Chapter 374 The Real Murderer

"Yin'er believes that Sudan Chuan is not the murderer?"

After the prison became quiet, Uncle Jiuhuang, who had been silent all this time, glanced sideways at her and asked in a deep voice.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded expressionlessly.

Her mouth was tightly pursed, and her eyes were full of deep thought, as if she was thinking about something.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think it's possible that sister Qingzhou did all this?"

Yuan Deyin suddenly turned to look at Jun Yu, and expressed his guess.

If it is a fake light boat, it is normal to do some heinous things.

"Yin'er, the child Gu's control of people is controlled by the mother Gu's mind. Therefore, what the fake Mei Guifei does is actually what the mother Gu wants to do."

Jun Yu revealed another secret of the "Three Mother Gu".

"So, Uncle Nine Emperors, do we still need to find out the mother Gu?" Yuan Deyin asked clearly.

That person is hiding deep enough.

First, he hurt so many people, and then he planted all of this on Sister Dantong.

If Sister Dantong really died today, I'm afraid everyone would think that she committed suicide in fear of guilt.

Taking a step back, if they really find out that this matter has nothing to do with Sister Dan Tong, then the second object of suspicion is Sister Qingzhou...

According to the feelings of the emperor's brother towards Qingzhou's sister, the emperor's brother may give up the investigation, but also keep Qingzhou's sister...

And that person in the dark is hiding in a dark corner and is fully protected.

In the end, because of her success in controlling Qingzhou's sister, she will then manipulate the emperor's brother.

Or, to manipulate the entire Chi Yan.

Thinking of this consequence, Yuan Deyin felt chills down his spine, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Who the hell is playing us around?" Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth.

"Yin'er, tell me again, apart from finding Concubine Tong's belongings at the scene of the crime, and Luo Jingheng's instructions, what is another reason why you suspect Concubine Tong is the murderer?"

Jun Yu looked at a certain little girl in distress, so he decided to teach her himself.

Hearing Uncle Jiuhuang's words, Yuan Deyin lowered his head and pondered for a while, then whispered: "Because other concubines have had accidents, sister Dan Tong is fine..."

"Still haven't grown up yet."

Jun Yu sighed, raised his hand, and lightly touched her forehead.

"Why didn't you grow up!" Yuan Deyin held his forehead in disapproval, and began to ask him.

"It's not always the winner who is the murderer. A smart murderer won't let himself look safe." Jun Yu explained in a deep voice, looking at a certain little girl with a helpless expression.

Although she is smart, she is still somewhat immature in thinking about the problem without accumulating multiple cases in the investigation of the murderer.

"Is that so..."

Yuan Deyin was thinking about something while rubbing his forehead.

She also understands that her judgment is indeed a bit far-fetched.

"Then Uncle Nine Emperors meant that the murderer deliberately let Sister Dan Tong go, just to make us all suspect her. Didn't the murderer already hurt himself in order to get rid of his suspicion..."

Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu, and expressed his guess in a solemn tone.

She clapped her hands, and then said, "Deyin will send someone to investigate the concubines who were sent out of the palace and sent to rest."

After speaking, she wanted to run away.

But a certain Nine Emperor Uncle moved faster, stretched out his hand easily, and pulled her back.

"Don't worry, since we want to investigate, why not investigate from the people who are still in the palace?" He just looked at her with clear eyes.

Yuan Deyin: "..." Makes sense!

"By the way, Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin thinks it's better to investigate the matter of Imperial Physician Luo. Why did he speak differently from Sister Dan Tong?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu expectantly.

After Jiuhuangshu's guidance, she found that her thinking was still quite naive.

So she felt that Uncle Nine Emperors could do the interrogation.

"Repeat the scene when you met Luo Jingheng that day." Jun Yu put his hands behind his back and said in a low tone.

"That day, Deyin sneaked into the palace and stole a set of maid's clothes and a palace card. Originally, she wanted to investigate something, but when she realized that the baby in Concubine Fei's stomach was innocent, she ran to the imperial hospital to find some Send the medicinal materials to Concubine Fei..."

"But who knows, he discovered that Hao Jinglue was still in the Imperial Hospital in the middle of the night. He saw the plaque on Deyin's body belonging to Liuyun Palace, so he identified Deyin as the person sent by Sister Dan Tong..."

Yuan Deyin recalled what happened that night, and told Uncle Jiuhuang one by one.

"My lord would like to ask you a few questions." Jun Yu looked at her with deep eyes.

"Nine, Uncle Nine Emperors, tell me."

Seen by Uncle Jiuhuang's eyes, Yuan Deyin was like a student being targeted by her master. She swallowed her saliva, and then said seriously.

"First, there are so many maids in the palace, why did you find the clothes of Liuyun Palace so coincidentally?"

"Secondly, Luo Jingheng has been an official in the court for many years, and he is already an old fox. If he really worked for Concubine Tong, he would never use a palace token to identify someone. Because giving the concubine the best son soup is a copy of the whole family. It's a big deal, how could he give it to you so easily?"

Yuan Deyin's expression gradually became serious when he heard Uncle Jiuhuang ask two questions in a row.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin understands, Hao Jinglue... is waiting for Deyin on purpose. If there is one coincidence in this world, it is a coincidence. But if several coincidences come together, it must be man-made."

Yuan Deyin's head became clearer.

"Also, thirdly, you are just pretending and not changing your appearance. Do you really think that your face is unrecognizable in the palace? You have forgotten the most important point. Hao Jinglue has been in the palace for many years, so he should not know you. "

At the end, Jun Yu's tone was a little helpless.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Oh, why didn't she think of this!
Yuan Deyin was downcast, looking very lonely.

Looking at her like this, Jun Yu knew that she was also anxious to find out the truth, so he ignored the most basic things.

He couldn't bear to blame her, but said in a gentle tone: "In this world, there are no flawless murders and calculations. If you find that there are many things that you can't figure out, check it from the beginning. Where there is a flaw, there is the key point. "

"Wait, Uncle Nine Emperors..."

After Jun Yu's awakening, something suddenly flashed in Yuan Deyin's head.

"There's one thing that Deyin doesn't understand. That day, when Concubine Fei had a miscarriage, she refused to let the imperial doctor approach her. At that time, Deyin felt that she had just lost a child and was grieving, so it was normal to behave strangely. But now Come to think of it, it's not normal at all."

Yuan Deyin's tone was anxious.

"How abnormal?"

"At that time, after Deyin changed her face a lot, she was knocked out before being able to get close. After detecting her pulse, it was concluded that her fetal gas was affected by fright, which led to a miscarriage... At that time, we all thought it was the ex- One day, Sister Qingzhou forced her to scare her. Uncle Nine Emperors, do you remember this incident?"


"Then do you remember that when Deyin came out, he told you that Deyin smelled the herbal smell of Juezitang on Feibi's body. That smell is the same as the medicine bag that Luo Jingheng planned to give to Sister Dantong."

"My king remembers."

"It was also from that time that Deyin became more and more suspicious of Sister Dan Tong. Because no matter whether Fei Concubine really caused a miscarriage because of Juezitang, it is an indisputable fact that someone wants to harm her through Juezitang..."

Hearing her analysis, Jun Yu's eyes flashed with appreciation.

He kept silent and let her continue the analysis.

"We didn't even think about it at the time. There is a second possibility for this matter. That is, someone deliberately let Deyin discover the powder of Juezi Tang. If someone had expected from the beginning that Deyin would give it to Fei If I feel the pulse, then many of our previous guesses can be overturned..."

"Yes, there is indeed a possibility! The reason Fei Concubine is unwilling to let other imperial physicians approach is because the taste of Juezi Tang is similar to that of Luozi Tang. If other imperial physicians approach, they may also be able to find the powder. But all the imperial physicians in the palace Everyone knows that Sister Qingzhou forced her to drink Luozitang the day before, and it is possible that the medicine powder was stained the day before, so the imperial physician will ignore this small detail..."

"But Deyin won't, because Deyin happened to get the medicine package from Luo Jingheng the night before. Thinking about it again, Luo Jingheng's actions that day did not seem to be unwilling to have Deyin inspected by Fei Concubine. I was afraid that Deyin would not be able to detect something..."

"Deyin has been guessing wrong all along. Luo Jingheng is not from Sister Dantong, but from... Concubine Fei!"

After Yuan Deyin analyzed it continuously, a bit of hostility flashed in his eyes at this time.

It was the concubine, or someone related to the concubine who played them around.

"Then Yin'er, can you explain to this king that since the baby in the belly is all to be removed, why doesn't Concubine Fei use Juezi Soup directly? In this way, wouldn't Concubine Tong's suspicion be more serious? grown up?"

Jun Yu raised a new question.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, if Juezi Decoction alone caused Fei Concubine to have a miscarriage, the Emperor's elder brother will pursue it. But if the miscarriage is caused by fright, Juezi Decoction powder is the second, then the Emperor's elder brother will suppress the truth The only person who doubts sister Dan Tong is Deyin."

Yuan Deyin's tone was a little uncomfortable.

Unconsciously, she had become an accomplice of the person behind the scenes, and almost killed Sister Dan Tong.

Jun Yu didn't speak, he understood Yuan Deyin's meaning.

If everyone knew that Fei Concubine's miscarriage was due to fetal gas, then normal people would start to doubt Concubine Mei Gui.

Because it was her action on the pavilion that day that frightened the concubine.

According to the Emperor's feelings for Concubine Mei, he might think of a way to suppress this matter.

Yin'er, on the other hand, would start to suspect Sudan Chuan because of the powder.

"Yin'er, this is a matter of killing three birds with one stone." Jun Yu gave Yuan Deyin a dark look.

Yuan Deyin frowned, and quickly realized that the light in her eyes became sharper.

That's right, kill three birds with one stone!
The person who made Fei Concubine and Luo Zitang was not only Qingzhou sister, but also Jiang Yiren.

A miscarriage can shake the three most powerful concubines in the palace.

"One more thing, Uncle Nine Emperors, Concubine Ning said that the person who stunned her was a woman, thin and weak." Yuan Deyin said quickly.

At that time, they were all firmly suspicious of Sister Dan Tong because Concubine Ning held Sister Dan Tong's bead in her hand.

But the description of Concubine Ning, the person involved, could not be Sudan Tong at all.

"Slim and weak, Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think this he a bit like Fei Concubine?" Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu with clear eyes.

Concubine Fei was already petite, and she had a miscarriage, so she was very weak.

"Yin'er, if the murderer is really Concubine Fei, then this move... can be said to have been played for a long time." Jun Yu lowered his eyes, hiding the coldness in them.

Yuan Deyin's eyes were also cold.

She opened her mouth: "Well, there are a few things that must be done to be able to design this step. First, know the emperor's brother's preference for sister Qingzhou; The third and most important point is...knowing that Sister Qingzhou will force her to drink Luozitang!"

"However, Concubine Mei Gui has ruled the harem for many years. Although her methods are tough, she is also a person who will not harm innocent lives." Jun Yu took her words.

"Thus, the person who can design this step must know that there are two Qingzhou sisters, and can guarantee that the one who is in the pavilion that day is the fake Qingzhou sister!" Yuan Deyin's tone became more and more firm.

"The person who is so clear is not the person who poisoned the poison, but also the person who is related to the person who poisoned the poison."

Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin looked at each other, and they spoke at the same time.

"Let's go, the news of the emperor's death should have spread throughout the palace, we just wait for the murderer to be overwhelmed and throw himself into the trap."

Jun Yu raised his hand, took Yuan Deyin's little hand, and led her out of the prison.

(End of this chapter)

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