Chapter 344 Mei Qingzhou cried

The carriage drove into the palace.

While Yuan Deyin was still bowing her head in thought, she heard the voice of Sudan Tong from under the carriage.

"Deyin, why don't you go to the imperial concubine's sister's palace first, so that you can save the concubine Fei in time."

Yuan Deyin frowned, and she opened the curtain.

In the end, I saw Sudan Tong holding Jun Duan's hand and looking at her worriedly.

She glanced out of the corner of her eye and found that Sudan Tong's carriage was no longer there.

Seeing her puzzled expression, Sudan Tong hurriedly said, "Deyin, not everyone's carriage is allowed to enter the palace. Others must get out of the carriage and walk. The Prince Regent's Mansion is a special case, and Concubine Mei's sister is a special case. Duan'er and I are not."

"Come up." Yuan Deyin waved to Sudan.

Sudan Tong looked at Yuan Deyin with a hesitant expression.

But thinking of Gao Yifei's critical situation now, she gritted her teeth and quickly got into the carriage of the Prince Regent's Palace with the help of Wuyi.

She still wanted to pull Jun Duan up, but Yuan Deyin held her hand down.

"Sister Dantong, there are some things that it's still inconvenient for the child to get involved."

After she said this, Sudan Tong suddenly realized.

She said to her court lady: "Yu'er, bring the third prince back to Tong'an Palace."

"The slaves obey."

Yuan Deyin signaled to the groom to drive the carriage to Yong'an Hall quickly.

Yong'an Hall is Mei Qingzhou's palace.

The emperor's brother gave sister Qingzhou a noble concubine's palace with the word "Yong" in it, which all showed her position in his heart.

But brother emperor, since you really like sister Qingzhou, why did you do such a thing that makes her sad!

Yuan Deyin was depressed, she didn't understand, she really didn't understand.

When they arrived at Yong'an Hall, they were told——

Mei Qingzhou took people to the Yuxin Hall in the Imperial Garden for interrogation.

Yuan Deyin immediately supported Sudan Tong down, and walked quickly to the imperial garden.

Walking all the way, Yuan Deyin looked at the clusters of flowers beside her, as well as the looks of the passing maids, she had a deep feeling...

Sister Qingzhou is really managing the harem carefully.

Managing the harem is never an easy task, especially the women in it are intriguing. A little carelessness can lead to a bottomless abyss.

Suppressing the emotions in her heart, Yuan Deyin continued to walk forward.

As a result, at this time, Sudan Tong who was beside her asked, "Deyin, this is the first time you have entered the palace since you came back. Do you feel that this city is different..."

Without waiting for Yuan Deyin to speak, she chuckled softly: "Sister Mei Guifei has put so much effort into this city, it should have achieved some results. Originally, this huge harem was still very quiet, but since sister Mei Guifei After her miscarriage, more and more newcomers began to come to the palace, especially after that concubine Jiang came, the peace of the harem will be broken again..."

At the end, there was a feeling of embarrassment in Sudan Tong's tone.

"Why did Sister Dantong say that? Could it be that Concubine Jiang is capable?" Yuan Deyin asked directly.

Sister Wuyi said that Jiang Yiren had a special identity, and Sudan Tong said that after Jiang Yiren came, there was turmoil in the deep palace...

This Jiang Yiren, does he have three heads and six arms?

"You don't know, Deyin. Although Concubine Jiang's father is not a high official, she is the apprentice of Old Man Tianji. Back then, the only ones who could be recognized by Old Man Tianji were the Ninth Prince and the dead Miss Dongfang... Later, there was another one of her, and her status must be high."

"And our majesty has been greatly helped by the old man Tianji. The majesty is different from the Ninth Prince, who is more casual and not bound by the so-called kindness and the relationship between master and apprentice. But the emperor's identity and his character are doomed, He still respects Old Man Tianji..."

"Based on this, the emperor gave Concubine Jiang a considerable title when she entered the palace. Moreover, he often called her to sleep with her. Apart from Concubine Mei, Concubine Jiang should be the second in the huge harem." A person who can win the emperor's heart..."

"Ridiculous!" Yuan Deyin was so angry that he said these two words in a cold voice.

Old Man Tianji is a despicable and shameless villain who satisfies the hypocrisy of the world.

Could the people he arranged to enter the palace be well-intentioned?

However, the emperor's elder brother has not fully seen the character of the old man Tianji, it is understandable for him to give him face.

But this description of "the second woman who walked into his heart" made her angry.

Since it is a liking, how can I split this liking in half and give half to someone else?
Is this what he likes about sister Qingzhou?
Seeing the anger on Yuan Deyin's face, Sudan Tong silently closed his mouth and stopped talking.

When they approached the Yuxin Pavilion, they suddenly heard a desolate voice.

"Sister Concubine, the child in this concubine's womb is really the emperor's. The emperor favored the concubine before he went to war. If you don't believe it, you can ask the emperor."

Gao Yifei knelt on the ground, her face was full of tears, her fingers tightly grasped Mei Qingzhou's skirt, begging bitterly.

"Heh, you have to ask the emperor about such trivial matters. Are you a foolish emperor who is trapped by the affairs of the harem?"

In front of Gao Yifei, there was a young woman fighting side by side with Mei Qingzhou. She was wearing a gold hairpin, her clothes were delicate and charming, and her beautiful little face was full of spring breeze...

She covered her mouth and smiled softly, her gestures were all coquettish.

Most importantly, her flamboyant eyebrows and eyes are like blooming flowers, very bright.

She stood with Mei Qingzhou, who was full of indifference and pale makeup, and compared Mei Qingzhou abruptly.

If she is a delicate flower blooming in the imperial garden, then Mei Qingzhou should be like the withered petals that fell to the ground late in the evening.

"Jiang Yiren, don't be aggressive here and slander me! This child belongs to the emperor!"

"Sister Royal Concubine, otherwise, if you wait for the concubine to give birth to this child, it won't be too late to recognize the relative with a drop of blood, okay?"

After Gao Yifei scolded Jiang Yiren in a cold voice, she began to beg Mei Qingzhou again.

"Heh, when you give birth to this bastard, the emperor's dragon face will be lost. It's better to give you face now, let this bastard disappear, and you can still live in this harem."

Jian Yiren covered her mouth and covered her face, as if she disliked Gao Yifei.

"I am an old man in this palace. You are a newcomer to the palace. You don't respect me as elder sister, but you keep slandering me. Do you still think you are noble or humble?"

Gao Yifei's hair was messy, she questioned loudly.

"Sister, right? Then I'll call you sister. But sister, don't you know? The only one who can be favored in this harem is my younger sister, who has just entered the palace. The emperor likes me when I am young, no I like an old woman like you...hahaha..."

Jian Yiren covered her mouth and laughed.

"Enough!" Mei Qingzhou slapped the stone table heavily, and she scolded in a cold voice.

She looked at Gao Yifei with gloomy eyes, and ordered directly: "Come here, pour Luozi Tang down for Concubine Fei."

"No, no, sister imperial concubine, please let the concubine go." Gao Yifei kowtowed non-stop.

Seeing that the old mother had already brought over the Luozitang.

She couldn't bear it anymore, she stood up quickly, staring at Jiang Yiren angrily.

"It's all you. You took away the emperor's favor not long after you entered the palace. What else are you not satisfied with? Why do you want to force me even though I'm only protecting my child!"

After finishing speaking, she rushed towards Jiang Yiren.

"Help." Jiang Yiren started to shout.

She hid in front of Mei Qingzhou and pushed Mei Qingzhou out.

Mei Qingzhou frowned, and she said to Gao Yifei in a cold voice: "Concubine Fei, you will have children in the future, please calm down first!"

"No, those are my flesh and blood, why do you all force me!" Gao Yifei yelled desolately.

"Then if you have anything to do, you can find the concubine's sister. It is the concubine's sister who wants you to drink Luozi soup. I'm just exposing the fact that you have wild seeds."

Jiang Yiren hid behind Mei Qingzhou, and she spoke aggrievedly.

"Concubine Jiang, I order you to shut up." Mei Qingzhou scolded Jiang Yiren in a cold voice.

Jiang Yiren opened his mouth, wanting to say something else.

But suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the bright yellow corner.

She suddenly started and grabbed Mei Qingzhou's wrist.

"Sister, why are you scolding the concubine? The concubine just wanted to help the emperor. The concubine didn't expose the concubine on purpose. Why are you blaming the concubine now..."

"What are you talking about?" Mei Qingzhou's eyes were a little more solemn.

Why did Jiang Yiren suddenly say such strange things?
Before she can figure it out...

Jiang Yiren suddenly jumped back, flying out of the gazebo like a kite that had been disconnected, and fell into the cold lotus pond.

And her hands were still frozen in the air, as if she was pushing someone down.

"Yiren!" Suddenly, a panicked shout sounded.

Mei Qingzhou turned her head stiffly, only to see that Jun Zhouhan jumped into the water to save Jiang Yiren regardless of his status as the emperor.

His Majesty...


He went to save Jiang Yiren.

With a very slight sound of "Da", Mei Qingzhou found that something had landed on the back of her hand, and looked down...

It turned out to be tears.

(End of this chapter)

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