Chapter 339 The events of the year

"Hehehe, what an arrogant tone!"

Yue Sheng directly spread his hands and laughed.

He looked at Yuan Deyin and Feng Yiwei with extremely contemptuous eyes.

"Yuan Deyin, although you have the strength to suppress Jiaolong and destroy our Yue family's soul array. But this does not mean that you still have the ability to challenge the majesty of the head of the family!"

Although Yue Sheng was a little jealous of Yuan Deyin, he didn't take her seriously.

After all, he is the head of the Yue family, a descendant of the Yue family who has practiced for nearly 50 years.

Yuan Deyin, an outsider, is still trying to be arrogant towards him?
The blood of the Yinshi family doomed outsiders to be futile no matter how hard they fought!
"And you, Feng Yiwei, the head of the family loves you, let you be the son-in-law of the Yue family, and you still want to help outsiders harm the Yue family?"

Yue Sheng looked at Feng Yiwei's eyes, extremely angry.

That appearance, as if Feng Yiwei betrayed their Yue family.

Feng Yiwei sneered directly.

"Yuesheng, you still have the face to say such things. When you drugged me and my father, why didn't you think that I am your son-in-law?"

"That's not because of your stubbornness!" Yue Sheng snorted coldly.

With his tone, it seemed that all the faults were on Feng Yiwei.

"Also, you probably didn't know that just half an hour ago, your beloved daughter Yue Lushan came to the guest room with a dagger and wanted to kill me herself!"

Feng Yiwei spoke quietly, the hatred in his eyes was about to overflow.


Yue Sheng's face froze at first, but after he realized it, his face flushed red, and he gritted his teeth tightly with hatred.

"That wicked girl, how dare she!"

"Why doesn't she dare?" Feng Yiwei sneered again, his eyes were full of anger towards Yue Lushan and accusations against himself, "She wants to marry Dongfang Lejun wholeheartedly, so Want to kill me, so that no one can force her."

Yue Lushan doesn't like him, even hates him.

When she is happy, she can use him, and when she is unhappy, she can abandon him like a dog.

He has lived for more than 20 years, and he almost paid his life to see the truth clearly.

How sad.

"This matter is indeed my wicked girl who did something wrong. Don't worry, I will teach her a lesson when I go back. Your marriage is still counting. As long as we work together now, we can wipe out all these people..."

Yue Sheng has still not changed his mind until now, he still wants to win over Feng Yiwei.

From the beginning to the end, he had no intention of giving up on the Feng family.

After all, although the Yue family is powerful, if they want to dominate the world, they still need some powerful officials.

The Feng family is suitable to be that loyal courtier.

The most important thing is that if the Feng family cooperates with him now, then dealing with Junyu and Yuan Deyin will be a matter of twice the result with half the effort.

Looking at Yuesheng's greedy face, Feng Yiwei said in disgust: "You should give up on this kind of heart, I am here now, not to forgive you, but to make you pay the price."


At this moment, Yue Sheng's face became completely gloomy.

Since Feng Yiwei couldn't persuade him, just kill him.

"You ignorant child, you actually spoke rudely to the head of the family. Although you are the heir of the Feng family, you are nothing in front of the head of the family!"

"Then what if the Patriarch is added?" Feng Bian stood up at this moment.

He stood in front of Feng Yiwei, his cold eyes met Yue Sheng's.

"Okay, then this Patriarch will let your Feng family suffer a crushing defeat!"

After Yuesheng finished speaking, he opened his hands, and suddenly there was a strong wind.

At this moment, Jun Yu came behind the little girl and skillfully pulled her into his arms.

"Uncle Nine Emperors?" She raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes.

Only when facing Jun Yu, will she restrain her thorny appearance and turn back into that little girl who can act like a baby.

"Since you want to watch a play, don't get so close, what if you hurt yourself?" Jun Yu poked her lightly on the head, and hugged her away from the battlefield.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why don't you ask me some questions? For example, why do I have so many subordinates, for example, why do I have martial arts..."

It's been a long time since I heard Jun Yu's answer, and Yuan Deyin didn't care to watch the fight scene over there. She lightly touched his shoulder with her elbow and asked in a low voice.

Hearing her cautious words, Jun Yu lowered his head, and some emotion flashed in those dark eyes.

"If you want to say it, you can say it. If you don't want to, I won't ask. I just want you to come back safely."

Although Jun Yu said the last sentence very lightly, the tenderness in his brows seemed to melt everything.

He has been waiting for seven years.

It doesn't matter, he just wants her back.

His words successfully made Yuan Deyin's smile a bit bitter.

She lowered her head, her eyes were red.

"I'm sorry." She hummed in a muffled voice, feeling very sad in her heart.

She could imagine how sad he was after his accident.

"The altar of sweet-scented osmanthus wine in Zhuangzi, I know about it." Jun Yu looked at her lonely and said patiently.

Hearing this, she quickly raised her head.

The nose is still red, but the eyes are much brighter, not so sad.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I asked Crazy Yu to dig that on purpose. Am I smart?"

On her small face, she wished she could write a few big characters - "Praise me quickly"!
"Well, very smart." He raised his hand and patiently smoothed the messy hair on her forehead.

"Okay, Uncle Nine Emperors, you don't even ask me who Crazy Yu is."

After a certain little girl was happy for a while, she began to get discouraged.

She originally thought that Uncle Nine Emperors would ask her a lot of questions, so she would be able to explain accordingly.

But now he doesn't seem to be curious about anything, as long as she comes back, it makes her speechless.

Seeing her annoyed little girl, Jun Yu chuckled again.

"Well, I ask you, who is Madman Yu?"

"Oh, it's a long story for lunatic Yu..."

Yuan Deyin coughed softly, and then explained with a serious face: "At the beginning, when I entered the undead formation, there was an old man inside, and he had been there for more than [-] years. He originally wanted to see He wanted me to die, but who knew that when the formation was activated, I survived, so he asked me to learn martial arts from him..."

"Later, Yuesheng summoned many people in, and I saved those people..."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, let me tell you that Madman Yu is really a weird person. He can come out by himself, but he insists on going back to that place. He also said that he was waiting for someone, and sometimes he would talk nonsense when he was drinking. Let’s just say, I’m the one he’s waiting for…”

"How is it possible? I wasn't even born when he entered the Death Soul Formation. How could I be the person he was waiting for..."

"This time, I figured out that he wouldn't allow it, and I was so angry that I fought him directly. Hehe, I didn't expect it, I actually won him. But it seems that he listened to me back then and went to the village to brew sweet-scented osmanthus for him. For the sake of getting it back, I didn't beat him badly..."

Yuan Deyin continued to put on a face and beg for praise.

"Well, this king's voice is great." Jun Yu raised his hand and rubbed her head.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, who do you think Madman Yu is? What does he have to do with the Yue family?" Yuan Deyin muttered, tilting his head.

As for the identity of the lunatic, she hadn't figured it out after thinking about it for seven years.

She was in deep thought, but she didn't notice the stern light flashing in Jun Yu's eyes.

The tree of dead souls belonged to Lord Tuolin.

Those who can survive in the soul formation are either the blood of the Lord Tuoling, or the guardians of the Lord Tuoling.

That lunatic should be the guardian.

Why didn't he spread the news that Yin'er was alive? What exactly did he want to do?
Also, Yin'er has a relationship with Lord Tuoling, is it a good thing or a bad thing?

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you thinking?"

The little girl looked up, only to find that Uncle Jiuhuang seemed to be thinking about something in his eyes.

She quickly raised her hand, waved it in front of him, and asked curiously.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu quickly came back to his senses.

"It's nothing, this king is just thinking, Yu Crazy can be regarded as helping you, this king must visit him if there is a chance." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Yuan Deyin shook his head and sighed again.

"That probably won't work. After I defeated him, when I came out of the formation, he said that he didn't want to see me in his life."

At the end, Yuan Deyin's tone was a little lost.

For Madman, her feelings are complicated.

There is gratitude, there is dislike, but there is no hatred.

Because Madman Yu is really a good elder with a cold heart and a warm heart to her.

Of course, apart from the fact that she was determined not to let her out, she couldn't accept it.

"It's okay, the king will have a good chat with him."

Jun Yu continued to speak, his voice had a soothing effect, and Yuan Deyin also began to feel at ease.

"Here you are." Just as her head was turning around, Jun Yu suddenly raised his hand and held her head down.

Then he took out a bag of things wrapped in oiled paper from his arms.

Seeing this, Yuan Deyin's heart skipped a beat.

She slowly stretched out her hand, and then peeled off the oiled paper.

When she saw pieces of well-preserved sweet-scented osmanthus cakes inside, her eyes turned red and she almost burst into tears again.

The familiar scent of sweet-scented osmanthus lingered on the tip of her nose, which made her want to cry a bit.

When she was inside the tree of dead souls, every time she was upset, Madman Yu would always bring her sweet-scented osmanthus cake from outside.

Although they are all sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, they are not the taste she wants.

Now that she smelled the familiar smell, she actually felt as if she had passed away.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you have this on your body?"

Holding the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, she looked at Jun Yu with red eyes.

"From the day this king knows you are alive, this king will always carry osmanthus cake with him wherever he goes."

This king thought, as long as this king has the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, then you will definitely remember the way home.

Also remember... to return to this king's side.

"Thank you, Uncle Nine Emperors."

Yuan Deyin lowered her head, she gnawed on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and big tears fell down drop by drop.


Because Feng Bian and Feng Yiwei have teamed up, Yue Sheng is not their opponent at all.

That's why Yuesheng was knocked down from the air in just a few rounds.

Yue Sheng's body was covered in blood, and he was in a terrible mess.


The Yue family hurriedly surrounded them, holding swords, staring at Feng Bian and Feng Yiwei with resentment in their eyes.

"Patriarch Feng, Young Master Feng. Our Patriarch just gave you some medicine, but you actually killed him. Your behavior is too cruel."

Yue Shen spoke directly and questioned loudly.

As a result, Feng Yiwei didn't even bother to give him a look.

He turned his head directly, and said politely to Yuan Deyin: "Princess Deyin, the grievances between our Feng family and Yuesheng have been settled, and now he is seriously injured and cannot be successful."

"Feng Yiwei, you are such a despicable villain, you are still so polite to outsiders, you have insulted the reputation of the Hermit Family!"

Yue Chen continued to curse.

In the next instant, Feng Bian slapped her across the air.

He fell down, and then spat out a mouthful of blood, almost falling out of his teeth.

"The hermit family is no nobler than the outsiders. God Lord Tuo Ling gave us the power of the bloodline of our ancestors back then, not to let us be superior. We originally existed to maintain the stability of this world. Now you actually want to break this rule, my Patriarch As descendants of the Feng family, I can't tolerate your presumptuousness!"

Feng Bian's words were extremely firm and forceful.

As a result, when Yue Sheng heard this, he covered his chest and laughed.

"Heh, Feng Bian, what you said is really sweet. Didn't the ancestors say that in order to maintain the independence of the four major families, the families are not allowed to marry each other? But you are not the same, did you take the initiative to propose marriage to our Yue family? "


Feng Bian was furious at Yue Sheng's words.

"Father." Feng Yiwei patted him on the back lightly to comfort him.

In fact, my father hesitated about the marriage at the beginning, and even wanted to cancel the marriage, but in the end because he liked Yuelushan, he dismissed that idea.

It's all because of him, my father has endured too much.

Feng Bian shook his head: "Wei'er, don't feel guilty. This matter is indeed my father's fault. If my father hadn't been obsessed with ghosts and wanted to keep his status as the second family, my father would not have taken the initiative to agree to this marriage... ..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's end the life of this dog thief!"

Han Bingying was impatient.

After his words fell, he raised his sword and stabbed directly towards Yuesheng.

Seeing this, the Yue family naturally wanted to protect her.

But their family members have been blocked by Yuan Deyin's subordinates these past few months.

Their Yue family thought they were powerful, but within a few rounds, they were defeated.

Seeing how vulnerable the members of his Yue family were, Yue Sheng clutched his heart and spat out another mouthful of blood.

But when Han Bingying's sword stabbed at him, he quickly got up and resisted.

Although Han Bingying's attack was very powerful, Yue Sheng, as the head of the hidden family, possessed the power of the bloodline given by the God Lord Tuo Ling at the beginning...

He just took a few deep breaths, and his wounds were healing quickly, and his body's abilities began to recover again.

"Be careful, his skill has returned a lot."

Feng Yiwei reminded worriedly at the side.

One of the important reasons why he and his father proposed to deal with Yuesheng by themselves just now is——

Yuesheng's strength should not be underestimated, Han Bingying is probably very difficult to deal with as an ordinary person.

Sure enough, after a few rounds, although Han Bingying's attack was ferocious, it was still a little weaker.

Looking at Han Bingying's appearance, Yue Sheng sneered complacently: "Ignorant child, you still want to deal with the head of the family just like this!"

Seeing Yuesheng's insolent appearance, Yuan Deyin put down the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and raised his hand, wanting to help Han Bingying.

But at this time, a certain Nine Emperor Uncle held her restless little paw down.

"You continue to eat osmanthus cake." He said calmly.

Yuan Deyin was still a little puzzled, but in the next moment, he saw a stern look in his eyebrows.

He raised his hand, and a palm wind directly hit Yue Sheng's heart.

Yue Sheng fell hard to the ground.

He struggled to get up from the ground, raised his hand, and absorbed the essence of heaven and earth. Originally, he thought that with this method, he could easily recondense his inner strength as before.

But who knew, just before he made a move, he felt that his internal energy was crazily draining.

"What's going on, it's impossible, it won't be like this..." He looked at his hands and shook his head in panic.

However, even though he wanted to remedy it, it was of no avail.

With the loss of internal strength, his body began to dry up.

In the end, even if he wanted to use invisibility, he had no choice.

Han Bingying also saw this opportunity, directly raised the sword, and directly stabbed him in the heart.

A deadly move!

The members of the Yue family shouted in panic.

And Yue Sheng also died in a pool of blood.

Looking at the blood on his sword, Han Bingying let out a foul breath.

Father and mother, the boy has avenged you.

Seeing that the Patriarch was dead, Yue Chen didn't dare to be arrogant anymore.

He felt that his own life was more important than head-to-head confrontation.

Therefore, when he was in chaos, he wanted to escape secretly.

As a result, Wu Xi saw through it at a glance.

Wu Xi went directly in front of him and blocked his way.

Knife up and down!
Yue Shen's head rolled directly to the ground.

After doing so many bad things and almost killing the prince, he still wants to escape!
The other Yue family members knelt on the ground one after another, crying and begging for mercy.

However, Wuxi, Wuying, and Wujing are merciless.

With a blank face, they directly killed them one by one.

Soon, there were less than five members of the Yue family here, and they were all just watching from the sidelines and not doing anything.

"My lord, this is only a part of the Yue family. There are still many Yue family members in the entire territory of the Yue family. Do we need to cut the grass and roots?" Wu Xi walked up to Jun Yu and asked.

Before Jun Yu could answer, a surviving emperor began to murmur loudly: "Kill, kill, kill them all. They still want me to cut the city, and even killed my beloved concubine, these bastards, Must die!"

Hearing his piercing voice, Yuan Deyin glanced over with indifferent eyes.

"Shut up, you were the one who shook off your concubine's hand just now to save your life!"

After Yuan Deyin said this, the emperor's face froze.

He looked away unnaturally, with both shame and anger in his heart.

"No need, innocent people don't deserve to die." Jun Yu's voice was flat.

When the others heard his words, they were horrified. Is this still the cold-blooded and ruthless Lord Regent?
He still cares about the life and death of innocent people?

Wuxi and Wuying also looked at each other.

Sure enough, the princess came back, and so did the prince's compassion.

(End of this chapter)

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