Chapter 350 The Emperor's Heart

Before Yuan Deyin knew what was going on, he was stuffed into his arms by Uncle Jiuhuang.

Her head was buried in his neck, and her heart was beating violently.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." She called weakly.

"Don't talk, someone." Jun Yu tapped the back of her hand lightly with his fingertips, and whispered in her ear.

His words successfully calmed Yuan Deyin down.

She held her breath, closed her eyes, and listened.

Soon, she opened her eyes in shock.

Because of her anger just now, her vigilance has been lowered a lot.

Listening carefully now, she discovered that there were no less than thirty masters hiding around here.

The way of breathing, and the speed of walking, the ability of these people is no less than that of the hidden guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

The most powerful masters in the palace, shouldn't they all gather in this place?

And from the sound of their footsteps, it should be distributed in multiple places to ensure that the people in the side hall can be protected.

If Uncle Jiuhuang hadn't held her down fast enough just now, I'm afraid they would have already started a fight with these thirty people.

Uncle Nine Emperors, what's going on?

Yuan Deyin hooked Gou Junyu's skirt with his small hands, and looked at him blankly.

"They are protecting the noble concubine. The only person in the palace who can mobilize so many experts is the emperor." Jun Yu mouthed to her.

Protect sister Qingzhou?

So many masters, just protect sister Qingzhou alone?

Is it because the emperor's brother is too worried about Qingzhou's sister, or...

Sister Qingzhou really needs the protection of so many people?
Many kinds of guesses flashed in Yuan Deyin's mind, but none of them had a definite result.

"Then shall we still save Sister Qingzhou?" Yuan Deyin continued to look at Jun Yu with Baba's eyes.

"If you want to save them, I will lead them away." Jun Yu said calmly.

If she wanted to do anything, he would accompany her.


Yuan Deyin's first reaction was to shake his head.

Although Sister Qingzhou wanted to save her, she couldn't put Uncle Nine Emperors in danger.

Thirty masters, although Uncle Nine Emperors is very powerful, but there is an emergency.

Thinking about it, Yuan Deyin's little face gradually began to collapse.

She pondered for a moment, then pulled La Junyu's clothes firmly.

She wrote with her fingers in the palm of his hand——

"In the long run, withdraw now."

After receiving her intention, Jun Yu took her and left here quickly.

When leaving Changning Palace, Yuan Deyin looked at the palace where the end of the wall could not be seen at a glance.

She began to know that in the palace, apart from the emperor's brother's palace, the biggest palace should be Qingzhou's sister's palace.

But if it is said that the security is strict, I am afraid that the emperor's elder brother's Yangxin Palace is not as good as Changning Palace.

At the moment of thinking, Yuan Deyin followed Jun Yu away from Changning Palace.

But halfway through the road, Yuan Deyin's footsteps suddenly stopped.

She quickly raised her head and looked at a palace far away in front of her.

Although the distance is far, for those who practice martial arts, they can still see the palace gate clearly.

That is Liuyun Palace, which belongs to Sister Dan Tong.

Sister Dan Tong's palace is actually opposite to that of Qingzhou's sister.

"Yin'er, what's the matter?" Jun Yu noticed her strangeness, and he also stopped quickly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you find anything wrong with these two palaces?"

Yuan Deyin pulled Jun Yu's sleeve, then pointed to Changning Palace and Liuyun Palace.

The place where they stood happened to be in the middle of the two palaces. With the help of the moonlight, they could see many things in their eyes.

What's wrong?
Jun Yu frowned, and his deep eyes began to look at the two palaces carefully.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, the imperial palace is located on the central axis of the capital, and the center is the emperor's brother's palace. If Deyin feels right, we are now at the central axis. Beyond these palaces is the emperor's brother palace..."

"Liuyun Hall and Changning Hall are right on the left and right of these two palaces..."

"Yin'er, do you want to say Feng Shui?" Jun Yu looked at the little girl's wrinkled face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he could think of something instantly.

"That's right, there is something wrong with Feng Shui!"

Yuan Deyin nodded to Jun Yu, and she continued to ask anxiously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin remembers that there used to be no Liuyun Palace and Changning Palace in the imperial palace. Are these two palaces newly built?"

Although Jun Yu is not in the capital all year round, the renovation of the palace is a major event, and he will know a little bit about it.

He quickly replied: "No, the Changning Palace is a combination of several previous palaces, and the Liuyun Palace was built more than half a year after Concubine Tong entered the palace."

"That's even more strange." Yuan Deyin's eyes sank, and his whole body was full of coldness.

Seeing Uncle Jiuhuang's expression puzzled, Yuan Deyin hurriedly said, "Uncle Jiuhuang, have you noticed that Liuyun Palace is much higher than Changning Palace?"

"Well, I found it."

"Standing on the central axis of the imperial city, facing the emperor's bedroom, Changning Palace is on the left and Liuyun Palace is on the right. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that the green dragon is on the left and the white tiger is on the right. It is better to call the green dragon a thousand feet tall than to let the white tiger It is a head taller. But Liuyun Palace lives with Sister Dantong, whose concubine is lower than the imperial concubine, and her palace is higher than Changning Palace, so it is a crime of tiger and dragon, and the damage to the people living in Changning Palace is very serious. Those whose homes are restless, and those whose bodies are seriously injured..."

Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

Jun Yu's eyes darkened. If this is the case, there is a reason why the imperial concubine's health has gradually become poor over the years.

"Also, Uncle Nine Emperors, the imperial city has always had a yin qi, and this huge palace still has a righteous qi, but it is only because it is protected by the qi of the dragon. But there are always some dirty things..."

"Look at the Flowing Cloud Palace again. Her palace is actually shaped like a tower. This shape of the tower is especially easy to attract bad things..."

"Is someone trying to harm Concubine Tong?" Jun Yu asked with a frown.

But he didn't wait for Yuan Deyin to answer, his expression became serious, and his tone was very cold.

"No, it's not Concubine Tong who is harmed, but Concubine Gui. Because the design of these two palaces means that misfortunes and fortunes will change." Jun Yu said with anger.

The little girl just clicked a word or two, and he could guess many things in an instant.

When Yuan Deyin heard Uncle Jiuhuang's words, she nodded in relief.

She just heard a lot about lunatic Yu about things like profound arts, so she was able to see something.

But Uncle Nine Emperors can think of this level just by waking her up a few times, and he is also very enlightened.

"Is this a coincidence, or did someone do it on purpose?" Yuan Deyin said solemnly.

"Only doing it on purpose! Obviously, the emperor knows about it too." Jun Yu said coldly, his tone firm.

"Brother Emperor knows?" Yuan Deyin looked shocked.

Jun Yu looked at the night with cold eyes, and then said in a cold voice: "If there is a ground-breaking event in the palace, the Qin Tianjian must choose a time, and then go to the respected abbot to watch the Feng Shui before the ground-breaking. If there is any problem, They must all be reported to the emperor..."

"Is that because those people deliberately concealed it, but the emperor's brother didn't know about it?" Yuan Deyin asked.

"If you don't know, why don't you let the imperial concubine live in the main hall?" Jun Yu asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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