Chapter 362 Getting close to the truth

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you feel that Brother Emperor and Sister Qingzhou really seem to have fallen into the Three Mother Gu?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu urgently.

Although she hasn't seen him for seven years, she doesn't believe that the emperor's brother can become so thorough.

How could he change his mind so quickly, and be so cruel to sister Qingzhou!
Even a person with a little conscience would not be able to do such a thing!
It's as if he deliberately wants to alienate sister Qingzhou and make sister Qingzhou sad.

"However, why did the emperor's brother treat Qingzhou sister so well when he was in Yue's house?"

Yuan Deyin fell into new doubts.

"If they really fell into the 'Three Mother Gu', the reason is very simple."

Jun Yu glanced at her, and then explained in a deep voice: "Because, the two child Gu must be close enough to the mother Gu to make the child Gu react."

"Deyin understands, because no one with the mother's poison in her body was able to chase after Yue's family, so even if the emperor's brother was kind to sister Qingzhou at that time, he would not be controlled by the poison..."

"But it's not right, since the emperor's elder brother can do such a thing, it proves that he should probably know about the 'Three Mother Gu', so why didn't he put sister Qingzhou outside the capital, then there is nothing like this Already!"

Yuan Deyin shook his head while analyzing.

She is now a little annoyed that she was lazy at the beginning.

Crazy Yu asked her to learn the technique of raising Gu in Miaojiang. She was very resistant to that thing, so she only had a general understanding of each Gu technique, and then knew how to untie it. She didn't understand the rest in depth.

So now she has only a half-knowledge about the "Three Mother Gu".

Looking at the little girl's face full of thirst for knowledge, Jun Yu skillfully poked her bulging cheeks.

"Do you really think that the mother of the Miaojiang clan was a good person back then? If the matter could be resolved by simply driving people away, would the two bewitched people still be tortured alive for decades?"

Jun Yu said helplessly.

"Could it be because it's not okay to leave the Gu mother for too long?" Miss Yuan weakly said her guess.

"Well. So, those two people must stay by the mother's side forever. As long as the host body of the mother Gu is still alive, the child Gu can't be too far away from her. If not, both child Gu will surely die. Even the person with Zi Gu will die together. Two people meet every day but cannot love each other, this is the most tormenting thing in this world."

With that said, Jun Yu also sighed silently.

He seldom sympathizes with anyone, but anyway, the "Three Mother Gu" is really too vicious.

He also had some sympathy for the two of them.

"Deyin remembered that when Sister Qingzhou came back from Yue's house, her complexion was very bad all the way. I thought she was tired because of the boat."

Yuan Deyin spoke in distress.

If she had taken the initiative to talk to Sister Qingzhou at that time, would she have been close to the truth long ago?
"It's probably Gu poison! Today, I saw something wriggling on the left wrist of the emperor's elder brother, and sister Qingzhou's wrist also. What else can wriggle in the blood besides Gu?"

Yuan Deyin raised his head and said firmly.

"This king also saw many knife scratches on the emperor's right hand." Jun Yu continued.

"A scratch from a knife?"

"That's right, there is another vicious aspect of the 'Three Mother Gu'. It is necessary to use the blood of the man who has been hit by a child Gu to feed another child Gu, otherwise this child Gu will suck up the blood of its body. ... This is also the punishment the Miaojiang mother gave her son."

If you have to drink the blood of the person you like to survive, this is also a punishment for that woman.

As an outsider, Yuan Deyin felt very depressed when she heard this incident.

Now thinking that the emperor's brother and sister Qingzhou might also be poisoned by this poison, her heart changed from dull to painful.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why didn't Brother Emperor tell us all about this?"

Yuan Deyin asked lonely.

If the emperor's elder brother speaks out, can they think of a way to help him?
He was carrying it alone, not only easily misunderstood, but also very painful.

He almost misunderstood him because of this incident, thinking that he was a heartless person.

"If it's really the Three Mother Gu, the Emperor is probably waiting for the Mother Gu to appear. If you don't tell us, you don't want to startle the snake."

Jun Yu frowned and explained in a low voice.


Yuan Deyin was instantly discouraged.

"Besides, the emperor probably felt that it would be useless to tell us about this, because once the 'Three Mother Gu' is defeated, there is no solution. Even if the mother Gu is killed, the two child Gu will die. Even Miao Jiang People, for so many years, no one has found a way to cure the Gu. Therefore, this Gu poison is also banned in Miaojiang..."

Jun Yu explained in a deep voice.

"No, Yu Crazy..."

Yuan Deyin wanted to say that Madman Yu taught her how to solve it.

But before she could finish her words, some palace servants hurried in.

After a quick look, it turned out to be Li Da's father-in-law.

"Princess, Concubine Ning has woken up, but the situation is not very good. The emperor ordered my servant to ask you to go and have a look."

Eunuch Li Da said anxiously.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you stay here, Deyin will go and have a look." After Yuan Deyin said to Jun Yu, he quickly lifted his skirt and ran out.

Going to the palace of a concubine, no matter how high the rank of Uncle Nine Emperors is, he is still a foreigner, so it should be inappropriate.

Yuan Deyin was really running all the way, so she was worried that if she slowed down a little, something would happen to Concubine Ning.

Because she was in a hurry, she was at the corner and almost bumped into someone.


Opposite Yuan Deyin were several court ladies, the leading one found that she had been hit, and she asked with a gloomy face.

But when she looked up, she saw that it was Yuan Deyin standing in front of her, her expression changed, and she quickly backed away.

The remaining maidservants also panicked when they saw Yuan Deyin.

They hurriedly picked up the things that fell on the ground.

Although their speed was very fast, Yuan Deyin recognized it as a white cat.

She took a closer look at these maids, and suddenly remembered that these faces looked familiar.

It's from sister Yifei's palace.

"Your mother had a miscarriage and her body has not yet recovered. If you are not in the palace to take good care of her, where are you going in such a hurry?" Yuan Deyin asked sharply.

"Princess, please forgive me. Today is the day when Mrs. Gao visits our mother in the palace. We are going to pick up someone at the gate of the palace."

The maidservants kowtowed and explained with trembling voices.

But pick up someone, why take the cat out?
Yuan Deyin frowned slightly.

Moreover, Sister Yifei was a pregnant woman before she had a miscarriage. Pregnant women are not suitable for raising cats.

The imperial doctor should have explained these things to her early in the morning.

But Concubine Ning's matter is still important now, so she doesn't care about it.

Walking directly past these people, Yuan Deyin went straight to Concubine Ning's palace.

When they could only see Yuan Deyin's distant back, the court ladies fell to the ground as if they were relieved.


Suddenly there was a scream, and a court lady jumped up on the spot.

She flicked a cat out of her cuff, only to find that the back of her hand was already dripping with blood.

She kicked the cat hard.

"Beast, if Empress Fei Concubine didn't see you as wild, do you think you would have survived to this day?"

"Okay, Ling'er, don't argue with a beast. Let's take advantage of the opportunity of Mrs. Gao's visit and get this cat out. If not, the emperor will find out, and the truth about the miscarriage of the empress will also be exposed. ..."

"That's right, that's right, it's still important." The remaining few maids nodded frantically.

"Okay." The maid named Ling'er could only withdraw her hand cursing.

Then he picked up the cat and strode out of the palace gate.

After they left, a person walked up where they were standing just now.

The man leaned over, picked up a handful of cat hair from the ground, and sneered: "Concubine Fei, you really... didn't disappoint."

(End of this chapter)

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