The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 346 He Hurts Her, She Protects Her

Chapter 346 He Hurts Her, She Protects Her

"Help, help, I don't know how to water..."

Jiang Yiren shouted desperately in the water.

Seeing this, Jun Zhouhan wanted to jump down again.

But Yuan Deyin flung out a few white ribbons from his sleeves.

The white ribbons looked soft, but each one was like a sharp knife, heading directly towards Jun Zhouhan's gate of life.

Jun Zhouhan's face changed, and he dodged quickly to barely escape.

"Escort, escort!" Countless guards immediately appeared in the dark, and they surrounded Yuan Deyin.

"Back off!" Mei Qingzhou quickly stood up at this time, and she looked at the guards with terrifying eyes.

Now, the guards' expressions became hesitant.

The emperor is in danger, they really want to protect.

But the emperor had also ordered at the beginning, to see the imperial concubine as if seeing him.

So the imperial concubine's order should also be obeyed.

Over there, there are already eunuchs and court ladies who want to jump into the lotus pond to save Jiang Yiren.

But Yuan Deyin stood by the gazebo, and said loudly: "The princess wants to see today, who dares to save her!"

"Bold, that's Concubine Jiang. Standing in front of you is the Emperor, Princess Deyin. Have you forgotten your identity?"

The old lady brought by Jiang Yiren began to criticize Yuan Deyin.

"The emperor?" Yuan Deyin sneered.

She turned her head and looked at Jun Zhouhan coldly.

"Your Majesty, Deyin once called you 'Brother Emperor', not because you are the emperor of Chi Yan, but because Deyin regards you as 'brother', but what have you done?"

"Sister Qingzhou is Deyin's sister. Deyin hasn't returned for seven years, and you treat her like this? She is your wife!"

"The emperor has always been ruthless, and Deyin knows it."

"But remember, anyone can be Chi Yan's emperor, not necessarily you!"

Yuan Deyin stood in front of Jun Zhouhan, she was full of hostility.

Back then, Jun Yu stood in front of Jun Zhouchen and said such words.Later, Jun Zhouhan was killed by Jun Yu himself.

Now, Yuan Deyin also stood in front of Jun Zhouhan and said the same thing.

Uncle Nine Emperors has the ability to kill an incompetent king!
She has it too!
"Xiaoyin, you... want to kill me?"

Jun Zhouhan staggered as if he had been hit by something, and looked at Yuan Deyin incredulously.

"Your majesty, you have something you want to protect, and Deyin also has something you want to protect. Since you dare to bully her and humiliate her, then Deyin can only be your enemy!"

Yuan Deyin spoke indifferently.

"Princess Deyin County wants to kill the king, take her down quickly."

The guards panicked when they heard Yuan Deyin's words.

Without Jun Zhouhan's order, they rushed over with swords in hand.

Seeing them like this, Yuan Deyin smiled contemptuously.

She raised her eyelids indifferently, and glanced at the guards.

Before they knew what was going on, they felt a piercing pain in their wrists.

The pain made them unable to lift their swords.

Looking down, it turned out that their wrists had been pierced by a silver needle at some point.

One or two of them turned extremely pale.

Was this done by Princess Deyin?

However, they obviously didn't see her attack.

How terrifying is her ability?
"Retire for me." Jun Zhouhan ordered in a cold voice.

Those who hesitated for a moment, finally retreated holding their wrists.

"Xiaoyin, do you know that I can kill you many times just because of the two things you did in front of me, and the two things you said were rebellious? Is that what Uncle Nine Emperors taught you? Or You have been away for seven years, and you don't even know how to be respected."

Jun Zhouhan looked at Yuan Deyin disapprovingly.

"Your Majesty, I don't need you to worry about how this king taught Yin'er." At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded from behind.

Before they could turn around, they saw Jun Yu approaching Yuan Deyin's side.

Seeing that Jun Yu had arrived, Yuan Deyin, who would have been smiling in the past, was not at all happy at this moment.

She glanced at Jun Yu, and could vaguely see anger.

That's right, it's anger...

She blamed Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Uncle Nine Emperors..."

Seeing Jun Yu appearing, Jun Zhouhan felt a little headache.

In the lotus pond, Jiang Yiren had already struggled so weakly that he had already started to sink.

Jun Zhouhan was anxious, so he could only say to Jun Yu in a calm tone: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Concubine Jiang is almost overwhelmed. Just agree to save people. You probably don't want Xiaoyin to take an innocent life. "

"Your Majesty, you are wrong. Deyin's hands are already stained with blood, and it's not bad for this kind of dirty blood." Yuan Deyin said coldly.

"Xiaoyin!" Jun Zhouhan said in a cold voice, with a bit of resentment towards Yuan Deyin in his tone.

"Deyin, let Concubine Jiang go."

Suddenly at this time, Mei Qingzhou took Yuan Deyin's hand, and she shook her head slightly.

"Sister Qingzhou..." Yuan Deyin's voice choked up instantly when he saw Mei Qingzhou's face.

"Deyin, let her go." Mei Qingzhou continued to beg.

"But she..." Yuan Deyin said anxiously.

"It's not important anymore. To me, it's not important anymore. Don't embarrass yourself for this kind of person, okay?"

Mei Qingzhou's eyes were red, but she still maintained her elegant appearance and smiled softly at Yuan Deyin.

Her appearance made Yuan Deyin cry completely. She raised her hand and desperately wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"Sister Qingzhou, shall we go home and go back to Prince Ji's Mansion, or, shall we go to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors to find Master?" Yuan Deyin said anxiously, holding Mei Qingzhou's hand.

"No, the noble concubine is in charge of the six palaces, she is my concubine, how can she leave the palace so easily!"

Jun Zhouhan spoke out anxiously at this time, and he completely disagreed.

Yuan Deyin turned a deaf ear to his words, she just looked at Mei Qingzhou with pleading eyes.

But Mei Qingzhou patted the back of her hand tenderly, then shook her head.

"Deyin, I'm not your sister Qingzhou now, I'm Concubine Mei, a member of this harem. If I hadn't died, otherwise I couldn't leave this place..." I couldn't leave this cage.

"Sister Qingzhou..." Yuan Deyin cried even more embarrassingly.

"Be obedient, don't embarrass me, okay?" Mei Qingzhou gently wiped Yuan Deyin's tears.

"Your Majesty, this incident was caused by the concubine. If you have any grievances, don't take it to Princess Deyin and Uncle Nine Emperors. It doesn't matter how you punish the concubine."

Mei Qingzhou straightened her back, she passed Yuan Deyin, stood in front of Jun Zhouhan, and said softly.

At this time, Jiang Yiren was also picked up, and she curled up on the ground and kept spitting water.

Jun Zhouhan looked at Jiang Yiren, then at Mei Qingzhou's lonely face.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "The noble concubine is disrespectful, and she is confined for a month. During this period, Feng Yin will be taken care of by Concubine Jiang."

He thought that Mei Qingzhou would be angry if he acted so cruelly.

But who knows, after hearing his words, Mei Qingzhou smiled lightly.

She looked at the ground with empty eyes, and then let out a breath of foul air: "Okay, my concubine obeys."

After speaking, she turned around.

However, from the corner of her eye, she still glanced at Gao Yifei who was kneeling on the ground.

Then Youyou asked: "I don't know how the emperor will deal with Concubine Fei?"

"I did favor Concubine Fei, and the child in her indeed mine." Jun Zhouhan said with difficulty.

"Okay, the concubine knows. The concubine will prepare things for the little prince or princess in Changning Palace." Mei Qingzhou said softly.

Her expression was indifferent, and she couldn't pick out any harsh questions in her words.

After finishing speaking, she walked towards her Changning Palace.

That lonely and cold back does not leave any nostalgia.

"Yin'er." Seeing the little girl's grief, Jun Yu called out worriedly.

He reached out, trying to grab her.

But she was thrown away forcefully.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin has something else to do, so I'll go back to Prince Ji's mansion first."

She glanced at Jun Yu coldly, then turned and left quickly.

From the beginning to the end, she never looked at Jun Zhouhan again, as if he didn't exist.

(End of this chapter)

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