The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 354 Sister Qingzhou, something is wrong

Chapter 354 Sister Qingzhou, something is wrong
"Have you found anything else?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"Reporting to the princess, I'm so stupid that I can't find out." The imperial doctors lowered their heads and said in fear.

This little princess was so cruel to Concubine Jiang, they were very worried that if they had something to say, their end would be even more terrible.

Seeing their terrified appearance, Yuan Deyin withdrew his eyes indifferently.

She said to Qianxue: "Take them down, take a good prescription and cook the medicine, and do everything yourself."

"Your servant obeys." Qianxue nodded, and hurried out with several imperial physicians.

In the huge bedroom, there was only Gao Yifei lying pale on the bed, Yuan Deyin and Sudan Tong standing beside him, and the lingering bloody smell in the room.

"Deyin, why did you ask the imperial physician like that just now? Did you find anything?" Sudan Tong looked at Yuan Deyin with a somewhat urgent tone.

"No, I just want the imperial physicians to find out why Sister Chacha Yifei's body is weak. It must have accumulated over time." Yuan Deyin said lightly.

It turned out to be like this...

Sultan nodded.

She smiled wryly and said: "Although this deep palace is large and luxurious, there are many people who cannot control themselves. Over time, no matter how healthy people are, they will suffer from depression and illness."

Her words successfully made Yuan Deyin think of Mei Qingzhou.

I don't know how Sister Qingzhou is doing now.

"Sister Dantong, Deyin wants to go see Sister Qingzhou, and Sister Yifei, please..."

"Okay, go quickly, I'll take care of you here." Sudan Tong nodded gently.

Leaving Gaoyang Hall quickly, Yuan Deyin randomly grabbed a young eunuch and came over.

"My princess asks you, when did the emperor leave the palace?"

The eunuch also recognized Yuan Deyin.

He knelt down nervously, trembling all over, trying desperately to recall.

"Return, report back to the princess, the emperor left the palace on the [-]th of last month in order to attend the palace banquet of the head of the Yue family. He first went to the border to watch the training of the Ninth Prince, and then went to the Yue family together..."

After holding back for a long time, he finally spoke out.

"Why do you remember so clearly?" Yuan Deyin looked at him faintly.

"Return, report back to the princess, because the emperor's departure from the palace is a major event, a grand ceremony will be held at the gate of the palace on that day, and the servant can remember the date with a little thought." The little eunuch continued to explain stutteringly.

"Princess, it was really the [-]th of the last two months." Wu Yi said in a low voice behind Yuan Deyin.

"Well, get up." Yuan Deyin nodded lightly to the little eunuch.

After finishing speaking, she led Wuyi straight past him.

After confirming that she had really gone far, the little eunuch got up from the ground wiping away his cold sweat.

Huh, why is the princess's current aura exactly the same as that of Lord Regent? It's so scary!

After walking a long way, Wuyi finally couldn't help the curiosity in his heart.

She lowered her voice and asked Yuan Deyin: "Princess, why did you ask the emperor when he left the palace?"

"Because, the princess just took advantage of the fact that everyone was not paying attention, and gave Concubine Fei a pulse. She is pregnant for at most one and a half months."

Yuan Deyin spoke indifferently.

Because the time of pregnancy is too early, whether there is a fetus in the womb or a miscarriage, it is difficult for the imperial physician to judge the approximate time.

The signs for one and a half months and two months are very similar.

It is estimated that the imperial physicians all prefer two months.

But she is different, madman Yu taught her to take the pulse, she will never take the wrong pulse.

"What?" Wuyi was completely shocked.

She trusts the princess's medical skills very much.

The princess's judgment can't be wrong...

The child in Fei Concubine's womb did not coincide with the time when the emperor left the palace.

Seeing Wuyi's shocked appearance, Yuan Deyin didn't say anything else.

That is--

She touched a little medicine powder on Gao Yifei's cuff.

The ingredients in the medicine powder were exactly the same as the medicine bag she got last night.

Strangely, the result of her pulse was the same as the doctor's diagnosis.

Gao Yifei's miscarriage was due to being frightened and her fetal gas moved, not because of the medicine.

What is going on in all this?

Yuan Deyin glanced at the gray sky, and she once again felt that the palace was full of tricks.

"Anyway, the only thing that is certain is that the child in Fei Concubine's womb is not the Emperor's elder brother's." Yuan Deyin said softly.

The depression in her heart finally dissipated a little.

"But why is Concubine Fei so adamant that the child belongs to the emperor? Is Concubine Fei lying?" Wuyi looked puzzled.

"Who knows?" Yuan Deyin exhaled.

She has a feeling that she can no longer see through those people back then.

Seven years, it really will make people change a lot.

Especially, those who are in the palace.

"Let's go and see sister Qingzhou." She turned her head and said softly to Wuyi.

When he arrived at Changning Hall, Yuan Deyin could feel the coldness coming to his face.

It was clearly daytime, but the coldness was exactly the same as being in the middle of the night.

Thinking of the feng shui of this palace, coldness and anger flashed in her eyes.

But the moment she raised her head, she regained her composure.

She quickly turned to the side hall, only to see Mei Qingzhou watering the flowers there.

There is a quiet beauty in the middle of a yard of flowers.

If you ignore the disturbing things that happened during this period, it is also a comfort to be in this quiet courtyard.

"Sister Qingzhou." Yuan Deyin put all emotions behind her and called Mei Qingzhou happily.

Hearing the sound, Mei Qingzhou turned her head, put down her things quickly, and smiled softly.

"Deyin, why are you here?"

"I miss you, so I came into the palace to see you." Yuan Deyin took the initiative to walk over and hold Mei Qingzhou's arm.

"You, don't think that I don't know the real reason why you entered the palace." Mei Qingzhou glanced at him, her tone pretending to be serious.

"Well, you know everything." Yuan Deyin shrugged, his tone helpless.

Mei Qingzhou pulled her to a chair and sat down, then sighed and said: "The whole imperial hospital has been disturbed, and I'm in the palace again, so it's hard to know."

"Sister Qingzhou, I..."

Yuan Deyin wanted to say that she found out that the child in Gao Yifei's stomach was only more than a month old, so it shouldn't belong to the emperor's brother...

But she soon thought that the emperor's elder brother had personally admitted that he favored Gao Yifei before leaving the capital, so these two incidents would cause the same harm to sister Qingzhou.

It's better for her not to say anything, lest sister Qingzhou feel like a lump in her throat again.

"Huh? Deyin, what do you want to say?" Mei Qingzhou looked at Yuan Deyin and asked.

"It's okay, just, I suddenly want to eat the meal made by sister Qingzhou. Can Deyin eat here today?" Yuan Deyin looked at Mei Qingzhou pitifully.

"Okay, okay, I'll make you whatever you want." Mei Qingzhou said with a smile.

Changning Palace has its own kitchen, so Mei Qingzhou quickly took her maid to work.

Yuan Deyin was bored and could only wander around.

"Well, what kind of flower is that?" Yuan Deyin saw a pot of flowers that were as red as the sun, and turned to ask Wuyi curiously.

Before Wuyi opened his mouth, the little maid who was serving beside him hurriedly replied: "Reporting to the princess, this is Zhu Dinghong. Our imperial concubine likes to grow flowers, so every day someone sends flowers to the gate of Changning Palace, waiting for the empress to pick them. Today, the empress picks flowers." Among the flowers there is Hippeastrum..."

"Are you sure, this flower is called Hippeastrum?" Yuan Deyin looked at the little maid with strange eyes.

"Reporting to the princess, yes." The little maid nodded firmly.

"Princess, it is indeed Zhu Dinghong, I have seen it before." Wuyi also spoke beside her.

"Really?" Yuan Deyin said these two words softly, and the handkerchief in her hand was torn away abruptly by her.

Seven years ago, she heard from sister Qingzhou.

Her mother's favorite is amaryllis, but when her mother died, the blood spilled on the ground also stained a large area of ​​amaryllis.

From then on, she hated Zhu Dinghong.

As long as she saw that flower, she felt sick all over, felt sick, and vomited!

(End of this chapter)

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