The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 337 She Will Always Be His Little Girl

Chapter 337 She Will Always Be His Little Girl

"Uncle Nine Emperors, hurry up, or it will be too late." Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and forced him.

Yuesheng and his party had already retreated far away, and they turned their heads to see this scene.

He sneered directly.

"Ignorant child, you still want to fight the dragon."

Originally, he was worried that nothing could control Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu, but now that Jiaolong blew himself up, the two of them would definitely die.

The most important thing is that Jiaolong is also dead, so he will not come out to harm the Yue family.

Now, the Yue family really has no worries.

So he raised his hand, drew a big barrier to protect the Yue family, and then watched the play with peace of mind.

From the corner of Jun Yu's eyes, he saw that Jiaolong was extremely angry. He stretched out his hand and quickly flew over to grab the little girl into his arms.

"Yin'er, you have been growing up in the past seven years, but this king, why not?"

The tone of his words was extremely complicated.

Yuan Deyin's heart trembled slightly, she raised her head and looked at him with complicated eyes.

Before she could figure it out, Jun Yu suddenly raised his hand.

He closed his eyes, and then a white light radiated from his body.

This light is very warm, as if people's hearts have been washed.

Yuan Deyin clutched his shirt tightly and looked at him without blinking.

Jun Yu also raised the sword in his hand and aimed it at the sky.

Suddenly the sky seemed to be split in two.

A red light penetrated Jiaolong's body, but several white lights fell directly on Jun Yu's sword.

Jiaolong was in pain all over, and it finally couldn't bear it anymore.

His scales fell off one by one, his flesh was torn apart by red marks, and he was about to explode...

But at this time, Jun Yu opened his eyes, and those deep eyes looked down upon all living beings.

The sword in his hand was aimed directly at the dragon's eyes, and white light pierced in.

The red light and white light mixed together, and the dazzling light scattered in all directions.

Everyone was stabbed so hard that they couldn't keep their eyes open.

Ears were also buzzing.

Can't see anything, can't hear anything.

Yuan Deyin's heart was tense, and she couldn't detect any movement outside, so she could only hold onto Jun Yu's clothes tightly.

Finally, a mournful moan sounded, and the white and red lights disappeared at the same time.

Jun Yu hugged Yuan Deyin and slowly fell down. There were a few holes in their clothes, but there was no damage.

Everyone hurriedly looked to the opposite side, only to see that the frighteningly huge flood dragon turned into something that looked like a little white snake.

It stood there trembling, and the painful moans came out of its mouth.

Jun Yu actually beat Jiaolong like a child!
What trick did he use just now?
Almost most people looked at Jun Yu's eyes with nothing but fear.

Not only did this man have the best martial arts in the world, but he didn't know when he had acquired mysterious powers.

Yuan Deyin also stared at him blankly, with extremely complicated emotions in his eyes.

She remembered that seven years ago, Uncle Nine Emperors did not have this kind of power.

What has he experienced?
"Family, Patriarch, Jun Yu can actually restrain Jiaolong." Yue Chen spoke to Yue Sheng in a panic.

Yue Sheng's complacent expression cracked at some point.

He also started to look a little flustered.

"Why did the head of the family detect the aura of the Dugu family in Jun Yu's body just now?"

However, hasn't the Dugu family not been out of the mountain for a hundred years?

What is their relationship with Jun Yu?
Jun Yu raised his hand and patted the little girl's back lightly, comforting her silently.

After doing this, he held his sword and walked towards the little dragon step by step.

He raised his sword and wanted to kill it.

But Yuan Deyin suddenly ran over and stopped him.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, can you...don't kill it?"

Yuan Deyin watched the little Jiaolong curled up and nestled there, her wet eyes staring at them in a daze, her heart was a little tugged.

In fact, it is also a poor little being suppressed here.

If they hadn't come to disturb it, it wouldn't have self-destructed and self-injured with one enemy a hundred.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Jun Yu stopped quickly.

Yuan Deyin took the opportunity to squat down and gently touched the little Jiaolong with his fingers.

The Jiaolong was originally entwined around its body, pulling its head up, it was trembling all the time.

"I know you can understand us, do you want to stay with me?" Yuan Deyin asked softly.

Her words successfully made Xiao Jiaolong look up quickly.

Its wet eyes just looked at her like this, with a bit of expectation.

After shrinking, the little Jiaolong seemed to have been reborn, not only did he not have the aura of violence all over his body, but he seemed to have become stupid and cute.

It licked its tongue and looked at Yuan Deyin cutely.

But when he glanced at Jun Yu from the corner of the eye, he became flustered again.

It could be seen that it was very afraid of Jun Yu.

This scene made Yuan Deyin laugh.

She stretched out her index finger and flicked his limp head lightly.

"You little guy, you still know who is powerful and afraid of whom. Answer me quickly, are you willing to follow me? If you don't agree, I will throw you off the cliff right now. Anyway, you have no strength anymore. I guess it can be smashed into a meat paste."

Yuan Deyin had a good discussion with it, but after talking, he started to threaten.

Her words successfully scared a certain little dragon.

It flicked its head quickly, then nodded wildly.

Seeing its cute appearance, Yuan Deyin's mood improved, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing again.

Jun Yu watched from the side, seeing the little girl back to her old appearance, he couldn't help but slightly twitched the corner of his mouth.

No matter how many years have passed.

He was still the little girl of the Prince Regent's House.

Han Bingying has asked people to take out the antidote and feed them to these people.

So Wu Xi and the others quickly regained their strength.

They quickly walked to Jun Yu's side.

He asked worriedly: "My lord, will this dragon hurt Princess Deyin?"

His worry was not unreasonable, after all, they could clearly see the ferocious appearance of this little dragon just now.

What if it doesn't work well and it hurts Princess Deyin again?
Hearing Wu Xi's worried words, Jun Yu snorted coldly.

"If it makes trouble again, just kill it." When Jun Yu's indifferent warning words came out, his cold eyes did not forget to fall on a certain little dragon.

It was so frightened that it quickly curled up in Yuan Deyin's palm.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you really scared it." Yuan Deyin said depressedly.

She carefully picked up the little Jiaolong, and put it into a small basket brought by Han Bingying.

Seeing that Han Bingying had prepared the small basket for her so quickly, Yuan Deyin nodded appreciatively to him.

Jun Yu's gloomy eyes glanced at Han Bingying.

Han Bingying noticed this look, and his body froze, as if his internal energy had been suppressed.

But after taking a deep breath, he began to relax.

He saluted Jun Yu neither humble nor overbearing: "Lord Nine."

"Ahem, Uncle Nine Emperors, I'll explain some things to you later, okay?"

Only then did Yuan Deyin realize that it was indeed difficult to explain the sudden appearance of so many people around her.

So she hurried to Jun Yu's side and whispered coquettishly.

She was still the same as before, she liked to shake his hand every time she acted like a baby.

But she obviously forgot that she has grown up...

It's not appropriate to do this kind of thing again.

Sensing the softness from his shoulders, Jun Yu's ears blushed unconsciously.

He coughed softly, then looked away unnaturally.

"Okay." He replied in a low voice, but his voice was inexplicably hoarse.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Finding something wrong with his voice, Yuan Deyin began to worry again.

She stood on tiptoe, watching his face worriedly.

It has been seven years, and she is trying to grow taller, but Jiuhuangshu is also growing.

So now, standing in front of Uncle Nine Emperors, she is not much different from before.

It still drove her crazy.

She just wanted to get closer to him, but in the end she had to tiptoe!
Caught off guard, the little girl's delicate and flawless face came close to his eyes, and Jun Yu felt the sound of panic coming from his firm heart.

"Hey, I'm fine." He held his breath and looked elsewhere in a panic.

Is it really okay?
Yuan Deyin tilted her head, still a little worried.

She sneakily stretched out her little paw, just wanting to touch his wrist to feel his pulse.

But just as her little hand got into his wide sleeve, Jun Yu quickly grabbed her little hand.

"Yin'er, I'm really fine. The most important thing now is how to deal with Yuesheng."

Jun Yu's tone was sharp, and he successfully diverted Yuan Deyin's attention.

"That's right!" Yuan Deyin nodded earnestly, she turned her head and stared in the direction of the Yue family with a little cold eyes.

Sensing that Jun Yu's eyes were looking this way, Yue Sheng felt a little annoyed.

He flicked his sleeves, and then said to Yue Chen: "Let them continue to be proud today, let's go back first, and deal with them another day."

His tone seemed like he had forgiven Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu a lot today.

After speaking, he turned back with the members of the Yue family.

But at this moment, Han Bingying led someone to land lightly in front of him.

"Patriarch Yue, where are you going?"

Han Bingying's words were piercingly cold.

From a distance just now, Yue Sheng couldn't see Han Bingying's appearance clearly.

But now that he was so close, a chill suddenly rose from the soles of his feet.

His black eyes stared fixedly at Han Bingying, and then said in a shocked tone: "You, aren't you that kid back then?"

Although it has been a long time, Yuesheng began to vaguely remember Han Bingying's appearance.

Because back then, it was Han Bingying who resisted the most, and it took him a lot of effort to throw people into the formation of dead souls.

and also……

He looked behind Han Bingying, the faces from immature to long-opened were so familiar.

These are all people thrown into the soul formation!

Shouldn't they have died long ago, why did they appear here?

(End of this chapter)

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