Chapter 341 Jun Yu's Protection

When the carriage stopped at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Steward Dong has led everyone to guard the door.

When Yuan Deyin got off the carriage, Steward Dong's eyes turned red.

The girls behind him, Cang Ling, just covered their mouths and started crying.

Yuan Deyin's eyes were already red and swollen from crying, but seeing this scene, his heart couldn't hold back even more.

She shook her head lightly: "Don't cry, the princess is really back."

"Princess." Ji Xia couldn't bear it at all, and she didn't care about her dignity, so she ran over and hugged Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin looks like a girl now, much taller than Ji Xia, she patted Ji Xia's back lightly, and said softly: "Ji Xia, this princess misses your cooking very much."

"That servant will cook for you, the Princess, every day from now on." Ji Xia said firmly.

Yuan Deyin took another look at Cang Ling and the others. They were still the same as before, but Butler Dong had a lot more gray hair, and he was starting to age. It seems that the affairs of the Prince Regent's Mansion have caused him a lot of trouble.

She walked towards Butler Dong step by step, and then said in an apologetic tone, "Butler Dong, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"No... the old slave is fine... as long as you come back, Princess Dong." Butler Dong wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand.

In his heart, the princess and the prince are the same.

He cherishes the prince as his own child, and the princess naturally does.

When he heard the news of the death of the princess, he was too sad to be himself.

"Let's go, it's windy outside, don't catch cold." Jun Yu walked to Yuan Deyin's side, and he took her little hand skillfully.

Even after so many years, Jun Yu held her hand more skillfully than before.

So skillful that one wonders if he often does this action in his dreams.

Ji Xia and the others looked at each other, then ran to the backyard.

The princess has been outside for so many years, she must miss the food in the capital, and they have to prepare her favorite food for her quickly.

Yuan Deyin wanted to go back to her yard, but when she stood at the gate of the yard, she found that the walls in her yard and Jiuhuangshu's yard had been broken through.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what's going on?" She turned her head and asked in a puzzled tone.

"Back then, after you left, your yard became my king's." Jun Yu replied softly.

"Has Nine Emperors coveted Deyin's yard for a long time? Why did you take away the yard when something happened to Deyin?" She said in a joking tone.

But who knows, Jun Yu looked at her and said seriously: "I just think that staying in the place where you once lived, I can feel that you still exist."

His words were too sincere, with a bit of repressed emotion.

Yuan Deyin's heart touched slightly, and it hurt slightly.

She took a deep breath, and then showed firm eyes: "Uncle Nine Emperors, don't worry, Deyin will definitely protect himself in the future, and won't make you worry any more."

Just when she finished speaking, Jun Yu suddenly covered his chest and coughed violently, and bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what's wrong with you?"

Yuan Deyin's heart hangs in an instant.

She quickly grabbed his wrist and felt his pulse.

But after checking her pulse, her eyes became confused.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, did you not take the medicine I left for you? I remember that the master clearly has the medicine, so he should give it to you." Yuan Deyin kept shaking her head, her expression flustered.

She was afraid that she didn't leave any medicine back then, and then caused Uncle Nine Emperors to suffer for seven years.

Because when she checked Jun Yu's pulse just now, she found that his health was getting worse.

He obviously had very strong internal strength, but his bones were as weak as a fragile bamboo, which could be broken if he pulled it casually.

When he was in Yue's house, his evil poison broke out, but he has endured it until now, what the hell is he doing?
Is he out of medicine!
Meeting her flustered eyes, Jun Yu smiled at her, comforting her silently.

Then he took out two small boxes from his arms.

The box was opened, and there were actually twenty pills lying inside.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you..."

Yuan Deyin recognized at a glance that it was the medicine she left for him.

It was as if she was suddenly grabbed by a big hand in her heart, and her emotions of depression, panic, and tension were mixed together.

Although Uncle Nine Emperor's evil poison is very domineering, it attacks once a month.

But these medicines are all refined by her hands, and the effect is very strong, so if you take it once, it can offset the pain for several months, and it can guarantee that the evil poison will not suddenly and severely break out in these few months, and your body will not suffer too much damage. serious.

She made a calculation at the time, thirty pills, according to normal circumstances, Uncle Nine Emperors should be able to last for eight to ten years...

But why now that seven years have passed, there are still [-] Nine Emperor Uncles left.

Is it...

Yuan Deyin suddenly had a thought that made her panic.

The next moment, she heard Jun Yu speak in a calm tone: "You don't leave many things for me to miss, so how can I be willing to eat them all?"

"So you just endure it?" Yuan Deyin's heart trembled.

"Well, it was a bit difficult to bear at first, but after gradually mastering the rules, it can be regarded as co-existing with the evil poison. I usually use a pill when I am about to be completely unable to bear it. "Jun Yu explained in a low voice.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you crazy? The pills are just something outside of your body, don't you know that your body has suffered serious damage due to the torment of evil poison..." Yuan Deyin asked anxiously.

But Jun Yu looked at her seriously with his dark eyes.

"But if you are gone, those things outside of your body are what this king wants to live on."

His voice was very soft, but with a trill.

No one knows how he survived every night when his evil poison flared up in the past seven years.

Every time he couldn't help but want to take this pill, he would think that it was made by the little girl with her blood...

He couldn't take this medicine that was more important than his life.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't move around anymore." Yuan Deyin shook his head lightly at him.

She quickly raised her hand and pressed down on his acupuncture point.

Sensing her small hands moving a few times on his acupuncture points, Jun Yu's bone-eating pain was much less.

She helped him into the house and put him on the bed.

She quickly took out the dagger from her sleeve, and without giving him a chance to stop her, she quickly slashed her wrist without blinking.

The bright red blood dripped into Jun Yu's mouth like rolling balls.

Her blood has no fishy smell, but is extremely sweet, with a faint fragrance.

Jun Yu came to his senses and wanted to raise his hand to stop him.

But Yuan Deyin said in a serious tone at this time: "Uncle Jiuhuang, your body is too damaged. It is impossible to control the evil poison with those drugs alone, so I must use my blood. Now you put I throw it away, and my blood will be shed in vain."

Her last words successfully made Jun Yu's hand freeze.

Seeing this, Yuan Deyin continued to say in a serious tone: "Besides, I'm back now. What should I do if something happens to you?"

Her words completely dispelled Jun Yu's intention to stop her.

But his brows were still tightly wrinkled, his deep eyes were fixed on her blood, and his heart felt sorry for her.

Yuan Deyin was also afraid of his distress, so he explained softly: "Uncle Jiuhuang, don't be afraid, I am no longer the weak Yuan Deyin back then, and this little blood can easily recover for me..."

"The most important thing is that you must take good care of your body. Let me tell you good news, I have found a way to eradicate the evil poison."

Hearing the little girl's last words, Jun Yu suddenly coughed.

There was a bit of surprise and excitement in his dark eyes, "Yin'er, you mean, you found a way to undo the evil poison?"

"That's right, Madman Yu is well-informed and knowledgeable. I learned from him the way to cure the evil poison. However, the process is rather troublesome. I'm still looking for some medicines, and I still need the help of my master."

Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

Crazy Yu is really powerful.

When she was in the soul formation, she was very worried about Uncle Nine Emperors, so out of luck, she asked Crazy Yu how much he knew about evil poison.

Crazy Yu, who has always been extremely calm, knocked over the teapot for the first time when he heard her question.

He looked at her strangely, and then asked her why she knew about this poison.

She didn't hide anything, so she told Crazy Yu about Uncle Jiuhuang's situation.

Who knows, when Madman Yu heard this, he was very angry.

He said that he didn't know, and that she should not have too much interaction with Jun Yu in her life.

He also said that Uncle Nine Emperors deserved to die, that he would die early and be reborn early.

She was also very angry at the time, why would Crazy Yu say such a thing, Nine Emperor Uncle is obviously also a victim.

And since then, Crazy Yu has stared at her even tighter, resolutely not giving her any possibility of contacting Uncle Nine Emperors.

Although from that time on, she lost her freedom.

But she made a new discovery——

Crazy Yu must know evil and poison.

So one day, she deliberately took advantage of the madman's good mood, pretended to drink with him, and then used hypnotism to make him tell the antidote to the evil poison when he was slightly drunk.

If it weren't for the fact that Madman Yu's willpower is too strong, and her hypnotism ability is still very low, she must have said a little more.For example--

Why is he so resistant to her getting closer to Uncle Nine Emperors!

Yuan Deyin suppressed her thoughts, she took out a few silver needles, and when Jun Yu was not paying attention, she stuck a few needles into his sleeping acupuncture points.

Seeing that he finally closed his eyes and looked at the blue shadow under his eyes, she felt pain in her heart.

How many things he has experienced, he can't even sleep well.

"Sleep, Uncle Nine Emperors, I will definitely find all the medicines, and then undo the evil poison on your body." Yuan Deyin promised firmly.

After feeding him a lot of blood, Yuan Deyin's heart could calm down after seeing his complexion gradually turn rosy.

She took out a handkerchief, wrapped the wound indiscriminately, and was about to stand up.

But who knew, before she could move, she staggered and almost fell down.

This drained her too much blood, even if she was in good health, she still couldn't bear it.

Taking a deep breath, she managed to recover a bit of energy before turning around and going out.

"Princess, there are people coming from the palace." Butler Dong hurried over.

"In the palace?" Yuan Deyin frowned.

"Is it the emperor's brother or Qingzhou's sister?" She asked doubtfully.

She didn't know many people in the palace well.

However, the emperor's elder brother had just returned to the capital, and the ministers must have a lot of papers to report, and he certainly didn't have time to go out of the palace.

Could it be sister Qingzhou?
Thinking of that once beautiful woman, Yuan Deyin felt that her heart was being pierced so painfully that she was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

She nodded slightly to Butler Dong, then raised her hand and patted her cheek to make her face look a little rosy before walking forward.

Butler Dong said that he was already waiting for her in the yard in the back garden.

When she walked in, she saw a plump woman sitting there.


This is not the back of sister Qingzhou!
Sister Qingzhou's figure is obviously thinner than seven years ago, as if she would fall down when the wind blows.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help frowning.

It was also at this time that the plump woman suddenly turned her head.

(End of this chapter)

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