The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 345 Jun Zhou Letter Does Not Believe Her

Chapter 345 Jun Zhou Letter Does Not Believe Her
When Jun Zhouhan picked Jiang Yiren up from the lotus pond.

Jiang Yiren was wet all over, and she curled up in Jun Zhouhan's arms as if she had been greatly frightened.

She bit her lower lip from time to time, as if she could cry at any time.

"Your Majesty, you are all wet."

When Eunuch Lida saw that his dragon robe was soaked through, they hurriedly hugged the cloak and prepared to put it on him as if they were facing an enemy.

But after taking over the cloak, Jun Zhouhan didn't say a word, regardless of his wet body, he directly wrapped Concubine Jiang up.

"Your majesty, your concubine is fine, your dragon body is important."

Jiang Yiren was already cold and her teeth were chattering, but she still stretched out her hands pitifully and pushed, trying to push the cloak back to Jun Zhouhan.

"You are weak, so wear it if I tell you to." Jun Zhouhan said coldly.

It sounded like he was scolding, but it caused Mei Qingzhou's body to stagger.

Where is this scolding...

This is clearly caring.

The emperor actually cared about this woman in front of her.

Jiang Yiren saw Mei Qingzhou's crumbling appearance from the corner of her eye, and the emotion of success flashed in her eyes.

Looking up again, she returned to her lovely and pitiful appearance.

She bit her lower lip, and then pulled Jun Zhouhan's skirt with her small hand.

She said aggrievedly: "Your Majesty, did the concubine do something wrong? Otherwise, why would the concubine target the concubine and push the concubine into the lotus pond..."

"You said it was the imperial concubine who pushed you down?" Mei Qingzhou looked coldly at Jiang Yiren who looked like a swaying white flower.

"Your Majesty, is the concubine sister angry?" While saying this, Jiang Yiren burrowed into Jun Zhouhan's arms again.

Jun Zhouhan's body froze.

He pursed his lips, then helped Jiang Yiren up, and pulled him behind him.

He separated her from Mei Qingzhou with his tall body, and finally looked at Mei Qingzhou with disapproving eyes.

"Concubine, what can't you say properly, why do you have to do it, Concubine Jiang is in poor health, and the water in the lotus pond is cold, what should I do if something happens?"

His tone was also a bit cold, with a questioning feeling.

"Your majesty, do you also think that it was the concubine who pushed her down?"

Mei Qingzhou staggered again, her back hit the pillar, supporting her crumbling body.

Her eyes were very hot, but because of her restraint, no tears fell for a long time.

She just stood there alone with difficulty, looking at Jun Zhouhan with embarrassed eyes.

"Your concubine, I just feel that..."

"Your Majesty! You just need to answer the concubine, do you believe her words, not the concubine!"

Mei Qingzhou interrupted Jun Zhouhan's words in a cold voice, and she looked at him in embarrassment.

"Your concubine, I just think that your actions..."

"Your Majesty! You just need to answer, yes or no!"

Mei Qingzhou's fingers are clenched into fists, she is suppressing her emotions.

After a long silence, Jun Zhouhan opened his mouth several times, but couldn't speak.

"Okay, Your Majesty, you don't need to say anything, this concubine already knows the answer." Mei Qingzhou suppressed her tears, then shook her head.

The way she looked at Jun Zhouhan lost all color.

"The imperial concubine..."

Seeing Mei Qingzhou like this, Jun Zhouhan's heart tightened.

There was panic on his face, he always had the feeling that he was going to lose her this time.

"Noble Concubine, I think you are the first offender, so you should apologize to Concubine Jiang, and this matter will be over."

Jun Zhouhan slowed down his tone, wanting Mei Qingzhou to apologize.

"Your majesty, the concubine is such a proud person, how could she apologize? The concubine is fine, the concubine is really fine, so don't blame the concubine. Maybe it is the concubine who is angry because you dote on the concubine too much , the concubine should not be the only one in the future..."

Behind him, Jiang Yiren grabbed Jun Zhouhan's sleeve and made a pitiful cry.

"Jiang Yiren, you have no place to speak here!" Mei Qingzhou scolded Jiang Yiren in a cold voice.

"Your concubine, you hurt Concubine Jiang, and now you still scold her, why did you become what you are today!"

Jun Zhouhan also scolded Mei Qingzhou loudly.

"If you do this again, I can't even protect you!"

As he spoke, Jun Zhouhan's brows became a little more impatient.

"Your majesty, don't ruin the friendship between you and the concubine because of the concubine's affairs. It's not easy for the concubine to manage the harem alone, so she inevitably got a little anxious. She pushed the concubine off the lotus pond, maybe What a careless move..."

Jiang Yiren was still begging pitifully, but these words, no matter how they sounded, seemed to be fanning the flames.

"Are you sure, it was the imperial concubine who pushed you down the lotus pond?"

Suddenly, an indifferent scolding came from the side of the path.

Soon, Yuan Deyin appeared in front of them with Sudan Tong.

The moment she saw Yuan Deyin appearing, Mei Qingzhou wanted to turn her face away.

She didn't want her to see her in such a mess.

Sensing Mei Qingzhou's panic, Yuan Deyin's eyes were slightly hot.

What on earth is it that forced her sister Qingzhou into this state.

"Your Majesty, who is she?" Jiang Yiren tugged on Jun Zhouhan's sleeve again and said coquettishly.

This time, without waiting for Jun Zhouhan to answer.

Yuan Deyin stared at Jiang Yiren with cold eyes, and then said coldly: "Yuan Deyin!"

"So you are Princess Deyin..." Jiang Yiren smiled, she wanted to approach Yuan Deyin to get close.

But suddenly, Yuan Deyin suddenly stepped forward, raised his hand, and his five fingers turned into sharp claws, directly clasping her neck.

Today's Yuan Deyin is no longer the defenseless little girl she was back then.

Her five fingers are like five spikes.

She just grabbed Jiang Yiren's neck, but soon Jiang Yiren's feet couldn't touch the ground, and her face became red because of her poor breathing.

"Your majesty, save the concubine quickly..."

Jiang Yiren wanted to use martial arts, but found that her internal strength seemed to be tightly suppressed.

She was so weak that she could only start begging Jun Zhouhan.

"Xiaoyin, can you put Concubine Jiang down quickly?" Jun Zhouhan anxiously persuaded Yuan Deyin.

Seeing Jun Zhouhan's appearance, Mei Qingzhou smiled wryly on the opposite side.

She lowered her head so as not to show her embarrassment.

For Jun Zhouhan's words, Yuan Deyin seemed to have not heard it.

She just stared at Jiang Yiren indifferently, and then asked word by word: "Did you say that it was the imperial concubine who pushed you down the lotus pond?"

Yuan Deyin's murderous appearance made Jiang Yiren panic.

But she was still very stubborn, she said firmly: "It was the concubine who pushed the concubine down, Princess Deyin, don't favor her like this just because you have a good relationship with the concubine..."

"So what if the princess favors her!"

A bit of hostility flashed in Yuan Deyin's blood-red eyes, and the strength in his hand increased a bit.

She lifted Jiang Yiren high, and then mercilessly threw her into the lotus pond.

"Plop" sound.

This time Jiang Yiren fell into the water even more awkwardly, and the sound of entering the water was many times louder than before.

"Since you said that it was the noble concubine who pushed you into the lotus pond, then the princess will do it for her!"

Yuan Deyin stared coldly at Jiang Yiren who was struggling in the water.

(End of this chapter)

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