The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 352 An accident happened to the concubine

Chapter 352 An accident happened to the concubine

While Jun Yu was thinking about this, the little girl had already arrived at his bedside very skillfully.

Throwing the pillow away, he raised his hand and pushed him into the bed with his hands.

In the past, she would definitely not be able to push Jun Yu away.

But now, her martial arts are not low, and Jun Yu doesn't have any precautions against her, so it's easy for her to succeed.

Jun Yu was pushed into a corner by her like a little daughter-in-law.

After finishing all this, a certain little princess fell into bed contentedly and went to sleep.

Jun Yu, who was pushed into a corner, looked helpless.

After falling asleep, the little girl was still a bit domineering.

He picked up the quilt and wanted to cover her.

But who knew, she kicked the quilt away with one kick.

He covered her for the second time, but the cover still flew away.

After covering it for the third time, Jun Yu was relieved when he found that she had finally stopped moving.

He got up lightly, and was about to go to the study for the night.

But who knew, he just got out of bed when he suddenly heard a "bang" from behind.

When he looked back, the little girl had kicked the quilt onto the bed.

Jun Yu: "..."

In such a cold day, did she want to catch the cold without covering her quilt?

A certain Lord Regent had already forgotten at this time that his little girl was no longer that weak and easily sick little girl.

People who practice martial arts, how can they be afraid of this coolness.

He sighed, and picked up the quilt.

This time, he didn't put the quilt on the little girl.

And spread the quilt as a cushion on half of the bed, and then carried the little girl onto it.

Didn't she dislike the hardness of the bed?

Spread a quilt so it won't be hard.

As for the quilt...

Jun Yu lay down beside her calmly, and then took her into his arms with both arms, keeping her warm with his own body temperature.

She likes to kick the quilt, so he will be her quilt.

Sure enough, after being held in his arms, the little girl became much more at ease.

But this night was a torment for Jun Yu.

He won't fight so hard.

The little girl's body was extremely soft, and there was a faint fragrance that made his mouth dry all night.

Fortunately, he was strong enough to bear it all.

The next day, the day just came on.

Jun Yu, who hadn't slept all night, looked down at the little girl who was sleeping soundly in his arms.

Her two little paws were still pawing at his chest, just like a little hamster digging a hole, and a bit of helplessness gradually appeared on his face.

He got up lightly, and he easily hugged the little girl up.

His movements were too light, and Yuan Deyin was extremely tired these days, so he was not woken up.

He hugged her and walked out of his room.

Wuyi Wuying and others were waiting outside, and saw that their prince actually carried the princess out of his room.

They looked at their eyes, their noses, their noses, their noses, their hearts, and they all pretended that they hadn't seen anything, so they quickly looked away.

Ignoring them, Jun Yu hugged the little girl and walked all the way to her room, then put her on her bed, and covered her with a quilt.

But when he saw that there was only her pillow on her bed, he fell silent.

After a while, Wuyi and the others saw their prince come out of the princess's house and went straight back to his own house...

Then he took out a pillow, and then went to the princess's house.

When he came out, he was empty-handed.

So, did the prince send a pillow to the princess on purpose?
Just when they looked weird, Jun Yu stopped in front of Wuyi.

"Is An Shenzhu finished repairing?" Jun Yu asked expressionlessly.

"It will take some time to report back to the lord, but I think it should be ready before tonight." Wuyi quickly replied.

For the past seven years, the Princess has been sleeping with that calming bead every night. The bead is badly worn, and it will take some time to repair it.

"Well," Jun Yu responded lightly, and then said, "Remember to hand it over to the Princess as soon as you finish it."

After speaking, he strode into his room.

The few people left standing there were helpless.

"Without Anshenzhu, the princess ran to the prince's house every night, didn't she fall into the prince's arms? Why is the prince so anxious to give the princess the Anshen pearl?"

Wu Ting asked suspiciously.

They can all see the prince's thoughts...

They have always kept vigil for the prince, so they also knew that Xiaojun would go to the prince's house at night without An Shenzhu.

Only the little princess can go to the prince's house unscrupulously. If there are other people, they will clean them up as soon as they get close to the prince's courtyard.

"The prince is a gentleman, and he will not take advantage of the princess."

As the only female hidden guard, Wuyi thought for a long time, and could only come up with this explanation.

Her words successfully made several hidden guards suddenly realize.

It can only be like this...

Although the prince likes the princess, the princess must not have become a princess. It is really not suitable to run into his house every day.

After they beautified the image of a certain prince in their hearts, they didn't know...

At this moment, Jun Yu, who was closing his eyes and resting in the room, had only one thought, and that was——

If you want to eat but can't, it's better to put her in her room to be safer.


Yuan Deyin woke up slowly when the sun was rising.

"Cang Ling." She called out, then sat up from the bed and stretched.

Hearing her voice, Cang Ling, Ji Xia, and Lan Qiu came in with water and dresses.

"Princess, you are awake." Cang Ling said softly.

"En." Yuan Deyin answered while beating his back.

In the past few days, she has not slept soundly.

But when she got up today, she felt refreshed, and she felt a lot lighter.

She slept normally last night, how could she feel different from usual?

She turned her head and searched her bed with probing eyes.

It turned out that I had an extra pillow.

This dark totem, at first glance, is something in the Nine Emperor Uncle's house.

She remembered that she ran into the wrong house last night, and was reminded by Uncle Nine Emperors, and she hurried back.

When she came back, she felt that Uncle Nine Emperor's pillows smelled good, so she came back with one.

Could it be because of Jiuhuangshu's pillow?
She frowned, and began to attribute her good sleep last night to Uncle Jiuhuang's pillow.

Soon, a bit of cunning flashed in his eyes.

How about bringing back all of Jiuhuangshu's quilts another day?
If a certain Nine Emperor Uncle knew what was going on in her heart, he would definitely say calmly: "Then you might as well let me go."

"Come on, Princess, it's time to wash up." Cang Ling's gentle voice drew Yuan Deyin's attention back.

She quickly got off the bed and sat on a chair to wash up.

But at this time, Wuyi walked in quickly, her face was serious.

"Princess, just now Concubine Tong sent someone from the palace to the Prince Regent's Mansion, saying that something happened, Concubine Fei had a miscarriage last night."

(End of this chapter)

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