years ago, she was a delicate little girl.

When you are hurt, you will cry, and then bluff for comfort.

Now, her skill has become so powerful.

What has she experienced in the past seven years?
"Patriarch, this woman is very evil." Yue Shen said to Yue Sheng worriedly.

Yue Sheng's face was also very gloomy.

He has always been pretentious and feels that the members of the Yue family are invincible.

But now, a little girl actually killed so many of them.

Most importantly, he still doesn't know where she appeared from.

Clenching her teeth tightly, Yue Sheng looked at Yuan Deyin with murderous eyes.

At this moment, a young man quickly stood up.

He respectfully said to Yue Sheng: "Father, let the son kill this witch!"

He is Yue Sheng's second son, Yue Haimu, who is also the second wife of the Yue family.

Hearing his words, Yue Sheng nodded.

This son also deserves his attention.

Because his comprehension ability is good, the Yue family's exercises are also good.

If he makes a move, Yuan Deyin will surely die!
The others also became worried when they looked at Yuan Deyin because they knew Yue Haimu's identity.

Yue Haimu didn't even hold a weapon, and he looked at Yuan Deyin with extremely contemptuous eyes.

"You ignorant thing, dare to behave wildly on the territory of the Yue family, let this young master teach you a lesson."

When the words fell, his voice became invisible.

Everyone only felt a gust of wind passing by, and they couldn't see anything.

Is this the Yue family's invisibility technique?
The people around were terrified, they held their breath, wanting to see where the Moon Sea Curtain was.

But the moon sea curtain seems to have completely disappeared around, and all traces are gone.

And Yuan Deyin just stood there with his head tilted, holding a sword.

Her clear expression seemed to be in a daze.

Her appearance made everyone anxious.

If she continues like this, she will definitely be killed by Yue Haimu.

Fortunately, they still had some expectations in their hearts just now, thinking that she could save them.

But looking at it now, she was just here to die!
At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew by, and a lock of hair on Yuan Deyin's temple was cut off.

As the wind blew by, the strands of hair fell to the ground.

She stared at her own hair on the ground, her face sank.

"It actually ruined the princess's hair." She curled her lips, like a complaint between girls, or like a beating when a storm is coming.

Soon, her eyes gradually became cold and sharp.

Raising the sword in her hand, she aimed at a direction in mid-air, and the sharp sword came straight out.

"Pfft" sounded.

The sword pierced through Yue Haimu's heart.

The moon sea curtain fell heavily on the ground, his eyes widened in fear, and he just stared at Yuan Deyin's direction with reluctance.

After all, he died.

Still fatal!

Because the speed of Yuan Deyin's sword just now was so fast that the people beside them couldn't see clearly... So it's not surprising that he could kill him with one blow.

The only thing that shocked them was that the person who was fatally stabbed was the young master of the Yue family.

"Family, Patriarch, the second young master is dead." Yue Chen's face changed, and he shouted in a panic.

Yue Sheng also slapped his chair hard, and he stood up, looking at the scene like crazy.

Although the person who died was his bastard and was not favored by him, it was also his flesh and blood.

Yuan Deyin killed him to challenge the majesty of the Yue family!

"Kill her, kill her for my master!" He shouted angrily.

Yue Sheng, whose eyes were already red, snatched a sword from Yue Chen's hand.

He quickly drew a formation on the ground.

Seeing that formation, Yuan Deyin finally showed a little shock in his eyes.

"Is he crazy?"

He was actually summoning the dragon.

The reason why Jiaolong never came out of Jiaolong Pond was because Jiaolong Pond suppressed it.

If the Patriarch of the Hidden World Patriarch summoned it, it meant that the formation in Jiaolong Tan had been destroyed, and there was nothing that could restrain it.

Seeing this scene, the Yue family also panicked.

Is the owner crazy?

If the dragon is released, even the Yue family cannot suppress it.

Just when everyone was flustered, Jiaolong suddenly let out a long howl.

It jumped up from the cliff.

Both Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu turned their backs to it.

It recognized at a glance that these two people had provoked it just now, and it cracked its sharp teeth and growled angrily.

With the speed of an arrow leaving the string, it caught Yuan Deyin and was about to swallow her.

But it was also at this time that Jun Yu, who was standing with his back facing him, had chills in his eyes.

He jumped up quickly, picked up the little girl, and avoided the dragon's attack.

He took the sword from the little girl's hand, and thrust it behind him.

A painful roar sounded, and the earth shook.

It turned out that he stabbed Jiaolong!
Everyone was horrified when they saw this scene.

Isn't Jun Yu poisoned? Why is he still so powerful?
Yuan Deyin also looked at Jun Yu blankly.

But when she noticed his steady breathing, her eyes lit up slightly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you okay?" She asked quickly.

"Hmm." Jun Yu's tone was flat.

When Jiaolong attacked again, he pulled her behind him.

"You can protect this king, and likewise, this king can protect you."

After the words fell, he raised his sword and flew up.

Jiaolong was stabbed, and it became extremely irritable.

He kept roaring.

Accompanied by its roar, a powerful airflow rushed out of its mouth.

Being hit by the airflow, the Yue family members who were close to the past all fell to the ground, bleeding from seven holes.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin called out worriedly.

But Jun Yu faced him directly, and the powerful airflow from Jiaolong didn't affect him at all.

When the Jiaolong swung its tail over, he was able to dodge without fear, and then raised his sword again to aim at its eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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