Chapter 343 It's the old man again
Yuan Deyin immediately asked Steward Dong to prepare the carriage for her.

She also had only Wuyi and a maid by her side.

Ji Xia and the others came out with the dishes and asked anxiously: "Princess, you came back from exhaustion, don't you need a meal or a rest?"

"It's okay, the princess is just going to the palace to deal with some trivial matters. When Uncle Jiu Huang wakes up, you can boil this medicine for him."

Yuan Deyin put a prescription in Cang Ling's hand, turned around and left.

Sudan Tong originally wanted to ask Yuan Deyin to ride in the same carriage with her, but was rejected by Yuan Deyin because of lack of courtesy.

Yuan Deyin sat in the carriage with the logo of the Prince Regent's Mansion, then waved to Wuyi, and called Wuyi up to sit with her.

"Sister Wuyi." Yuan Deyin said Wuyi softly.

After so many years, Sister Wuyi's appearance has not improved much, but the whole person seems to have been immersed by the years, and there is a little more tenderness in her heroic spirit.

"Everyone is married and has children, why isn't sister Wuyi married yet?" Yuan Deyin asked with a frown.

"Princess, you have killed the servant. No matter what age the servant is, the servant is from the Prince Regent's House. There is no such thing as marriage."

Wuyi became anxious as soon as she heard it, and she wanted to kneel down immediately.

As a result, Yuan Deyin immediately reached out to support her.

"Sister Wuyi, what are you talking about! Although you and Brother Wuxi are secret guards of the palace, Uncle Jiuhuang has never treated you as slaves. If you meet someone you like, just tell us... ..."

"Princess, this servant only wants to serve you in this life." Wuyi said firmly.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Well, Sister Wuyi is still a bit stubborn.

She'd better ask Uncle Nine Emperors another day if there is any man suitable for marriage with Sister Wuyi, and make plans at that time.

In the past, she was still young, and sister Wuyi and the others were also young, so she never thought about their marriage.

Now after so many years, she is finally back...

Seeing that the emperor's brother has such a big child, she felt in a trance.

It turns out that everyone has grown up, and some people are already getting old.

Sister Wuyi and the others should also have a family.

"Sister Wuyi, tell me about Brother Emperor and Sister Qingzhou." Yuan Deyin's expression became serious.

"it is good."

"A few days after your accident, princess, Concubine Mei entered the palace..."

When Wuyi was talking about this, she took a careful look at Yuan Deyin.

Seeing that her expression hadn't changed much, he dared to continue.

"At that time, there was no one in charge of the harem. Those concubines who had just entered the palace had a lot of thoughts. The princesses of the Moon Mist Kingdom actually took advantage of the turmoil in Chiyan to send news of the capital back to their country. There are also those from the Ming Dynasty. The princess is still trying to force the emperor to make her a queen..."

"Fortunately, the emperor doted on Concubine Mei Gui and gave her enough real power to control the harem..."

"In just half a year, the imperial concubine managed to keep the harem in order. She even made admonitions at the court, her opinions were pertinent, and she started from serving the country and the people. But it still affected some old officials. For the benefit, they frequently appealed to the emperor to put the noble concubine in the cold palace..."

"At that time, the emperor and the Ninth Prince were on the side of the noble concubine..."

"Later, the imperial concubine was pregnant, and at that time, it was the most critical moment of the decisive battle between Chi Yan and Nanyue Kingdom and Xichuan Kingdom. The emperor is very busy with this matter..."

"At that time, the imperial concubine accompanied the emperor to worry about the people and didn't care about herself. As a result, she was drugged and had a miscarriage..."

Speaking of this, there were tears in Wuyi's eyes.

"What is the origin of the person who hurt Sister Wuyi?"

Yuan Deyin took a deep breath, suppressing the trembling in her heart, and asked this question.

"Your Majesty Liang, her father is Marquis Youwen from the frontier. At that time, Xichuan attacked and the situation was very bad, and Marquis Youwen, who had the most military power on the border, responded passively..."

"The sky is high and the emperor is far away. In addition, the Ninth Prince is incapable of avatar, so he can't do anything to Marquis Youwen at all. To stop Xichuan's attack, he must fully mobilize the military power in Marquis Youwen's hands, so the emperor can only agree to you. The conditions proposed by Marquis Wen..."

"The condition is to let his daughter enter the palace?" Yuan Deyin closed his eyes, suppressing the coldness in his eyes.

Some people are named marquises and nobles, and have military power in their hands...

But when the country is in crisis, what they do is not to share the worries of the emperor and fight for the people, but to try their best to earn benefits for themselves.

He... is not even as good as a villain!
"This imperial palace is really a luxurious cage, even birds from the frontier want to come in." Yuan Deyin shook his head and smiled wryly.

"At that time, Shi Yingliang, the daughter of Marquis Youwen, wanted to be a noble concubine. She wanted to overpower Concubine Mei. However, the emperor had already made a concession once, and he would never give in again. He just ordered a sedan chair to deliver her Carry her into the palace, and seal her a noble person..."

"Being in the palace for half a month, the emperor has never been to her palace. Seeing that Concubine Mei is so favored, she bribed the maids in the palace of the concubine and poisoned her. After she found out, there was nothing she could do to recover. The imperial concubine not only lost her child, but also lost her qualifications to be a mother..."

This time, Wuyi's eyes turned red again.

Even though she had never been a mother either.

But she knew how cruel it was to deprive a woman of her right to be a mother.

"And then, what happened to that woman?"

Yuan Deyin clenched his fists tightly to suppress his killing intent and anger.

"At that time, the prince had already defeated Xichuan and Nanyue, and returned to the court. The emperor can also move Youwenhou. He will arrest Youwenhou's family and put them in the sky prison. personally tortured and killed..."

As he spoke, Wuyi's tone was also a little emotional.

She was also there when the emperor attacked the talented man.

It was the first time she saw the emperor, who was so gentle and gentle as jade, but turned into that crazy appearance.

At that moment, he was not an emperor, he was just a husband, a father who lost a prince.

His love for Concubine Mei Gui is genuine.

"What's the use of killing the perpetrator? Sister Qingzhou's injuries can't be made up for."

Yuan Deyin shook her head bitterly, her heart ached so badly that it was hard for her to breathe.

"Then what happened to the prince and princess in the palace?" Yuan Deyin asked seriously, suppressing her tears.

"This, it's complicated to say..."

When Wuyi talked about this time, his voice was a little choked up, and his expression was extremely complicated.

"After Concubine Mei lost her child, she locked herself up alone for three months. When she came out, she looked thin and her eyes were dull. Although she started to worry about the six palaces again, she began to treat The emperor is alienated, never let the emperor enter her palace..."

"One year later, Concubine Ning's prince was born, the eldest prince. After another half a year, Concubine Wen's prince was also born. Immediately after that was Concubine Tong's third prince. And then the princess Han Changzai gave birth to. ..."

"Brother Emperor, how could he How could he treat sister Qingzhou like this."

Yuan Deyin's eyes were red, with hot tears rolling in them.

No wonder sister Qingzhou's smile is no longer bright.

She suffered enough from losing her own flesh and blood.

As her husband, the emperor's elder brother did not protect their children, but favored other women after her accident.

And this favor is multiple, and she has given birth to so many children.

Doesn't he know that sister Qingzhou can no longer have her own children?
Isn't he using a knife on her heart!

"Cough cough cough..."

"My lord, my lord, how are you doing?"

Wuyi found that Yuan Deyin was coughing up a mouthful of blood, and she panicked to support her.

"The princess is fine, it's just a moment of anger."

Yuan Deyin shook her head lightly, she patted her chest, her expression gradually cooled down.

Although the emperor's elder brother is like an older brother to her...

However, she couldn't forgive him in this matter.

"Wuyi, sister Qingzhou, has it been difficult these years?" Yuan Deyin asked Wuyi's hand, her voice choked with sobs.

"On the day the eldest prince was born, I heard that the imperial concubine didn't go out for three days. But after the birth of the second prince, third prince, and fourth princess, she was able to smile and give rewards to the palace people."

Wu Yi lowered his head to answer.

For a woman to go from devastated to invincible, how much pain must she go through.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yuan Deyin coughed violently again, she closed her eyes, and suppressed the fishy sweetness in her mouth.

He raised his head, looked at Wuyi and continued to ask, "Do you know about Concubine Jiang's situation?"

"Your servant knows." Wuyi looked serious.

It can be seen that Concubine Jiang is not a good stubble.

"She is the daughter of the governor of the south of the Yangtze River. She is called Jiang Yiren. She has the gentleness of a woman in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, but she can ride horses and shoot arrows. Her martial arts are not inferior to men. After entering the palace, although her status is not high, she is like a fish in water in the harem. I have had trouble with her several times. In fact, she still has another identity..."

"What identity?" Yuan Deyin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"She is the new apprentice of Old Man Tianji." Wuyi continued to answer.

With a "click", Yuan Deyin directly broke a corner of the table in the carriage.

"Old Man Tianji?" She gritted her teeth and asked.

"That's right, it's the old man Tianji. In fact, the emperor didn't want to canonize her, but it was the old man Tianji who came to the capital in person. The old man said that the Ninth Prince can deny him, but the emperor should be the one who has won his favor, but he can't." ungrateful..."

"In order to stop the people in the world from talking about Youyou, the emperor still compromised."

"Well, he's an old man who dares to show up!" Yuan Deyin clenched his fingers into fists.

Yue family, she cleaned up.

Xichuan, Nanyue, and Lingyeguo, Uncle Jiuhuang helped her clean up.

But old man Tianji is still at large.

Uncle Jiuhuang and the emperor's brother didn't know that old man Tianji was responsible for her accident that year!
Very well, she didn't have the ability to confront that despicable old man head-on back then, this time, she will definitely make him pay the price!

"Sister Qingzhou's body can be treated by an imperial doctor?"

Although Yuan Deyin is very angry with other people, she is more concerned about Mei Qingzhou's physical condition now.

"The imperial doctor gave the concubine different medicines every day, but there was nothing he could do. The emperor also summoned famous doctors from all over the world, but so far no one can cure the concubine's root cause..." Wu Yi shook his head.

"What about the master?" Yuan Deyin asked urgently.

The master is so powerful, he must have a way.

Moreover, the master is not a person who refuses to save.

It's strange, why hasn't she seen the master since she came back?

Yuan Deyin was puzzled.

"Princess, after your accident that year, Miracle Doctor Jade was disheartened, so he packed his bags and went back to the Valley of Miracle Doctors. Before he left, he said that he would not leave the mountain for ten years. He even changed the formation outside the valley. Unless he shows up on his own initiative, he won't be found." Wu Yi shook his head.

master he...

Yuan Deyin thought of Yushengxiao's playful smile, and her eyes gradually dimmed.

I used to think that the master was heartless, but every time something happened, the master would always be very sad.

"After I enter the palace, I'll check it for sister Qingzhou." Yuan Deyin said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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