Chapter 370 The Emperor Has Died

"Uncle Nine Emperors!"

Yuan Deyin called Jun Yu.

Jun Yu instantly understood what she meant.

He aimed at the palm of his hand, and quickly cut the knife, the blood flowed more violently, and there was a faint sweet smell.

Yuan Deyin also noticed this, and her expression was solemn, but fortunately she was well prepared.

The smell of flowers and plants in this room should be able to cover the sweet smell of blood.

However, flowers and plants can prevent ordinary people from smelling the scent of Jiuhuangshu's blood, but they can't hide the innate desire for sweet blood from Gu worms.

They kept struggling and screaming.

But because they had been planted for too long, they almost grew together with the flesh and blood of Mei Qingzhou and Jun Zhouhan.

Yuan Deyin was not in a hurry, she took out a medicinal powder from her body and sprinkled it on the top of the Gu worm's head.

They quickly doubled in size, and then began to gain strength as well.

Soon, they began to crawl out, their dark bodies still covered with a lot of blood.

They shook their bodies, and then flew towards Jun Yu excitedly.

They took a fancy to Jun Junyu's body and wanted to use his body as a new host.

Just when their sharp claws were about to touch Jun Yu's flesh, two fiery silver needles pierced their bodies.

They fell heavily to the ground and were consumed by fire.

Soon, a foul smell came out, and they were burned to ashes.

Looking at this scene, Yun Deyin only let go of half of the stone in his heart.

She turned her head quickly, took out another medicine from her body, and sprinkled it all on Jun Zhouhan and Mei Qingzhou.

Their blood slowly began to stop gushing out, and although their faces were still pale, they were much better.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin also ran to Jun Yu's side. She helped him stop the bleeding with medicine, then tore his dress and tied up the wound for him.

"This king has just smelled that the smell of blood in the body is different from ordinary people..."

Jun Yu watched her busy, and suddenly said this.

Yuan Deyin bandaged her froze, she lowered her eyes, and said in a lonely tone: "Uncle Nine Emperors, I'm sorry, because I used my blood to treat you before, so your blood was also affected... this kind of... Blood may cause you a lot of trouble, I..."

"No, no trouble, I am very happy..." Jun Yu interrupted her directly.

"Very happy?" Yuan Deyin wondered, why is he happy?

"You have this kind of special blood, you will be very worried, afraid of being found out, but now this king can accompany you, you don't have to be afraid alone."

Jun Yu raised his other hand and rubbed her head with a gentle tone.

Yuan Deyin's eyes were astringent, and he wanted to cry.

In the past seven years, she has carried everything by herself.

But now... she has Nine Emperor Uncles.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you are so kind to Deyin, why can't Deyin do without you?"

Yuan Deyin pursed his lips, his tone helpless.

As a result, when a certain Nine Emperor Uncle heard her words, his eyes darkened instantly.


She still wants to leave?

Yuan Deyin didn't know that the words she muttered casually made a certain Nine Emperor Uncle depressed for a long time.

She was thinking about Mei Qingzhou and the others, so she turned around quickly.

"Sister Wuyi, go find some straps." She called Wuyi at the door.

Wuyi's movements were quick, and within a short while, she moved the things back.

After Yuan Deyin helped Mei Qingzhou tie up the wound, she was ready to help Jun Zhouhan.

But a certain Uncle Nine Emperors moved very quickly, he took the things over directly, and then said lightly: "No need, I can just come."

He asked her to carry it on his back, and then began to help Jun Zhouhan tie up the wound.

Yuan Deyin didn't forget to tell Wuyi to find the dragon robe from Eunuch Lida, and asked her to block the news.

Everything that happened here cannot be revealed.

After exhorting, Yuan Deyin turned around and took a sneak peek at the other side of the bed, only to find that Uncle Jiuhuang was still bandaging.

As if he could predict that she would take a peek, he had used his tall body to completely cover Jun Zhouhan's body early on.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Deyin's mouth twitched.

She couldn't help muttering in her heart——

"Nine Emperor Uncle, the old father, is too worried. Isn't he just looking at the body of the opposite sex? The doctor is kind, and whether male or not, in Deyin's eyes, it is just a piece of meat..."

Moreover, when she was in the camp of the undead, she treated everyone in the same way.

But these, she didn't dare to tell Uncle Jiuhuang, because she thought he would blow up.

After doing everything, Jun Yu asked a few hidden guards to send Jun Zhouhan and Mei Qingzhou back to Mei's house.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the palace, a man got out of bed.

She spat out a mouthful of blood with difficulty, and a dark thing was hidden in the blood.

This thing has been hidden in her body for so many years...

She endured the nausea and went to push the little black thing away.

When the person planted this thing into her body, he said that this is the mother Gu, as long as the child Gu can't die, the mother Gu will never die, but will hide in her body and will not come out , has followed her until death, and will be used by her forever.

Moreover, Zi Gu will never die, unless those two people die...

How is this going?Why is her body so weak, as if her blood has been drained, and her heart hurts badly.

She gritted her teeth and endured the pain to touch the mother Gu.

It turned out to be motionless and dead.

what happened?

Is it...

She raised her head in fear, are the emperor and that bitch Mei Qingzhou dead?


In Changning Palace.

Jun Zhouhan and Mei Qingzhou are still awake.

Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu were sitting on the seats, her fingers tapped lightly on the table, the sound was "da da da", just like Jiuhuangshu.

And Eunuch Li Da, who was kneeling on the ground, was about to cry.

Looking at the appearance of the princess, he should know everything.

Woohoo, the emperor doesn't have to face anything when he is dizzy, he just pities him, a little servant, and has to accept the princess's torture.

"Eunuch Lida, it seems that your ability is getting stronger and stronger. You actually kept Uncle Nine Emperors and this princess from knowing such a big thing happened." Yuan Deyin said coldly.

Eunuch Li Da really wanted to cry.

It really is for this matter.

He said aggrievedly: "Princess, this servant didn't mean to hide it from you and the Ninth Prince, it's just... It's just that the emperor's order is hard to break..."

As a result, Yuan Deyin looked at him with more and more dangerous eyes.

His heart was in his throat, the Princess is now more and more like the Ninth Prince, and I don't know if she will kill him later.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and his body was shaking.

Just when he was about to lose it, Yuan Deyin suddenly chuckled.

"Well, it can be seen that he should be loyal. Well, it's up to you to spread the news of the emperor's brother's death." Yuan Deyin said casually.

(End of this chapter)

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