Chapter 372 Poisoned Again

The prisoner's body froze, he stood where he was, and didn't move anymore.

Yuan Deyin walked up to him quickly, stared at him closely, and then asked, "What are you doing with this food box?"

The other party hesitated for a moment, and then said respectfully: "Reporting to the princess, the humble job is to deliver meals to the people in the prison."

"Oh, how did you know the identity of the princess?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously, but also unintentionally.

Wuyi and Wuying, who followed behind, looked at each other, puzzled in each other's eyes.

The princess asked this question...

Are you bored?

Being able to follow the regent of the current dynasty, jumping around without any rules, and being able to enter the dungeon at will, there should be no other person in the whole Chiyan except the princess Deyin who just came back.

Except for Wuyi and Wuying who thought Yuan Deyin's question was weird, the prison envoy also hesitated for a while.

She stopped him just to ask him such a simple question?

Although he felt weird in his heart, he still quickly replied: "Reporting to the princess, you and the regent are together, and the humble position can't think of your second identity."


Yuan Deyin nodded, as if he had just suddenly realized.

She didn't intend to let the man go, she continued to ask curiously: "At this point in time, it's already past the meal time, why do you still want to deliver the meal?"

Yuan Deyin's words made the man nervous again.

But he quickly suppressed his nervousness, and said in a low voice: "Reporting to the princess, because there are many prisoners in the prison, and there are very few jailers who deliver food, so it takes a little longer to deliver food, and it will be delayed until this hour." .”


Yuan Deyin nodded again, she turned her head back, and said to Jun Yu as if complaining: "Uncle Nine Emperors, have you heard that there are not enough prison guards in the prison, you have to talk to the Lord of the Ministry of Punishment." .”

In the whole world, Yuan Deyin is the only person who dares to talk about state affairs with Jun Yu like this.

The point is, Jun Yu was not angry, he nodded: "Well, I understand."

Listening to the conversation between Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu, the jailer secretly let out a breath.

Perhaps, the princess Deyin was really curious about the work of the prison envoy, and then took the opportunity to show his presence in front of the regent, so he stopped him to ask questions.

Definitely not because of what she found.

Thinking of this, his hanging heart also slightly let go.

But at this time, Yuan Deyin's faint eyes suddenly fell on his wrist.

Then he said: "My princess has always been very curious about the food in the prison, you can open it, and my princess can see what the prisoners eat."

At this moment, Yuan Deyin is repeatedly an ignorant princess who is curious about everything.

As a result, after hearing her words, the prisoner looked dignified.

He quickly raised his head, showing a sallow face, and he said with trepidation: "Princess, the food box is full of leftovers from the prisoners, I'm afraid it will stain your eyes."

"Really? The princess is not afraid, just open it." Yuan Deyin said lightly, her voice was a little harsher than before.

Seeing the other party's hesitation, she narrowed her eyes and looked at him sharply.

"Why, so hesitant, is there something shady in the food box?"

"Princess, no, just open the food box." He said anxiously, ready to open the food box.

But Yuan Deyin laughed lightly.

"The princess is just joking with you, don't be nervous, the princess has no interest in this box at all." Yuan Deyin said relaxedly.

Repeating her stern look just now was just his illusion.

"By the way, which area are you in charge of the prisoners' food?" Yuan Deyin asked another question as if on a whim.

The man's eyes turned to the east, and he said firmly: "The humble official is responsible for the west side of the prison."

"Okay, the princess is not curious anymore, you can go."

Yuan Deyin waved his hand, as if he had lost interest in asking questions.

The man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly said respectfully, "Princess, Regent, I will step down from my humble position first."

Then he walked away quickly with the food box.

But when his back just disappeared, Yuan Deyin's face immediately sank, and his tone became serious.

She turned her head and said anxiously to Wuying: "Brother Wuying, catch up and see who his master is."


Wuying and Wuyi's expressions became shocked at the same time.

A little jailer, where does the master come from?
Could it be that there is something wrong with that jailer.

Thinking of this, Wuying didn't dare to delay at all, he nodded to Yuan Deyin, and quickly turned around to chase after him.

"The county master..."

Wuyi called out, wanting to ask Yuan Deyin something, but Yuan Deyin shook his head and asked solemnly: "Sister Wuyi, tell me first that Concubine Tong is in the holding area of ​​the prison?"

"Reporting to the Princess, it's the West District," Wuyi replied respectfully, seeing Yuan Deyin's expression was not right, she asked, "Princess, but what's wrong?"

"Concubine Tong has an accident, hurry up and save her."

This time, Yuan Deyin didn't speak, and Jun Yu spoke first.

He and Yuan Deyin looked at each other, neither of them needed to say anything, and then they ran to the west side at the same time with a tacit understanding.

Although Wuyi didn't know the status, he didn't dare to delay.

Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu soon arrived at the place where Sudan Tong was being held.

The place does seem cleaner and quieter than others, and of course, easier for some people to get their hands on.

Yuan Deyin saw Sudan Tong lying on the ground, his face was pale and his eyes were tightly closed.

She didn't bother to open the door with the key, so she just slammed the door open with her palm.

"Sister Dan Tong."

Yuan Deyin yelled anxiously.

She reached out to help Su Dantong up, only to find that his body was cold and his lips were purple.

"Princess Princess, has Concubine Tong been poisoned?" Wu Yi followed in, seeing this scene, her expression was also very dignified.

Yuan Deyin quickly felt Sudan Tong's pulse.

Soon, her body trembled a little, she gritted her teeth and turned her head to Wuyi and said, "Sister Wuyi, go and get my medicine box quickly."

Wuyi didn't dare to delay, she ran out immediately.

"Yin'er, don't panic." Jun Yu quickly comforted Yuan Deyin.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, it's one day's death, one day's death." Yuan Deyin emphasized the poison in Sudan Tong.

One day?

Jun Yu's brows also became darker.

Back then, An Wanwan was given a day's death by someone.

And they still don't know who did it.

Is the man in the dark going to attack the people in the palace again?

(End of this chapter)

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