Chapter 375 Rabbit
The news of Jun Zhouhan's death spread throughout the entire palace, and there was a lot of crying.

"elder sister."

Yuan Deyin and Jun Yubing split up to plan, but when Yuan Deyin walked through a palace gate, Zuo Qi appeared.

He looked at her with a cold face, and that slender body also exuded coldness.

"Why didn't my sister bring me with me when she came back from Yue's house?"

His voice was slightly aggrieved.

The cold eyes just now turned red all of a sudden.

He is really sad.

He originally thought she had really passed away. For the past seven years, he has lived in hatred every day, hoping that he can grow up quickly and help her avenge her.

That day, seeing her in real life at Yue's house, he finally felt a little brighter in his world.

But who knew, she didn't say a word to him, and went back to the capital first.

Looking at his sad eyes, Yuan Deyin felt uncomfortable.

She walked over quickly, and said in a serious tone: "I'm sorry, it's my sister who ignored you."

I heard from Sister Wuyi that his witchcraft is stronger than anyone in Lingye Kingdom.

She couldn't imagine how much he had suffered all these years.

Back then, he was just an eight-year-old boy.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's apology, Zuo Xie's eyes turned red again.

In the past seven years, he has not shed a single tear.

Because he felt that crying was a sign of cowardice.

But now because of her words, he wanted to cry.

He stubbornly turned his face away so as not to show his embarrassment.

"Okay, I don't blame you either, Jun Yu must have brought you back and didn't tell me." He gritted his teeth and said.

Where Jun Yu is, my sister will definitely not pay attention to him.

Hearing his angry and arrogant tone, Yuan Deyin finally showed a little smile in his eyes.

She thought he had become a tool of revenge, but now it seems that his outspoken, arrogant and petite temperament is still there.

He was still the younger brother.

Seeing Yuan Deyin looking at him with loving eyes like an old mother, Zuo Qi's body froze, and his expression became even more unnatural.

He is 15 years old now, and his sister still looks at him like a kid, which makes him feel embarrassed.

He hurriedly changed the topic, and then pretended to be cold and said: "When I entered the palace just now, I heard the sound of the bell ringing. Is the emperor dead? When will he be buried?"

"Cough cough cough..."

When Yuan Deyin heard Zuo Qie's words, he choked on his saliva.

he talks...

It's also really straightforward.

"This matter is complicated, I..." Yuan Deyin was thinking about how to tell Zuo Qie that his elder brother was "dead".

But when Zuo Xie saw her hesitation, he snorted softly: "Fake death, right?"

"how do you know?"

Yuan Deyin looked at him in shock.

"Sister, I was not an ordinary child when I was eight years old. I am now 15 years old. How can I not understand this? If the emperor is really dead, according to Jun Yu's temperament, everything must be arranged. Make sure that Chi Yan is safe and sound before announcing the news of his death..."

Zuo Qie spoke disdainfully.

No matter at what time, Jun Yu remained calm and restrained terribly, he put the overall situation first, how could he allow the palace servants to announce the emperor's death at this time.

So the only explanation is that the emperor didn't really die.

They just want someone, or a certain person, to think that the emperor is really dead.

"I just went back to the Prince Regent, and I heard Steward Dong talk about the messy things in the palace. Are you trying to find out the person who played the 'Three Mother Gu'?"

Zuo Xie spoke calmly, as if nothing could escape his eyes.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

What did she miss?
Seven years ago, Zuo Qie was so smart that he didn't look like a child.

After being trained by Nine Emperor Uncles for seven years, the current Zuo Qi, how could she have the feeling that this is the second Nine Emperor Uncles.

"Well, that's right." Yuan Deyin didn't hide it anymore, after all...he couldn't hide it either.

"Then I, the younger brother, will join you too." Zuo Qi raised his chin and said in a lonely tone.

"Don't make trouble, this matter can be big or small, in case..." Yuan Deyin frowned, wanting to refuse.

But Zuo Xie cut her off firmly, "Sister, I've grown up."

"Okay." Yuan Deyin compromised.

At this moment, a fat and white dumpling jumped out from behind Zuo Qie.

Yuan Deyin was very vigilant, and when the dumpling rushed over, the dagger on her sleeve lit up.

The sharp blade with a cold light was aimed at the boy's neck.

But when she was about to pierce the flesh, she stopped.

In the air, a few strands of rabbit fur floated around for a few times before finally landing on the ground.

"Googoo..." Woohoo, Master Yin, have you forgotten that this rabbit smashed it?

A certain chubby rabbit looked at Yuan Deyin with accusing eyes.

Yuan Deyin looked at it condescendingly for a long time before he recognized it as Xiaobai.

However, in the past seven years, it has gained a lot of weight because of its good food.

If it wasn't for its bright white fur, she would have thought it was a pig that grew up like a rabbit.

Yuan Deyin put the dagger over and picked up Xiaobai's thick neck with the back of the knife.

While looking at a certain rabbit, she murmured suspiciously: "No, why are you still alive? Isn't the lifespan of a rabbit very short?"

A certain rabbit: "???" Are you polite?

Zuo Qie: "..." It really is my sister.

A certain Xiaobai was so angry that he jumped to the ground, and then jumped three feet high.


Not only is he not about to die, but he is also in very good health, and he can kill several tigers.

Hearing the little white mentioned the tiger, Yuan Deyin reached out and grabbed her two long ears.

She frowned and asked, "What about tomorrow?"

"It's in the barracks now, I'll bring it back later." Zuo Qie helped explain.

That's right, Yuan Deyin nodded.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Niimeng is going to investigate the case, but I can help you too.

A certain rabbit pricked up its two ears, and looked at Yuan Deyin eagerly with its big eyes, trying to be cute.

"Don't be like this, hot eyes." Yuan Deyin poked its ass with his foot, making it quickly withdraw its wretched expression.


Xiaobai was hurt by Yuan Deyin's words, and he quickly ran away with his buttocks pouted, and started humming.

I haven't seen him for seven years, this fat rabbit is even better than before, Yuan Deyin pressed his aching eyebrows.

But suddenly thought of something, she quickly raised her head, looked at the wronged rabbit with her back turned to her in the distance, and something flashed in her eyes.

"Sister, do you need that rabbit to do something?"

Zuo Xie knew Yuan Deyin very well, and when he saw her expression, he could guess her thoughts in an instant.

Although a certain rabbit was a little distance away from them, its ears were extremely sharp.

Hearing Zuo Qie's words, it quickly jumped back.

"Master Yin, if this rabbit is really good at smashing, I can help you." It continued to act cute.

He didn't have the sluggish look that he hid in the corner just now.

"My princess really needs your help..." Yuan Deyin looked at a certain attentive rabbit with a gloomy look.

(End of this chapter)

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