Chapter 355 Something happened again
"Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Wuyi noticed that Yuan Deyin's body was trembling, so she came over to support her worriedly.

The maids of Changning Hall who were standing around also quickly approached.

But Yuan Deyin's eyes froze, and he quickly regained his composure.

She shook her head slightly: "It's okay."

"Princess, our mother has finished cooking the meal." Qianxue walked over quickly and spoke respectfully to Yuan Deyin.

"Okay." Yuan Deyin nodded slightly, and walked into the side hall with Wuyi.

The maids have already served the dishes, and Mei Qingzhou, who has changed her clothes, has also returned.

"They're all home-cooked dishes. I don't know if you like Deyin." Mei Qingzhou said nervously.

Yuan Deyin walked over quickly, held her hand, and said coquettishly: "Sister Qingzhou, as long as it is made by you, Deyin likes to eat it."

She took Mei Qingzhou's hand and said in a brisk tone, but her fingers were very quickly on the pulse of the other party.

"You sit too." Mei Qingzhou smiled gently at Yuan Deyin.

"it is good."

Yuan Deyin sat down beside her.

But his face was obviously disturbed.


She suspected that the person in front of her was not her elder sister Qingzhou, so she tested her pulse on purpose.

It turned out that the person in front of him really had a miscarriage.

And there is a birthmark on the side of her neck, which belongs to Sister Qingzhou.

Could it be that the person in front of me is really Sister Qingzhou?

But what about the flower?

"Come on, Deyin, these are your favorite dishes." Mei Qingzhou directly served Yuan Deyin with chopsticks.

Seeing that the bowl was full of her favorite dishes, Yuan Deyin's doubts gradually subsided.

Because this is indeed my favorite dish seven years ago, only my sister Qingzhou who played with me can remember it so clearly.

flower thing...

Maybe it's because of the change of seven years, sister Qingzhou has also crossed the hurdle in her heart, so she has nothing to fear.

"Sister Qingzhou, do you like the emperor's brother?" Yuan Deyin also gave Mei Qingzhou a piece of meat, and she asked in a complicated tone.

Her words successfully made Mei Qingzhou's expression stagnate.

She smiled wryly, "So what if you like it, so what if you don't like it."

Sister Qingzhou must be very sad...

It's sad enough to be hurt by the emperor's brother.

And she thought she was fake just now.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin felt extremely guilty.

She put down the chopsticks, and said to Mei Qingzhou in a serious tone: "Sister Qingzhou, what Deyin said still counts, as long as you are willing to leave the palace, there is a place for you anywhere."

"Deyin, don't say such stupid things in the future. It's good for me to live like this." Mei Qingzhou shook her head.


Yuan Deyin wanted to continue persuading her, but seeing Mei Qingzhou's expression was very lonely.

In the end, she could only suppress her thoughts of persuasion.

Now that I still say so much, it's just adding salt to her wound.

So she could only eat in silence.

After eating, Yuan Deyin still wanted to stay in Changning Palace, but Mei Qingzhou touched her hair gently.

She said softly: "Deyin, the imperial palace is not suitable for you. You don't have to enter the palace frequently for me in the future. I hope to see you happily."


Yuan Deyin opened her mouth, wanting to say that she also wanted to see her happily.

But seeing the fatigue in her eyes, Yuan Deyin knew that what he said now would only increase her troubles.

So she hurriedly said softly: "Okay, then Deyin will go back first, sister Qingzhou, if you have anything to do, let the palace maid go to the Prince Regent's Mansion to find me."

"The Regent's House?"

Mei Qingzhou asked in a low voice, something flashed in her eyes quickly.

"What's the matter? Sister Qingzhou." Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"It's okay, go back quickly, otherwise, Uncle Nine Emperors will be in a hurry." Mei Qingzhou said softly.

When he walked out of Changning Hall, Yuan Deyin looked at the gray sky and felt depressed.

But when she saw a man wearing a black python robe standing at the end, the haze in her heart dissipated completely in an instant.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." Holding the hem of her skirt, she quickly ran towards Jun Yu.

The bell around his waist jingled.

Seeing the little girl running towards him, Jun Yu spread his arms.

The little girl stood on tiptoe and threw herself directly into his arms.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, have you come down?" Yuan Deyin raised his head from his arms and asked with bright eyes.

Seeing this scene, the passing court ladies and eunuchs quickly bowed their heads in salute, and then left quickly.

"Well, I left a long time ago. I heard that you are also in the palace, so I came to look for you." Jun Yu raised his hand to help her smooth the hair on her forehead.

"Hasn't Uncle Nine Emperors been waiting for a long time?" Yuan Deyin frowned upon hearing this.

"Are you hungry?" she asked worriedly.

She quickly took out an osmanthus cake from her arms, "This is the last piece of osmanthus cake left by Deyin, here it is."

Seeing that she was swallowing her saliva, but she still handed over the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, a smile flashed across Jun Yu's eyes.

"Eat, I'm not hungry." He said softly.

"Deyin has already eaten in Sister Qingzhou's palace just now... However, Deyin feels that she still has room in her stomach."

After Yuan Deyin talked to herself, she began to eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Like a cub who successfully protects food.

"By the way, Uncle Nine Emperors, have you heard about Sister Yifei?" Yuan Deyin asked worriedly thinking of this.

"Well, it's also because the news about Concubine Fei has reached the ears of the emperor, and the morning court ended early." Jun Yu nodded lightly.

"Then what is the attitude of the emperor's brother?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask, with a somewhat complicated tone.

"It should be considered anxious." Jun Yu thought for a while, and finally gave the answer.

If it was someone else, how could he have the patience?

But he always answered patiently when the little girl asked him questions.

Well, it should be a life, and the emperor's brother should be anxious.

Yuan Deyin sighed inwardly.

"I'm kicked out by Sister Qingzhou now, let's go back to the palace." She grabbed Jun Yu's sleeve and whispered coquettishly.

"Okay." Jun Yu nodded, and then took her little hand skillfully.

He has always been responsive to her requests.

Yuan Deyin thought that he entered the palace quickly, and he should also leave the palace quickly.

But when they were about to reach the gate of the palace, they saw the Imperial Forest Army quickly bringing the imperial doctor back to the palace.

When some important ministers fell ill, the emperor would send the imperial physician with more advanced medical skills to the mansion to see him.

But when Yuan Deyin frowned seeing that the imperial physician was being quickly escorted back by the Imperial Forest Army, he knew something big had happened.

She quickly summoned a little maid, and asked in a serious tone: "What happened in the palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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