Chapter 373 Something is wrong

Yuan Deyin couldn't think about it anymore, saving people is the most important thing now.

She quickly tapped a few acupuncture points on Sudan Tong's body to slow down the erosion of toxins in her body.

Fortunately, they found it in time.

If these toxins started to spread throughout her body, especially the heart, then even if she could really save her, she would still be paralyzed.

Wuyi was very fast, and soon brought the medicine box back.

Yuan Deyin gave the needle quickly, and she was already thinking about whether she should carry a medicine box with her in the future, so that she could save people faster.

She didn't even blink, and the silver needle in her hand made her fly fast.

Soon, the acupuncture points pricked by her silver needles began to ooze black blood, exuding a foul smell.

Seeing that Sudan Tong's complexion improved a lot, Yuan Deyin took out a detoxification pill for her to eat.

"Cough cough cough..."

Sudan Tong coughed several times in a row, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then he woke up slowly.

She was very weak.

When she opened her eyes and saw Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu, she frowned and wanted to sit up.

"Sister Dantong, don't move around, your body hasn't recovered yet." Yuan Deyin comforted her softly.

"Deyin, Ninth Prince, I really did not harm anyone. I really don't know about Concubine Ning, Concubine Fei and Concubine Mei..."

Sudan Tong had a pair of red eyes. She grabbed Yuan Deyin's sleeve and explained anxiously.

Yuan Deyin patted the back of her hand lightly to keep her from getting excited.

"Sister Dantong, we will find out the truth as soon as possible. But before that, there are some things you must answer seriously." Yuan Deyin's expression was very serious.

"it is good."

At this time, what else does Sudan Tong have to hide?

"Why did you run away when the emperor's elder brother said he would send someone to arrest you?" Yuan Deyin asked.


When Sudan heard this, she lowered her eyes lonely.

"It turns out that everyone thought I was running away..."

"Isn't it?" Wu Yi asked anxiously.

"Of course not! If I really did something, is it useful for me to run away? Duan'er is still there, and my mother's Su family, can I run away so selfishly?" Sudan Tong asked back with red eyes.

"The identity of the third prince..." Yuan Deyin hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to speak.

But Sudan Tong is also a smart woman. Seeing Yuan Deyin's hesitant appearance, she can quickly guess what it is.

She smiled bitterly: "It seems that you, Deyin, know Duan'er's true identity. Although he is not my own son, I have raised him with all my heart these years. Not being my own is better than my own..."

Seeing Sudan Tong like this, Yuan Deyin silently took back what she was about to say.

She was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Then how did you disappear?"

"I don't know. When the emperor ordered me to be arrested and said that I was the murderer of many concubines, I was shocked, puzzled, and sad, but finally calmed down. I thought that the emperor is wise, as long as I obey the order , he will definitely find out the murderer soon. But before the Imperial Forest Army arrived, someone knocked me out..."


"Well, when I woke up, I found myself locked in a small room, no one came to see me, my mouth was gagged and I couldn't yell out..."

"Then, how did you get out, and how did you kidnap Concubine Mei?" Wu Yi asked anxiously.

"Kidnapping Concubine Mei?" Sudan Tong looked at Wuyi in shock with a pair of red eyes.

Seeing her expression, Yuan Deyin's dark eyes flashed with emotion.

She said: "Could it be that it wasn't Sister Dan Tong who kidnapped Sister Qingzhou, but Sister Qingzhou who kidnapped you?"

"If I say yes, will you believe Deyin?" It was Sudan Tong who looked at Yuan Deyin with a lonely look.

From the moment Yuan Deyin began to interrogate her, Sudan Tong also began to understand...

In fact, Deyin was as suspicious of her as the emperor from the very beginning.

Compared with her, they are more willing to believe in Mei Qingzhou.

Sensing the loss of Sudan Tong, Yuan Deyin's mood is also a bit complicated.

But her tone was very serious and serious: "It is undeniable that Deyin mixed his personal emotions in the investigation. I am very sorry if I really wronged you. I hope you can provide me with a little more clues." , to prove my innocence, and give me a chance to make amends."

When Yuan Deyin said this, Sudan Tong and Wuyi had complicated expressions.

Wuyi sighed inwardly.

It's not easy for the princess, both of them are friends of the princess.

And Sudan Tong's eyes turned red again.

In fact, Yuan Deyin is right to believe in Mei Qingzhou, after all, she is her sister Qingzhou.

But what she didn't expect was that she would also be willing to help her prove her innocence to a friend she didn't know very well.

Taking a deep breath, Sudan Tong let go of the boulder in his heart.

Her eyes also became much clearer.

She said firmly: "That's right, it was Concubine Mei who kidnapped me. I saw with my own eyes that she opened the door and brought me back to Liuyun Palace. When I vaguely heard the emperor's voice At that time, she knocked me out. I don't know what happened next..."

"I have one more thing to say, Deyin, there seems to be something wrong with Concubine Mei Gui." Sudan Tong hesitated for a moment, but continued to add.

"Although I don't know why Concubine Mei treats me like that, but I feel...she won't be such a person. Many of us have changed in the past seven years, but Concubine Mei is still the gentle light boat in my memory, She shouldn't have treated me like this..."

Sudan Tong's tone was firm.

Yuan Deyin sighed inwardly.

Even Sister Dantong could sense that something was wrong with Sister Qingzhou, it took her so long to find out...

It's so inappropriate.

"That's right, you guessed it right, the person who hurt you was indeed not the real Sister Qingzhou, but what's going on, forgive me for not being able to tell you yet." Yuan Deyin said apologetically.

Regarding Yuan Deyin's statement, Sudan Tong was not angry, let alone uncomfortable.

She just smiled lightly.

At this point, she doesn't want to get involved in too many things, she just wants to have a good time with Duan'er.

"Deyin, you can leave it to the emperor. I will accept how he will deal with me." Sudan Tong patted the back of Yuan Deyin's hand and struggled to stand up.

But Yuan Deyin stretched out his hand to hold her down again.

"Sister Dantong, let me ask you, did you take care of the child in Sister Fei's belly, Concubine Ning's injury, and those concubines who had accidents back then?" Yuan Deyin looked at Sudan Tong seriously.

"No!" Sudan Tong said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Okay, Deyin believes you!" Yuan Deyin nodded quickly, her eyes were clear and there were no other impurities.

Her words made Sudan Tong's tears, which had been suppressed with great difficulty, well up again.

"Thank you." She choked out.

The strength that had been propped up just now began to disintegrate at this moment.

From the day she agreed to enter the palace, she understood that in this huge harem, she should not expect love and care.

She had long looked down on all favors, but when Yuan Deyin firmly said that she believed her, she still couldn't help herself.

"Sister Dantong, Deyin asks you, do you often send someone to the Tai Hospital to get medicine?" Yuan Deyin took out a handkerchief to wipe Sudan Tong's tears, and asked in a low voice.

"Too hospital? No, I'm in good health, and I rarely go to too hospital." Sudan Tong shook his head.

Suddenly realizing something, she frowned and looked at Yuan Deyin: "Deyin, is there something else going on?"

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

Some questions, just ask here, no need to continue asking.

She helped Sudan to get up.

Then he said to Wuyi: "Sister Wuyi, send Concubine Tong back to Liuyun Palace."

"Return to Liuyun Palace? But I'm still wearing a sinful body, I..." Sudan Tong said anxiously.

But Yuan Deyin shook her head and comforted her gently: "Sister Dantong, you are not guilty, how can you wear the body of guilt?"

"Wuyi, send Concubine Tong there. Also, find a few smart maids to go to Liuyun Palace, so you don't have to worry about Concubine Tong's affairs outside." Yuan Deyin's last words had no deep meaning.

Wuyi instantly understood...

The princess should be talking about the emperor's "death".

"You don't have to follow orders."

Wuyi blessed his body, so he helped Sudan Tong to leave.

Sudan Tong glanced back at Yuan Deyin, met her firm and trusting eyes, and she was willing to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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