Chapter 371 Not necessarily the murderer
Eunuch Lida looked up at Yuan Deyin in shock.

The emperor was obviously still lying there alive, he just fainted, why did the chief of Deyin county say that he died?

Jun Yu was sipping tea at the side, and when he heard the little girl's words, he stopped holding the teacup, but a smile flashed across his eyes, and he didn't intend to stop it, because he knew the little girl's intentions .

"Princess, this slave is stupid, if he lied about the emperor's death, that's..."

"If there is anything, Uncle Nine Emperors will take care of it!"

Yuan Deyin quickly interrupted Eunuch Lida, and then brought Uncle Jiuhuang out.

Jun Yu just took a sip of tea when he heard the girl's resolute words.

He couldn't help coughing lightly, but his smile deepened.

If something goes wrong, let him take care of it, right?very good!
Seeing that Eunuch Lida was still in a daze, Yuan Deyin was extremely helpless.

She hated iron and steel and said: "Eunuch Lida, the emperor's elder brother even told you that he was poisoned by the poison, but he still trusts you in this palace. So the princess thinks you know it too, next time The murderer of Gu poison has not been found yet!"

At this time, Eunuch Li Da was finally smart for once, he asked in shock: "Is the princess planning to trick that murderer out?"

"Well, go ahead, the sooner the news spreads, the better."

Yuan Deyin waved his hand.

Eunuch Lida quickly got up from the ground, then ran out to ring the bell.

"Princess, the emperor was arranged to die like this, isn't it a bit wrong? Should we wait for him to wake up and ask for instructions before doing this."

Wuyi frowned, she asked worriedly.

As a result, Yuan Deyin took out a bag of candied dates from his arms, ate them happily, and said inarticulately: "Don't panic, Uncle Jiuhuang will protect me."

"Why are you so sure that the king will protect you? What should you do if the king does not protect you?"

Jun Yu put down the teacup and looked at her with meaningful eyes.

"Then Deyin should go find someone who can protect Deyin. Deyin remembers what Prince Yunmo said back then. If you don't go down, then if you go to the Western Regions, the emperor's brother should not be able to settle accounts with Deyin."

Yuan Deyin said calmly.

As for a certain Uncle Nine Emperors, the corners of his mouth were still slightly curved just now, but now his face has completely cooled down.

He directly crushed the teacup in his hand into powder, then looked at Wuyi indifferently and said: "Your question just now is an extra move, Yin'er is the regent's mansion, and this king will naturally support her even if the sky falls." .”

Sensing their lord's coldness, Wuyi smiled bitterly.

It is the prince who clearly said that he will not protect the princess...

It is Princess Deyin who clearly said that she will find someone else to protect her...

She was just asking a general question...

Why is the prince unhappy and started to blame her?

Well, it must be because the prince was upset that the princess wanted other men to protect her, and he was reluctant to scold the princess, so he transferred his anger.

Wuyi twitched the corners of her mouth, but she didn't make a sound, bearing silently like a tree stump.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think Concubine Tong made the poison too?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously with wide eyes.

"What does Yin'er think?" Jun Yu asked without answering.

"There are so many things that happened during this period, and almost all of them point to Concubine Tong. Since she is the most suspected murderer, she can also be considered suspicious of the poisonous thing."

Yuan Deyin speculated with a small face.

Hearing this, Wuyi wanted to laugh helplessly.

Can you also consider Concubine Tong?
Isn't the princess's way of judging the murderer too casual?

But unlike Wuyi's way of looking at things, Jun Yu's black eyes narrowed slightly, he turned his head, looked at Yuan Deyin and asked in a deep voice: "Yin'er just said that Concubine Tong is the most suspected murderer, not Ming Ming. You are sure that she is the murderer, do you think Concubine Tong might be wronged?"

When Yuan Deyin heard Uncle Jiuhuang's words, she curled her lips and nodded.

"Well, although the evidence we have so far and what the emperor's brother found all point to Concubine Tong as the real murderer, Deyin still feels something is wrong."

"Not right?"

"That's right, the reason why we think Concubine Tong is the murderer is mainly because there are traces of her in every place where it happened. First, she sent people to the imperial hospital to get the Juezi soup, and then there was her trace in the place where Concubine Ning was burned. Zhuzi...and every concubine has something to do, only she is safe and sound. All these circumstances point to her as the murderer. But we have overlooked a question, is the matter really that simple?"

Yuan Deyin said in a serious tone.

Seeing Uncle Jiuhuang's serious expression, she continued to add: "Deyin just felt that it was too coincidental to be discovered. If Concubine Tong was really planning something, would she make such a low-level mistake, full of loopholes in a row?"

"Also, Deyin asked Concubine Ning, and Concubine Ning said that she was fainted, and when she was unconscious, she realized that it was a thin woman approaching her."

But Concubine Tong is the tallest of all the women in the harem.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin, let's go see Concubine Tong."

Yuan Deyin said to Jun Yu.

"The king is with you."

Jun Yu immediately stood up and patted the folds on his body that didn't exist at all.

"No need, Uncle Nine Emperors, you've been so tired these days, you should rest, Deyin can do it by himself."

Yuan Deyin was worried that Jun Yu would be tired, so he didn't want him to follow.

But his hand was one step ahead of her voice, and he directly pulled her out.

"This king locked him up. If I don't go with you, how do you know where to go?" Jun Yu said quietly.

"Deyin can ask Brother Wuying and them. Deyin can still do this little thing by himself. Deyin is an adult now, so you don't have to follow Deyin all the time."

Yuan Deyin hummed in an adult tone.

As a result, a certain Uncle Nine Emperors directly flicked her on the head.

"What are you talking about? No matter how old you are, you are still a little girl with this king."


Yuan Deyin pursed her mouth aggrievedly, she covered her head with her hand, and obediently followed Uncle Jiuhuang out.

Sudan Tong was imprisoned in the sky prison of the palace.

When Yuan Deyin walked down, she felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and the strong smell of blood made people sick.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help tearing the skirt of his clothes to resist the cold.

I heard that the prison in the palace is full of serious criminals...

The adults who interrogate people in the prison are all people with iron and blood skills, and they are merciless when interrogating people.

No wonder the smell of blood is so strong.

Thinking that Concubine Tong was inside, Yuan Deyin felt a little depressed.

She saw a bloody man dragged out beside her, and she looked at Jun Yu solemnly.

Before she could ask, Jun Yu could guess her worry.

He said in a deep voice: "The king has already told the people below that before the emperor gives an order, Concubine Tong is not allowed to be punished. The place where she is locked up is the best place in the prison."

Hearing Jun Yu's words, Yuan Deyin's nervous heart relaxed a little.

They began to walk in, and the oil lamps dimmed less and less.

Suddenly, a prison guard came out from the corner. He lowered his head, saluted Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu respectfully, and then turned to leave.

But Yuan Deyin stopped, looked at him, and said sharply: "Stop."

(End of this chapter)

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