Chapter 368 Fighting to save people
Yuan Deyin was stunned by Jun Yu's words for a while.

Her eyes were slightly red, and she lowered her head in a complicated mood.

Uncle Nine Emperors really hurts too much and protects her too much.

She couldn't believe how sad he must have been every day for the past seven years.

Unable to bear her being sad, Jun Yu quickly changed the topic.

"Let's look for the emperor."

His words successfully reminded Yuan Deyin that there was another person in this palace.

She quickly searched around, and finally, she saw Jun Zhouhan in the corner.

But what shocked her was that besides Jun Zhouhan, there were Sudan Tong and sister Qingzhou here.

Su Dantong had already passed out, sister Qingzhou was standing in the corner, she was covering her head, as if she was in pain.

She shook her head and said anxiously: "No, no..."

"Qingzhou, calm down, Su Dantong has been fainted by me, everything will be fine..."

From Jun Zhouhan's intermittent words, Yuan Deyin probably knew——

It was Sudan Tong who kidnapped Sister Qingzhou and tried to kill her.

Fortunately, the emperor's brother arrived in time and stunned Su Dantong.

"Qingzhou, it's okay, it's really okay, I'm here..."

Jun Zhouhan patiently comforted Mei Qingzhou like coaxing a child.

Yuan Deyin watched this scene with complicated emotions.

It can be seen that the emperor's elder brother really loves Qingzhou's elder sister with all his heart, but good fortune tricks others.

Hearing the sound, Mei Qingzhou looked up hesitantly.

She looked at Jun Zhouhan's face, and suddenly burst into tears, her whole body seemed to have found the backbone all at once.

"Your Majesty!" She ran towards Jun Zhouhan anxiously.

When she arrived in front of Jun Zhouhan, she couldn't help stretching out her hands, trying to hug him.

Seeing that Mei Qingzhou wanted to take the initiative to hug him, Jun Zhouhan seemed to be hit by a surprise, and he also stretched out his hands, wanting to respond.

But also at this time, Mei Qingzhou's eyes suddenly became gloomy.

I don't know how she made a dagger in her hand, and the sharp side of the dagger was aimed directly at Jun Zhouhan's heart.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Deyin's heart almost jumped out.

She yelled: "Be careful!"

She wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Seeing that the dagger was about to be inserted into Jun Zhouhan's heart, Jun Zhouhan suddenly raised his hand to hold the dagger, and also stopped the dagger from moving forward.

His speed is clearly well prepared.

Blood dripped down his fingers, but he didn't seem to feel any pain.

"Although you look like Qingzhou, you have forgotten that she has a strong personality. In order not to hurt me, no matter how flustered she is, she will never throw herself into my arms."

Jun Zhouhan said coldly.

But only he himself knows how lonely he is now.

It is also a kind of pain for him to understand Qingzhou's loneliness and stamina too much.

"Hehehe, Jun Zhouhan, do you really think you know her well? Then do you know her pain? Do you know who caused her pain? You will never have the chance to love each other in this life, I will Slowly devour her body, let her live in darkness forever..."

The fake light boat began to laugh out loud.

But at this moment, Yuan Deyin dodged directly behind her and touched her sleeping point.

"Brother Emperor, if you let her talk, you will miss the chance to save sister Qingzhou." Yuan Deyin said seriously.

Hearing her words, Jun Zhouhan raised his head in shock. While protecting Mei Qingzhou, he asked urgently: "Xiaoyin, what do you mean..."

"Deyin has a way to undo the Three Mother Gu." Yuan Deyin said in a serious tone.

"Do you really have a way to solve it?" Jun Zhouhan's eyes were scarlet, almost turbulent.

"They also said that there is no way to solve it. I thought I would continue to hurt the boat like this in my life..."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, come and help me." Yuan Deyin looked at the dazed look of a certain emperor's elder brother. She knew that he was unreliable now, so she might as well ask Uncle Nine Emperors to help.

But when Jun Yu walked over, Jun Zhouhan instantly regained his clarity.

He quickly hugged his sister Qingzhou lightly, then kicked open the door of the next room, and hugged her in anxiously.

Although he didn't want Qingzhou to stay in Liuyun Palace at all, but now there is no other way.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, call Sister Wuyi in, Deyin needs her to help." Yuan Deyin continued to Jun Yu.

After speaking, she quickly walked into the house.

Jun Zhouhan had already put Mei Qingzhou on the bed, he looked at Yuan Deyin helplessly, and asked, "What should I do now?"

"The Gu seeds have been on you for a long time, they are used to the smell of your fresh blood, it is not easy to lure them out, so you must use someone with fresh blood to lure them out..."

"Xiaoyin, what do you mean..."

Jun Zhouhan asked with a frown.

"Deyin is here to lure out the Gu worms on your body. You can just sit next to the emperor brother later, and you don't have to do other things." Yuan Deyin said his idea.

But both Jun Zhouhan and Jun Yu who just walked in said very firmly: "No!"

"The three mother Gus are extremely vicious. Physician Luo said that if they are forcibly drawn out, the host and the person who induced the Gu will be in danger of their lives." Jun Zhouhan said solemnly.

He has thought about taking Gu for countless times, but it doesn't work!
"That's because they are not capable enough, but Brother Emperor, do you believe in Deyin, Deyin can really save you!"

Yuan Deyin said firmly.

Her brows are full of ostentatious self-confidence, but it doesn't make people bored, but instead creates an inexplicable sense of trust.

Jun Zhouhan's heart slowly calmed down, maybe she can really do it?

Jun Zhouhan agreed, but a certain Uncle Nine Emperors still opposed it.

"Yin'er, attracting Gu is too dangerous, if you are not careful, the Gu worms will transfer to you. If you really have to transfer, come here!"

Jun Yu spoke sharply.

After finally looking forward to her coming back, he must not let her take risks again.

Seeing the firmness in Jiuhuangshu's eyes, Yuan Deyin felt warm in his heart.

She hurriedly said: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin understands your worries, but...the only person who can induce Gu can only be Deyin."

Hearing her meaningless words, Jun Yu instantly understood...

Her blood is different, so it also has an effect on attracting Gu.

Yuan Deyin was relieved to see that Uncle Jiuhuang understood what she meant.

Thinking that he finally convinced Uncle Nine Emperors, then he probably wouldn't stop her.

But who knows, in the next second a certain uncle of the Nine Emperors said seriously: "Yin'er, this king is no different from you. Therefore, it is also okay for this king to attract Gu."

he means...

He ate a pill made from her blood.

They are essentially indistinguishable.

(End of this chapter)

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