Chapter 348
In the end, Yuan Deyin did not return to the Prince Regent's Mansion, but returned to the Prince Ji's Mansion, and closed the gate.

Claiming to see no visitors.

In the evening, after rejecting countless people who came to visit, Yuan Deyin appeared at the gate of Jin's mansion wearing a bamboo hat and dressed in quack attire.

She learned from Cang Ling that sister Pan Rong is also married.

The elder sister who said carelessly that she didn't like red makeup and only wanted to ride horses and shoot arrows finally got married.

Yuan Deyin was also a little shocked by the person Yin Panrong married.

Because of that person, she also knows.

It's Jin Huaian!

He was the concubine son of Taifu Jin back then, but their relationship was like that of enemies.

Taifu Jin was Jun Zhouchen's confidant, and after Jun Zhouchen's death, he was also disposed of soon.

Jin Huai'an doesn't need anything left by the Jin family.

He was transferred from the side of Uncle Nine Emperors to the imperial court, relying on his own strength step by step, and now he has become a court lieutenant.

To her relief, Jin Huai'an married Sister Pan Rong, and she was the only wife and no concubine.

Moreover, there is no messy mother-in-law in the mansion, and there are no troublesome second and third bedrooms.

Although the mansion looked deserted, it was better than cleanliness.

This should be the best news Yuan Deyin heard after returning to the capital.

She didn't even knock on the door, just jumped easily, and then entered the backyard of Jin's mansion.

The sound of "bang bang bang" sounded.

Yuan Deyin looked over, and saw a woman wearing an exercise uniform not far away. She was combing a woman's hair in a bun, but she still looked like a girl.

The whip in her hand was like a spirit snake, extremely flexible.

Wherever he went, there was flying sand and rocks.

The flowers and plants next to it were severely destroyed.

Hearing movement behind her, Yin Panrong immediately took the whip away.

She turned back with a smile and asked arrogantly: "Husband, I only learned the whipping method you taught me in three days, praise me quickly."

But when she turned her head, she saw a woman in plain clothes standing in front of her.

There is also a kind of chivalrous temperament in the other party.

"Who are you that dare to break into Jin's mansion!" Yin Panrong's face turned cold instantly.

She didn't wait for Yuan Deyin to answer, and the whip in her hand jumped out.

A gust of cold wind blows.

The corners of Yuan Deyin's mouth under the bamboo hat slightly twitched.

Sister Pan Rong, who was only proficient in horseback riding seven years ago, is also good at martial arts now.

And from Sister Panrong's tone, it seemed that Jin Huaian had taught her how to whip.

It seems that their relationship is really good.

When Yuan Deyin was thinking about these things, the whip had already arrived in front of him.

She turned sideways easily, and the whip fell directly to the ground, leaving a deep mark.

Just as the whip was swung again, Yuan Deyin reached out and grabbed the whip directly.

"Sister Panrong, you can whip well." Yuan Deyin said with a smile.

Upon hearing this voice, Yin Panrong's face brightened, and she quickly threw the whip away.

She called in an uncertain tone: "Deyin?"

"En." Yuan Deyin took off his bamboo hat.

Although the face has grown, but the facial features are the same as before, Yin Panrong's eyes turned red instantly.

She rushed over and hugged Yuan Deyin.

"Deyin, it's really you." She cried and wiped her tears on Yuan Deyin's shoulder.

Yuan Deyin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Only now did she realize that after she grew taller, she was much taller than Sister Pan Rong.

This height is just convenient for the other party to rub tears on her shoulders.

"Hey, Sister Pan Rong, there are still people watching. Can you take care of your Mrs. Jin's image?"

Yuan Deyin reminded helplessly.

She glanced around and found that there were still a few maidservants standing not far away.

Now Jin Huai'an is a very respected adult by the people in the capital, and Sister Panrong must also pay attention to her image.

But who knows, after hearing her words, Yin Panrong said arrogantly: "It's okay, anyway, my adults said that I am the most authentic, and he likes me like this."

Her words successfully made Yuan Deyin laugh out loud.

She also met Jin Huai'an back then, and she was quite shy.

But I didn't expect that after he got married, he would speak so sweetly.

This is what a husband should look like, if sister Qingzhou...

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin's smile faded a lot.

"Let me see, have you gained weight or lost weight? I heard from our family that you have been trapped in the Yue family's ghost formation all this time. What wronged you? I want to see it on the first day you come back. You, but my lord said, the prince will not let people disturb you..."

Yin Panrong kept saying "my lord", and that kind of intimacy and trust came to her face.

Yuan Deyin laughed again.

"Why are you laughing, tell me how you have been in the past seven years!" Yin Panrong said worriedly.

When she heard the news of Deyin's death, she cried for a long time.

In the past seven years, the regent has been so stingy that he didn't even get a decent spiritual seat for Deyin.

As a result, every year on the anniversary of her death, when she wanted to pay homage to Deyin, she secretly planted three sticks of incense at the back door of Prince Ji's Mansion, and then ate two boxes of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for Deyin herself.

"Come on, let me tell you what happened that year." Yuan Deyin patted the back of Yin Panrong's hand, telling her not to worry.

Then he took her to the side to sit down and began to talk about her own affairs.

However, she omitted a lot of things that were too crazy.

Because the old man said that he didn't want the world to know his existence.

"It's too much, that Yuelushan, if I catch her, I will definitely not let her go!"

Yin Panrong slapped the stone table with a palm, and the stone table was a little crumbling.

"Don't be angry, I'm back safely now." Yuan Deyin stretched out his hand and pulled Yin Panrong to sit down.

"Sister Pan Rong, do you still often look for Sister Qingzhou?" Yuan Deyin knocked on the table and asked softly.

This is the main purpose of her visit today.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yin Panrong's face collapsed instantly.

"You also know about Qingzhou. I used to sneak into the palace to play with her, but since she had a miscarriage and locked herself up, our contacts have decreased a lot..."

Yin Panrong explained while sighing.

"Perhaps this palace is not suitable for light boats, although she also had a happy time..." She whispered.

"Sister Panrong, what are you talking about? Sister Qingzhou, has she been happy in the palace before?"

Yuan Deyin's ears were sharp. When she heard Yin Panrong's words, she turned her head and her eyes were sharp.

"Yes, although I don't know why Qingzhou suddenly wants to enter the palace as a noble concubine. But after being canonized, I can feel that she is really happy, and the emperor loves her too. Especially after she knew she was pregnant, She often told me that she was looking forward to the arrival of this little life..."

"If it's a little prince, he'll be an upright man just like his father..."

"If it's a little princess, she should also look like the emperor, and she will look good too..."

"At that time, Qingzhou's words were all inseparable from the emperor. But later...the child was gone, and I never saw her happy again."

While talking, Yin Panrong's tone also became lonely.

Seeing her former sister become unhappy, she also felt very painful.

"From your point of view, does brother emperor like sister Qingzhou?" Yuan Deyin asked in a low voice.

"That must be my liking. When Qingzhou first entered the palace, the emperor saw her all in his eyes, and I, a bystander, felt sour." Yin Panrong said in a firm tone.

"I liked it before. What about now?" Yuan Deyin asked.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yin Panrong frowned and thought deeply.

"Do you want to talk about the fact that the emperor took another concubine and let other concubines have children? Frankly speaking, I also think that the emperor has gone too far..."

Yin Panrong was a carefree person, she ignored the people standing next to her, and directly expressed her dissatisfaction.

But as she spoke, she hesitated.

"However, two months ago, Sister Qingzhou contracted a cold, she was dizzy and lay on the bed all the time. I went to the palace to see her, and found that the emperor had been by her side, personally wiped her face and fed her medicine ..."

"One thing is very strange. It is obvious that the emperor took care of Qingzhou, but he insisted on telling us not to tell Qingzhou that he was here."

"What is he thinking! What a great opportunity, he can say it out, so as to ease the relationship between him and Qingzhou!"

At the end, Yin Panrong began to mutter depressingly.

And such a thing?
Yuan Deyin frowned, with a dignified expression.

"By the way, Deyin, you suddenly asked me about Qingzhou, did something happen?"

After reacting, Yin Panrong asked anxiously.

"It's okay, don't worry." Yuan Deyin shook his head at Yin Panrong.


In the middle of the night, the entire palace was silent.

"Who are you?" An old nanny suddenly called out to a little palace maid.

The little maid lowered her head, and she wanted to kneel down in panic.

"Mommy, this servant is a maidservant of Liuyun Palace. She just entered the palace recently. She is not familiar with the situation in the palace, so she almost lost her way." The little maid trembled.

"Okay, the palace is not outside the palace. If you are not careful, you will lose your head. Be smart." The old mother warned in a gloomy voice.

"Your maidservant knows." The little maid lowered her head, looking completely timid.

The old mother snorted coldly, and left with the other maidservants.

When they left, the little girl slowly raised her head.

But at this moment, there was no longer the submissive look on her face just now, her eyes were full of coldness.

Moreover, her face is clearly the appearance of Yuan Deyin!

(End of this chapter)

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