Chapter 356
"Return, report back to Princess Ning, something happened to Concubine Ning. She was severely burned and is in a critical condition now. All the imperial doctors have been transferred back to treat her."

The little maid recognized Yuan Deyin, and she replied with trepidation.

Concubine Ning?

Yuan Deyin recalled quickly, and then remembered that Concubine Ning is the eldest prince's concubine, the princess of the Moon Mist Kingdom.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin can't leave the palace yet." She grabbed Jun Yu's sleeve nervously and said in a solemn tone.

Concubine Ruoning really had an accident in the Chiyan Palace, and it was difficult for Yuewu Kingdom to explain it.

And this is still a human life, she can't just ignore it.

Jun Yu understood what she meant, and he nodded lightly: "Let's go."

The two, followed by Mei Qingzhou, came to Ling Zhining's Lingyun Palace together.

Along the way, Yuan Deyin had a clear understanding of what happened.

It turned out that the eldest prince had a cough recently, and Concubine Ning wanted to make medicine for him herself.

Concubine Ning did everything herself, even watching the fire was done by herself in the small kitchen.

But who knew, when she was watching the fire, she accidentally fell asleep, and by the time she realized it, the fire had engulfed most of the kitchen.

It was the maids and eunuchs of Lingyun Palace who risked their lives to save her and rescued her.

But she had suffered a lot of burns, and she was in a very bad condition.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you also find it strange?" Yuan Deyin raised his head while walking, and asked Jun Yu in a strange tone.

"Yes." Jun Yu replied.

Even if Concubine Ning was too tired, she wouldn't be unaware of the fire.

Also, first Concubine Fei had a miscarriage, and now Concubine Ning has an accident.

These two things seem unrelated, but if you think about it carefully, there will be a lot of similar tricks.

Finally, they arrived at Lingyun Palace, and they saw the imperial physicians standing in the yard.

They were discussing something fiercely one by one, as if they couldn't think of any good way to save Concubine Ning, because her injury was really too serious.

"Among so many of you, is it true that none of you can save Concubine Ning?"

Jun Zhouhan came out of the palace with a gloomy expression, and he could vaguely see a bit of anger.

"I implore the emperor to forgive me. Concubine Ning's injury is too serious. A little carelessness will cause more serious consequences. We are trying to figure out a way."

A white-haired old imperial doctor in the lead spoke.

Jun Zhouhan also respected him a bit, so after hearing what he said, his complexion improved a little.

The other imperial physicians looked at the old imperial physician with tears of gratitude, and then tried to find a solution.

Yuan Deyin's expression changed when he saw the old man's face clearly.

Is this the old man she saw when she went to Tai Hospital last time?
"Physician Luo, can you do something?" A young imperial physician could only look at Luo Jingheng with pleading eyes.

Luo Jingheng was silent for a while, and then said: "Let's save the life of Concubine Ning for now, and we'll talk about the flesh damage in another day."

When the other imperial physicians heard this, they nodded at first, but soon, their expressions were still serious.

Because according to Concubine Ning's current degree of burns, it might be difficult to save her life.

It turned out that her surname was Luo. Among so many people, Yuan Deyin could see that he was the most trusted person of these imperial physicians.

Can't tell, he's quite popular.

But thinking about that night, he was the one who gave her the medicine package that could make the pregnant woman miscarry.

What's the secret between him and Sister Dan Tong?
"Yin'er knows him?" Jun Yu immediately discovered that the little girl was observing Luo Jingheng.

When Yuan Deyin heard this, she hurriedly tiptoed and lowered her voice to tell him what happened when she went to the Imperial Hospital that night, and what happened at Gao Yifei's place today.

After hearing her words, Jun Yu's eyes flashed a little sharply.

Luo Jingheng...

He looked at Luo Jingheng's back with dark eyes.

The Luo family has been imperial physicians for generations, and Luo Jingheng has been in the imperial hospital for nearly 40 years.

He should have seen what should be seen and what should not be seen, and he also knows what should be done and what should not be done.

Why did he give Concubine Tong the banned drug in the palace?
What does Concubine Tong want to do with that thing?
Jun Yu was full of hostility.

It's time to tidy up this palace.

However, it is still necessary to deal with Concubine Ning's affairs first.

"Yin'er, are you sure?" Jun Yu withdrew his eyes and asked Yuan Deyin in a heavy tone.


Although I haven't seen what happened to Concubine Ning, Yuan Deyin's tone was very firm.

If she can't do anything, I'm afraid there will never be anyone in the capital who can save Concubine Ning.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin needs to prepare something."

Yuan Deyin quickly walked past those imperial physicians.

Because those imperial physicians were still discussing the condition, even if they lost a medicine box, no one noticed.

Brought the medicine box from them, Yuan Deyin put the silver needle he had with him into it.

She asked Wuyi to find her a casual robe and put it on her body. She tied her hair into a simple knot with her hands.

Seven years ago, the little girl who couldn't comb her hair well can now tie her own hair without anyone's help and without a mirror.

After finishing this, she put on her veil, took the medicine box, and walked out quickly.

Wuyi has been watching from the side.

When their princess picked up the medicine box and walked out, her expression changed, her face full of disbelief.

Because the princess in front of me, since she picked up the medicine box, her walking posture has changed, and her aura has restrained a lot.

If it weren't for those eyes that were exposed to the outside, she would really feel like she was lost to everyone.

Such a princess seems to be a completely different person.

Wu Xi was secretly shocked in his heart.

What has the princess experienced all these years.

It was the first time she had seen someone become a second person without the help of the Disguise Technique.

After Yuan Deyin walked outside, almost no one could recognize her as Princess Deyin.

Carrying the medicine box, she quickly walked into Lingyun Hall.

In Ling Zhining's bedroom.

Yuan Deyin just stepped in when he heard a heart-piercing shout from inside: "Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine, wake up."

After walking in, she saw a five-year-old child lying on the bedside, crying loudly.

This should be the eldest prince.

Although she was already mentally prepared, Yuan Deyin's heart trembled slightly when she saw the pitch-black Ling Zhining on the bed with only two very conspicuous nostrils.

With such severe burns, she is still breathing. It can be seen that she has a strong desire to survive.

Several imperial physicians were still around.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Deyin's face darkened, she quickly moved forward, grabbed the imperial doctor's shoulders, and pulled them away.

After being pulled away, they turned their heads and stared at Yuan Deyin unkindly: "Where did you come from, how dare you act presumptuously in Lingyun Palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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