Chapter 365
"Uncle Nine Emperors, what do you mean?"

Jun Yu's words successfully made Jun Zhouhan and Yuan Deyin's hair stand on end.

"Although this bedroom is very messy, it looks like it has been invaded by someone. But you come to see the footprints on the window sill, they only go out, not in."

Jun Yu spoke coldly.

Jun Zhouhan and Yuan Deyin hurried over.

Sure enough, I saw the shoe prints on the windowsill.

"But, we clearly saw the figure of Concubine Tong, why is there only one footprint?" Qianxue asked anxiously.

"Perhaps Concubine Tong knocked out Qingzhou sister and dragged her away. But why, there is no trace of dragging anything outside?"

Yuan Deyin looked outside, her eyebrows frowned fiercely.

She is also a woman, although Sister Qingzhou is thin and thin, she still has a certain weight.

And Sudan Tong has no martial arts, how can she carry people away by herself?
"There are two possibilities. One is that the back view seen by the maidservants is not Concubine Tong. The other is that Concubine Mei Gui volunteered to go with Concubine Tong."

Jun Yu spoke coldly, and there was not much emotion in his voice.

Jun Zhouhan pressed his temple, he was so anxious that his fingers were trembling.

"It's because I didn't protect her well. If Concubine Tong could be found and controlled earlier, things like today wouldn't happen..."

He was talking to himself, and his words were full of resentment towards himself.

"Brother Emperor, don't blame yourself. The most important thing now is to find sister Qingzhou."

Yuan Deyin saw Jun Zhouhan's regretful expression, she couldn't bear to say anything to accuse him.

Yuan Deyin's words successfully calmed Jun Zhouhan down.

"I'll take people to search right away, and dig three feet to find Sudan Chuan."

Jun Zhouhan's eyes regained clarity, and he wanted to go out to find someone.

But at this time, Yuan Deyin stood in front of him.

"Brother Emperor, don't worry. In fact, it's not difficult to find sister Qingzhou." Yuan Deyin said seriously.

Jun Zhouhan asked anxiously, "What do you need me to do?"

"Although the two sub-gus generate and restrain each other, they can actually perceive each other's existence when necessary. Brother emperor, stretch out your hand."

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, Jun Zhouhan stretched out his hand without hesitation.

And Yuan Deyin also took out a dagger from his body, aimed at Jun Zhouhan's palm, and quickly slashed.

Seeing this scene, Eunuch Lida shouted anxiously.

"Emperor, Your Majesty!"

But seeing his own blood pouring out of his palm, Jun Zhouhan was unmoved, he only had the urgent desire to find Mei Qingzhou in his eyes.

With the other hand, Yuan Deyin took a small bottle from the bell on her waist.

It was also thanks to Crazy Yu who asked her to raise Gu worms for several years, and asked her to take the worms with her.

Although she felt very disgusted for a while, she was still a little relieved when she thought that now it was a critical time and she could use this.

Unscrew the cork.

The dark Gu worm flew to Jun Zhouhan's palm, licked the blood a few times, then started to vibrate its wings and flew out.

"Go and follow it."

Yuan Deyin took out medicine and handkerchief while running, trying to bandage Jun Zhouhan.

But Jun Zhouhan shook his head without frowning.

"No need, it's just a minor injury, it's important to find the light boat."

He quickly followed behind the Gu worm.

Although Yin Panrong and Jin Huai'an didn't know what was going on, they quickly followed.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you haven't recovered before, so don't follow me here. Deyin can solve this matter."

Yuan Deyin ran to Jun Yu's side and said worriedly.

Jun Yu held her little hand skillfully.

"Don't worry, this king is not as fragile as you think. This king is with you, and if there is an emergency, he can protect you." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

"However, Deyin has grown up, and Deyin can protect herself."

The little girl pursed her lips. She was no longer the Yuan Deyin who would only hide behind Jiuhuangshu seven years ago, and would often drag Jiuhuangshu down when things happened.

Seeing her depressed little appearance, Jun Yu chuckled lightly, and there was a little more tenderness in her clear brows.

"However, no matter how you change, you will always be my king's little girl. My king's protection of you is an oath engraved in my bones."

He rubbed her head with the other hand, which also prevented her from refusing.

The group of them ran all the way along with the Gu worms, and finally stopped at the opposite side of Changning Palace.

"Isn't this the palace of Concubine Tong? Sure enough, Concubine Tong took Qingzhou away." Yin Panrong said angrily.

Looking at the palace that was sealed up this morning, Yuan Deyin felt mixed emotions.

Sister Sudan Tong is such a good person, why did she become what she is today.

"Your majesty, have you sent someone to search this palace before?" Jun Yu asked while looking at Jun Zhouhan.

"The first time the Qingzhou disappeared, the imperial forest army searched here. But they found nothing." Jun Zhouhan shook his head.

"Then go in and take a look." Yuan Deyin saw his Gu worm rampaging, and was very eager to go in...

The Gu worm's reaction told her that the person must be inside!


She looked at the sky of this palace and found that the clouds were gloomy.

Looking at the Changning Palace on the opposite side, the sky is clear.


The feng shui of these two palaces, isn't Changning Palace overwhelmed?

How could there be something strange in the sky above Liuyun Palace in the blue sky and broad daylight?
Yin Panrong was anxious, her head was hot, and she didn't think about anything, so she wanted to rush in to save people.

But suddenly at this moment, Yuan Deyin quickly grabbed her sleeve.

"Sister Panrong, wait a minute, Liuyun Palace is a bit weird." Yuan Deyin pulled Yin Panrong and shook his head at her.

"Xiaoyin, what's wrong?" Jun Zhouhan was in a panic.

If Qingzhou is really inside, I don't know what Sudan Tong will do to her.

"Brother Emperor, Deyin will go to find the way first, you wait here." Yuan Deyin said seriously.



But after she made this proposal, Jun Yu and Jun Zhouhan objected at the same time.

"Since Yin'er, you all said that Liuyun Palace is very weird, how can I let you go alone?"

"That's right, the light boat is still inside, if you want to save me, you have to go!"

Seeing how determined they all were, how could Yuan Deyin stop them.

She sighed inwardly, then lowered her head and took off the two strings of bells from her waist.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Brother Emperor, after you go in later, if you find anything wrong, please ring the bell."

"it is good."

"What about us?"

Yin Panrong asked anxiously.

"Sister Panrong, you and Lord Jin will guard here. If anything happens, you can still bring someone in to rescue us." Yuan Deyin comforted Yin Panrong softly.

(End of this chapter)

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