Chapter 351 This is the king's bed
Jun Yu's rhetorical question successfully silenced Yuan Deyin.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin has a headache." In the end, she simply stopped thinking and squatted on the ground to play tricks.

"Let's go back to the palace and think about it tomorrow."

He reached out, grabbed her white and tender wrist, and pulled her up all at once.

He embraced her with one arm, and quickly led her away from the palace.

At this time, the lights in the Hall of Mental Cultivation were still on.

Seeing that it was already this hour and the emperor was still grading papers, Eunuch Li Da was dying of anxiety.

He gritted his teeth, flicked the fly whisk, then walked up bravely, and persuaded respectfully: "Your Majesty, it's late at night, the dragon's body is important, you can go to bed."

"Look, there is another problem with the water transportation in Fanzhou. The book has been rushed to the capital for eight hundred miles. How can I sleep?"

Jun Zhouhan glanced at him indifferently.

Li Da's face instantly turned into a bitter face, "Your Majesty, although this matter is urgent, your body..."

"The people of Fanzhou make a living by doing business. If their things cannot be transported out by water, then they will not be able to make a living. They may not be able to sleep at night. How can I sleep?" Jun Zhouhan said sharply.

Now, Eunuch Li Da finally dared not persuade him to rest.

He hurried forward and poured a cup of tea.

Then he said: "Your Majesty, before the Regent and Xu Wang were not in the capital, you took care of everything by yourself, but now that the Regent has returned, you can..."

He wanted to say that the emperor could actually put part of the pressure on the regent, because that's what a courtier should do.

But before he could finish his sentence, Jun Zhouhan interrupted him coldly.

"No need, Uncle Nine Emperors has already put in too much effort for Chi Yan. It would be too wrong for me to trouble him with such a small problem in the court."


Eunuch Li Da curled his lips, not daring to say anything.

At this time, a little father-in-law quickly came in from the outside. He knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, someone came from Concubine Jiang's palace and said that Concubine Jiang had caught a cold today and she has been calling the emperor until now. your name……"

Hearing the word "Concubine Jiang", a stern light flashed in Jun Zhouhan's eyes.

"Xiao Zhengzi, just say that I have to deal with business tonight, so it's not convenient for me to go over, just let the imperial doctor take care of it." He said lightly.

When Zheng Wang heard this, he quickly responded: "The servant obeys."

Exit immediately after speaking.

When Zheng Wang was gone, Li Da took a peek at Jun Zhouhan, his expression... seemed a little depressed...

I don't know how long I've been doing this little trick, but Jun Zhouhan put down the pen with a "snap" and looked sideways at him.

"Speak if you have something to say, don't disturb me here if you don't have anything to say."

Hearing his words, Li Da quickly lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, if you protect that Jiang Han so much today, Concubine Mei Gui will be sad."

"Oh, I just want her to be sad." Hearing what Eunuch Lida said, a strange anger flashed in Jun Zhouhan's eyes, and he was a little gloomy.

Hearing his words, Eunuch Li Da raised his head quickly, with a bit of surprise on his face.

Later, this bit of surprise quickly turned into a sudden realization.

"Why hasn't the medicine for tonight been delivered yet?" Jun Zhouhan asked quietly, not wanting to continue this topic.

"Slave, I'm going to remind you now." Li Da wanted to turn around and go out.

As a result, at this time, the people from the imperial dining room came.

Lida went over to take the medicine, tried it with silver needles, and brought the medicine to Jun Zhouhan.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, taking medicine can indeed replenish your body, but no matter how you replenish it, your body has suffered losses. The most important thing is to prevent your body from losing too much."

Li Da almost risked his life to speak out.

As a result, Jun Zhouhan's expression did not change in response to his persuasion.

"Retire, you are not tired of persuasion for several years, I am tired of listening."

Li Da opened his mouth, but in the end he had no choice but to back out.

He is persuaded by his mother-in-law every night, but it works every time.


Regent House.

When Yuan Deyin returned to Linglong Garden, he was very tired.

She quickly opened the door and ran in and lay down on the bed ready to sleep.

But after lying down, she soon felt that something was wrong.

Why is the bed so hard, and the quilt smells of ambergris?

She frowned, and hurriedly got up from the bed, only to see Uncle Jiuhuang open the door and walk in.

His brows were clear, but his expression was a little more helpless.

"This is my king's bed." He said patiently.

Yuan Deyin quickly looked around.


It was indeed the Nine Emperor Uncle's house.

She pressed her eyebrows helplessly.

She was so confused that she even forgot that Uncle Jiuhuang's yard was connected to hers. She just walked through the gate by mistake.

"I'm sorry, I'm leaving now."

Yuan Deyin got up from the bed as soon as she said that. While hugging the pillow, she quickly put on her shoes and ran over.

Ben Wang's pillow...

Jun Yu watched helplessly as a certain little girl walked past him with a pillow in her arms.

Walking to the door, Yuan Deyin seemed to remember something, and she turned her head quickly.

Jun Yu thought she was remembering that she accidentally walked away with his pillow.

But who knew, instead of returning the pillow, she said it seriously.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, your bed is very hard. Deyin felt a sharp pain in her back after lying down just now." She said seriously.

After speaking, she ran away in a hurry.

Only Jun Yu was left standing there helplessly.

He looked at the direction she left, and then at his empty bed.

"Let Wuying send someone to add an extra mattress some other day."

He didn't care whether the bed was hard or not, but he couldn't hurt a certain little girl.

He walked quickly to the bed, seeing that even the only pillow had been taken away from his bed, he couldn't laugh or cry.

But he was used to being rough in the military camp, and whether he had a pillow or not didn't make much difference to him.

He took off his coat and shoes, and lay down quickly.

But what he didn't know was that half an hour later, the pillow that was taken by him... ran back by himself.

When the door was opened by "Yi Ya", Jun Yu quickly opened his eyes, and a stern light and murderous look flashed in his black eyes.

But when he noticed the familiar breathing sound, his expression instantly returned to normal, even a little helpless.

He sat up slowly, only to see a certain little girl walking in with one foot high and one foot low, wearing an underwear and hugging a pillow.

She staggered like she was drunk, and her face was in a daze.

Jun Yu pressed his eyebrows.

He remembered that during the day, she saw that her tranquilizing bead was severely worn out, so she asked Wuyi to take it for her to repair, and it was estimated that she hadn't been able to send it back yet.

Without An Shenzhu by her side, her nocturnal wanderlust came again.

 Sorry, something happened at home recently, the update is not so timely.

(End of this chapter)

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