Chapter 349 Sister Qingzhou is gone

Yuan Deyin quickly walked over from the corner, she wanted to go to Jun Zhouhan's bedroom to find out about the situation in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

She touched the brand on her waist. When she came to the palace just now, she picked up a set of court ladies' clothes and put them on. Who knew it was such a coincidence that she actually wore the clothes of the palace maids in Sister Dan Tong's palace.

Liuyun Palace is the palace of Sister Dan Tong.

Relying on his own memory, Yuan Deyin went straight to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

But halfway through, she stopped.

During the day, she saw that sister Yifei's complexion was not very good.

She was pregnant and was so frightened that she might have a miscarriage.

Children should always be innocent...

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin quickly walked to the Tai Hospital.

During those days in the death circle, she learned a lot of things, Yu lunatic even taught her medical skills.

Moreover, Madman Yu's medical skills are on par with his master's.

It can be pointed out that what Yu Shengxiao didn't teach her, Yu lunatic taught her.

So she wanted to go to Tai Hospital to order some medicinal materials, and then find a way to send them to Gao Yifei.

The hospital was very quiet in the middle of the night, and Yuan Deyin walked in.

But when she stepped in, she saw an old doctor with white hair inside.

As soon as Yuan Deyin's expression changed, she wanted to withdraw.

But Luo Jingheng saw her, and he scolded vigilantly, "Who?"

Being discovered, Yuan Deyin sighed inwardly.

But she didn't panic at all, she turned around, blessed Fushen respectfully, and wanted to find a reason to fool her.

But who knows, before she had time to speak, Luo Jingheng saw the palace plaque belonging to Liuyun Palace on her waist.

He frowned and said: "Why did you come to get the medicine again tonight? Didn't I already give your mother the medicine yesterday?"

Yesterday, medication?
Yuan Deyin's eyebrows furrowed indistinctly.

She quickly pretended to be nonchalant and explained: "Prince doctor, my mother said that those medicines are not enough, so I ordered my servant to come and ask for more."

"That medicine is extremely harmful to the body, you mothers can't rush for success!"

Although the tone was extremely disapproving, Luo Jingheng quickly opened a secret compartment and took out the medicine he had prepared earlier.

"Your Majesty is a cautious person. Every time a different person comes to get the medicine. But since she can send you here, it also shows that you are worthy of her trust. You tell her that this medicine must be used slowly, Only then can the other imperial physicians find out nothing tricky." He urged solemnly.

Yuan Deyin felt weird when he heard this.

Why take a medicine, but don't let other imperial physicians notice the tricks?

Also said that this medicine hurts the body?
During the day, she didn't feel that sister Dan Tong was in any physical discomfort.

Suppressing the weirdness in his heart, Yuan Deyin took the medicine respectfully.

She lowered her head and said softly, "This servant knows."

After speaking, she hurried out.

When he walked out of the Tai Hospital, Yuan Deyin quickly turned behind a rockery.

She picked up the medicine bag, opened the paper and smelled it.

When she smelled the contents of the medicine bag, she almost threw the medicine on the ground.

Because this prescription is for pregnant women to have a miscarriage,

Poisonous medicinal materials are rarely used, and the rest are ordinary anti-abortion medicinal materials.

People who take this prescription will lead to miscarriage over time, and the imperial physician will not be able to see the tricks...

That's what it meant.

But, who is this medicine for?

Yuan Deyin's head was dizzy for a while, and she tightly clenched the medicine bag with her fingers.

Suppressing the emotions in her heart, she quickly put the medicine bag on her body, and then walked quickly towards Liuyun Palace.

To go to Liuyun Palace, one must pass through Changning Palace.

When slipping past the palace gate, Yuan Deyin paused.

Now no matter what kind of conspiracy there is in the palace, sister Qingzhou should not be hurt.

That's right, the most important thing is to rescue sister Qingzhou.

Looking at the already darkened Changning Palace, only a few lanterns were hanging there, Yuan Deyin made up her mind, and then she easily jumped over the wall and turned inside.

After entering the Changning Palace, she felt a chill rushing towards her face, and she couldn't help rubbing her arms, causing goosebumps to arise.

She has never been to Changning Palace, so she can only explore by herself.

She walked to the door of the main hall in the dark.

This should be where Sister Qingzhou lives.

After thinking about it, she cautiously opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered, he saw a black shadow standing in front of him.

Her eyes turned cold, and then she raised her hand in a thunderous manner, wanting to stun the other party.

But before she could make a move, the black shadow grabbed her claws accurately.

The generous and warm big palm wrapped her little hand, which was a familiar temperature.

"Uncle Nine Emperors?" She called out in surprise.

"Well, it's my lord." The deep voice of a Nine Emperor Uncle came from above her head.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why is it you?" Yuan Deyin curled his lips and asked in a strange tone.

"Didn't you tell me that you are coming to steal people tonight." A certain Lord Regent frowned and said in a deep voice.

Ok? ? ?
Yuan Deyin was stunned.


Although she did say that she wanted to knock sister Qingzhou unconscious tonight and then carry her out, but this is called "saving people", not "stealing people".

Uncle Nine Emperors, this word is not used like this.

Yuan Deyin looked helpless, she snorted and said: "Then Uncle Jiuhuang, you can't crawl in in the middle of the night alone, what if you scare sister Qingzhou?"

"This king also wants to come with you, but you are gone." Jun Yu said coldly.

The tone sounded like he was complaining.

Yuan Deyin stuck out her tongue.

This is indeed her fault.

She wanted to come to the palace to investigate the situation wholeheartedly, so she forgot about Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Wait, will we scare sister Qingzhou when we speak so loudly?"

Yuan Deyin suddenly thought of this question, and her tone was tense.

"She's not here." Jun Yu replied in a low voice.

not here?

Yuan Deyin quickly took out the fire folder and walked to the bed, only to find that there was no one there.

She raised her hand and touched the bed, only to find that there were no wrinkles.

She took another look at the layout of the whole house, and found that it was deserted, as if no one had lived there.

Seeing her puzzled look, Jun Yu continued to patiently say: "The imperial concubine lives in the side hall, which is empty and has always been empty. Otherwise, this king would not have stepped here."

He, a prince who is about to have a family, entered the room of a noble concubine, how decent it is!
Yuan Deyin didn't pay attention to his next sentence, and her attention was all on the first sentence.

She frowned, and asked in a strange tone: "Why can't Sister Qingzhou live in the main bedroom instead of the side bedroom?"

"This king has tortured a young eunuch about this matter just now. He said it was the emperor's intention. The emperor said that it is uncomfortable to live in the main hall, so from then on, the noble concubine went to the side room."

Jun Yu continued to speak.

As if he had the ability of a prophet, he could guess what Yuan Deyin wanted to ask, and even helped her find the answer in advance.

"The emperor's brother has so many demands. The dignified concubine of a country can't live in the main hall, but can only live in a side room. Is it plausible to say it? Also, sister Qingzhou really dotes on him. If he says he is uncomfortable, he is uncomfortable. Why do you want to accommodate?" He, anyway, he has so many concubines who can go to the palace. For a person who comes here to live here for a few days every month, do you need to pay so much for him?"

It's okay if you don't say it, but when she said Yuan Deyin, she became angry, and she opened her mouth through gritted teeth.

The anger that had been suppressed with great difficulty had now burned into his own head.

And a certain prince looked at her angry little appearance, and didn't speak, but raised his hand and patted her on the back to give her peace of mind.

"No, I'm going to take sister Qingzhou away now. We won't take it anymore!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin couldn't bear it for a moment.

She walked directly towards the side hall.

I have to say that this Changning Palace is really big.

The location of the main hall is far from that of the side hall, and it will take a while for Yuan Deyin to use the lightness kung fu.

"Give Sister Qingzhou such a big palace, people who don't know think he is very affectionate..." Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and said.

"Be careful, don't move." Suddenly, Jun Yu grabbed her arm, and his tall body stuffed her into his arms, then quickly hugged her and hid in the corner of the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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