Chapter 357 Special Blood
"This is the folk doctor that this king has brought to treat Concubine Ning, don't let him go!"

Jun Yu strode in at this time, and he spoke sharply.

Although he didn't know why the little girl didn't treat Ling Zhining directly as the princess.

But no matter what his status is, he doesn't allow others to bully her.

Sensing the evil spirit on Jun Yu's body, those imperial physicians who were still full of momentum just took a few steps back.

But their unwilling eyes still secretly glanced at Yuan Deyin.

How can a girl who looks like a teenager treat such a serious burn?
Ignoring their suspicious eyes, Yuan Deyin quickly sat down beside the bed.

She didn't check her pulse anymore, she directly took out a pill from her arms and stuffed it into Ling Zhining's mouth.

Feeling that Ling Zhining's breathing became a little easier, Yuan Deyin quickly took out the silver needle.

"Get out." While she was busy, she still didn't forget to order in a cold voice.

Just at this time, Sudan Tong and Luo Jingheng walked in quickly.

After seeing Yuan Deyin turn Ling Zhining's body around, Luo Jingheng stuck a silver needle into the exposed black flesh.

He was so angry that his beard flew off.

"Do all ignorant children use silver needles now?"

Luo Jingheng didn't hear Jun Yu's words just now, but as soon as he walked in, he saw Yuan Deyin put on the needle without saying a word, his face darkened instantly, and he began to yell loudly.

Sudan Tong's expression was also serious, and she anxiously asked the maid next to her: "How do you take care of Concubine Ning, quickly, pull that person over to make room for Imperial Physician Luo."

The "that person" in her mouth refers to Yuan Deyin.

At this time, Jun Zhouhan also walked in. He could guess Yuan Deyin's identity just by taking a look at her figure.

His eyes darkened slightly, and then he said: "No need, this doctor can save Concubine Ning, and the rest of the irrelevant people should go out first."

"Your Majesty." Luo Jingheng called Jun Zhouhan anxiously.

It turned out that Jun Zhouhan's face had turned cold, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

Sudan Tong made a sound when she saw the emperor, so she naturally would not say a word.

She walked slowly towards the door, turning her head three times in the middle, her worried eyes kept falling on the bed.

The eldest prince still wanted to watch over him, but Yuan Deyin glanced over with indifferent eyes, and a nanny immediately ran over to take him away.

The old mammy wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

Why is this little doctor from the folk looking so hard?

She had just noticed the aura of Lord Regent on the other party.

Almost everyone went out, only Yuan Deyin, Jun Yu, Jun Zhouhan and Wuyi were left in the house.

Jun Zhouhan came over, wanting to see the situation here.

Yuan Deyin turned her back to her, and said in a cold tone: "Brother Emperor, please wait, it will be fine if Concubine Ning has a Deyin."

When Jun Zhouhan spoke up to help her, Yuan Deyin already knew that the other party had guessed her identity, so she had nothing to hide.

Sensing the indifference in Yuan Deyin's tone, Jun Zhouhan knew that she was blaming him.

He sighed in his heart, and then said helplessly: "Deyin, Concubine Ning, please, I will explain to you in Yuewu Kingdom..."

"Your Majesty, your concubine has suffered such a serious injury, and all you can think of is whether the Moon Mist Congress will be angry?"

Yuan Deyin's cloth needle froze, she questioned in a cold voice, unable to hide the anger on her face.

She didn't even call "Emperor" brother anymore.

She knew that the emperor couldn't help himself in marrying these concubines, but at least it was his life, so couldn't he have a little compassion?
Concubine Ning, no matter what, she gave birth to a son for him.

Is the only thing in his mind is the stability of the country?

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin felt a gloom in his heart.

"Yin'er." Seeing that her mood almost affected her to give the needle, Jun Yu immediately called out to Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin came back to his senses, and his brows woke up instantly.

She let out a foul breath.

She was almost affected by emotions, which is a big taboo for doctors when performing acupuncture.

"Your Majesty, go out."

Jun Yu didn't care about committing crimes, he directly grabbed Jun Zhouhan's shoulder and pulled him away from this place.

"Wuyi, help the princess fetch a basin of water."

Yuan Deyin is now fully focused on Concubine Ning, and she quickly gave Wuyi instructions.

"Your servant obeys." Wuyi nodded, and hurriedly stepped back to fetch water.

Yuan Deyin didn't even blink her eyes, she quickly stuck needles all over Ling Zhining's back.

Looking at the last rotting flesh and blood, her heart was also very dull.

How big is the fire that burns people like this.

After all the needles were pricked, Yuan Deyin's hands could finally stop for a rest.

She wiped the sweat from her brow.

Just at this time, Wuyi came back with water.

"Princess, the water is coming." Wuyi said softly.

"Okay." Yuan Deyin nodded.

She quickly took out a small jar from her arms and poured a pile of medicinal powder into it.

"Princess, what is this?" Wuyi asked curiously.

"Things that can make rotten meat better as soon as possible." Yuan Deyin said softly.

She glanced at Wuyi, and continued: "There is nothing you need to do here, sister Wuyi, you go out first."

"Okay, if you have anything to do, princess, please tell your servants." Wuyi nodded, and quickly exited, while not forgetting to close the door quickly.

After hearing the sound of closing the door, Yuan Deyin looked at the basin of water with cold eyes. The original clear water became cloudy due to the mixing of medicinal powder.

She took out the handkerchief, wet it with water, and helped Ling Zhining wipe the wound while pulling out the needle.

The burnt smell on the skin touched by her potion began to fade.

If she insists on rubbing her body with this potion tomorrow, Ling Fei's skin and flesh should grow back.

But it's been too long...

It hurts too much.

Concubine Ning's body is so weak, I don't know if she can carry it.

Yuan Deyin lowered his eyes and pondered for a while.

Finally, he murmured softly: "It seems that this is the only way."

She quickly took out the dagger and made a deep cut across her fingertips.

Blood dripped down instantly, dripping into the turbid potion.

While the potion was dyed red, it also gradually exuded a faint fragrance.

She quickly found a strong-smelling medicine from the medicine box and threw it into it, and the scent was quickly covered.

She bandaged her fingers indiscriminately, and then continued to wipe Ling Zhining's wound with water.

The miraculous thing was that when the potion touched Ling Zhining's burned skin, the blood-red flesh was slowly growing new flesh.

She was patient and wiped off all of Ling Zhining's scars.

And Ling Zhining's flesh was also growing back at a strange speed.

Although the wound is still shocking, it has improved a lot, at least it won't hurt so much.

The original outline of the face can also be seen.

If you continue to rub your body with her medicinal powder in the later stage, and then drink medicine for conditioning, the new skin and flesh should grow completely soon.

Thinking of this, the stone in Yuan Deyin's heart also began to fall.

She looked down at the wound on her fingertips, her eyes were extremely complicated.

Before she was trapped in the Death Soul Formation, she found that her blood could suppress the evil poison of Uncle Nine Emperors, which was miraculous enough.

Unexpectedly, when she was in the Soul of the Dead, she discovered that her blood had the effect of healing people.

Moreover, her blood will emit a faint fragrance.

When she found out about this situation, she panicked and wanted to hide it.

But it never occurred to her that when she was injured while practicing kung fu, she would still be discovered by Crazy Yu.

But instead of treating her as a monster, Madman Yu looked at her excitedly.

That was the first time she had seen Crazy Yu so excited, there were even tears in his eyes.

However, Madman Yu still told her that this matter should not be leaked anymore, otherwise, her life would be in jeopardy.

Blood can heal people, I'm afraid people in the world will stare at her after knowing the news.

(End of this chapter)

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