Chapter 366 Stabbed Jun Yu
Yin Panrong originally wanted to say that she had to go in too.

But after hearing Yuan Deyin's words, she gradually calmed down.

That's right, they are also prepared to guard the goal here.

After exhaling, Yuan Deyin pushed the door open and stepped in.

The Gu worm was already very emotional.

After entering, for some reason, he became even more manic, and kept jumping in front of him.

Yuan Deyin looked around warily.

Long after Concubine Tong disappeared, the people in Liuyun Palace were controlled, and the entire palace was emptied at once.

From the layout of the palace yard, it can be seen that the owner here is a warm person.

Although the deep palace is deserted, the flowers and plants here, as well as some gadgets arranged here, will make people feel warm, as if this is just a place where ordinary people live three meals a day.

"Brother Emperor, do you know the Feng Shui problems of these two palaces?"

Yuan Deyin asked indifferently as he walked forward.

Jun Zhouhan is on her left.

Hearing her words, his expression froze, and he said in a complicated tone: "You know this too..."

"The emperor's elder brother used the word 'also', so, did you know about it, or did it on purpose?" Yuan Deyin asked through gritted teeth.

If it weren't for the fact that she regarded him as her elder brother, she might really beat him up on the spot with the impatience she had cultivated in the past seven years.

Who cares if he is the emperor!

Anyway, when the sky is falling, Uncle Nine Emperors just needs to help her carry it.

"Building Liuyun Palace was actually not my idea, nor was it requested by Sudan Tong, but Qingzhou's order from me."

Jun Zhouhan said in a complicated tone.

"How is it possible? When repairing the palace, some eminent monks will tell the pros and cons of it. How can Sister Qingzhou give such an order to harm herself, unless she wants to hurt herself..."

Yuan Deyin said angrily.

But as she spoke, her voice gradually dropped.

She thought of something, her voice began to tremble, and she asked with some difficulty: "Sister Qingzhou, do you also know about the 'Three Mother Gu'?"

"Well. In fact, her miscarriage was not only because she was drugged, but also because the child Gu had been planted in her body at that time, torturing me and her child..."

When Jun Zhouhan said this, his eyes were already red.

"How did the emperor know that the concubine's body is the 'Three Mother Gu'?" Jun Yu asked in a deep voice.

After all, this thing is not something Chiyan people can know.

"Dr. Luo discovered it." Jun Zhouhan replied quickly.

"Doctor Luo? Could it be Luo Jingheng?" Yuan Deyin asked in a strange tone.

"That's right, it's Imperial Physician Luo. Because the old Imperial Physician Luo married his wife, that is, Luo Jingheng's mother was a Miao Jiang girl, so Luo Jingheng knew a thing or two about the Gu poison in Miao Jiang. Although he knew that it was the 'three Mother Gu', but there is no way to undo the three mother Gu."

Jun Zhouhan smiled wryly.

"Over the years, I have sent countless people to Miao Jiang, and how many of them died on the way. Even if some people really got to know people from Miao Jiang, they all said that there is no solution to the 'Three Mother Gu'..."

As he spoke, Jun Zhouhan shook his head in embarrassment.

"After Qing Zhou knew about the 'Three Mother Gu', she locked herself up for more than half a year. After she came out, he told me that if you don't want both of us to die, then don't treat her well. She forced me to order Liuyun to be built. Gong, as long as I act cruelly enough, the 'Three Mother Gu' will not be able to control her..."

"She also asked me to stay in the palace of other concubines, but when she knew that I had already drank the Juezi soup, she collapsed..."

"At that time, the Chiyan country was still unstable, and Uncle Nine Emperors was still fighting Xichuan and Nanyue. If those ambitious people knew that I would never have children, I'm afraid that my throne would not be guaranteed..."

"Your Majesty, you still thought of this step!" Jun Yu snorted coldly, interrupting Jun Zhouhan's words.

Yuan Deyin looked over, and it was the first time she saw Uncle Jiuhuang's face so gloomy.

Indeed, the emperor's elder brother's move was really reckless.

Not to mention those who are ambitious, I'm afraid it's a pedantic minister in the court. Knowing what he did, this Chi Yan's sky will be reversed.

"Yes, I was really reckless, but I don't regret it, it's just that Qingzhou found out about it. She ordered her mother overnight to find four pregnant peasant women, and after they gave birth to their children, send the children to her. Come into the palace. This is the only way to keep me from being cast aside by the world..."

Jun Zhouhan smiled wryly.

Yuan Deyin opened his mouth, really not knowing what to say.

Sister Qingzhou had to find a way to deal with the aftermath of him in such a sad situation.

The emperor's elder brother may be an emperor who loves the people, and an infatuated husband...

But definitely not a qualified husband!

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Deyin slowly closed her eyes, she didn't know how to describe her mood at this time.

Well, she was at fault too.

It was because she disappeared for seven years and failed to protect sister Qingzhou.

"As for Concubine Fei, the other children were carried over, but Concubine Fei actually had a child in her belly." Yuan Deyin opened his eyes again, with sharp eyes.

"Concubine Fei approached me a few days ago and said that she was tired of life in the palace. She was willing to give up everything and leave the palace. But for those who have become concubines, the Gao family will not welcome her after leaving the palace. Her mother was also implicated..."

"So, I promised her to let her leave the palace with fake death. In addition, she has been in the palace for seven years, and she is only a concubine. If she really dies, her mother and sister will have nothing to rely on..."

"So, you made her pregnant? A pregnant concubine will be posthumous even if she dies, and her mother and family will also benefit, right?"

Yuan Deyin punctured Jun Zhouhan's plan with a word.

Jun Zhouhan heard the resentment in Yuan Deyin's words, and he explained helplessly: "Xiaoyin, the child in her belly is not mine, but the guard who grew up with her since childhood. She wants to leave this palace. It's also for this guard."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Even novels dare not write like this, such a bloody secret history of the harem is simply an eye-opener for her!

"I didn't expect that before she could fake her death, she would be alarmed by her pregnancy, and she would have a miscarriage because of a fetal miscarriage." Jun Zhouhan said in a complicated tone.

Fake light boat?
Yuan Deyin frowned.

The emperor's brother meant that the elder sister Qingzhou who was in the pavilion in the imperial garden that time was the elder sister Qingzhou who was controlled by the Zigu?
No wonder he was so cruel to that Qingzhou sister.

"In these years, although I have been careful, the Three Mother Gu is really too powerful, and Qingzhou is becoming easier to be controlled. Especially after returning from Yue's house, Qingzhou basically loses his consciousness most of the time... "

Jun Zhouhan shook his head to explain.

During the time they went to Yue's house, it should be the happiest and most secure time for them to be under the Three Mother Gu.

Although Qingzhou still blames him, she still keeps a distance from him.

But he didn't need to hurt her against his will.

"It's all caused by the three mothers' poison..." Yuan Deyin muttered bitterly while walking.

Sister Qingzhou has suffered so much in the past few years!
After walking for a while, her Gu worms finally stopped in front of a bedroom.

She glanced at the closed door, and wanted to turn around and ask Jun Zhouhan whether this was the main hall or the side hall.

But who knew, when she turned her head, there was nothing behind her.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Brother Emperor?"

She yelled, but there was no response.

It's strange, they were clearly behind her just now, why did they disappear when she turned around?
Yuan Deyin gritted her teeth, she had no choice but to go back the same way.

When passing a back mountain, she heard a slight movement.

She turned her head quickly, only to see Uncle Nine Emperors coming from the back hill.

She looked happy and ran over quickly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, where did you and the emperor's brother go? I was scared to death. I thought something happened to you?"

Yuan Deyin wanted to throw himself into Jun Yu's arms.

But suddenly, she saw that his clothes and hands were covered with bright red blood, and she stopped abruptly.

She looked up hesitantly, and then asked, "Uncle Nine Emperors, why is there blood on your body?"

Could it be...

Her heart trembled, and she hurried to the back of the rockery, only to see Jun Zhouhan lying in a pool of blood.

"Uncle Jiuhuang, you, what did you do to the emperor's brother?"

Yuan Deyin anxiously helped Jun Zhouhan up, only to find that he was out of breath.

She turned her head and questioned Jun Yu with red eyes.

"He has done so many incompetent things that he can't even keep his heirs for the Jun family, so he might as well kill him."

Jun Yu looked indifferently at the dead Jun Zhouhan, and spoke coldly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors!"

Yuan Deyin's eyes were so red that she called him in disbelief.

Although from their point of view, these things that the emperor's brother did really make people very angry.

However, from the point of view of the emperor's elder brother, he has no choice.

He is also a victim, this should be the best way he could think of back then!

Also, no matter what he did, he couldn't deserve to die.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, he is our relative! Why are you... different from Uncle Nine Emperors back then."

Yuan Deyin clenched her fists tightly, and she looked at Jun Yu disappointedly.

The Uncle Nine Emperors in her memory was full of flesh and blood. Although he was lonely and arrogant, the blood in his bones was hot.

But now he actually...

Taking a deep breath, she frantically took out various medicines from her body, and shoved them in Jun Zhouhan's mouth with trembling hands.

"Brother Emperor, don't panic, Deyin will definitely save you..."

"Yin'er, are you confused? Such a person will lose the face of the Jun family if he lives. You come here, and this king will take you out. The Jun family can't find a suitable person to be the emperor, so this king can do it if he comes. !"

He spoke coldly.

Hearing his words, Yuan Deyin froze when feeding Jun Zhouhan the medicine.

Her eyes were full of mist, and tears fell down her cheeks at some point.

She put down the medicine slowly and stood up.

Because separated by a layer of fog, the emotions in her eyes could not be seen clearly.

She wiped the tear stains on her cheeks with the back of her hand, hooked the corners of her mouth, and said loudly: "Okay, Uncle Nine Emperors has become the emperor, and Chi Yan will be our world."

"Yin'er, it's good if you can think like this." Jun Yu smiled and waved to Yuan Deyin.

And Yuan Deyin walked towards him step by step.

When it came to him.

He reached out, trying to grab her little hand.

But at this moment, Yuan Deyin's eyes froze, and a sharp dagger pierced out of her cuff.

It pierced directly into Jun Yu's heart.

"Wouldn't it be better for you to become emperor in hell?"

(End of this chapter)

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