Chapter 376
"Uncle Nine Emperors, is everything ready?" Yuan Deyin saw Jun Yu from a distance, and she hurried over.

"En." Jun Yu skillfully stretched out his arms to catch her.

The "death" of the emperor will hurt the foundation of the country.

Although Chi Yan is already strong in the country now, but just in case, Jun Yu went to strengthen the guards of the capital just now.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin has thought of a way to test whether Concubine Fei is the real murderer." Yuan Deyin said excitedly to Jun Yu.

"any solution?"

Yuan Deyin was not in a hurry to answer Uncle Jiuhuang's question. She looked at the dark night sky, and then said mysteriously, "You will know as soon as you follow. And Deyin still needs your help."


Gaoyang Palace.


Gao Yifei's grand maid Yucui hurried in, her expression was nervous, and she almost tripped herself because of her anxiety.

"How's it going?"

Gao Yifei dragged her weak body down from the bed, then panted and asked, "Is the emperor really dead?"

"Reporting to your mother, it's true. The bell is still ringing in the palace, and outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Eunuch Li Da and others have been crying all over the place..." Yu Cui said in a trembling voice.

"The emperor said that it will be gone if it is gone, and there is no mental preparation, what will our empress do in the future?" The other court ladies wiped their tears with their handkerchiefs.


do you died?
Gao Yifei staggered for a moment, then fell heavily back on the bed with a look of desolation on her face.

"Why did this happen, why..." She kept murmuring with empty eyes.

Was it really the Three Mother Gu that killed the emperor?
Back then, when that person gave her Gu worms, he clearly said that it would not hurt the emperor, but would only make the emperor and Mei Qingzhou estranged.

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

Seeing Gao Yifei in such grief, Yucui and the others thought she couldn't accept the emperor's sudden death, so they hurried to comfort her.

"What about Mei Qingzhou?" She asked anxiously when she grabbed Yucui.

"Concubine Mei? I heard that she is not feeling well, and she has not come out of Changning Palace." Yu Cui quickly replied.

Not feeling well?
Why didn't she die.

Why is the emperor dead!
Thinking of this, Gao Yifei's eyes shot out with monstrous hatred.

She tightly grasped the quilt under her body, her nails were broken, and blood flowed out, but she didn't seem to notice the pain.

"Your Majesty, you are injured, and this servant will bandage you up."

Seeing this scene, Yucui wanted to come over and bandage her wound.

But before he could touch her, Gao Yifei raised his hand heavily and shook her off.

"Go down!"

Yucui and the others looked at each other.

Their concubines, concubines, have always been gentle and kind, and would not even say a word to them, so how could they suddenly be so fierce to them this time.

But the other party is their master, no matter how confused they are, they can only obey the master's order.

Withdrawing their eyes, they hurriedly bless their bodies.

"My lady, let's retreat first."

After everyone retreated, the door was closed again.

The flickering oil lamp in the dormitory shone on Gao Yifei's face, making it very penetrating.

"Bitch, bitch, why didn't you die!"

She got up and pushed everything on the table to the ground.

How could there be a trace of gentleness and kindness in that ferocious appearance?

Thinking of something, she quickly found a bone whistle from her box.

Opening the window, she saw a black crow flying by not far away, so she immediately blew the bone whistle.

Soon, a man in black appeared in the yard.

He ran over quickly, and by the oil lamp, his resolute face was revealed.

He looked at Gao Yifei with pity in his eyes.

He gave her a little help, and then said distressedly: "Miss, you just had a miscarriage and you need to rest, don't come out to have a shower again."

"Let me ask you, is the emperor really dead?"

Ignoring Gao Lang's concern, she directly reached out and grabbed his collar, pulling him over.

Her beautiful eyes, at this moment, were a little gloomy.

Hearing her words, Gao Lang's eyes flashed with bitterness.


The one who cared most was indeed the emperor.

He lowered his head and said desolately: "Yes, now the whole palace is restless because of the emperor's death."

"How can he die? I'm going to get through it soon. How can he die?"

After hearing Gao Lang's words, the last bit of luck in Gao Yifei's heart disappeared.

She was like a crazy woman, crying and laughing, and her whole body seemed to be plunged into gloom.

"Miss, how about we take advantage of the turmoil and I'll take you away. I've already settled down outside. As long as you go out, we will have a new home."

Gao Lang looked at Gao Yifei nervously, blood was dripping from his fingers hidden in his wide sleeves.

Only he himself knew how much courage it took him to say those words.

He has protected her since childhood.

In Gaofu, he was just a lowly hidden guard, only she would smile at him.

When he was taught by the housekeeper, he would give her medicine.

In the first half of his dirty life, she was all his light.

Later, she entered the palace and became a concubine.

The Gao family sent him to the palace as a guard.

The original intention was to make it easier for her to pass the news back to the Gao family.

But when he entered the palace, he had only one thought, and that was to continue to protect her.

Because he couldn't bear her to be sad, he wanted to give her the last.

So when she spoke of the treacherous plan, he agreed without hesitation.

Now begging her to go out of the palace with him is not for acting, not to confuse the emperor, but he really thinks so.

Hearing Gao Lang's words, Gao Yifei said in disgust: "I won't leave the palace, I still have things to do."

"Miss, let Gao Lang take care of you. Although I failed to protect our child, I will protect you in the future."

Gao Lang spoke firmly.

"Clap" sound.

Gao Yifei slapped Gao Lang with hatred all over her body.

"If you mention that bitch to me again, I'll kill you." Her eyes widened and she gritted her teeth.

This appearance, as if Gao Lang's mention of that child was a kind of blasphemy to her.

Gao Lang bowed his head, his eyes were red, and his heart ached.

Although he has always known that Miss is pregnant with his child is just a trick, but he has always been extravagant, will Miss ever look forward to that little life...

But the lady's slap completely woke him up.

He is a lowly servant, and he is not qualified to stand with her.

There is an insurmountable gap between them, and it is impossible for Miss to really take a fancy to him.

"I have put so much effort and thought into designing so many things, why did the emperor die in the end? The ones who died should be those whores who fought against me for the emperor..."

Gao Yifei talked to herself.

Suddenly remembering something, she raised her head and looked at Gao Lang gloomyly.

"I set up so many traps, and it was hard for Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu to suspect that Sudan Tong did all of this, but as long as she doesn't die for a day, I feel uneasy..."

"Miss, what do you want to do?"

Looking at Gao Yifei with an almost crazy expression, Gao Lang felt that she was very strange like this.

She obviously belonged to the proud daughter of the high mansion, but since she entered the palace, fell in love with the emperor, and tried to monopolize the emperor, she seemed to be a completely different person.

Does preference really make a person look like this?
"I want Sudan to die. By the way, there is also the half-dead Ling Zhining. Why can they give birth to the emperor's son. Those whores before were all forced away by me. When they die, I can monopolize them." The emperor..."

"You go and end them for me. There is also the one in Changning Palace, she is favored by the emperor, I want her to die!"

Gao Yifei's face was ferocious, and he seemed to be in the quagmire of hatred and couldn't extricate himself.

"Miss, the emperor is dead, it's useless for you to kill these people." Gao Lang wanted to make Gao Yifei sober.

She has done a lot of wrong things, and she can't go on wrong.

But Gao Yifei couldn't listen to her persuasion at all.

She gritted her teeth and kept shaking her head.

"No, that person's Gu skills are so powerful. Since she can control Mei Qingzhou, she will definitely be able to resurrect the emperor. Yes, I want to resurrect the emperor and kill all those bitches. When the emperor wakes up, I will be alone. "

Gao Yifei suddenly thought of something, and she laughed idiotically by herself.


She is really crazy.

Gao Lang's eyes were burning, and he wanted to persuade something more.

But now Gao Yifei is almost in a daze.

She was still hesitating when she saw Gao Lang.

She raised her hand again and slapped it mercilessly.

"Why, are you also laughing at me for not being favored by the emperor? Are you?"

"Miss, I don't." Gao Lang lowered his head distressedly.

"If you don't, go and kill those bitches for me."

Gao Yifei ordered Gao Lang like a dog.

Gao Lang's tall body was trembling.

Gritting his teeth, he finally raised his sword.

"Alright, since this is your wish, miss, then Gao Lang will help you fulfill it."

After finishing speaking, Gao Lang raised his sword and left without looking back.

Seeing that Gao Lang's back was gone, Gao Yifei sat on the ground as if collapsed.

She cried and laughed, and kept beating the ground with her bloody hands.

"Your majesty, how could you die? You haven't liked the concubine, you haven't seen the concubine..."

Suddenly at this time, a gust of cold wind blows.

Blow out the oil lamp in the house.

"Who?" Gao Yifei looked up vigilantly.

The room has already begun to sink into darkness, only the light cast by the moonlight.

"Yiya" sound.

The door was pushed open, Gao Yifei saw the bright yellow clothes, her expression changed.

Soon, a tall figure in a dragon robe appeared at the door.

I can't see the face clearly, but that stalwart body is exactly like Jun Zhouhan.

Gao Yifei felt as if she had regained her heartbeat.

She stared at the figure with red eyes.

"Your Majesty, are you reluctant to part with your concubine and come back to look for your concubine?"

"I don't miss you!"

The figure spoke, and the voice belonged to Jun Zhouhan, with a hint of sarcasm in it.

Hearing the sarcasm in his words, Gao Yifei's heart ached like a knife.

She kept shaking her head: "Your Majesty, only the concubine treats you wholeheartedly. Why can't you give the concubine another look?"

"Treat me wholeheartedly? Then why do you want to trick me?" The other party sneered.

"You, you already know?"

Gao Yifei's eyes widened in shock.

"A dead person, what secrets does he not know?" Jun Zhouhan said in a sarcastic tone.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the concubine didn't do it on purpose..."

Gao Yifei kept shaking her head, she was anxious to explain.

"Isn't it intentional? It's hard for you to hurt Zhen and Qingzhou."

"Your majesty, no, the concubine just wanted to separate you from that bitch Mei Qingzhou. The concubine never wanted to harm you. The concubine loves you so much, how could she hurt you?"

Gao Yifei explained while shedding tears.

"If you let me and Qingzhou separate, wouldn't you harm me? You have a vicious mind? Also, didn't you say that you liked your guards, not me, and let me let you go? Why do you want to use love again? My name harms me?"

"Your Majesty, no, this concubine has never loved Gao Lang, even if she is pregnant with Gao Lang's child, this concubine has no choice but to do so in order to gain your trust."

Gao Yifei spoke in pain.

"I have to?"

"That's right, there is no other choice. Your Majesty, you brought your concubines into the harem, but ask yourself, have you ever given a little love to your concubines? You can obviously give Mei Qingzhou so much love, so why can't you give some to your concubines?" ?"

"I have told you a long time ago that I will not love you. If you want to leave the palace, you can do so at any time." Jun Zhouhan said in a cold tone.

"Your Majesty! You are still as ruthless as before! Do you really think that concubines enter the palace for the sake of glory and wealth?"

Gao Yifei asked sadly.

"Isn't it?" There was no tenderness in Jun Zhouhan's tone.

"Of course not! On the day when I entered the palace, when I saw you coming from the front on a tall horse and helping the minister who was about to fall, the heart of the minister had already fallen..."

Gao Yi shook his head with blushing eyes.

"The concubine originally thought that entering the palace by herself and obeying her duties would impress you sooner or later. But who knows, you only have Mei Qingzhou in your eyes..."

"But that woman, how can she be worthy of you? She is ambitious, she only wants to lead the harem, and only wants to give advice in the front court. She is not a qualified concubine at all. Only me, my concubine, will treat you wholeheartedly..."

"But what's the use of that, you only have that bitch Mei Qingzhou in your eyes."

"So, you just attacked her?" Jun Zhouhan was full of cold air.

"That's right!"

Gao Yifei doesn't care about anything now, she just wants to vent her grievances.

"I made the three-mother Gu, and I also killed the child in Mei Qingzhou's stomach. I thought you would see me without Mei Qingzhou..."

"But who knew, later on, you actually favored other concubines and let them give birth to princes and daughters..."

Having said that, she howled in pain.

Until now, she thought those children were Jun Zhouhan's own flesh and blood.

Jealousy drove her mad.

Facts have proved that Jun Zhouhan was right in not letting her know the truth.

Back then, when Jun Zhouhan adopted several children, the candidates he considered were Sudan Tong and Ling Zhining.

Because they don't have any love for him, they will take care of these children wholeheartedly.

But Gao Yifei is different, she sometimes acts out of line in many of her actions.

It was also because of her transgression that Jun Zhouhan even had the idea of ​​sending her out of the palace.

But later, when she said that she was pregnant with the guard's child, he temporarily dismissed the idea.

"So, you drove the mother and concubine of the second prince and the fourth princess crazy?" Jun Zhouhan asked coldly.


"I'm not afraid to tell you anymore. I aroused Jiang Yiren's anger, let her and Mei Qingzhou force me to drink Luozitang, and then I had a miscarriage. I manipulated it..."

"I also caused Ling Zhining's fire. I only regret that I didn't burn her to death."

"You did so many wrong things, and you planted them on Sudan Tong? You were sisters back then." Jun Zhouhan's tone already had a feeling of gnashing of teeth.

Hearing his words, Gao Yifei burst out laughing.

"Sister? When she secretly conceived your emperor's child behind my back, we are no longer sisters!"

She spoke in disgust.

"Three Mother Gu, how did you get it?" Jun Zhouhan suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Your majesty, you are dead, and you still want to ask the concubine this question, is it because you want to unravel Mei Qingzhou's sub-gu? Don't give up. When the saintess of Miaojiang gave me the Gu worm, she said it, the third mother Gu has no solution."

Miaojiang Saintess.

A sharp light flashed in Jun Zhouhan's eyes.

"How did you know the saintess of Miaojiang?" Jun Zhouhan asked.

"The doctor Luo introduced it to me. My mother was kind to the Luo family back then. The relationship between the doctor Luo and the Gao family has always been good. He will naturally help me with a small favor. By the way, the emperor, the concubine has done so many things, there is no With the help of Imperial Physician Gao, I can't even do it..."

Gao Yifei said in a low tone.

"Luo Jingheng has helped you so much, yet you told him without hesitation?" Jun Zhouhan said suspiciously.

"Hehe, you have helped me so much, but none of them succeeded. He is just a waste, so what if I expose him?" Gao Yifei sneered.

She has nothing now, and she hates everyone, even those who have helped her.

"Your Majesty, do you want to be resurrected? Although I can't take the initiative to contact the Holy Maiden of Miaojiang, we can go to Miaojiang to find her in person! As long as you are willing, I will do anything for you."

Gao Yifei thought of something, she stumbled up and rushed towards Jun Zhouhan.

But just when she was about to fall into Jun Zhouhan's arms, a petite figure suddenly ran in from outside the door.

She directly kicked Gao Yifei away.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, dirty, Deyin will clean it for you."

Yuan Deyin took out a handkerchief and kept wiping Jun Zhouhan's hands.

Although I haven't met Uncle Nine Emperors yet, Yuan Deyin just feels dirty.

Uncle Nine Emperors?
Gao Yifei, who was brought to the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood. She raised her head with difficulty, only to see that the face of the "emperor" who had begun to show in the light had turned into Jun Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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