Chapter 369
"Uncle Nine Emperors, you..."

Yuan Deyin's small face was wrinkled badly.

But Jun Yu had already ordered Wuyi to bring a chair, so he sat down beside the bed first.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

As for Uncle Nine Emperors, she really couldn't bear him.

Moreover, he was just worried that she used too much blood.

After thinking about it, Yuan Deyin didn't refuse his kindness.

Crazy Yu said that if she directly feeds a large amount of her own blood to a person, the efficacy of that person's blood will directly converge to hers.

This is also the reason why Madman Yu told her not to be discovered by others about the specialness of blood.

Otherwise, she would be like Tang Monk meat, which everyone could imagine.

"Sister Wuyi, go and find some flowers and herbs, as long as they have strong flavors, bring them here." Yuan Deyin turned around and told Wuyi.

"The slaves obey."

Soon, Wuyi came back with some flowers and plants, and Yuan Deyin crushed them, all kinds of smells began to fill the whole room.

Although I don't know if Uncle Nine Emperor's blood will follow her, it smells...

But she can't take risks, she must be fully prepared.

"Light a lamp." Yuan Deyin continued to order.

When the oil lamp was on, Yuan Deyin quickly walked to the hospital bed.

Seeing Mei Qingzhou lying lifeless on the bed, she felt pity in her heart.

"Sister Qingzhou, if you are worried, Deyin will definitely save you."

she said in her heart.

Then he took out a small knife from his body and cut it at Mei Qingzhou's neck.

Seeing this scene, Jun Zhouhan's heart arose. He opened his mouth to say that the neck is the lifeblood of a person. Wouldn't Xiaoyin's actions kill Qingzhou?

But before he could utter his words, Jun Yu glanced over with an indifferent look, making him stop in an instant.

That's right, since Xiaoyin is allowed to treat Qingzhou, he should trust her unconditionally.

Looking over there, he found an extremely strange scene.

It was the knife in Yuan Deyin's hand that looked like raw flowers, making it fly so fast that it cut a lot of knives on Mei Qingzhou's neck.

But during the whole process, not a single drop of blood came out.

Soon, they saw a small black thing surging rapidly around Mei Qingzhou's neck.

But it seemed to be conscious, and when it came to the wound, it quickly hid back.

Mei Qingzhou's skin is very fair, which makes the black mass even more shocking.

The scene was so disgusting that Wuyi even had to cover his mouth to keep himself from vomiting.

But Yuan Deyin acted as if she hadn't noticed, she slashed at Mei Qingzhou's jaw and the top of her chest to make sure that the Gu worm had nowhere to escape.

After doing this, she quickly turned her head and gave Jun Zhouhan a look.

"Brother Emperor, quickly, you lie down too."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Jun Zhouhan lay down without any hesitation.

Seeing him lying down, Yuan Deyin frowned and said, "Brother Emperor, the meeting will be very bloody. In order to avoid accidents in the middle, I can only wrong you to fall asleep first."


Jun Zhouhan opened his mouth to say something first, but Yuan Deyin tapped his sleeping point directly.

Seeing him close his eyes, Yuan Deyin became much bolder in what he did.

She threw the dagger aside and wanted to do something, but suddenly remembered that Wuyi was still by her side, so she immediately said: "Sister Wuyi, you go outside first, and Deyin will call you in if necessary."

"The slaves obey."

Wu Yi quickly exited.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Yuan Deyin started to untie Jun Zhouhan's robe.

Seeing this scene, the face of a certain Uncle Nine Emperors instantly darkened.

He stood up directly, and then reached out to hold her little paw.

Yuan Deyin was in a hurry to save someone, but his hand was suddenly grabbed.

She said helplessly: Uncle Nine Emperors, "The two Gu worms are very different, and the places where they are forced out are also different. The emperor's brother must force the Gu worms out of his heart."

"The king can come."

Jun Yu said indifferently, he picked up her knife from the bed and pointed it at Jun Zhouhan's dragon robe.

Then, without blinking an eye, he went down with a few knives.

He unhurriedly threw the knife back into Yuan Deyin's hand, and then said flatly: "Okay, you can continue."

Yuan Deyin: "???"

She looked at the emperor's brother who was lying next to Qingzhou's sister. The rest of the dragon robe was still in good condition, only the heart was empty, about the size of a palm.

With such a small location, how can she accurately see where the Gu worms are?
She opened her mouth to ask if she could tear up her clothes a little more, but when she saw the stern look in Uncle Jiuhuang's eyes, she immediately faltered.

She said weakly: "Enough is enough, enough is enough, there is no need to tear it up."

But when she bowed her head, she couldn't help complaining in her heart——

Uncle Nine Emperors is now more and more like an old father.

If a certain Nine Emperor Uncle knew that he had done so much, but got this description of a little girl, he would probably be very upset.

Yuan Deyin suppressed the emotions in her heart, and then began to concentrate.

After she took the knife, she quickly drew many knives on Jun Zhouhan's heart.

The knife was still like a raw flower, and finally became an ancient totem.

Like Mei Qingzhou, there is no blood coming out of this wound.

Yuan Deyin brought the oil lamp from the side and put it down on the side, but miraculously, when the fire hit Jun Zhouhan's body, although it made a "sizzling" sound, it couldn't hurt his body.

At this moment, a raised black spot slowly appeared on Jun Zhouhan's heart.

If Wuyi was here, he would definitely be disgusted by the Gu worms surging from the four corners.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you..."

Yuan Deyin looked back at Jun Yu anxiously, wanting to ask him if he believed her.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, Jun Yu said seriously: "This king's letter!"

A sentence of "Ben Wang's letter" gave Yuan Deyin a great sense of trust.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she began to calm down gradually.

She turned around and stabbed Jun Yu's finger directly, and blood began to flow out.

She quickly held his hand, and then dripped his blood on Jun Zhouhan's heart and Mei Qingzhou's neck.

Also at this time, the Gu worms who were running around just now seemed to feel something.

It longs for the sweeter taste of blood.

So, it kept wriggling.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, back off!"

Yuan Deyin yelled, and then pulled Jun Yu back.

It was also at this time that the wounds of Jun Zhouhan and Mei Qingzhou broke out, and blood gushed out like a spring.

The bed they were lying on was all stained red with blood.

No wonder Yuan Deyin insisted on making Jun Zhouhan dizzy. A normal person would probably not be able to stand seeing this scene.

However, Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu only frowned, their expressions still calm.

Suddenly, a dark thing popped out of the flesh and blood of Mei Qingzhou's neck first.

(End of this chapter)

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