Chapter 342 Pregnant
When seeing the other person's face, Yuan Deyin's frowning eyebrows slightly relaxed.


It's Sudan chrysanthemum!

Compared with seven years ago, the biggest difference in Sudan Tong is that the girl's hair has become a concubine's bun.

The greenness in her eyebrows also disappeared, replaced by a charming attitude that only belonged to young women.

At this moment, a short black shadow directly hit Yuan Deyin's body.

Yuan Deyin looked down, only to see a three-year-old child pounced on her skirt.

Sudan Tong quickly ran over from the pavilion and picked up the child.

"You child, what did the concubine mother tell you? You are a prince, so you can't act like a wild child, so hurry up and apologize to the princess."

Sudan Tong said in a serious tone.

The child pursed his mouth, and his eyes turned red all of a sudden.

Yuan Deyin looked at the child carefully, only to find that there was a small jade pendant pinned to his waist, with the word "Duan" written on it.

His eyes are exactly the same as those of Sudan Tong.

"This is……"

Although Yuan Deyin already had guesses in his mind, he couldn't help but ask Sudan Tong.

Sudan Tong hurriedly smiled and said to her: "Princess, this is the son of my concubine, and also the emperor's third prince, named Junduan."

Although Sudan Tong is now the emperor's concubine, strictly speaking, her position is still much lower than Yuan Deyin.

After all, Yuan Deyin's identity is more than just a "princess master".

When she passed away, everyone in the world felt that the momentary prosperity of Prince Ji's Mansion would be gone.

But who knew that an imperial decree would suddenly spread all over the world.

She is still the owner of Deyin County, but inherits her father's title, and the prosperity of the Ji Palace has not changed for a hundred years.

Obviously there was no one in the Halberd Palace at that time, but there was still such a reward, which was enough to show how high the status of Princess Deyin was in the royal family of the Jun family.

Now that she is back, the imperial decree is still valid.

So her identity is actually the same as that of the Halberd King back then.

In addition, she has a Nine Emperor Uncle who protects her in every possible way, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she can walk sideways in Chiyan.

Although Sudan Tong also respectfully called her the princess back then, but now with the same title, Yuan Deyin's mood should always be...complicated.

But none of this was shown on her face.

She smiled slightly, then leaned over and rubbed Jun Duan's head lightly.

"This princess is of the same generation as your mother and concubine. If you call this princess sister, then the generation will be messed up. You should call this princess aunt." She said gently.

Jun Duan...

The names of the princes are all given by the emperor.

Duan characters are important characters in the royal family, and they often contain expectations.

This child, with the emperor's brother...

What exactly exists?

"Duan'er, don't you hurry up and call your aunt?" Sudan Tong's face changed when she heard Yuan Deyin's words, and she quickly grabbed Jun Duan's arm and said urgently.

Jun Duan looked at Yuan Deyin nervously, and then called weakly: "Auntie."

"Don't be nervous, aunt is not a bad person, she won't eat you." Yuan Deyin coaxed him with a smile.

After all, he was the son of the emperor's elder brother, and Sudan Tong had friendship with him back then, so Yuan Deyin couldn't complain about a child.

She took out a small bottle from her body and put it in Jun Duan's hand.

"Duan'er, my aunt came back in a hurry, and I haven't prepared any other gifts yet. This is a pill made by my aunt, which can strengthen the body, and I give it to you."

Jun Duan glanced at Sudan Tong, and after getting Sudan Tong's nod, he said softly: "Thank you, aunt."

"Duan'er, go over there and play." Sudan Tong patted Jun Duan on the shoulder.

Jun Duan ran away immediately.

"Sit down." Yuan Deyin returned to the pavilion with Sudan Tong.

Immediately a maid came over to pour tea.

"It's a blessing that Princess Deyin can come back safely." Sudan Tong said with emotion. When she looked at Yuan Deyin, her eyes were red.

It can be seen that Yuan Deyin is still alive, and she is really happy in her heart.

"Sister Dantong, you can just call me Deyin, the princess called me, it's too natural." Yuan Deyin said softly.

After hesitating for a moment, Sudan Tong finally nodded.

"Okay, Deyin."

"I don't know why sister Dan Tong came to see me today?" Yuan Deyin looked at the other party with a smile.

During the seven years in the Death Soul Formation, her mind has also grown somewhat.

So she would not think that Sudan Tong hurriedly ran from the palace to the Regent's Palace alone to catch up with her.

"Deyin, you are really smart, and you can't hide anything from you." Sudan Tong picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Actually, I came out today to ask for your help. Because apart from you, I can't find anyone more suitable now..." Sudan Tong frowned, with a complicated expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Deyin looked at the other party and asked softly.

"I beg you to save Concubine Fei." When he said this, Sudan Tong suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Yuan De.

"Sister Dan Tong, what are you doing, get up and talk." Yuan Deyin quickly put down the teacup, and then helped Sudan Tong to get up.

"Princess, please help Concubine Fei." Sudan Tong said in a sobbing voice.

Yuan Deyin frowned and thought for a while, then she asked softly, "Is the concubine you are talking about, sister Gao Yifei?"

She didn't know many noble girls in the capital back then, so she remembered those few people she knew, especially those who entered the palace and became concubines of the emperor's elder brother.

"That's right, it's her." Sudan Tong nodded.

"What happened to sister Gao Yifei?" Yuan Deyin asked anxiously.

Sudan Tong looked at Yuan Deyin hesitantly, and finally gritted his teeth and spoke.

She said, "Concubine Fei is pregnant."

Sister Gao Yifei is pregnant?

Yuan Deyin spit out a breath of foul air from his mouth, and his heart was severely suppressed.

Brother Emperor...

He is really good.

She clutched her sleeves for a long time, vented the depression in her heart, and then said lightly: "That is a good thing for Sister Yifei and her mother clan, why do you want me to save her?"

"Deyin, the problem is very complicated. It was about two months before the imperial physician detected the Xi pulse. At that time, the emperor had just left the capital. Then some people suspected that it was not the emperor's blood. Concubine Jiang, after Concubine Mei returned to Beijing, Please order to deal with Concubine Fei, Concubine Mei is locked up now!"

"Concubine Jiang?" Yuan Deyin's eyelids twitched violently.

She pressed her jumping temple, and then asked: "Who is Concubine Jiang?"

She remembered that before her accident, there was no such a number one person in the palace.

"Concubine Jiang is a beautiful girl sent by Jiangnan, she was canonized last year." Sudan Tong replied quickly.

Last year's canonized show girl...

Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth so as not to let his anger burst out.

His Majesty...

Really great!

"If you think this is wrong, you can just talk to sister Qingzhou, or you can go to brother emperor."

Yuan Deyin shook his head lightly.

Although she was already half-dead with anger, this was a matter of the harem, and she was not qualified to be involved in these matters as a princess with a foreign surname.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's meaning, Sudan Tong's eyes turned red.

"Princess, if I can persuade Concubine Mei, I won't come to you. Concubine Mei insists that Concubine Jiang is telling the truth, so she will lock Concubine Fei in the sky prison now. I heard that I also want to send Luozi soup..."

As he spoke, Sudan Tong choked up his voice.

"What about the emperor's elder brother, why don't you go to him?" Yuan Deyin asked anxiously.

Sister Qingzhou, she must believe it.

However, why did sister Qingzhou do something to an innocent child? She thought it would be better for the emperor to find out about it?
Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Sudan Tong smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Deyin, you don't know that the emperor handed over all the power of the harem to Concubine Mei. I wanted to go to the emperor, but... I couldn't even see his face..."

"I really had no choice but to come to you. Fei Concubine grew up with me since childhood, and later entered the palace together. Over the years, we have supported each other in the harem together. The most important thing is that there is nothing to rely on. Now I finally have my own child, but I will be killed..."

"Princess, please save her..."

After all, Sudan Tong was about to kneel down to Yuan Deyin again.

"Wait a minute." Yuan Deyin quickly supported her.

"Sister Dan Tong, I will accompany you to enter the palace now, but I hope you understand that I am only helping you understand the situation, but the power of investigation is still in the hands of Qingzhou sister." Yuan Deyin hurriedly comforted Sudan Tong.

"I understand, I understand, as long as there is a chance to save Concubine Fei, I want to try." Sudan Tong nodded quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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