The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 358 Is it all done by Concubine Chi?

Chapter 358 Is it all done by Concubine Chi?
After putting away the things, Yuan Deyin wanted to stand up.

But suddenly she noticed something in Ling Zhining's palm.

Slowly opening her hand, Yuan Deyin saw a bead clutched inside.

She picked up the beads.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, looking carefully.

This bead has a good texture and luster, and it will not be damaged when exposed to fire. The quality is very good.

But why does she always feel that this bead looks familiar?

Yuan Deyin frowned and thought, and soon, something flashed through her head.

It's Sister Dan Tong!
A necklace she always wears around her neck has these beads on it.

Putting the beads away, Yuan Deyin jumped out of the window with the basin in his hand, poured out all the liquid medicine in the basin, and then came back with the basin in his arms, and opened the front door.

As soon as she came out, everyone's urgent eyes fell on her.

Luo Jingheng couldn't hide the anxiety on his face, he just wanted to rush in to see how far Yuan Deyin could save people.

But before he could lean over, Yuan Deyin gave Wuyi a look, and Wuyi immediately came over to block him.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Ning should be able to wake up soon. However, the only requirement of Minnv is that before she wakes up, no one can interfere with her recuperation."

Although she was confident that these imperial physicians had no way of finding out that Concubine Ning's recovery was due to her blood.

However, Concubine Ning's body recovered too quickly, which could easily arouse the suspicion of these old foxes.

One more thing is worse than one less thing, so it is best to cut off the possibility of them finding something tricky.

"Confused, you closed the door by yourself to treat Concubine Ning, we don't know how you rescued people. You still don't let us go in for inspection, in case something happens to Concubine Ning, you Can you afford it?"

Luo Jingheng scolded Yuan Deyin angrily.

"Doctor Luo, don't worry, I will bear the responsibility alone." Yuan Deyin looked at Luo Jingheng coldly.


Luo Jingheng was completely speechless by Yuan Deyin's anger.

And Jun Zhouhan also saw Yuan Deyin's attitude, and he immediately ordered in a cold voice.

"From now on, Concubine Ning will be treated by this doctor, and the rest are not allowed to interfere, otherwise I will definitely not forgive you lightly."

After Jun Zhouhan said this, even Sudan Tong was a little puzzled when he looked at him.

"Your Majesty..." Sudan Tong anxiously called Jun Zhouhan.

But Jun Zhouhan didn't want to pay attention to her at all, and in the end she could only give up.

The others also withdrew one after another, and Sudan Tong also left.

Yuan Deyin approached Wuyi and said something, Wuyi was stunned for a moment, and after she realized it, she nodded quickly: "Young maidservant will go now."

After a while, she came back.

She lowered her voice and said to Yuan Deyin: "Princess, the slaves have found out that Concubine Tong has not worn that necklace since this morning, and no one in her palace knows the specific reason."

"What about the beads?"

"That bead came from the royal family of Yuewu Kingdom, and only Concubine Chuan has it in the palace." Wuyi continued.

"En." Yuan Deyin nodded, and she lowered her eyes to hide the coldness in her eyes.

"Yin'er, what's the matter?" Seeing that Jun Zhouhan had left, Jun Yu walked up to Yuan Deyin and asked in a low voice.

Yuan Deyin took out the beads in her palm, and then told the general situation.

"So, Yin'er, you are suspicious..." Jun Yu frowned.

"Well, I doubt sister Dantong, no matter whether she is the mastermind or not, she must be involved." Yuan Deyin said firmly.

"But princess, why did she do this? Could it be that the first prince born to Concubine Ning interfered with the third prince born to her?" Wu Yi asked in puzzlement.

"Maybe." Yuan Deyin sighed, and after saying three words, she left here first.

Concubine Ning's condition has basically stabilized, so it doesn't matter if she comes back to see her later.

Walking out of Lingyun Palace, Yuan Deyin saw several children gathered not far away.

The one in the middle whose eyes are red and swollen from crying is the First Prince.

There are also two little boys and a little girl comforting him.

Those children were all dressed luxuriously, and there were many eunuchs and maids guarding them.

Yuan Deyin probably guessed the other party's identity.

Three princes and queens.

"The second prince's mother concubine is Concubine Wen, where has she gone?"

Yuan Deyin looked at a well-carved little boy, and began to guess his identity, guessing that he should be the second prince.

Because she has seen both the eldest prince and the third prince.

"Reporting to the princess, Concubine Wen fell ill last year, and the imperial physician couldn't find the reason. The emperor said that she missed her hometown deeply, so she was allowed to return to Mobei." Wuyi quickly replied.

Is that so?

Yuan Deyin frowned.

A married princess can go back...

But considering that Mobei has always had a tough folk style, it's not surprising.

However, the second prince is still young, Concubine Wen, can she really rest assured?
"What about the concubine of the fourth princess?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"When Han Chang was hunting with the emperor two years ago, he was frightened and went crazy. Now he is practicing on Huaguang Mountain."

Wuyi hurriedly told everything he knew.

"Has something happened to Han Changzai?" Yuan Deyin frowned.

The four children sitting there looked innocent and hadn't been completely polluted by the big dye vat of the imperial palace.

However, accidents happened to the mother and concubine of the four children and the three children.

No, it's six children!

Sister Qingzhou and Sister Yifei, who had a miscarriage, still have children in their stomachs.

"Wuyi, do you feel that there are only two concubines of the emperor's brother, and they are safe and sound from the beginning to the end?" Yuan Deyin turned his head and looked at Wuyi with complicated eyes.

Seeing Shangyuan Deyin's eyes, Wuyi was startled.

She asked in an uncertain tone: "Is the princess talking about Concubine Tong and Concubine Jiang?"

"No, it can't be said that there are two, it should be one...Because Jiang Yiren has no children, it should not pose a threat to some people."

When Yuan Deyin analyzed it, his face gradually darkened.

"Princess, are you saying that all these things have something to do with Concubine Tong?" The shock on Wuyi's face could not be calmed down for a long time.

Concubine Tong obviously looks like such a gentle woman, how could she do such a thing?
"Uncle Nine Emperors, we are not going out of the palace today, I have to find out the truth. Now, the most direct way is to ask Brother Emperor, he must know something!" Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth.

The entire palace is full of smog, and she still has to find out the truth today.

Otherwise, sister Qingzhou can't feel at ease for a day in such an environment.

"Okay." Jun Yu immediately agreed.

In the imperial study.

Jun Zhouhan pressed his temples, his face showing fatigue.

"Your Majesty, take care of your dragon body." Eunuch Li Da shouted worriedly.

"I don't need this body!" Thinking of the recent troubles, Jun Zhouhan said coldly.

"Your Majesty, today's incident was an accident, and the princess has helped me out. Concubine Ning should be fine."

Eunuch Li Da quickly poured Jun Zhouhan a cup of tea, and he lowered his voice to comfort him.

But Jun Zhouhan sneered directly: "Do you really think that Concubine Ning's accident was an accident?"

Eunuch Li Da choked.

His expression became slightly tense.

He lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, if it wasn't an accident, what happened? Could it be man-made?"

"Your Majesty, could it be the Concubine Tong who did it?" Eunuch Li Da continued to ask in shock.

Accidents happened to the empresses in the palace one after another. In fact, the emperor was already investigating secretly.

Moreover, all the evidence points to Concubine Tong.

Unexpectedly, before the emperor exposed her, she would attack Concubine Fei and Concubine Ning.

"Yes, but why did Concubine Tong do this? What good does it do her? Does she want to be a queen? But the third prince is not her own at all, and she wants to be..."

"Isn't the third prince born to Concubine Tong?" Yuan Deyin had just entered the imperial study at this time, and he happened to hear Eunuch Lida's angry words clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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