Chapter 367 Illusion
When the dagger was inserted into Jun Yu's heart...

Jun Yu, who was still standing in front of Yuan Deyin, disappeared instantly and turned into a puff of gunpowder.

Yuan Deyin's eyes also became clear.

She looked around, and found that there were no traces of Uncle Nine Emperors and Brother Emperor?
She looked down, and even found that there was only a dagger in the palm of her hand, and there was no blood.

Everything she discovered just now was really just an illusion, a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

"Uncle Nine Emperors!"

Suddenly, she saw the tall figure in front of her, and she ran over quickly.

Standing beside Uncle Nine Emperors, she quickly poked her with her finger...

Feeling that she couldn't find anything, she continued to poke...

poke poke...

poke poke...

Jun Yu could feel that when he came out of the illusion, a small paw kept poking him.

He looked down, and sure enough, he saw that the claw came from a little girl.

He grabbed her paw helplessly, and then whispered: "Don't poke, it's really my king."

Hearing these slightly disgusting words, Yuan Deyin's eyes brightened, it really was Uncle Nine Emperors!

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin was scared to death just now, and Deyin almost thought you really killed the emperor's brother." Yuan Deyin said aggrievedly.

"Yin'er's illusion just now is that the king killed the emperor?" Jun Yu's eyes were deep, and he quickly grasped the key point in her words.


"So, the worry that Yin'er thinks about day and night is that the king will kill the emperor?" Jun Yu's eyes became unclear.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Uh, Uncle Nine Emperors seems to have done some research on this illusion.

"This psychedelic formation has used the feng shui of Liuyun Palace to maximize the power of the formation, so that when we came in just now, we only noticed something strange in the sky, but we didn't know where the weirdness on the ground was..."

"People who enter the formation will gradually have hallucinations, revealing what they fear most in their hearts. If they can't get out in time, they will be trapped in the formation forever." Jun Yu explained.

Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up. It turned out that Uncle Jiuhuang also studied the formation.

But she thought that Uncle Nine Emperors had always been a genius.When I went to Master's Peach Blossom Forest before, Uncle Nine Emperors also knew very well the formation that Master set up at the door...

Thinking about it this way, Yuan Deyin didn't feel surprised at all.

The only thing she's a little scared about is that Uncle Nine Emperors knows what she's worried about...

She rubbed her nose in embarrassment, and then said with a little aggrieved: "Uncle Nine Emperors, didn't you just click Jun Zhouchen because of his stupidity last time? Now, what foolish things did the emperor's brother do? You can't see it, and then..."

Yuan Deyin made a gesture of sharpening a knife while talking.

But when she saw Uncle Jiuhuang's darkened face from the corner of her eye, she stopped abruptly...

Then he pulled his sleeve with a smile, and changed his words embarrassingly: "Deyin is wrong, Deyin shouldn't think of Uncle Nine Emperors that way. Uncle Nine Emperors is sensible, clear black and white, far-sighted, wise and brave, brave Conspiracy..."

Glancing at the little girl who wanted to use all the good words in the world to praise him, Jun Yu's expression improved a little.

He withdrew his eyes, and then said quietly: "Don't worry, this king doesn't take pleasure in killing people. Although the emperor is confused, the crime is not worthy of death."

Yuan Deyin rubbed her nose again, in the whole world, only Uncle Nine Emperors dared to talk about the emperor's life and death like this.

"Then Uncle Nine Emperors, what is your illusion? How did you get out?"

Yuan Deyin's curiosity was aroused, and she looked at Jun Yu eagerly.

Hearing the little girl's words, Jun Yu's body froze, his expression a little unnatural.

Yuan Deyin was not so curious about the answer, but seeing Uncle Jiuhuang's strange behavior, her curiosity began to swell instead.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, just tell Deyin what you saw!" She began to act like a baby, with a pitiful look, as if she had to get an answer.

He was really... helpless to her.

For this little nemesis who was destined for him, Jun Yu really couldn't say anything about rejecting it.

He sighed silently, then looked at her faintly, and asked, "Are you sure you really want to know?"

"Of course!" The little girl nodded firmly.

"Cough," Jun Yu coughed, and then looked towards the sky with an even more unnatural expression on his face. After a while, he said helplessly, "I dreamed that you married someone else..."


Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment.

She looked at his pretty side face, and suddenly felt a little sentimental.

She sighed, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Uncle Nine Emperors, it must be because Deyin doesn't care about you recently, that's why you have such panic. Don't worry, Deyin will definitely care more about you in the future." ..."

Hearing the little girl's words, Jun Yu's heart warmed up, thinking that his years of hard work had finally brought her enlightenment.

But who knew, the next moment, she actually muttered...

"Isn't it said that men only have old father's worries when they are old? How can Uncle Nine Emperors be worried when he is so young?"

old father?
A certain Uncle Nine Emperors had a mouthful of old blood clogged on his chest, and he was about to squirt out.

It turned out that she thought he treated her like a father and king, so he was reluctant to marry her.

It's been seven years, and she has grown taller, but why can't she grow a bit more EQ!

Jun Yu was so angry that he lost his voice!

This was the first time that a Ninth Emperor Uncle was so angry.

He even wanted to turn around and leave.

I love this little girl so much!

But with this thought, he immediately denied it.

He chose the person, the path he chose, and after finally raising her to this day, he finally brought her back...

How could he give her up to someone else!

After thinking about it, Jun Yu completely dispelled the idea of ​​turning around and leaving.

Anyway, it's his little girl, so just be silly.

Take care of it and you will become smarter.

Seeing Uncle Jiuhuang's face turned cloudy, Yuan Deyin was a little dazed.

How can Uncle Jiuhuang's mood change repeatedly just by saying a few words?
"Then how did Uncle Nine Emperors get out of the dream?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"Because this king knows that as long as this king is alive, he will never see you putting on red makeup for others."

Jun Yu looked into her eyes with deep eyes, raised his slightly cool fingers, and gently helped her pin the broken hair on her cheeks behind her ears.

Meeting his eyes, Yuan Deyin felt as if her heart had been poked by something, and then began to jump uncontrollably.

"So Nine Emperor Uncle, you finally..."

"Kill that brat who married you." Jun Yu replied blankly.

"Then why don't you kill Deyin? Deyin is also a person in the illusion, and you can come out if you kill Deyin."

Yuan Deyin couldn't help asking curiously, after all, she really couldn't tolerate a fake her in a fantasy world!
Regarding her question, Jun Yu did not hesitate at all, he quickly and calmly said: "Even if it is you imagined, this king will not bear to hurt you."

(End of this chapter)

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