Chapter 338 Protecting each other
"Patriarch Yue, you look very nervous, are you thinking why we are not dead yet, why we can show up here safe and sound and spoil your good deed?"

Han Bingying smiled coldly.

But this laughter fell into Yuesheng's ears very harshly.

Yuesheng shook his sleeves fiercely, then gritted his teeth and said, "Ignorant children, what did you do to our Yue family's dead soul tree?"

"I didn't do anything, I just destroyed the formation and escaped with everyone." Han Bingying shrugged, his tone weak.

These words of his sounded calm, but only he knew that his fists under the sleeves were clenched tightly.

Yuesheng wants some human lives to strengthen the power of the tree of dead souls, but ordinary human lives have a very general effect on the tree.

So he needs someone with a special fate.

These children are all the ones he likes.

In order to take them away, he will kill their parents, so that there will be no worries.

They were only in their teens, and they lost their parents and almost lost their lives just to satisfy the Yue family's wolfish ambitions.

Every time he wandered around at midnight, he wished he could personally chop off Yuesheng's high head, and pay homage to the dead souls of his parents!

"What? The Death Soul Formation was destroyed by you?"

Yuesheng's first reaction was disbelief.

Because it was something left to the Yue family by God Lord Tuoling, no one could do anything to it!

But now seeing Han Bingying standing in front of him safe and sound, and also learned very powerful exercises, the uneasiness in his heart expanded.

If the protective formation of the Yue family is broken, what should the Yue family do...

Yue Sheng's expression became more and more panicked.

But the way he looked at Han Bingying was still extremely sinister.

He asked coldly: "You were clearly unarmed when you entered, why did you become so powerful?"

"Why is this happening? Patriarch Yue, it's all thanks to your precious daughter."

Yuan Deyin suddenly landed on a big rock not far away with ease.

She casually took out the little Jiaolong from the basket next to it, then gently stroked its head and smoothed its fur.

Being touched comfortably, the little Jiaolong arched in her arms, and that appearance could be seen as being coquettish.

It was such a ferocious dragon just now, but now it is so docile in Yuan Deyin's arms, it really opened their eyes.

"My Patriarch's daughter? Shan'er?" Yue Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He guessed that the person Yuan Deyin was talking about should be Yuelushan.

After all, only Yuelushan had the opportunity to have contact with Yuan Deyin.

"That's right, it's Yue Lushan, the eldest lady of your Yue family. Back then, when the princess was almost bitten to death by a giant python, Yue Lushan activated the death array and summoned the princess to the Yue family. Among the tree of dead souls..."

"It was also in that formation. The princess learned some martial arts, then broke the formation and brought everyone out."

Yuan Deyin shrugged and said in a relaxed tone.

"What? You, you..."

Yue Sheng clutched his chest, he stepped back angrily, looking like he was about to vomit blood.

The soul formation is the foundation of their Yue family, and it was actually destroyed by this little bitch.

Not to mention that Yue Sheng looked at Yuan Deyin with extremely angry eyes.

The other Yue family members also stared at her sullenly, wishing to drink her blood and eat her flesh.

Trapped in a circle of dead souls?

Jun Yu's fists were clenched tightly, and the hostility spread all over his body.

His black eyes gradually turned blood-colored.

Over the years, he has also learned about the hidden family's affairs, so he naturally knows how vicious the Yue family's soul formation is.

The little girl has stayed in this formation for seven years. How much did she pay to survive!
Thinking of this, his heart ached.

"It's time for us to settle this account." Yuan Deyin stood up, with a little killing intent in his eyes.

Just when Han Bingying and others were about to attack Yuesheng.

Suddenly, a slightly anxious voice came from a distance.

"Princess Deyin, can you let me settle some grievances with Yuesheng first?"

Hearing this voice, Yuan Deyin turned his head and saw Feng Yiwei and Feng Bian hurried over.

The two of them looked at Yue Sheng as if they were enemies.

Two hours ago, people who called each other relatives have now become enemies.

Yuan Deyin's eyes flashed a bit playful, and she sat down on the stone again, holding her small face, with a full face of watching a play.

"So it's the head of the Feng family and the young master of the Feng family... But, young master Feng, you said that you have an enmity with Yue Sheng, but what about the enmity between you and the princess?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Feng Yiwei leisurely.

Her eyebrows and eyes looked like she was smiling, but everyone just felt a chill hit their hearts.

Feng Yiwei's body froze, and his expression was a little ashamed.

But when he raised his head again, he looked at Yuan Deyin with firmer eyes.

"Princess Deyin, it was indeed when I helped Yuelushan send you into the soul formation. Although I didn't know it at the time, I still won't shirk this responsibility. Just give me a chance and let me handle it well." I will let you deal with the grievances of the Yue family."

Feng Yiwei looked at Yuan Deyin firmly.

Yuan Deyin tilted his head, as if thinking about the feasibility of his words.

I don't know how long it took before she looked at Han Bingying and asked softly, "What do you think?"

"The ice shadow depends entirely on the young lady's decision."

Han Bingying spoke firmly.

Although he can't wait to kill the enemy himself, but...

Compared with Miss, hatred is not the most important thing to him.

Hearing Han Bingying's words, Yuan Deyin nodded.

Then she looked at Feng Yiming with her leisurely eyes, "Okay, this princess will give you such a chance. However, this princess also has a request, not to kill people, because his life can only be mine." Someone come get it!"

Yuan Deyin's last sentence was extremely firm.

Han Bingying and the others originally lowered their heads, but when they heard her words suddenly, they raised their heads in shock, with expressions of surprise and surprise.

The lady really cared about them in her heart.

Back then, when she was in the soul formation, she told them that one day, she would bring them out and let them kill their enemies with their own hands.

Unexpectedly, Miss, she still remembers that sentence back then.

Actually, she doesn't have to be like this...

Just relying on her kindness to protect them from dying in the soul formation, it is worth everything they have done for her.

Han Bing and the others bowed their heads silently again. They gritted their teeth to suppress the tears.

Yuan Deyin has dealt with the problem, but Jun Yu's not good at all.

Listening to their conversation, Jun Yu vaguely pieced things together.

It must be that Yue Lushan is not strong enough to activate the soul formation outside, so she tricked Feng Yiwei into asking Feng Yiwei to help.

Regardless of whether Feng Yiwei did it on purpose or not, it is a fact that he harmed the little girl.

Damn him!
The veins in Jun Yu's hand holding the sword twitched violently, the ruthlessness in his heart was ready to move, his blood-colored eyes swept across Feng Yiwei and his party.

If it wasn't because the little girl had her own intentions, I'm afraid he would personally kill these people now!

(End of this chapter)

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