Chapter 360 There Are Two Qingzhou Sisters

Looking at the things on the ground from the corner of her eye, Yuan Deyin couldn't hide the coldness all over her body.

"Why is there such a big commotion outside, and no one comes out of Changning Palace?"

Yuan Deyin spoke angrily.

Rotten heart powder is a poison that even silver needles can't test.

If it wasn't for coming here today, wouldn't sister Qingzhou have an accident?

Yuan Deyin was just about to step into Changning Palace, when she suddenly remembered something, she turned her head quickly, and said to Jun Yu in a serious tone: "Uncle Nine Emperors, you should go and talk to Brother Emperor about this now, no matter what, he has to do it today." Give Sister Qingzhou an explanation."


Jun Yu nodded.

Ever since the little girl took care of the affairs of the palace, he has become an errand runner.

Seeing Jun Yu leave, Yuan Deyin walked quickly into Changning Hall.

She walked through the main hall and walked into the side hall.

From a distance, I saw Mei Qingzhou lying on a rocking chair, and flowers fell from the big tree beside her, and she didn't even notice it when it fell on her body.

Qianxue stood aside and waited with a few court ladies.

Yuan Deyin remembered that the Piandian was far away from the gate of Changning Palace, so it was understandable that they couldn't hear the movement.

So she quickly suppressed the anger in her heart.

She walked over lightly.

Qianxue and the others soon discovered her existence.

"Princess." They wanted to salute.

But Yuan Deyin raised his hand to stop him.

"Are your imperial concubines tired?" Yuan Deyin asked softly.

It's broad daylight now, sister Qingzhou is still sleeping so deeply, is she exhausted?
"Reporting to the princess, our lady has been lethargic for some reason these days." Qianxue replied in a low voice.

Yuan Deyin was worried that it might be because of her body, so she walked over to feel Mei Qingzhou's pulse.

But just walking over, I found that Mei Qingzhou's eyelashes trembled.

Did I move too much? I almost woke up Sister Qingzhou.

Yuan Deyin stopped quickly and did not move forward.

If sister Qingzhou is exhausted, then she should not affect her.

Yuan Deyin backed away, and she gave Qianxue a look, telling Qianxue to walk away with her.

Arriving at a remote place, Yuan Deyin looked at Qianxue with sharp and indifferent eyes.

Qianxue was puzzled and nervous.

"Princess, but what's wrong with this servant?" She asked nervously.

"Are you responsible for your mother's food?" Yuan Deyin asked.

"Reporting to the princess, she is a slave."

"The princess asked you, did any meals other than Changning Palace enter your mother's belly?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask sharply.

"Since the empress had a miscarriage, Changning Palace has paid more attention to the meals. When it is not necessary, the food that the empress eats is made in the small kitchen. Outside the Changning Palace, our imperial concubine does not eat anything sent by other empresses. , unless it was sent by the emperor..."

So, concubine Tong took advantage of this, so she used the name of the emperor's brother?
If sister Qingzhou really lost her life because of the stew today, and the three eunuchs were missing, then the person who killed sister Qingzhou might be identified as the emperor's brother.

Concubine Tong has a vicious heart!
"Princess, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Yuan Deyin's hostility was getting stronger, Qianxue asked worriedly.

"Arrange the guards of the Changning Palace to guard your mother at every step. Today, this county mainly wants to see how the emperor cleans up the house!"

Yuan Deyin ordered in a cold voice.

Qianxue was also frightened by Yuan Deyin's appearance, she froze for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Your servant obeys."

Yuan Deyin came back from a remote corner, just passing by Mei Qingzhou.

Mei Qingzhou is still sleeping.

Yuan Deyin glanced at her, but it was this glance that made her realize something was wrong.

In Mei Qingzhou's wrist, there is a protruding thing, which has been wriggling, as if it is about to break the wrist and jump out.

She walked over quickly, trying to see clearly, but at this time, Mei Qingzhou woke up leisurely.

She pressed the position of her temples, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Yuan Deyin in front of her eyes. She called out in surprise, "Deyin, why did you enter the palace today?"


Didn't she just leave Changning Palace half an hour ago?
Yuan Deyin's heart was agitated, but his expression remained calm.

She took the initiative to walk over, bent down, and gently helped Mei Qingzhou tidy up the messy hair on her cheeks.

"I came here because I missed you, Sister Qingzhou." She said softly.

When she said this, Yuan Deyin was still glancing at Mei Qingzhou's fair wrist from the corner of her eye.

Strangely, the pimple that was still wriggling just now has disappeared.

That thing seemed to flow in her blood.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin's fingers trembled slightly, and his face had inadvertently become extremely solemn.

"Deyin, what's wrong with you?"

Finding that Yuan Deyin's expression was not right, Mei Qingzhou asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin came back to her senses, and she shook her head pretending to be okay.

She pursed her lips, and then tentatively said, "Sister Qingzhou, when will you come to the Regent's Palace?"

"Go if you have the chance. I'm grounded now, and it's inconvenient to leave the palace." Mei Qingzhou shook her head with a wry smile.

"That's a pity. I've been looking forward to Sister Qingzhou that you can come to play with me. Last night, I specially sent someone to repair the Prince Regent's Mansion just to welcome you. Even a plant grew on the wall. Hippeastrum, I ordered people to get rid of them, just for fear of scaring you..."

Yuan Deyin acted coquettishly in an aggrieved tone, but her peripheral vision was always on Mei Qingzhou.

Hearing her words, Mei Qingzhou covered her mouth and smiled. She raised her hand and gently pinched Yuan Deyin's fleshy little face with her fingers.

"You girl, after all these years, you still haven't forgotten what I'm afraid of. Don't worry, I will go out of the palace to play with you if I have a chance."

"Okay, okay."

Yuan Deyin twitched the corner of her mouth stiffly, and her raised hand fell silently.

Under the wide sleeves, the fingers were severely bloodstained by himself.

Sister Qingzhou in front of her is afraid of Zhu Dinghong.

Who was Qingzhou sister who was not afraid of Zhu Dinghong before that hour?
There was a moment of dizziness in the head, but Yuan Deyin was more determined in his heart.

She must find the truth.

"Sister Qingzhou, you actually make rice paper in your own palace?" When Yuan Deyin stood up, he suddenly saw the shelf behind Mei Qingzhou, where a lot of paper was drying.

"The princess doesn't know something. Our mother has been making paper for five years, and the paper is very useful." A little maid next to her said proudly.

"It's just something to pass the time." Mei Qingzhou smiled and shook her head.

"Sister Qingzhou made so much paper, do you use it for yourself or for the emperor's brother?" Yuan Deyin asked briskly, as if the heaviness in her heart just now did not exist.

Only by knowing more about the things around Sister Qingzhou, will it be possible to discover more tricks.

"I use it myself." Mei Qingzhou explained gently.

"With so much paper, doesn't sister Qingzhou have to write a lot of words every day?" Yuan Deyin turned around and looked at Mei Qingzhou suspiciously.

"Our mother often has the habit of recording what happened that day, so it consumes a little more paper."

On the side, the little palace lady couldn't help explaining again.

"Huanxi." Mei Qingzhou scolded the little maid called Huanxi in a low voice.

Huanxi quickly lowered her head, she was talking too much.

"Sister Qingzhou, you little lady-in-waiting is also very interesting. You need a lot of lively people in the palace to be lively. By the way, sister Qingzhou, why didn't I know that you have a habit of remembering things?"

Yuan Deyin sat down beside her. She held her small face and looked at Mei Qingzhou curiously.

Mei Qingzhou's expression froze, but she soon smiled lightly.

"Just to pass the time."

Hearing Mei Qingzhou's answer, Yuan Deyin didn't continue to ask.

"By the way, Sister Qingzhou, it's getting late, I have to go back early, otherwise Uncle Jiuhuang should be worried about me." Yuan Deyin quickly stood up from his seat.

"Well, if you miss me in the future, you can come to me at any time." Mei Qingzhou said softly.

But, you clearly said, don't enter the palace often in the end.In the depths of Yuan Deyin's calm eyes, a bit of sharp light flashed.

But she had a naive look on her face.

She smiled softly, "Okay, as long as sister Qingzhou doesn't dislike Deyin."

After speaking, she slowly turned and left.

When she completely walked out of Changning Palace, her tall and straight body staggered and almost fell down.

"It seems that there are two Qingzhou sisters..." She whispered this sentence softly.

(End of this chapter)

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