Chapter 340 Mei Qingzhou's Past
Feng Bian and Feng Yiwei looked at Yuan Deyin and wanted to say something several times, but in the end they closed their mouths with a hesitant expression.

Looking at their expressions, Yuan Deyin could guess something quickly.

"Are Master Feng and Young Master Feng worried that after Yuesheng dies, the balance of the four families in Fanhualin will be broken?" She asked leisurely.

Feng Bian didn't plan to hide it anymore after being caught in the heart.

He nodded seriously: "That's true. The Flower Forest is part of the world. If the balance of the Flower Forest is broken, it will be bad for the world."

"What's so difficult? That should be Yuesheng's son, so let him be the head of the Yue family." Yuan Deyin looked at the young man curled up in a corner, and said in a relaxed tone.

This man is one of the sons of the Yue family.

His name is Yue Danzhou, and his mother was just a maid who passed away when he was just born, so he was not only not favored by Yue's family, but was often bullied.

The reason why he came here today was because other members of the Yue family forced him to come here.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yue Danzhou raised his head in shock, his eyes flustered and at a loss.

Although he hasn't been able to get out of the ghost formation these years, Yuan Deyin has heard a lot about the Yue family from the mouth of the lunatic.

The Yue family is definitely not all bad guys...

At least this time in Yuedanzhou, once accidentally discovered that Yuesheng had sacrificed his life to pay homage to the soul formation, and he had the courage to try to stop Yuesheng.

But in the end, he threw Yuesheng into the woodshed for five days, and survived by eating dead mice.

From a distance just now, Yuan Deyin probably guessed his identity when he saw how the Yue family looked disgusted by him.

Since we are looking for someone to sit in Yue's house, let him be.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's casual tone, the expressions of the others were also a little strange.

Is it such a joke?

"De, Princess Deyin, I can't do it." Yue Danzhou shook his head, looking terrified.

"This county master says you can do it. If you refuse again, this county will dominate you and all the Yue family members!" Yuan Deyin threatened him pretending to be fierce.

This time, he was so frightened that he refused everything, and he could only stand there dumbly.

"The rest of the Yue Family, if you don't want to die, you can help your new Patriarch!"

Yuan Deyin's indifferent eyes fell on the remaining four people, and he warned coldly.

Hearing her words, they nodded quickly.

"Master Deyin County, each patriarch must rely on the power of blood to inherit the Yue family. The person who is inherited by the Yue family is the fourth young master of the Yue family, but he is not in the flower forest now." Feng Yiwei reminded Yuan De aloud sound.

"The Yue family is almost gone, what inheritance do you care about? The princess said he is the patriarch, and he is! As for the fourth young master, the princess is not afraid!"

Yuan Deyin clapped his hands and said with a haughty face.

When Wu Xi and the others heard this, they couldn't help wiping off a cold sweat.

The little princess seems to be really crazy now.

It is said that the fourth young master of the Yue family was more talented than Yue Sheng, and he was a rare genius in the hidden family.

It is estimated that the strength now exceeds Yuesheng.

But so what!
What kind of dragon, what kind of Patriarch of the Yue family, are all subdued by the little princess and the prince, are you afraid of the fourth young master of the Yue family?
Well, that makes sense.

Princess Deyin's madness makes sense!
Thinking about it this way, Wuxi and the others straightened their backs even more, and their faces were full of arrogance.

"Don't pay attention to their affairs anymore." A certain Ninth Emperor Uncle was unwilling to see the little girl just now, and these people took her attention away, so he directly grabbed her and pulled her to his side.

He also turned his head to look at Wu Xi, and ordered in a cold voice: "The things here, you come to deal with the aftermath."

After speaking, he skillfully took the little girl's hand and left.

When Shen Chuannan and Jun Zhouhan saw this, they naturally followed.

Wuxi, Wuying, and Wujing looked at each other, and then resigned themselves to staying.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't be in such a hurry. I haven't talked to the emperor's brother and Mr. Shen yet."

Yuan Deyin said helplessly to Jun Yu.

Her words successfully made a certain Nine Emperor Uncle pause in his footsteps.

This is the opportunity for Jun Zhouhan and the others to catch up.

"Xiaoyin." Jun Zhouhan looked at Yuan Deyin with astringent eyes.

Luckily she's fine.

For the past seven years, the faces of her mother and Princess Ji have always lingered in her dreams.

They were all asking him why he didn't protect Xiaoyin well.

"Deyin." Mei Qingzhou's voice choked, and she couldn't say anything else.

She stepped forward and gave Yuan Deyin a tight hug.

Seeing this scene, the expression of Lord Regent standing behind him began to darken.

He hasn't been hugged yet, but someone has stepped on him first!
"Sister Qingzhou, I'm sorry, I made you worry." Yuan Deyin patted Mei Qingzhou's back lightly and said guiltily.

"It's fine, as long as you're alive."

Mei Qingzhou pursed her red lips to hold back her tears.

"By the way, sister Qingzhou, you and brother emperor..."

Yuan Deyin suddenly remembered that she had just seen the emperor's brother holding the hand of Qingzhou's sister, and her curiosity was aroused.

In the past few years when she was away, has the relationship between sister Qingzhou and the emperor's brother progressed?
Facing Yuan Deyin's eyes, Mei Qingzhou's expression froze, and she turned her face away.

Jun Zhouhan walked over quickly at this time, and said softly, "Qingzhou is now my imperial concubine."

I see……

Yuan Deyin originally wanted to say congratulations.

But she suddenly remembered that Sister Qingzhou said that the life in the palace was what she disliked the most.

Then why later...

All kinds of emotions just flashed in my heart, but Yuan Deyin didn't show it.

She silently withdrew her gaze, and then changed the subject: "Uncle Nine Emperors, why don't I take you to meet Madman Yu."

"it is good."

Jun Yu could guess what the little girl was thinking just by glancing at her, so he responded quickly.

Wait until Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu are gone.

Mei Qingzhou said in a distant tone, Zhou Han, "Your Majesty, the concubine entered the palace because of peace. I hope you... never tell Deyin."

Hearing his words, the corners of Jun Zhouhan's mouth curved bitterly.

In the end, all the emotions turned into a soft word.

"Okay, I got it."


"Uncle Nine Emperors, this is the Death Soul Formation, but now that the formation is broken, without any attack power, it's just a big tree."

Yuan Deyin took Jun Yu's hand and quickly ran into the enclosure of the tree of dead souls.

Jun Yu looked at the big tree reaching up to the sky, his eyes were dim.

His little girl has stayed in this place for seven years.

Yuan Deyin didn't know the depressed emotions in his heart, she lifted the hem of her skirt and quickly entered the tree at the entrance.

Because she was running so fast, the sound of the bell around her waist was even louder.

"Crazy Yu, although you drove me out, my lord has a lot of people. I came to see you, and I brought back my Nine Emperor Uncle."

Yuan Deyin said loudly while running.

Jun Yu followed behind, listening to her bluffing, a bit of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

This lunatic should be like a family member to her.

But when Jun Yu stepped in, the little girl suddenly ran out in a hurry.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Crazy Yu is gone." She grabbed his sleeve, her voice flustered.

"Missing?" Jun Yu's eyes darkened.

"Don't panic, the king will go in with you." Jun Yu took her hand and walked in quickly while comforting her.

It was only after I came in that I saw a place that looked like a hall, and everything was scattered on the ground in a mess.

In the middle, there is still a lot of blood.

"Madman Yu is crazy, looks unreliable, and doesn't like to be clean, but he is a person who is very strict about where he lives. He will put everything in order..."

So it's impossible to have such a messy situation here.

She remembered that before she went out, it was still very tidy.

"Could it be that he has something to go out?" Jun Yu asked.

"No, he is used to going out at the end of the month, and he will never break this principle. Also, what is going on with the blood, I remember that he was fine before I went out."

Yuan Deyin's eyes turned red.

"Yin'er, calm down first. Although I have never met that old senior, since he has lived in the soul formation for decades and taught you martial arts, he is definitely not an ordinary person. Therefore, even if it is true If someone takes him away, you have to believe that he is fine."

Jun Yu's patient words finally calmed Yuan Deyin's heart.

That's right, since Madman Yu is so powerful, accidents won't happen so easily.

But who is going to attack him?
She has lived with him for so many years, but she still doesn't know that he has enemies.

"Don't worry, this king will let Wuxi continue to investigate this matter."

Jun Yu said another word to make her feel at ease.

Well, it can only be like this, Yuan Deyin nodded.


When the Tusu family heard about the turmoil here, they hurried over.

But Yuan Deyin could not be seen.

Because Jun Yu took a certain little girl away overnight, because only when he returned to the land on the other side of the capital, he would have the feeling that the little girl went home with him.

Naturally, Wu Xi, Han Bingying and the others stayed to rectify the Yue family.

Of course, there are also tracking down Madman Yu and Yue Lushan.

The lunatic has never been seen.

But Yue Lushan took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

The Yue family, a majestic hidden family, was destroyed to a great extent, which caused a great sensation in the world.

From this day on, people in the world began not to underestimate Yuan Deyin who "resurrected from the dead" on the basis of being afraid of Jun Yu.

After driving for several days, their carriage entered the capital.

Yuan Deyin was dozing off at first, but she was awakened suddenly when she heard "Long live my emperor, long live".

"Huh? Have you arrived in the capital?" She rubbed her eyes and asked suspiciously.

"Well, it's here." Jun Yu poured her a cup of hot tea and said quietly.

"Then I have to get off the carriage." Yuan Deyin remembered that the emperor's brother's carriage was in front, and there should be many ministers guarding the city gate.

As a princess, it is disrespectful for her to stay in the carriage all the time.

But she was able to move, and suddenly Jun Yu raised his hand and pulled her back.

With a stagger, Yuan Deyin fell directly into his arms, knocking his head on his stiff chest.

Sensing a sweet smell coming from his bosom, Jun Yu's calm handsome face appeared a little unnatural.

"You don't need to get out of the carriage." He said in a deep voice.


"You are my king's man, no one has the right to say anything wrong with you." Jun Yu's tone was a little more domineering at this time.

His words calmed Yuan Deyin's heart, and she didn't intend to move anymore.

Because she does...

Quite sleepy.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a sound coming from outside.

"My son respectfully welcomes my father back to Beijing."

This sentence successfully drove Yuan Deyin's drowsiness away.

She turned her head and looked at Jun Yu in shock.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, it only the emperor's children who call him that?" She asked in a strange tone.

"En." Jun Yu replied again.

Facing the curious look in the little girl's eyes, he added calmly: "The one outside should be the second prince."

Second prince, doesn't that mean there is still a first prince?
That's right, it's been seven years, and the emperor's elder brother has married a concubine, so he should have a prince.

"Is it sister Qingzhou's?" Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu anxiously, holding her small face.

In fact, back then, she had already noticed that the emperor's brother liked sister Qingzhou.

However, sister Qingzhou had no intention of entering the palace, so he was still unable to speak.

Unexpectedly, seven years later, they had achieved a fruitful cultivation and had a child.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin's eyes were full of anticipation.

It must be fun to hold a child, especially if the child belongs to sister Qingzhou.

They must be like sister Qingzhou or brother emperor.

Not only did Jun Yu not answer, but her eyes were a bit complicated, she continued to mutter: "No, I must get off the carriage and go see Sister Qingzhou's child."

"No need."

This time, Jun Yu's big hand clasped her wrist much stronger than before.

Noticing Uncle Jiuhuang's strangeness, she turned her head and looked at him puzzled.

"The prince outside does not belong to Concubine Mei. Apart from this, there are the first prince, third prince, and fourth princess, none of which belong to Concubine Mei." Jun Yu said expressionlessly.


Yuan Deyin's flustered hands accidentally overturned the tea, which burned the back of her tea red.

She looked at Jun Yu with red eyes: "Uncle Nine Emperors, is everything you said true?"

Although before her accident, she knew that the emperor's elder brother had accepted many concubines, and he established them for the purpose of stabilizing the imperial power.


However, he and other concubines have too many children.

Yuan Deyin didn't know how to describe his mood.

I just can't blame Jun Zhouhan, but I can't agree with it either.

She still remembered that when Sister Qingzhou mentioned her expectations for her future husband, she said that she didn't need that man to be rich and powerful, but at least she had to have a heart loyal to her.

What went wrong?
"Mei Guifei was drugged by a nobleman five years ago, and she had a miscarriage. The imperial doctor said that she would never have children again in this life."

Although I don't want her to suffer because of these things, Jun Yu also understands...

Keeping it from her, if one day she knows the truth, she will suffer even more.

"No, how could this be..."

Yuan Deyin noticed that her cheeks were wet, she wiped them with the back of her hand, and it was full of tears.

No wonder on the way back these days, although Sister Qingzhou smiled when she looked at her, her eyebrows no longer had the brilliance of the past.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why did Sister Qingzhou marry the Emperor's brother?" Yuan Deyin asked anxiously as he held Jun Yu's hand tightly.

"Yin'er, you should have guessed it." Jun Yu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with his fingertips.

In the next sentence, his tone became more serious.

"But it's not your fault."

None of them was a winner in that incident seven years ago.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, stop talking." Yuan Deyin buried her head between her knees, her voice choking.

Answering along the way, she heard the people on the side of the road commenting on Concubine Mei Gui.

She still felt emotional in her heart, it turns out that Sister Qingzhou is so good at governing the harem.

The Chiyan harem still has the previous dynasty, and it can basically stabilize now. Sister Qingzhou must have contributed.

But she didn't know that sister Qingzhou was so bitter.

It must be because of her death that year that Sister Qingzhou came up with the idea of ​​going to the palace to help the emperor's brother.

But, don't sister Qingzhou know that this will ruin her happiness.

"It's my fault. I didn't help you protect your friend." Jun Yu held her face up, and then patiently wiped away the tears on her face with his fingertips .

He originally thought that as long as he rectified the imperial court, the harem would not be full of smog.

But he forgot that since ancient times, the harem has been another world.

He underestimated the ambitions of those treacherous officials in the court, they still extended their hands into the harem after all.

At the beginning, after he rushed back from the battlefield, the first news he heard from Wuyi was——

Concubine Mei had a miscarriage.

It was he who was sorry for his little girl. He couldn't even take care of her friends when she was suffering.

"It's not your fault, it's me, it's my fault." Yuan Deyin bit her index finger firmly, she kept shaking her head, crying very embarrassingly.

(End of this chapter)

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