Chapter 363
When Yuan Deyin came to Ling Zhining's palace, he found that the maids were kneeling on the ground, and Ling Zhining was lying on the bed, moaning in pain.

It was also because of her order that no imperial doctor came.

Yuan Deyin walked in quickly, and she held down Ling Zhining who was still trying to move.

Then he took out a box from his body, which contained a row of silver needles.

Without blinking her eyes, she quickly pulled out the silver needle from it, and then plunged the silver needle into Ling Zhining's acupuncture point in one go.

Soon, Ling Zhining's groans became much less.

Her eyelashes moved and she slowly opened her eyes.

"You, you are?" She had a face full of scars, and she couldn't see much expression, but her black eyes were full of doubts.

"I'm Yuan Deyin."

Yuan Deyin quickly answered.

"Princess Deyin? I..." Ling Zhining wanted to sit up immediately when Yuan Deyin revealed her identity.

Although she is a princess of a country, she is now Chi Yan's concubine.

But if you count it, her status is not half as noble as that of the Princess Deyin.

Moreover, when she was half awake, she also heard her court lady say that it was Princess Deyin who saved her life.

Otherwise, her life would have been gone long ago.

"Don't get up, you're hurt."

Yuan Deyin noticed her intention, and quickly pressed her shoulder lightly to keep her from moving.

"Thank you princess for saving my life, but my face is probably going to tarnish the princess' eyes."

As he said that, Ling Zhining turned his eyes away a little helplessly, his tone trembling.

This life was saved, but she was basically ruined.

If this face goes out, I'm afraid it will scare others.

Thinking about it, Ling Zhining even wanted to pull a quilt to cover himself.

But Yuan Deyin quickly stopped her.

"Concubine Ning, your burnt skin still has a chance to recover. Although it can't be restored to its original state, it can be much better than it is now."

Yuan Deyin patiently explained.

"Really, really?" Ling Zhining asked uncertainly.

At this moment, a court lady who was kneeling boldly said: "Your Majesty, when you were first burned, it was much more serious than now. After the princess gave you treatment, the situation has changed a lot."

The other kneeling little maids also nodded.

"That's right, empress, you can't give up on yourself, you will get better soon, the eldest prince still needs your care."

Just being a mother.

Thinking of his son, Ling Zhining's eyes flashed a bit of tenderness.

That's right, if she gave up on herself, who should take care of Jing Er.

So she looked at Yuan Deyin with teary eyes: "Princess, I beg you..."

"You are the emperor's elder brother's concubine, how could Deyin refuse to save you? It's not suitable for you to fluctuate too much now..."

While comforting Ling Zhining, Yuan Deyin cupped his hands like dead branches.

Fortunately, she is familiar with the pulse, otherwise, looking at this dark place, it would be really difficult to find the pulse.

Putting her finger on Ling Zhining's pulse, after a while, Yuan Deyin's eyes flashed a bit of doubt and shock...

Her appearance, falling into Ling Zhining's eyes, made her very worried.

"Princess Deyin, am I still saved?" She spoke with difficulty.

Because of the burnt neck, the sound from her throat also had a big impact.

"You all step back." Yuan Deyin glanced at the court lady kneeling behind her, and said softly.

The ladies in the palace were very obedient, they stood up quickly one after another, and withdrew after being blessed.

Yuan Deyin looked at Ling Zhining, frowned and said, "Your health is not serious. It's just that I am very puzzled about one thing..."

"whats the matter?"

"Concubine Ning, you are obviously a big girl with yellow flowers, why... do you have an eldest prince?"

Yuan Deyin looked into Ling Zhining's black eyes, and asked word by word.

Because he looked into Ling Zhining's eyes, he naturally didn't miss the panic in her eyes.

Maybe Yuan Deyin's eyes were too sharp, which made people feel like there was nowhere to hide.

So Ling Zhining simply didn't hide it, she sighed, and then said: "Actually, the eldest prince Jing'er was not born to me."

Although he had already guessed the answer, Yuan Deyin still had a shocked expression on his face when Ling Zhining said it himself.

First, the third prince was not born to Concubine Tong, and then the eldest prince was not born to Concubine Ning.

She just wanted to ask, what happened to the emperor's brother's harem?
"What's going on here?" Yuan Deyin suppressed the emotions in his heart and asked patiently.

"Actually, on the eve of entering the palace, the emperor had already summoned us. He said he could give us the concubine position, but he couldn't give us affection. If we regretted it at that time, we still had a chance..."

"That you……"

"Princess Deyin, not everyone can be like you."

Ling Zhining smiled wryly...

But because her flesh was burned badly, she couldn't even make a wry smile.

You can still let the tears glisten in your eyes.

"Princess, you are really the freest woman I have ever seen..."

He has status and honor, but he is not worried that his marriage will be arranged.

Because Uncle Nine Emperors will protect her.

But they are different!
Since she was born, enjoying the noble status of a princess means that she has to pay the price.

"I have told myself since I was a child what my mission is. Feelings are dispensable to me. So when the emperor offered me a chance, I firmly refused..."

"For several years in the palace, although the emperor stayed in my palace, we all tacitly agreed that he went to sleep in the side hall. But I don't regret it at all... Anyway, which palace is not a cage? In the red Yanhuang Palace, I can still earn some honor and favor for my mother and concubine from my father..."

When Ling Zhining said these words with difficulty, Yuan Deyin's heart felt like being pricked by a needle, and his eyes were slightly red.

Since ancient times, women in deep palaces...not many can be happy.

This is a prison.

But for some, the cage was the best she had ever had.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing her astringency, Yuan Deyin asked softly, "What's the matter with the First Prince?"

"One day after Concubine Mei's miscarriage, the emperor brought me a newborn child, saying that this was his prince, and asked me to raise him. Because I have not been out of the palace for many years, I claimed that I gave birth to this child, and no one doubts it..."

Ling Zhining explained slowly.

"Bring a child? Where did you bring it? Could it be that the emperor's brother has another woman outside the palace?"

When Yuan Deyin heard this, his head hurt.

She's going to start being worthless for sister Qingzhou again.

"Princess, why don't you make another guess?" Ling Zhining looked at Yuan Deyin with a strange expression.

What she said made Yuan Deyin's eyelids twitch violently, and an absurd guess probably formed in her heart.

"You mean, the emperor's elder brother lied to you, and this child is actually...not his?"

Yuan Deyin asked in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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