Chapter 361 Gu Poison
When Yuan Deyin arrived at Liuyun Palace, he felt a wave of depressive emotions rushing towards his face.

"Brother Wuying, what happened?" Yuan Deyin asked quickly when she saw Wuying walking towards her.

"Reporting to the Princess, Concubine Tong... is missing." Seeing that it was her, Wu Ying quickly stopped and replied respectfully.

How could it be such a coincidence that they were about to interrogate her, and she suddenly disappeared.

Yuan Deyin lifted the hem of her skirt and walked in quickly.

Both Jun Zhouhan and Jun Yu were there.

When she came in, Jun Yu quickly walked to her side.

"I will send someone to search for Concubine Tong's whereabouts." Jun Zhouhan assured in a serious tone.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded lightly.

Concubine Tong turned bad, and the emperor's brother was also unexpected, so he can't be blamed for it.

The most important thing now is to find people.

Sensing the fatigue between the little girl's brows, Jun Yu said in a deep voice, "Yin'er, let's go back to the palace."

It is important to investigate the truth, but her body is even more important.

"It's okay, Brother Emperor, Deyin thinks the palace is pretty good, so he wants to stay here for a few more days. I wonder if you would like to vacate a palace?" Yuan Deyin said to Jun Zhouhan.

Hearing what he said, Jun Zhouhan and Jun Yu looked at each other, and they communicated tacitly with their eyes.

It seems that if the little girl doesn't find out about Concubine Tong, it is impossible for her to be willing to leave the palace.

"Yes." Jun Zhouhan nodded.

Finally, Yuan Deyin lived in Yutang Palace.

Yutang Palace is relatively close to Mei Qingzhou's Changning Palace.

When Yuan Deyin walked into Yutang Palace, she found that a certain Uncle Nine Emperors had been following her.

"Huh? Uncle Nine Emperors, why don't you go back to the Prince Regent's Mansion?" She turned her head and couldn't help asking curiously.

"Wherever you go, this king will go." Jun Yu began solemnly.

He went straight past Yuan Deyin and walked into the house.

Yuan Deyin was not surprised that Jiuhuangshu would also live here, and was very happy.

After all, with Uncle Nine Emperors by his side, there are people to help with many things.

Most importantly, with Uncle Nine Emperors around, no one would bully her.

However, this palace is so big, why does Uncle Nine Emperors compete with her for the same room?

Although this house has two rooms, they can have one for each person, but isn't it inconvenient to share the same room?
Thinking about it, Yuan Deyin said very seriously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, you are the prince, you live in the main hall, and Deyin lives in the side hall."

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, she wanted to turn around and go to the side hall.

But a certain Nine Emperor Uncle was even faster, he stretched out his hand and brought her back.

The little girl who didn't have any precautions against him was directly carried to his side by him without paying attention.

"No, based on our relationship, there is no distinction between the main hall and the side hall... Besides, you really think that if you go to the side hall, you won't come to my king's side tonight?"

Jun Yu's deep eyes scanned her from beginning to end...

She didn't bring An Shenzhu with her at all.

So to sleep tonight, she will definitely climb into his bed.

So, is it still necessary to divide the main side hall?
It's better to live under the same roof, then it will be more convenient for her to climb into bed.

When Yuan Deyin heard what he said, she was at a loss.

Uncle Nine Emperors, what does this mean?
But without giving her a chance to think about it, Jun Yu had already walked in.

Seeing this, she could only run in.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, there is something Deyin wants to tell you." Yuan Deyin ran to Junyu's side and stopped him on tiptoe.

Then she voiced her doubts.

"You doubt that there are two Concubines Mei?" Jun Yu's brows and eyes darkened, and his tone became a little dignified.

"That's right...Although this sounds mysterious, Deyin can guarantee that something is wrong with Sister Qingzhou." Yuan Deyin said firmly.

"Could it be that someone has changed his face?" Jun Yu also expressed his guess.

"I also have this suspicion, so I have seen the lines on the palm of Sister Qingzhou several times in a row. The face can be changed, but the palm lines can't be changed. The strange thing is that the lines are the same..."

"The lines are the same, so there's a good chance it's the same person..." Jun Yu took her words.

According to the words of the lines, the little girl should have seen the same Mei Qingzhou several times in a row.

"No, there must be something wrong... Wait, Uncle Jiuhuang, do you think there is another possibility, that is, the body belongs to Sister Qingzhou, but the mind is not!"

Yuan Deyin suddenly thought of something, she raised her head and looked at Jun Yu nervously.

Thoughts are not the same person?
Jun Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sharp light flashed past.

"This possibility is not ruled out." He said coldly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, did you think of something?" Yuan Deyin looked at him curiously.

"This king once heard that there is a kind of Gu poison in Miaojiang, called Sanmu Gu." Jun Yu replied calmly.

"Three Mother Gu?"

Yuan Deyin looked a little horrified.

"Yin'er, have you heard of it?" Jun Yu saw her like this, and knew that she should know something about it.

"Well, Crazy Yu once forced me to learn Gu poison for a while." Yuan Deyin frowned and nodded.

When she was learning Gu poison, it was the time when she suffered the most mentally in the past ten years.

Because Gu is really disgusting.

Uncle Nine Emperors just mentioned the Three Mother Gu, which originated from the mistress of a family in Miaojiang. Her parents died early in her life, and her husband trapped her in a small courtyard for a concubine.

Her only sustenance is her son.

This son is promising, and he is the best Gu breeder in the whole family.

She hoped that when her son finished his studies, he could fight for the position of head of the family and win honor for her.

Therefore, she devoted all her heart and soul to this son.

For 20 years, she had no self at all, like a spinning top, surrounded by her son all the time.

No matter what the son does, he must obey her orders and never make a wrong step.

Although her son has been closely watched by her, he finally fell in love with an ordinary woman in Miaojiang.

For this woman, the son disobeyed her again and again.

She felt that her sky had collapsed, and her 20-year belief was gone overnight.

She began to hate everything in this world.

She spent five years cultivating the "Three Mother Gu".

The mother Gu was placed on her body, and the other two child Gu were placed on her son and the woman respectively.

Two people who have been hit by the sub-gu will never be able to love each other.

Otherwise, a woman who has been caught by the sub-gu will have her mind manipulated and gradually lose herself.

A simple metaphor is that Zigu will turn into a vicious soul, which will devour the memory of the original pure soul.

It can know all the things that pure souls do, including hobbies, but it has a mind of its own, and it takes pleasure in torturing pure souls.

And the pure soul that has been swallowed, although it will occasionally wake up, but it can't spy on what it did when it was swallowed, and the memory of that period is blank.

Over time, the pure soul was completely annihilated, allowed to be manipulated by the Gu insects, and began to walk like a corpse.

The "Three Mother Gu" forcibly tortured a couple who were in love to death.

(End of this chapter)

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